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Styles Jul 18
Wonder, what sparks this surge,
Fingers twist within, desires emerge.
A gush of pleasure, a gentle urge,
To be loved, admired, in passion's dirge.
A Squirt, still, how it works, I ponder and verge.
We were both smoking long blunts;
-having a much longer conversation
and she confessed a truth about self:

[Her hands had grown a fatigued touch,
too tired to touch the rest of itself
Her body a trade of secrets; constantly learning
all of the best places, to please herself.

And lastly, our eyes, both held history of
**** pictures- seeing each other with our naked
eyes; and of course, the many glares of knowing
how to please ourselves.

      Two lovers, who truly loved themselves.
Styles Mar 16
I just wanna be good to you, good to,
show you what my love voodoo, could do,
I will do to you
But you under my spell
Like Beautiful
I want to all of you
I’m never gonna leave
And I quote
It's more than just a vibe
When I’m inside
And we synchronize our breathing
I’m in touch you
To the point
I feel what you are feeling
Man Feb 19
It's a good time
Hanging with animals,
Because there is no social pressure.
They merely love to live,
That is their pleasure.
There are no missed interpretations,
No alternate agendas;
Alive at nature's leisure
Alex Gifford Dec 2023
To max out gross pleasure, from what I can glean.
Is to do what you want, go learn from Epstein.
But net the destruction and you’ll find instead
That your life’s net pleasure may end in the red.

The highest net pleasure is loving yourself.
So focus on you, take care of your health.
But mothers who pour out themselves for their young.
Despite self neglect, will have their names sung.  

The highest net pleasure is loving your kind,
Your family, your friends, all humans alive.
Although you are close, there's still room to err,
if man is your god, then God’s not your share.

The highest net pleasure then is to love God.
He’ll have you love others and you’ll have his nod.
Now pain will have purpose though may still be grim.
He made you for pleasure, but pleasure in him.
Brianna Nov 2023
You pin me against the wall- sharp intake of breath and I’m melting down my thighs.
Your hands are rough.
Your lips are soft
And stop… stop… no don’t stop.

I’m gasping and you’re pulling my hair- the fire in my stomach grows and I’m on my knees again.
I swore I’d never be on my knees again for you.

But your hands are rough against my skin.
Your lips are hungry and sweet.
And I don’t want you to stop… stop… oh my god don’t stop.

I remember the first time you starved me with those eyes.
The way you ran them up and down my body from my neck to my ******* to my hips to my thighs I knew.
I’d never be free of that stare or you ever again.

And I’d always want your rough hands gripping mine as you slammed them back.
And I’d always want that wet kiss running down my stomach lower and lower.
And I knew I’d never stop…. Stop… ****, I’ll never stop loving you.
Anne Molony Nov 2023
I kiss you as if to confirm you are here. With me. Not going anywhere.

To confirm your presence.

I kiss you as I kiss your hands, as I rub your hands, massaging them to make sure they are real. In disbelief, perhaps that it is your hand in mine and that I have the pleasure of holding it.

I run my fingers down your back, soft, your arms, sturdy. I clutch a wiry coil of hair, yours, in my fist.

I smooth your face. I kiss your face.

It is soft. It is safe. It is kind. It is right.
Savio Fonseca Sep 2023
We kept Whispering Our Desires,
beneath the Sheets of White Satin.
Our Kisses kept pouring
and their Words were in Latin.
Our Feelings, Calmly and Gently,
were moaning in Pleasure.
That's When Our Hands arrived,
at the spot they most Treasured.
With My Lips I went Humming,
around Her precious Spot.
With both Her Hands,
She Worshipped what She Got.
Like an Amorous Knight,
I went riding Her Post.
After Our Sessions ended,
I raised Her, a Champagne Toast.
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