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Samridhi Jan 2022
when did the butterflies in my stomach
into a nauseating pit of anxiety?
love can be patient and kind but also stressful and cruel.
Tony Tweedy Apr 2021
Once again the sobbing of my heart,
drowns out thoughts of laughter.
And still the ache of loneliness tells,
there is no sign of what I am after.

Through ache of the soul and a pain,
deep in my damaged spirits broken core.
Everything I am and all of my being,
just longing for someone to adore.

There is someone for everyone,
I have heard people often say.
So why this dark lonely space,
my head cant make go away?

When you have love to give,
and there is no one there.
Until all your body can feel,
is darkness and empty despair.

How can you hang onto dreams,
or even make effort to cope.
Abandoned by love and alone,
knowing each day there is no hope.

A pain so deep and this endless ache,
so much love to give it cant be wrong.
Through hearts cry and souls pain,
Somehow I am meant to stay strong.

I can't
Tides of loneliness to drown a wounded soul and loves abyss a relentless never ending void.
I feel like a discharged battery... outwardly I look the part but inwardly I am drained.
Suresh Sekharan Jul 2020
Red drop

One drop,
Then another,

"It's raining"
I thought

You sobbed with each drop!
Kairosclere Jun 2020
Yes, it was a nightmare
But I haven't 
Left it behind
A few days after
My mom reached the stars
And shone down on me
No more by my side
Yet her presence felt
All through the day
Returning to
A semblance of normality
Somehow able to
Reach across the void
Her absence has left
The dark patch
Over our souls
But pretence
Is something that is
As natural
As forgettance.
And I converse
With my dad
Of trivial things
Like they actually
And I say,
"Appa, I can still
Hear her
In my head”
An alive phantom.
And I sob
Waking up
Drenched with salty tears
From what's real
And what's not.
Sammy Fowler Jun 2020
you would not be able to forget someone after weaving strings of memories with them, that starts from your eyes and connects to your heart...
Amanda Kay Burke May 2020
Tears fall heavier than ever

Each seems to be made of lead

Dense weights holding immense amounts of agony kept in my soul

So I release one by one so I can be light again
Soggy paperweights rolling down my cheeks
Cody Haag Apr 2020
A smile is on my lips,
While a hole is in my soul;
I'll laugh for the moment,
But cry when I'm alone.

My mask is perfect,
Deceiving all who see.
They think I am content,
Cannot hear my silent plea.

If I am hurting,
You will never know.
My mask is unwavering,
Blow after blow.
Poetria Feb 2020
i choke on these words
that have fled from containment
i sob and i take
gulps of air like hydration

i starve to maintain
this excess of hate
that sits loud and patient
across my whole navel

i blame these sharp words
that sneak out through my teeth
they lash out at you
as you stare wide at me

my headlights alarming your doe eyes
(no malice apparent but it breeds behind light)
as i speak in these slices of sentencing spite
(then i silently lie and regret in the night)

thought i grew this act out,
but i caved it all in
let it push its way up
let it surface my skin
just to see myself lose
what i thought was a win
i'm sorry i speak so unkindly sometimes
Phoenix Nov 2019
Sometimes i see no point
in trying to fix myself
only to be broken again.
It hurts, ya know?
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