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Jeremy Betts Jun 1
(If you leave me now/Chicago)

•°• A Twisted Classic •°•

Yes if you end me now
You take from me the very worst part of me
Ooh-ooh-hoo, yeah
Baby, please let me go

A life like mine is a life hard to define
How can I do this day to day?

I can push no more, must leave it all behind
Why wasn't it taken during a mental crisis day?
Every tomorrow that comes is led by regret
Everything up to today

Jeremy Betts May 25
If I were to collect then present
Each and every tear I cried
If I were to show
Every emotion I was told to hide
If I were to point out
The litany of moments where I lied
If I were to open up
Recalling the days I wished I'd died
And shamefully admit
The number of times I've tried
Would you be able to love me for me
And put the worst of me aside?
Don't worry if you can't,
The rides creator couldn't even finish the ride

Jeremy Betts May 20
I have to conquer more fear than a mobile home in an Oklahoma trailer park
So yeah, you can say life's violently left it's mark
But here's the worst part
There's no back to the start
I can't be rebuilt after being torn apart
I'm already a patchwork monster, a piece of work but not art
And as like Dr. Frankenstein, the creator is the monster and only half as smart

I suppose worst is over
Knife pulled from the wound

Or like a broken bone freshly set

But being through the worst
Wonder what comes next

Chest tight

To not consider there ever could be an 'after' for us was just foolish

We thought we would be able to withstand any storm

So giving in like that after hurricanes and tornadoes
Amidst a light drizzle

Twist story however you like

We were convinced love had the answers

Existed in a plane above the rest of the world

Which sounds like beautiful scenario until you look closer

And realize when you're up that high you've got a helluva long way to fall
Is the worst ever REALLY over?
Jeremy Betts Feb 7
It's a long shot but I have to hold out hope
That someone, somewhere out there is rooting for the loser 'cause I'm running out of rope
And at the end of that rope is no place to find a future
You'll only ever find the end there
I know I'm not going to win, will never be of note
There's never been anyone at the end cause I'm not worth sticking around for through thick and thin...
...I know
I'm the one making that almost impossible
My minds a riddle, my past is a hurtle
Im the worst one man show showman
I don't choose to be alone
I try to build a home
But I can't afford land that's not sand
So my foundation can never be as strong as I hope I am
As competent as I need to be to be the man I want to be
It's sad to know that man will never be seen...
...fade to black...
...end scene.

Jeremy Betts Jan 30
I pray I live to the day
I can open myself in a way
That would clearly portray
In full HD 4K on an IMAX display
Just how my mind has done me wrong in the worst way

Jeremy Betts Oct 2023
Dear Alcohol

~My Verse~

I got wasted 'cause I didn't wanna deal with myself tonight
My thoughts get drowned until I feel alright
I keep drinkin' 'til I'm someone I don't recognize
I got wasted


She goes five sheets 'cause she says she can't deal with my **** sober
I'm sure there's plenty out there who'd agree with her
I don't make it easy on her, she's a ******' warrior
Wasted or sober

I know it's an escape from more than me but I'm why it's nightly
Just her current mistake, worst one yet, yeah probably  
I know what she sees when she looks at me ain't pretty
Wasted or sober


I got wasted 'cause I didn't wanna deal with myself tonight
My thoughts get drowned until I feel alright
I keep drinkin' 'til I'm someone I don't recognize
I got wasted

DAX - Dear Alcohol
A M Ryder Jul 2022
The worst part
About being sick
Is you get all
The free ice cream
You can ask for
And the worst part
About that is
Realizing there's
Nothing more
They can do for you
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