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Aug 2019 · 398
Apporva Arya Aug 2019
At the end of day,
People escape to their home,
İ even escape from home.
Same blood,
Don't make same family.
Living with a divorced parents isn't easy. They are so caught up in their world that they don't left with feelings to care for others. Blessed are those whose family put smile on their face.
Jul 2019 · 888
Can you do that!
Apporva Arya Jul 2019
Loose yourself in me
Then find yourself in me..
This is what I leant from love, I loose myself somewhere in this journey with him and then again found myself in him.
Jul 2019 · 657
My saga
Apporva Arya Jul 2019
It's a tale of time
When I like him,
Then I love him,
I need him.
He left,life left.
I hate everyone.
I resent me.
To the time,
I discover me.
The real me.
And in the end,
I love me.
You realise that you had move on ,when you listen to his name and don't feel anything anymore.
Jun 2019 · 702
Self esteem
Apporva Arya Jun 2019
I had self esteem,
When I was sixteen.
It left with my teen's.
This is happen when we start chasing wrong dreams and exhaust ourselves completely in them. Now past is all a mistake and nothing is even there to learn from it. I miss myself of sixteen.
Jun 2019 · 3.0k
Apporva Arya Jun 2019
You are too young,
To let the world break you.
Too handsome,
For a heartbreak too.
Just wear the smile,
**** the rest for a while.
Mr dark eyes,
It will be futile,
Wasting your life dealing with lies.

Listen to your heart,
It won't hurt.
Spring lies in your heart,
Still life might hurt.
Just weave your life,
Fall or ride,
Hansraj ki ** aap pride.
I wrote this to motivate a friend of mine. This one always belongs to you. #presidentHansraj
Jun 2019 · 484
When chapter ends.
Apporva Arya Jun 2019
When things will change,
Just hate left for exchange.
Will you care to wait ?
For memories we made.
I find it more beautiful when a chapter ends in my life now then a new one begins.
Jun 2019 · 443
Dilemma of writer
Apporva Arya Jun 2019
It's easy to write,
Difficult to edit.
Especially When the tale is mine.
I want to say a lot, but have some boundaries. It's not easy to express such emotions and live them again while writing. #DilemmaOfPoet
Jun 2019 · 233
Apporva Arya Jun 2019
Love or life,
I choose life,
Because love is life.
Love is life. It's as simple as that.
Jun 2019 · 368
Read between lines
Apporva Arya Jun 2019
Friends read between lines,
It's never fine,
When we say IT's fine.
It's greed ,
Hidden in agreed.
And it's always love,
When we say,we just like.
That what a friendship is. You dont need to explain or elaborate yourself. I am blessed to have such a person in my life .
Jun 2019 · 491
Expressions of life
Apporva Arya Jun 2019
I closed my eyes,
From light
And when opened them,
It was already night.
I guess,
It's a part of life,
To regret life,
While living life.
Expressions of life simply beautiful.
Jun 2019 · 396
Apporva Arya Jun 2019
But still somewhere between
Faith and grid,
Stood hundred lines of doubt,
Regret and fury.

At times I stood here
All broken and lost
After a war,
Won over what we call LIFE.
Life is a beautiful war. It's an amazing race of emotions from hope to despair. I chose to fight ..What you chose?
Jun 2019 · 543
Apporva Arya Jun 2019
I could had
Still choose to tolerate,
For you...
Kept falling,
Sinking in blues,
So deep,
Now I am lost,
Where are you?
I want myself back.. loosing you is not so depressing then loosing me.
Jun 2019 · 697
Apporva Arya Jun 2019
When your father hates you,
You find no reason to love yourself.
When your mother criticizes you,
You dont love yourself.
When your friend ignores you,
You dont love yourself.
When you fail,
You dont love yourself.
When you succeed,
You dont love yourself.
And when your time will be over,
Thats when you want to love yourself.
Love yourself. Speak yourself. Your time is limited.
So what my father hates me and may be others too. But i am lovable. I knew it,know yourself too.
Jun 2019 · 318
Apporva Arya Jun 2019
I was Victim in life,
Throughout my life.
Hence knows the pain,
Has dealt with pain.
Don't like to hurt.
That's why always get hurt.
Growing among abusing parents,break down one's self confidence. Thats why only I know is how to defend but no counter attack. And that's why at each round of life I just barely survive.
Jun 2019 · 386
Workoholic boyfriend
Apporva Arya Jun 2019
I left my work saying
"We can spent time together"
He left me saying
"I guess you really have no work to do .But I do".
I still can't get over him and over the fact that how replaceable I was.
Jun 2019 · 655
She stayed
Apporva Arya Jun 2019
I told her to leave.
I am miserable .
Wont be able to give you anything.
But she stayed...
Now I am more miserable.
Now I am more afraid..I am afraid she is also a journey not my destination.
Jun 2019 · 444
Apporva Arya Jun 2019
Everyday I wake up with the same feeling,
I am afraid to be alone,
And I am more afraid to feel it..
For fours years,
This feeling has chased me.
Now I feel more alone among people.
Anybody reading it,it's more then a confession then a poetry. I want to forget it all.
Jun 2019 · 465
Apporva Arya Jun 2019
Some days like today I know it very clearly,
I won't be able to go much far
Being broken like this.
On those days I am full of doubt,
I wonder about the painful time coming ahead.
But still I manage to keep moving because I am relaxed knowing atleast today isn't that day.
Anyone reading it, please give me your blessings. I am not so bad to not deserve blessings.
May 2019 · 559
The self part-2
Apporva Arya May 2019
The ignorant runs after pleasure,
Sinks into the entanglements of death...
the wise seek the undying,
And hence found himself.

The knower of self,
the self, which is here, is hereafter;
Hereafter is here.
He who thinks otherwise,
Wanders from death to death.
The self is eternal. So why the fear of death.
Here, in poetry, I am encouraging you to chase the inner you (the undying) instead of the worldly stuff (the pleasure).
May 2019 · 334
The self part-1
Apporva Arya May 2019
Senses are the horses,
Objects of desire the roads...
Self rides in the chariot of the body,
With senses being unmanageable horses.

The impure is born again and again,
The pure reach eternity.

Above the senses,
Above the objects of desire,
Above mind intellect,
Above the manifested nature,
Above the unmanifested seed,
lies the GOD.
GOD is the goal; beyond him is nothing...
I got inspired to write this while reading 3rd principal Upanishads.
Here I am trying to encourage you guys to see the bigger picture above and beyond everything.
Try to see the Self and accept the self.
May 2019 · 513
I myself Am He
Apporva Arya May 2019
I pin my faith to natural knowledge,
Stumble through the darkness of blind.
I pin my faith to supernatural knowledge,
Stumble through darkness bleeding deeper inside.

Before I merge with the eternal,
Body turns to ashes,
Mind kept recalling past deeds,
Enlighten me, LORD!
Let out reality from me.
I am full of longing.

Protector, controller of all, a fountain of life,
don't waste light,
gather the light.
Let me see that blessed body- Lord of all.

My deeds are known to you,
Before I grow crooked,
Holy Light!  Illuminate the way,
I kneel and pray that again and again.
This poetry comes to mind while reading the first principal of 10 upanishads(Easha-upanishad).

In this poetry, I am praying lord, again and again, show your holy light, show the way that leads to him. I am full of longing, let me see you.
Feb 2019 · 232
Choose work
Apporva Arya Feb 2019
When it comes to work or people.. choose work because your work always chooses you.
Jan 2019 · 624
when a family betray
Apporva Arya Jan 2019
When own blood betray,
With emotions they play,
It all seems grey,
No hope for a better day.

And only I can pray,
Loving myself is the way,
Time will make them fade away..

They had betrayed,
What we were yesterday.
Its my dreams,they betrayed.
now i say,we cant stay.
No time to delay,
Run Run you!. The karma's prey..
It hurts when a family betray. It all seems grey. But all i can do is prey,love myself and do my karma. Time and Karma has sparred none. I am forgiving them all.
Dec 2018 · 493
We are enough
Apporva Arya Dec 2018
Limit the lust,
Quench the thirst,
Before it get worst,
Understand you are enough !!
Get out of mad race.. that's what I urge
Dec 2018 · 379
My Dreams and Me
Apporva Arya Dec 2018
Each day,
I smile,cry,try.
Stumble and fall,
Still give my all..

Build a dream,
then chases another,
Another shatter then chases another...

Building myself along the way,
Wont wither away,
Even if there's no sun ray..
Failures teaches you a lot then success.My some goals get complete ,some don't. But now instead of being sad or happy ,i keep my focus on my doing because that what i can control.
Dec 2018 · 501
Night out last night
Apporva Arya Dec 2018
Went out last night,
With all friends,
And felt so bright..

So young we are,
Full of smile and hope..
Sleepy at twilight,
So dope at night..
Sahu loves to eat,
And hari can sing.
Baba pays the bill,
When panda only chill.
Pipi fights for food,
While khusbu takes a pic..

The weather was right,
Stars were shining bright.
The warmth of everyone's smile,
Just made my night.

Thanks to all,
I made a good memory,
Of NIT life.
i went out last night with my friends(sahu,hari,panda,baba,pipi,khusbu). I am expressing a memorable night of My NIT college life.
Dec 2018 · 1.1k
Break Up
Apporva Arya Dec 2018
When heart break,
and love is at stake,
It so much ache,
Still we have to live for our sake..

Crying lakes of tear,
Facing emptiness and fear,
When no one's is our dear,
Nothing is clear,
No more heart can bear,
Just hang on there,
This world is sphere..
Karma goes no where,
You are blessed,
Fake love has left you this year.
To all the beautiful people out there,going through breakup right now. Stay strong and have faith on karma. Leave all the fake love and people ,just in this year. Begin new with positive vibes in new year.
Dec 2018 · 401
Apporva Arya Dec 2018
Don't loose gold for glitters,
So just know me,
before you owe me..
I will know you,
Before i owe you..
Why we understand someone's true value only when we loose them.? So just know me before you owe me.
Dec 2018 · 370
One winter morning
Apporva Arya Dec 2018
Saw you first time,
In the campus of mine,
For love is crowned with the prime,
U stole my heart in daytime..
Nothing sets more chills down your spine then the love at first sight. When you meet or saw someone that it takes you a while to realize that yes he is not a dream.
Dec 2018 · 644
My company
Apporva Arya Dec 2018
People i am growing with,
Their scattered pieces,
I am a puzzle of all together.
In the amid of the crowd i am surrounded by ,i have become them and no one become me. I am lost to be found again, all over again .
Dec 2018 · 565
Christmas Night
Apporva Arya Dec 2018
Last night
On Christmas night,
When holding blanket tight,
Sitting in no light,
Watching Twilight,
So peacefully and quiet,
It felt so right..

Then blink the phone light,
My hopes take flight,
A text asked if am alright!!..
Telling me to hold on tight,
Move on with time,
Each day and night,
Am with you babe,
Now just smile bright.. :)
It was a Christmas night, and i no more ask santa for wishes because what i want Santa cant gift(love,peace). Just then my friend texted me out of blues and said BE STRONG. I AM WITH YOU. this was so unexpected. Santa grant my wish.
Dec 2018 · 478
Apporva Arya Dec 2018
You feel like a Dream,
Whom i daydream,
Every night with Moonbeam..

Clear i tell,
Bound by your Spell,
Yes i fell,
For your deep eyes citadel..

I know you know,
Why don't you show,
At least say NO,
Before my hopes grow..

But you just a dream,
Which will end by outdream..
I like a boy who feel like a dream. I know he know about my feelings,but e doesn't show it. Enough with this torture, Just say NO and let me get over it now.
Dec 2018 · 516
So cautious to live
Apporva Arya Dec 2018
Had made some choices,
Were lessons,
Taught me of vices..
Holding faith and fears,
Wiping tears..

Moving ahead,
writing a tale unsaid..

Wont look back,
wont rely on track,
i have my back..

Will do the doing,
No time for undoing,
Thinking or bluing..

Will take a decision,
Then will move to next,
Wont review the ex,
Since time dont check,
U keeping up,
It just pass...
This is our life,our own story, We are its writer. Our each success and failure only belongs to us. This life only belongs to us. Dont be so cautious to live that you miss all the fun.Since nothing is serious in life.
Dec 2018 · 597
Apporva Arya Dec 2018
Belt or boot,
U didn't care,
It would hurt,
But still you shoot..

I cried and tried,
To lift myself high..
But stumble and fall,
Prayed almighty,
That day save me..that's all.

I will blame,
Because there is no shame,
Pain had accumulate,
When u did humiliate.
Journey till twenty,
Harsh was reality
Full of cruelity.
No love no peace
Was torn piece by piece.
We anyhow all survive ,but we rarely live. I wanna live now  ...
Dec 2018 · 385
Morning in me
Apporva Arya Dec 2018
Went for a walk
When sun wins over dark..
Cold breeze blowed,
As winter sky aglowed..
Birds were singing,
Leaves seems dancing,
Kids were playing,
My mind stop racing,
As eyes sets on the kids laughing..
They says youth is a bliss. Now I want to believe it too. Enough with self loathing ,now it's time for self loving.
Dec 2018 · 884
Apporva Arya Dec 2018
This time won't so rely,
Hopefully won't much cry.
Enough with asking for love and care.. for how long youth like me will live in pathetic way. Now is the time I learn to LOVE MYSELF
Dec 2018 · 395
Apporva Arya Dec 2018
Wanna write some stories,
Had never lived,
Will never live.
Living a story is easy since one can always exclude herself from that narrative.
Nov 2018 · 376
I write
Apporva Arya Nov 2018
My old vision,
and new life
don't work together.
Thats a reason,
I write...
they say it right negative mind cant give you a positive life
Nov 2018 · 365
Apporva Arya Nov 2018
Don't know ,
Who will leave,
Who will stay,
So i push them all away..
Build around a wall,
To keep fr-enemies away.
Oh my angels!
They too loose their way.
Now i learnt pushing away is not the solution. Just going with the flow and doing your karma is. Because at least work never ditch.
Nov 2018 · 261
Apporva Arya Nov 2018
Every time we are apart,
i want to rewrite our stars.
I dont know its destiny or karma. That today we are this way
Nov 2018 · 339
Apporva Arya Nov 2018
The past of past,
ruined the past.
The past of today,
shouldn't ruined the today
what happens in the past should stay in the past.
Nov 2018 · 1.2k
Glitch mob
Apporva Arya Nov 2018
Always so insecure,
There seems no cure..
In the hunger of more,
Feeling anxiety till core..

Hustling ,
To end hustles,..
Building a dream,
All in bubbles..

Looking back,
Its hell and cries..
Trying to climb up,
There's a valley along,
deep enough to die..
Ahead i race,
Soul not keeping pace.
Miles to go before i sleep. This time will give up if its need.
Nov 2018 · 802
Apporva Arya Nov 2018
Today decided to LIVE,
Each moment at a time,
Today with full might,
May be this feel is once in a while,
Still i will try,
Before i completely dry,
Hoping this way things will get ALRIGHT...
So how you want to live today ?.. lets make life in our years count not years in life.
Nov 2018 · 239
Apporva Arya Nov 2018
Sadness feel warm and close,
Everyday when I rose.
Sometimes I feel my default state has become to stay sad and lonely.
Nov 2018 · 679
Apporva Arya Nov 2018
Lost in the moon,
Lost in its shine..
Lost in this dark,
And it feels so right..
Lost in the sky,
As the stars shine bright..
Lost in the music,
Of your heart beat..
Lost in this cold,
As our hands hold..
Lost in the mysteries,
that lives in your eyes..
There is nothing quite like loosing yourself in the old photographs..Finding beauty in the love so rich that it could buy u a joy that you lost a long time ago..
Nov 2018 · 847
Apporva Arya Nov 2018
Yellow is my color,
But it is lost in blues.
Missing you feels like winter with no summer in sight.
Nov 2018 · 1.2k
Drunk on jealousy
Apporva Arya Nov 2018
So many you have,
I wish if you can only be mine.
Made me laugh,
When I cried..
Walked me home,
When night was dry..
Gave me your half,
When I lost all mine..
The patty we shared,
shows you care.
How lovely you stare,
To which i can escape no where..

So deep your eyes,
Just like twilight at sunrise.
And so dope your smile,
Always stop my heart,
But its alright.. :)
So many you have,
I wish if you can be only be mine.
I am not only drunk on love but bit tasting jealousy too.I want him to be only mine. Like the way he make me feel so special.
Nov 2018 · 293
Miles to go
Apporva Arya Nov 2018
Am an artist,
Bounded to feel,
Less to speak..
Void to live,
love to seek..
Crown to win,
Legacy to build,
Fight till death,
Till pay all debt..

Abused and harassed,
Faced grey's and dark..
Facing the waves,
Living in mind caves.

Swearing at night,
Dreaming exotic life.
Freezes my smile,
When lonely breeze blow high..

So listen to me,
While i scream.
This feel is real,
The scattered is healed..
This time wont stop,
When climbing to the top.
Just told my half story,
To earn pride and glory..
Poetry is giving me wings to express the unsaid,the untold stories of my life. This time i will be speaking myself .Expressing my way of life.
Nov 2018 · 1.1k
Unrequited love
Apporva Arya Nov 2018
Watching you from afar,
You seem like my last love.
Hoping you feel the same,
But you looking other way.
Like the wind,
Like the dust,
I cant catch you..

Believing it's love,
I call it destiny..
In your eyes,
I am living there.
Feeling the void,
When you not there.
But you not feeling the same.

Hold onto me,
Because i am crying,
I can't have you,
So this love is dying.
I guess being stuck in one sided relationship is most killing. When i was so full of him but he is not feeling the same.. So  i guess this is the time when we should part ways for good.
Nov 2018 · 495
Apporva Arya Nov 2018
Crashed last night,
When tried flying high.
Was dreaming of skies,
When stuck in lies.
Getting lost within,
In the echo of noise,
of the monstrous mind.
Sometimes ruling over,
sometimes surrendering to
the battles within,
A warrior just trying to survive.
They say it right "The darkest of night get ended with brightest of sunshine," No matter how many of my dreams remain unfulfilled ,i will keep dreaming new and keep fulfilling them...
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