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Dec 2020 · 794
Waiting to sleep
loggi Dec 2020
The night has come
So the phase has shift
And in the moonlight
I feel myself drift
Out from my head
Deeper I go
Till I am out.
Dec 2020 · 814
Loose leaf
loggi Dec 2020
There is a bitter taste
Pressed to my mouth
As I sip my tea.

There’s a thought that’s lives
I wish to drown out
But can I ever cede.

All this has been steeping
And it’s now too strong.
I’ll have to deal with it.
Dec 2020 · 509
loggi Dec 2020
“All my roses like to go,”
He says looking outside.
“I am sure they’ll come again,
In the spring they’ll come out,
Wherever they do hide,
And I’ll be able to rest.”
    Something has eaten my flowers...again
    And I am not sure who to blame.
    I take such nice care of them
    But they never seem to grow.
    Maybe there is a mole…
    Yes feasting away my crop
    Or perhaps I am too early
    And the chill has made them stop.
    I say laments and I cry
    But all I ever do
    Is shrivel up and die.
    I will try something else,
    Roses always die too soon
    I will try something else!
    And then I do nothing.
    Weeds and vines grow about
    Clogging my drains as they sprout.
    My garden feels empty
    All I want is one thing
    But then I'm left with plenty.
    You once had a nice presence
    Here some time ago
    But then one day you stopped
    And left me all alone.
    Roses, they are telling me
    That I am not the one they want
    Somehow I’m not good enough
    And I should just stop.

    Barbous thing you tricked me
    Was it ever mine to want
That i gave you all the conditions
And you gave me naught.
So I look in puddles
And hear about others success
But all I do is wilt
And in it I regress.

I feel like gypsum
A minor step in between
    Stale and used
    Time has expired for me.
    Why are there so many vines,
    Why is there so many weeds,
    All vexing me in all directions
    I wish I could fall asleep.

    My face is cracking plaster
    As I start to weep
    I feel my mind sinking
    And I start to dream.
    You are the ****** one
    With little of success.
    I am the ****** one,
    They know what is best.

    I changed everything
    So i could be adequate
    I played the role they liked
    But in the end I am looked at
    In bitter thoughts and spite.

    There is a curious thing
growing in my garden.
The vines have blossomed
And the weeds bear fruit.
Is this the allure of sadness
Or just an unrealized truth
Because I sit and look
At the thing I ignored.

So here I take
What has been given
And we brush away
The mistake I’m living
So stop with all this fake peace
You should have been
Honest with me.

So find some sugar songbird,
You can bury me alive.
But I’m not the one
Having something to hide.

Here is my garden,
There is plenty of space
And i don’t want to live
Under your passive glance.

Here is my chance
I’ll try to let go.
But I am the memory of someone
They will always know.
Jul 2019 · 352
loggi Jul 2019
You have a voice.
That I admire so much.
It carries well and sounds
So clear and humble.

So I decided I should speak
And maybe it was a noise
Or some pretense that drew me in
But I waited for the
Pluck and note
Of the casual up and downs
Your tongue rhythms.

But it’s always at a cost
To have you,
That you speak to me empty
Like the endless droll
Of a receiver left unanswered.
May 2019 · 300
Old faith
loggi May 2019
They say you can buy happiness
With just a little luck.
That it would be so immense
You’d never need to grow up.

But time through time
It might drip away
And dry up in a drought,
That in a few days
It would be filled with doubt.

That type of water,
Doesn’t let anything grow
And maybe this ground is cursed.
Maybe it’s time to go elsewhere
To finally clench this thirst.

But you can keep on running
And that lake becomes a sea.
You just have to wait,
For it to go,
As slow as it may seem.
May 2019 · 374
Trust Me
loggi May 2019
I really want to see
If you reached out to me
Like you promised
And possible revel
in the silly long
Banter of our old voices.
It seems a lifetime
turns to a month
That you got older
Becoming more preoccupied.
But I don't want to let myself See
Because another let down
Would leave me lonely.
May 2019 · 489
Little Paths
loggi May 2019
I lay my foot here
On the traces of the side
And follow the floor
As if it is a guide.
It's sort of a game
I like to play with the stone
Whenever I am walking alone.
Maybe they see me
Skipping always twice
And following the sidewalk
In a strange zigzag
But maybe they don't mind.
Feb 2019 · 743
A letter to S.
loggi Feb 2019
I think you deserve the world, and all of its ruin
Because you know it so well, and even better.

The tongue babbles
Too much in its cheeks
And I hate the grind
Of morning breath
And clenched teeth
Always reaping a benefit
From the previous self.

But you’re a wealth of information
And you do lead me astray, with words
Echoing and saying “come play.”

How are you today, skull of thought?
Is I or you trying to make us stop,
And consider the alternative
Or some depiction of the devil
That we use to validate us clean?

Don’t you have chatter, to make me cry.
"That's not you, only I," but you say that,
I say that too much. And you don't exist.
Dec 2018 · 529
Minding the sun.
loggi Dec 2018
I can't fly planes
Because the clouds are too grey
And once they fly
They gain too much weight
And decide to take a rest.
But that's the best day,
Because I can lay on Coco
Who is fast asleep
With her brown belly rambling
As I lay to hear her heartbeat.
Maybe it'll stop
when the drops are all done
And Mr. Thundercloud is gone.

But Ma says it's wrong
To wish him away,
Because Anger comes
But it does not always stay.
"Mr. Thundercloud will move on
And when he's done
The sun will show"
As she wraps her arms around me
And Kisses me on the head
" How many rain drops are there?
I think there's billions"
As the windows collect
Their estimates.
"Yes, Billions..."

Maybe it's greater than that.
Some days are especially bad
But some are steady and slow
Like a sad hurting pain
Dripping with each thought.
Millions of moments
In less than one second.
Dec 2018 · 865
In episodes
loggi Dec 2018
You used to have flowers
For words when you spoke.

Tiny petals of sweet smell
That patterned about
Within the air
And settled in my ears.

And they stayed this way for so long
Until something came
And all the flowers were gone.

The petals withered
And hardened like rock
And made me feel numb,
But pain
When they were stopped.
Nov 2018 · 711
Washed out
loggi Nov 2018
I think I enjoy the pastel colors
That rest upon the wall.
Just floating in soft ease
With colors not too bright.

Sometimes I think
If I was a color,
I would be much too dark
And seldom used
Because of the own
Hue I came acquired to
Through all my experience.

Just painting my whole life thus far
Would seem a waste... I think.
But being so unsaturated seems boring.
I think I enjoy the shades I've mixed
Met, and laughed along with
Even if I doubt it.
Oct 2018 · 360
loggi Oct 2018
A faint glow and you may see
All the colors and shadows that
Our private world displays
Once the lights go out.
Oct 2018 · 258
loggi Oct 2018
It's weird
When something
Comes in
And makes you
About all the past things
That you used to love
And never thought
You could get back.
Oct 2018 · 275
loggi Oct 2018
I love falling back
Into the leaves
And hearing the crunch
from beneath our feet
When we were together.
You always had the world
By the grasp
And nurture of your
kind hands.

But how is it
Back where you be?
I hope you don't miss me
as much as I do
But it will be a long time
Till I see you.

But I can visit and play
With the ground near you,
You're just a level away.
But I wish you weren't.
Oct 2018 · 450
Blank Dispositions
loggi Oct 2018
Sell it away
By merry tide
and listen here
Till its ideals
Are wrapped
In parchment
and tin foil
to mock the
prettiest idols.
Oct 2018 · 461
I didn't mean it.
loggi Oct 2018
I wish I had a lazy tongue
That would fault
And make it difficult
to blurt out my thoughts
And all my contradictions
In a hopeless posed way
like how leaves flutter
away and drift
Without a curious glance
or murmur.
Oct 2018 · 1.2k
loggi Oct 2018
I got a couple of things to say
That I feel would clear
All that fog that hangs
Inside my head
and makes it
so hard to
But if I open my mouth
All the mist will
Come out
And I won't see
the truth.
Oct 2018 · 703
loggi Oct 2018
Hair flicks in the air
As the drive goes
With lowered down windows.

The air lashes
And the radio blurs
As the only eye sees
What it wants
As the coast glides
as we coast down
This road.

And perhaps
You wanted to take
another way
But we are at the mercy
of the driver,
With the sun in our eyes
and the sea to the left.

But please don't forget,
As you promise you wouldn't.
But the salt makes it hard to stay awake,
and the sun feels so good.
But you're gone as you should.
Oct 2018 · 295
Crash me into Happiness
loggi Oct 2018
I think God won't mind
If I abandon him
For some sicker glee,
Because I don't know
Me,  Nor all whom I should.

I like the turmoil
You provide
and the pain it supplies
But I think
I am living a lie
In some romantic way
And getting farther away
from where I could be
By playing all the parts
I was "designed" for.
Oct 2018 · 267
loggi Oct 2018
My friends always wondered
How come my feet
Are always hard
with thick yellow skin.

And I tell them,
"I like to get lost."

"What does that mean?"

"Some nights I can't be
The self I painted in
The morning,
so without warning
I have to go see
What I am actually."

"That is?"

"It is someone else
in each layer."
Oct 2018 · 566
The old Fashions
loggi Oct 2018
I wrote to Jupiter
About all the palms
floating in the wind
and the sun
hanging upon the edge
of the world.

If I could I would reset
All of this
as it should
and let the same
Calypso play
till I'm sick
of it all.

But Jupiter
Just laughed
At the world I saw
And made the sky dark
To take away the sunsets.
Oct 2018 · 725
Old gifts
loggi Oct 2018
Talk like you speak with flowers,
Subtle and fragrant
So that I notice the wilting
Passion that their green stalks
Soon exhibit.
Oct 2018 · 345
loggi Oct 2018
I heard you call upon
A stricter mood
To help you when
You yourself cannot
Oct 2018 · 350
When we Last talked
loggi Oct 2018
I'm going insane
From what I do
My obsessions I hold
But I foster too.

Do I like it,
I guess i do
Because right now
I feel there’s nothing to lose.

Run me down
Because you might see me
In all the shades
I breathe and all colors
I admonish.

But I like it
I really do-
and I won’t
Be restrained
By you.
Apr 2018 · 497
loggi Apr 2018
Do you play the piano,
As my hands start sinking low
I need a melody now
Because the keys I don’t know.

I woke up in the nighttime,
To thoughts I wish not to speak
And I wonder possibly
If you can provide to me
Some sort of relief.

I need a tonic,
A strong base note clear.
Loud please.
My ears are weak here.

I don’t want a major,
Or a minor chord chime.
I don’t need your sympathy
A symphony would be fine

Can you play me that melody
To the words I’ve forgotten
You know, “Dum dee da?”
No… This happens often.

Well, just play it.
What? No, whatever you want.
I’ll do it, I’ve had enough.

Do I play the piano?
Years ago, I guess I did.
But my hands don’t know the keys
So I close the keyboard lid.

Do you play the piano?
I ask myself again.
I stopped when?
Apr 2018 · 522
loggi Apr 2018
The green tea is hot
As my tongue touches
and licks
the surface.

The steam floats off with its flavor
and burns the tip
and I then put it down
to mind myself
of other things.

But the day is cold
With the trees bending uneasy
And the windows wailing
with their cries.

My feet are cold
As I sit crossed
holding them close
to my thighs.

But still nothing goes
on inside
But still nothing goes
on in my life.
The hot tea I pick up
as I settled it down
a few seconds ago.

“Oh its hot…”
I look outside.
Where did you go.
Mar 2018 · 346
loggi Mar 2018
I sound like white noise
Quivering and   still.
The sound changing now
With the        frequency
                         Back into me.
I turned one notch
To change         the channel
Because   I can’t       handle
                         This episode.
The lights       blink
                 As images
                      Play in motion
                    And I see them
Dance like they should
Till the crack
And fizzle
back to black and white
   Blurring Into the SOUND.
Jan 2018 · 453
Paint can
loggi Jan 2018
Listen please,
  I hear the call
As the paint drips
  From the wall and
Onto the floor.

We are redecorating
Only, we are temporary
As we splatter
To get out the past.
  But hey, I like
  This color
As my hands are
Coated with some
  Thick lacquer
That holds my nails
And wrinkles of my skin.

This hue will go well
With what we don’t have
As the brush smears
The globs
Of pastel
And wipes out
The wallpaper,
Of the previous owner.
Layered away
We discolor,
In layers we
Bury them.
Jan 2018 · 1.1k
loggi Jan 2018
My mother likes to hang bells
On the front door,
And I always wondered
What they were for.

They would jingle
Whenever someone
made entry,
and glitter
With the light
from the lamppost
On the street.

But they became dull
Hanging all day,
And the giggling clatter
Mulled and dulled
to a brassy bray.

Mom has a small wedding bell
Of a silver boy
Holding flowers
With a smiling grin.
He’s asking her to ring him
And bring back memories.

But father’s guitar glistens
Whilst the sun lays low.
With one pluck
The vibration hums
Smooth and mellow.

But can you hear it
Sitting on the steps?
This house is so large
But there still lays unrest.

And through The corridor
Clacks the patter
Of greyed canine feet.
But some of us
Lay silent
And reap the past
From the sounds
That do dare speak.

the living room clock
Drones with That of a distant chime,
Because the living arrangements
Have changed overtime.
Jul 2017 · 462
loggi Jul 2017
Whose heart is mine
When I'm defined in emotions?

The way people speak,
Make me a different shade
And those I meet and leave
Have left their mark
To display.

Whose heart is mine,
When the world
Erases my fault.
Jul 2017 · 452
Turn Signal
loggi Jul 2017
yellow lights
Go along in the night,
As I grip the wheel
Of my car.

No one is here
Alone I steer
With the radio
Playing a song
That's old
By two years.

And here I drift,
To a place I go,
As I throw the gear
Into its several shifts.

I wish I could be
There in two minutes
Or maybe even three,
But I go along pacing.

And pacing I go
Till I'm idle and slow
And then I crash
Upon the black road.
Jul 2017 · 220
loggi Jul 2017
I wrote to Jupiter
That it will take some time.
That I know he lay ashes
But the fire I put out.
I wrote to Venus
About the silly things
That she often said,
And I wonder
Did the astrals
Shoot their arrows in my head.
How I got myself here
When did I tug away
And far I have drifted
As I lay sad and astray.
I wrote to Jupiter
On merit and plea,
I wrote Venus
On why she painted me.
I love the strangeness
Of the bellis growing freely
But I'm a plucked blossom
Needing to regrow to be free.
Jul 2017 · 418
loggi Jul 2017
Well let's count.
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
Do you have the time?
When in boredom
I count the minutes
The ticks as they spin

In an hour
I'll be better.
In a second
I'll be worst.
But in the moment
I lack of worth.

in an hour
I'll be of service
In a second
I'll be unworth it
In a history
I'll be unnoticed
In a memory
I'll be cherished.

5 4 3 2 1
Oh wait
I'm not done.
1 2 3 4 5
Ticks my life.
Jul 2017 · 462
Height of the Ground
loggi Jul 2017
Do you ever
Count all the steps
That you walk in a day?

Wonder if they add up
To the height of mountains
Or the depths
Of the deepest seas?

Yet you hold yourself
Back from a challenge
When it stands
All in front of you.
And say it's just a dream.

Nowhere you walk
Is easy.
All people talk
And glare
And have their opinions.
No where is safe
With an edge
So near
That one fault
And you drop.

Scaling peaks,
Diving where it's deep,
Or just living is not easy.
But then again
You walk with a friend
And there goes the challenge.
Jul 2017 · 404
loggi Jul 2017
I have a fear
A sense of doubt,
And I never wish
To let it out.

But in mind,
It haunts me so
Slithers about
In the darker groves.
And at moments
When I'm alone,
It sneaks on me
With its nasty hold.

It coils around my neck,
It scales the span
Of my body,
Pulling on me
Making me pale
And my body wobble.
Looks me in the eyes,
Hurts me till I cry,
I beg for relief
But I find myself
Escaping to a morbid sleep.

And before I die,
It lets me go.
Grins at me
And I know.
If I bury these things
Again it will show.
Jul 2017 · 937
Forest Sound
loggi Jul 2017
Deep in the forest sound
All is lost in mellow ground.
The birds don't chirp
And the leaves lay no alarm,
Deep in a place where none
Are ever harmed.

And the bark twists
In an awful way,
And the wind hisses
For travelers to go away.
Deep in a place
Of eternal stay.
Those who are brief
Never receive welcome.

All that you do,
Is never replayed.
All that you say
Gets buried in the ground.
No peeping eyes
No ears of another
Deep in the forest sound
You can let out
All that raging thunder.

A place of secrets,
Your only personal wonder.
Deep in the forest sound.
Jul 2017 · 479
Nocturnal Butterfly
loggi Jul 2017
Have you seen them,
Flying in the night,
Allured by the brimstone
And the fire light.

Their eagerness
In spectral flight
All in search
Of a source of light.

The moon beckons
But artificial glow
Dazzles their eyes,
As they fly to them
Burning in the hold
That they have them.

Those who are wise,
But at luck follow the moon.
Those stay behind
And die in the first light
Of noon.
Jul 2017 · 497
Paint me Patriotic
loggi Jul 2017
Condition me
And tell me the songs,
The rhymes,
The fables
Of display
To show me your greatness
In every single way.

Make me stand up
And salute you
Every single day,
Pin me up
And make me your brand
To brag about your arsenal
And send your bombs away.

Paint me your image,
A one I was never sure
If I wanted,
And blind me in flashes
Of gaudy light.

When the display is gone,
Do I agree with what you done,
And is it all right?
Jul 2017 · 516
Diving boards
loggi Jul 2017
Can I take a jump
Into the pool
And surround
In a aqua hue.

Can I leap gently
And not break
The surface,
And cause
A disturbance
That breaks
The silence.

Can I breathe in
All the water around me;
Soaking it up
Like a sponge,
Diluting my veins
Till I am none.

Can I swim
In your sea
Till a tempest
Drowns me.
Jun 2017 · 614
Water Toad
loggi Jun 2017
On the lake
Sits a toad,
An ugly thing
Three years old
With boils,
large lumps,
And a croak
That challenges
The voice
Of an old woman
Who smokes.
Placidly he stares
Off in space,
And doesn't care
What takes a glance
And passes upon his lake.
He is a simple thing,
Three years old
Admiring tranquility
On a quiet lake.
Jun 2017 · 462
Love me Lazy
loggi Jun 2017
You know what you do
When you say “I love you.”

You drive me insane
With the flames
I have for you,
And you make me strange
With the call of my name,
But a whisper
Sets me ablaze
With the sound of you.

How can one
Speak like you do,
And hypnotize me
In a trance
that none can make
Or break the hold
That echos through my head.

But aside what is said
I believe that love is true.
You say “I love you”
And how openly
My heart bleeds out
In a fresh open wound.

But it is not true,
You use me,
As you always do.
And my scar burns
With every tear
When you love elsewhere.
Jun 2017 · 359
The Undertow
loggi Jun 2017
Down by the grey sea
The loud gull birds fly
And the sand burns me.

Down by the water
The small waves crash down
Upon the Earth it seeks
To claim for itself.

Down in the shallows
water cloaks my body,
And pushes me back
To where I should be.

But I dare venture
And further I leave,
The sea begins to pull
The body it craves,
And the hatred it has
For land dwelling things
Blinds it in fury.

Down in the undertow
My body floats down below
And the sea takes my soul.
Jun 2017 · 389
loggi Jun 2017
Send me away
Because you don't like it.
Censor my name
Because you hate
The sight of it.
I know the ways
That make you
A human,
And I've seen
You in your lowest points.
But you cannot
Just clear me away,
Because bad things
Happen everyday.

You cannot deny it
But you can hide it,
But trouble brews
Like an unobserved
Boiling ***:
The more time
That you are away,
The water boils over
Destroying passionate flames.

But that's okay...
You always fix It in the end.
You say you'll improve,
But you do it all again...

And I let you know,
I remind you everyday,
But you turn me off
Because you don't
Want to improve.
Jun 2017 · 1.8k
When in October
loggi Jun 2017
October 14th

When is October,
With the leaves of red,
With the crisp cold wind
Blowing to the west.
There she sits and waits,
For the boy with the red Chevrolet.
It is eight o five,
He is five minutes late.
But she occupies herself
With the crumbling pastry
On her tiny plate.
He pulls up outside,
And she looks and waves,
With a smile she cannot hide.
It is nine o five.
It is time to go.
She had a great time, he knows.

It is November,
The pine is yellow,
As they walk down the lane.
He holds her slim hand,
And she laughs again
To a joke she would never tell
To any of her friends.
As they walk down the lane,
They talk about a future
They might never attain.
But here they are walking,
Down a yellowing park lane
With their hands linked together,
Waiting for time to go away.
There is a park bench,
Aside a small lake
With red and brown shapes
Just drifting upon
The placid landscape.
He motions to her
To come and sit with him
And take it all in:
This favorable day.
But she thinks of the time,
The job she has at five,
And she tells him, "let's go."
He looks at her and smiles,
Wishing time would go away
As they walked together,
towards the red Chevrolet

Here is December,
The leaves have lost their ember,
As she sits drinking coffee
By her apartment's window.
she is clad in comfort
Snug in a blanket
From her bed she had to unearth.
She blows her hot breath
Upon the chilled window pane,
And draws shapes, words, names
Upon the fogged window frame.
Finally she traces a heart,
With two initials
Separated by a plus sign.
She smiles at her art,
And the heart she has made,
And wishes it would not clear away.
But something catches her eye,
Through the unfogged heart lines,
A red Chevrolet parked
On the side of the street lane.
There is a knock on the door.
She gets up and tidies her space,
She looks in the mirror
And pouts about not having
Makeup on her face.
She goes to the door,
Takes a breath and opens
It to a familiar form.
He has flowers in a vase,
That has an etched heart, with her name


It is January,
a month of frigidness,
but of drunken merry.
Here they survived
for only a time ago,
and the seasons
change with heavy snow.
They do not talk for a time,
But each of them wonder
If it is all fine.
Things return, as you know
A car running the highway,
And a girl living alone.
Oh that message said,
“I can’t wait to see you again.”
To her it was a punch,
To him it was a friend.
But their bonds to each other
They were only flailed,
But the cut would not make an end.
So this passage stayed this way,
He would drive a car,
She would look away.
But its hard not to see
A bright red Chevrolet.
So with a phone call,
at the crack of dawn.
A girl fell in love,
Which was all wrong.
The other would come,
And it will not be long.

Love in February,
pastel hearts and a chocolate box.
Bouquets, and fancy gin
All the flattery would begin.
Some weekends at the movies,
Some nights meeting her friends.
Their life started to return,
But what from it could she earn?
Some nice nights in candle light,
A stuffed animal from a claw,
But what did it mean at all?
“Yes, I’m free at eight.
Be on time you're always late.”
“Oh sure! I love to catch up.”
“Oh yeah, remember our lake?”
“Yes the one with all the ducks.”
“Yes that is the place, right?”
“Yeah I’ll see you there tonight?”
“I can’t wait at all,
I haven't seen you for so long.”
Some things are sacred,
When they are not shared.
But really this new girl,
Was not at all new.
She was the first one
And this other girl
Was a replacement
That he met in the fall.

Then walked in March
With his hands and loud clatter,
But he could not shake
The peace that had begun.
Two girls, different lives,
But they were both the same.
Same long flaxen hair,
That drifted below their backs.
same smile and loving stare,
But the only difference
Was their loving eyes.
The girl from the fall,
Had brown eyes, a soft voice,
and a spirit so gentle.
The girl from before,
had blue eyes and a voice
of loud summer laughter
who lived with a sense of death.
Blue eyes lived on the edge,
Brown eyes lived on the current.
But both girls would be the same,
nights wiping mascara,
Similar nights at the parlor.
Both were each others’ mirror
But none would take the curtain,
and reveal what was hidden.
He would not worry,
As he drove down the highway.
No grey doubt ever minded him
As he rode his red Chevrolet.
To him, it was a game.

Then April rain fell.
Can you even tell
What were the feelings
That were felt when she saw
The two plane tickets?
She was taken aback,
She had never left
The city she lived in,
And she rushed at him
With clutching arms and happy grin.
No words would describe
what she felt within.
The old girl had gone
to Europe for a trip,
Leaving him with one set of lips.
So he thought to himself,
a trip away would be good.
He would spend some time
With the girl he loved.
He would do whatever he could.
So at an airport,
at a quarter to nine,
The two of them talked
And everything was fine.
She would joke with him
That he was actually on time,
And he would make a face
To resent the sense of disgrace.
But here he was thinking,
Of the girl in another place.

Blooming flowers in May,
Were her favorite sight.
The reds, blues and pinks
were among spring’s delight.
She enjoyed the ducks on the lake.
This was her first time
Ever seeing these mallards
Bask and splash their heads.
He was on the other side
On a call he could not ignore.
Things started to slip with him.
She would call and he would say,
“Sorry, I’m busy.”
She asked him if he wanted
To meet her family.
“I’m sorry, I’m busy that day.”
But here she saw this sight,
A boy across the lake she liked.
She did not know who
gave him an “urgent” ring,
But he was laughing
At this emergency.
He seemed so distant this May,
But he was not far away.
She could go up and walk to him,
But if she dared cross
This great immense strait,
She could effortlessly reach midway.
But her balance would falter
Because he would not cross for her.
So she would sink underneath.

Runaway in June,
With flaxen hair flowing
With wind blowing down the highway
In that red Chevrolet.
Tan skin and sunglasses on,
These were the parts she enjoyed,
All summer long.
Although they neared a place,
Here time slowed and she could stop space.
She would turn up that song
And sing each lyric she liked,
and then toss it to him
as she passed him the mic.
All their troubles in May
Seemed to wither away,
as the hot air curled
each locket of hair.
Planes streaked up in the sky
As birds kited by.
The greenery of the trees
Flowed with life effortlessly:
Waving a sort of fresh hello
As the asphalt steamed
a cool dew of tomorrow.
They approached the exit,
With the harsh winding twist
That they would slow down and glide.
The sun streaming up in the sky,
Her happy gentle eyes.
He had another date at five.

Pink sky in July,
and a black aqua night
With night bugs buzzing
and the firefly light.
then on some warm nights
The sky filled with red, blue and white,
As fireworks attempted
to journey so high,
Until they bursted
And died in the cold atmosphere.
When it was past dusk
And the time settled on twilight,
The great blue vault would open up,
And reveal the infinite.
Stars twinkled, and flew
Against the nothingness
Hopping to find a purpose
For their brief existence.
The girl from the fall
Believed she had some worth,
That a creator put people
that she was meant to meet
Upon this sad Earth.
The girl from before
Did not know she encroached
On a love so new,
Nor did the girl from fall
know she was doing that too.
He would say “I love you.”
Which to her it was sweet.
But “you” can be plural.

They met in August,
August the tenth to be exact.
They knew each other
Ever since junior high,
But neither mustered the courage
To come up and say hi.
She went off to college,
He went away too,
But they met in a coffee shop
In the middle of June.
They soon started to talk,
and soon a new love grew.
This was the girl from before,
A clever girl who loved books
And a long afternoon snore.
He was a year older,
and he graduated a year ago.
She trusted him so much.
He bought her flowers,
He would spend hours with her,
Walking to the edge of nowhere,
And slowly journeying back.
But for some reason
Something came undone.
She wondered as she walked
Down upon the gray sidewalk.
Not watching or minding her step,
As she bumped into the girl
Walking to her left.
A brown eyed girl with flaxen hair,
Both unaware of a love they share.

A new friend in September,
She had began to know well.
Last August they collided,
Laughed at each others’ mistake,
and then chatted as if they knew
Each other for a longer time
than is accustomed to new friends.
They sometimes saw each other
While walking on the sidewalk.
Sometimes they smiled to chat,
And sometimes they waved
And never looked back.
Little by little they came through,
They talked, and they laughed
About anything old and new.
But soon they started to fade too.
The girl from before,
Started to work at night
And would not leave her apartment,
Until an hour after
The girl from the Fall left hers.
Maybe she was not meant to know,
Perhaps fate decided
That the truth would never come
If they never collided.
So things continued this way,
Until they met again one day.
They laughed and said they should catch up.
She got her number,
Next month it went under.

When is October?
Where she cried her eyes.
When in October,
Did she find out his lies?
She was someplace away,
Cruising down the highway.
It was at a party,
from a girl she would never know,
Who told her about the girl
That they both came to know,
Who had a boyfriend
That was so very sweet,
and a picture of them
That put her heart in her teeth.

October 14th
9:14 pm

An hour does seem so long.
She asked him if she could
Borrow his red Chevrolet,
Because she had no other way.
It was late, and then came the rain
As she sped down the highway.
She left him a message,
that he did not understand:
“I’m coming to see you.”
As the car furiously ran.
The wind whipping, the clouds crying,
It was not safe the speed she went
In that red Chevrolet
Running down that highway.
She wanted to scream,
She wanted to fade away.
But time was there edging her so,
As she counted the minutes
For the amount of time
It would take to get there.
She would have to tell
The girl she began
To know so well as a friend.
But this had to come to an end.
She neared the exit
That had the sharp twist,
She tried to slow to a glide,
But the water kept up the stride.
And suddenly time slowed
As the car leapt off the road.

October 14th
9:44 pm

Everything floated,
The dust, the old receipts
As she gripped the leather seat.
She just hit the guard rail right,
As the car flipped in the night.
glitter headlight shards,
And red sirens blurring,
Why was she in such a hurry?
One flip, then came two,
The mechanical acrobat
Performing a stunt
That was doomed to fail.
She counted the minutes,
That she still had left,
As her broken head
Leaked her thoughts upon the dash.
The memories slipped out:
The dates by the lake,
The days in the red Chevrolet,
and the girl who bumped
Into her on the sidewalk.
Sirens blurring, people looking,
at the side of the road.
A stretcher was coming,
her body they were carrying;
Pale, limp, and bleeding.
When is October?
Where she took a drive.
When in October,
She died.

October 14th
10:14 pm
The line count is significant.
Mar 2017 · 248
loggi Mar 2017
Lilly pads,
Silent creek,
Where herons go
To take a drink.

Slimy frogs,
Angry toads,
All live
In the bog's
Watery groves.

Dragonflies hover,
Cat tail prongs
In the air,
And the wind
Against earth
And the old willow timber.

The fish bob,
The morning rain sobs,
And the fog blankets
In the evening.
Dec 2016 · 252
The Music
loggi Dec 2016
Great are they,
Who play lovely sounds.
The melody calling,
And in it I drown.
The whisper of music,
The ballad that decends,
Is the pure motion
Of the life it suspends.
A sweet talk, loud lark,
Lulling long lonely days.
How the guitar strings
Glisten, whilst we listen.
But it is a shame
Once the music fades.

— The End —