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Sof Jun 29
You told me to jump,  
take the risk,
take the leap of faith.
I jumped out of trust,
expecting to fall right into your arms.
Instead I met hard ground,
a thin layer of rocks.
Cuts, bruises, and wounds
Crushing, suffocating pain
Yet I only cried the moment I realized you betrayed me.
Sof Jun 15
You smoke me like a cigarette, absorbing the nicotine to relieve yourself
Then you drop it to the ground and twist your foot onto it
I observe how you hold the new cigarette between your fingers, the cloud you exhale drifting away into the sky
I am useless to you now. Just like any other girl
Jeremy Betts Jun 5
I close my eyes
To visualize
A romanticized
Big picture prize
Then realize
To my surprise
It's all been lies
And I have to comfort my soul as it cries

Madeleine Mar 20
My son
I have called you to lead
You are stronger
Than you realize
Jeremy Betts Jan 28
...and I
I don't even bother to ask
I'm not interested in hearing another lie
So I
I just touch up my mask
A little tape and glue should be enough to get by
But I
I finally realize it's an impossible task
Physical and mental abuse still not as brutal as goodbye
Will I...
Will I?

Renae Aug 2023
I might die tomorrow.

I am 5, & I don't know my family. I was born like this.
They say my life is in gods hands,
but I don't know what God is? God if you are there, will you please send me an angel?

I heard angels are beautiful.

A lady came today, she said I was so pretty. She told me she would take  me somewhere special where they would take care of me, is she your angel?

3 days later I was on the ocean, shoved into a train car on a boat. All of us, children,
we need baths, we need food. She lied, we are not safe.

Oh no! Where am I?
This place doesn't look clean,
this is scary, now I am in a cage like an animal!
We all are, all the children around me, they are crying... they are not safe,
we are so sad,
they are hurting.
Where am I?

It is so dark in here, it is so cold. Please bring help,

I might die tomorrow.

Please send me an angel.
please send me an angel.
ky Jul 2023
If you start questioning it,
she will too,
and then she'll be grateful
that you made her stop and think about it all
because she'll realize you were never
what she wanted.

But what it'll take you a while to realize
is she wasn't what you wanted
Ronna M Tacud May 2022
Sitting on the ***** ground,
while staring to the playground.
I've been waiting for you too long,
yet you never came along.
I lower my pride,
just to be by your side.
Even if trials will come,
I'll still choose to walk with you in the aisle.

But then, my hopes has been shatter.
and turned into anger.
Is this the love that I want?
Is this the love that I need?
To be pitied?
Maybe, yes!
Maybe, not!

I've been careless,
and now I'm no longer his princess.
I deserve what I tolerate.
Cause I know, he always makes me feel discriminate.
And I let those painful words hit me.

I waited too long,
to realize that this is wrong.
The love that I dream
isn't a moonbeam.
Instead, it is a shadow of grief.
Whom I belief.
Zack Ripley May 2022
You've been waiting for life to begin
not realizing it's already begun.
You've been waiting for love to let you in
only to realize you need to let love in first. You've been waiting for a chance to win
not realizing you've already won.
If you've gotten this far
and still haven't found what you're looking for, take a closer look around.
You might have had it the whole time.
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