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Bina Mukherjee May 2021
A tumultous storm is passing the valley
and I am stuck in the midst
nowhere to hide and nowhere to go.
I try to walk towards home with my rainbow coloured umbrella.
My abode on the hill nearby,
and an uphill task to go,
the gale is growing stronger
i just can't slow.
The heaven has been unfriendly
not answering to my prayers
I slipped a million times as He wanted me to scare.
The strong roots of the trees have held my hand firmly
not gushing me down
as a true friend in poverty.
The rain spoilt my umbrella, the seven colours faded
I faced the heavy drops as my parasol betrayed.
Toiling to crawl up
the rain was failing to stop me from going upstream,
the nimbus this time is ghastly than ever
but i will have to return to my dear ones
albeit bruised from head to toe,
none to hear my scream .
Both rain and me are bleary and had to pause now,
the firmament is clearing up with the sun, peeping through the clouds
and I am nearly near my hilltop house.
The sky was happy to see me alive and
gifted me my rainbow umbrella as return gift from above,
I tasted glory in the rainbow from the hilltop
and my abode.

Bina Mukherjee
How does a rainbow tastes like?
laura Mar 2021
it's so hard to find happiness
with everything going on.
we realize we took things
for granted while we had them.
so when something makes you
happy or excited,
enjoy it no matter
how small it may seem.
it's been a while
Dave Robertson Nov 2020
hear the words from my beak
above the chatter and click
of these other feathered *****
as they plead for wheat, sans chaff

every single one of us
the same
except the stupid branch we’ve
ended up perched on,

early or not the worms are earmarked
and the **** always falls down
Dave Robertson Nov 2020
Hedge sparrows drink the sun
as it wanes
and the draining year passes

they still glean a family happiness
in spite of the closing dark,
a spite richly deserved

listen to their lead and chatter,
ruffle and preen together, apart
as hearts and feathers wait
xavier thomas Nov 2020
Gangs came recruiting
Stirring up trouble
Our lives were a gamble
Lets run away
We moved south to Kentucky
Home-town got ******
Our home was unsafe
Childhood memories vanish away

We watch the news
& settled down
Saw people dying
All in the streets
Was once was Paradise, now turned into a ghost-town

Gangs came recruiting
Stirring up trouble
Our lives were a gamble
Lets run away
We moved south to Kentucky
Home-town got ******
Our home was unsafe
Childhood memories vanish away
We were just kids from the south-side of Chicago
Blessed by the grace of God to quickly escape the gang life
Mama earth Aug 2020
Not sure how I'm feeling
Coping and dealing
Roping and reeling
In need of serious healing
Kanishk Kandoi Aug 2020
I know you care for me
And i care for you too

Even in hard times and
The good times we’ve been through

You’ve always been there
And I’ll be there too

Will never leave your side
Till the last day I’ll bide
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