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cait-cait Jun 2018
im there when you want to
rip out your
hair and scream ,

knees on the floor, your face is
in my hands  .

there seems to be glass everywhere
you look
you're crying ,

you can see it.

i dont know who told you i was dangerous --

i can only be so kind .
who has ever thought about how i feel?

when i was little my mom had this vanity that was covered in mirrors and then draped with a cloth, and i have memories of trying to pull the cloth off to see the full thing, and also memories of being on her bed and being able to see myself where there were slits.
20.6k · Jan 2015
cait-cait Jan 2015
can hearts be heavy like
the bags under my eyes,
or is my
illusion of gratitude
just stronger than
my effort to stay awake
im so tired i hate working and i hate being alone***, and now i have to write more for class ugh ****
18.4k · Aug 2018
allegory of the cave
cait-cait Aug 2018
imagine —
you are the last of your species,

an angel, who dances on

film that protects
this earth ,
your wings are broken ,
and these are the pieces of you that cannot go
home .

so on
tiptoes, this cracked marble
does not shatter,
everyone gets to watch you perform ,
unknowing of the cold truth that you are shackled
to ,

a ballerina in a box
that hums a sweet tune —

you still dance ,
even as the last of your species,
even though
you are all that you have left.

even though
you have decided that love is a form of
i didn’t know what to title this but my comedy lit class was assigned plato’s the allegory of the cave and i loved it.... this is somewhat a different style (or concept) for me but i hope you still enjoy. this was another poem where I wrote the ending lines before the beginning ha ha. Meaning Is up for interpretation
cait-cait Jul 2018

ill snap the necks of everyone
you love
like little birds
outside a


god held my hands as he plucked me
from the sky ,
and told me i was no longer
an angel .


i pop pink pills from pink
bottles , and
set things on fire.

you dont look me in the eyes
anymore ,
even though i smile.
im trying to experiment with different styles. This was inspired by the feeling of loving someone better than you and being angry about it and the video game little inferno.
11.7k · Dec 2014
oh fuck
cait-cait Dec 2014
i cannot hate you,
the way i hate your opinions,
but *******,
you sure are ****** for
someone so emotionless
for a friend.
cait-cait Apr 2018
i put my hands on your throat ;

veins pumping red
like little boats
inside the storm ,

your hands tangle around me ,
they grasp, tug, hit:
and this is a fight that
i am losing.

outside, it snows ,
and my pink skins flushes red
as you have burned me
from the inside out .

everything becomes white , when
you touch me
for the first time ,

and then i cry when you hit me .

we kiss.
he kissed me and it felt like i got hit.
cait-cait Oct 2018

i told my mother the other day that i
have decided to be kind,
to love those
who love me (for no good reason)....

and because of, i want to take you in my arms
and hold you so tight
that the world cannot get in.


you are dressed in white, like
an angel, and
when you sleep, you murmur and
i watch, you smile
instead of howling, and i wish

that you were that peaceful when


you are growing up, and i
watch the way you forsake your mother
and i watch the way
you puff up your chest with lies and then
cower when you see me ....

you are not innocent anymore, and i cannot
hold you to as such when
you hide behind a hood of your parents


your brother does not love me anymore,
and frankly, i do not care.

but you cannot see the stab wound, so
still, i am angry.


i don’t think she loves her best friend anymore,
i don’t think she even loves me.

but how can you tell someone to cut a
piece of themselves off when
you won’t do it for them?

when you don’t even have the right.


i read a poem today, it was about war
and it was about foxes,
i thought of you again...
my fox,

you are a violence...
and a lover.

and when i remember how you cut me,
i remember why i have to cherish what i have.
this year, i met a girl who i didnt really like (for no reason), and the other day she overheard me telling my friend that i felt like everyone hated me. she looked at me and said "i like you." and i decided that i always need to appreciate the friends i have even if it feels like i dont have them.
cait-cait Sep 2018
you’re a sick, sick person
my little,

with eyes like ferocious , angry
beetles, you
chew into me and cut out

if only you knew i wasn’t invincible,
if only you knew
                              you were toxic.

the cement is wet when you bash my head
the cement is still wet when it
my mom said "who cares what they think. theyll never understand it, and you dont have to say this part out loud, but things are different now."
cait-cait May 2018
i would **** for you —
you know ,, ?

stain my white dress in red :
you .

blood dripping down a
i would swear i never

they would end up catching me
of course ,

they always do —

the devil would sneer
disappointed ,

lace dress tight —
her lips curled in painted pink ,
when everything seems
h o t .

               she knows
i would **** for you,
would never,
"well here we are again, its always such a pleasure"

i saw that funny tumblr post that said "its hotter than the devils p*ssy in here"
cait-cait Jul 2018
i hate you,
i think, as you try to shoot me to death.

standing above me with a gun in my face

you feel
rage like undissolved sugar in
warm milk -
there’s blood on the floor and
then there’s me
                          dying and almost dead,
you left my eyes open ,
and i know
you forgot the ****** weapon:

so i’m going to take it with me.

one day ,

i’m going to heal ,
and i’m going to remember —

you took my gun ,
took all my bullets
                                too .

and i still won’t ever shoot back.
im actually in japan right now! Having the time of my life *****!! Staying in a suburb of Tokyo with my previous host family doing mundane stuff... it’s great! This poem is inspired by what my friend said to me after I sent her a happy pic of me... basically told me I looked out of place and was wrong for enjoying myself. It made me feel terrible and like ****. Anyways long story but something happened and she left our group chat and I didn’t notice!! But now she joined again and won’t tell me why she left and I think it’s because she knows she ****** up. Some people’s punishments are just being themselves. Sorry for the long description. Happy summer everyone!!
cait-cait Oct 2018
i didnt fall in love with this boy,
not this one
                     who tore me to pieces,

and i feel like an angel ,
suffocated in white, my wings were clipped
on the first day you
                                  wanted to kiss me,

and it feels violent,
my halo wasn’t built just to break —

and i did not forgive you,
i never will .

because you were never meant to go to heaven.
It’s so funny I’m not even religious, I just love religion. Ever since I was a child I’ve used it to cope. The title is lyrics from a really dumb song.
cait-cait Nov 2018
i beg for other people’s *** stories,
because i am broken and unloved...

and when boys snarl,
                             i feel alone, although
i know that they are just laughing...

i’ve found that womanhood is
half shame before everything else,

so i can only notice how
other girls wave their successes above my head,
as though being ****** is a prize and being loved is an end game,

that screams GAME OVER in bright red.

i will take my silence over your lifestyle any day,
despite the fact that i still cry when you leave.
women can’t exist without being analyzed, tested, and corrected. i wish girls wrote poems about being happy instead. Don’t @ me.
cait-cait May 2018
i put the baby in it’s cradle ,
and watch it as
it sleeps ,

you sit and watch tv in the room
two over
and think i love you back .

outside, the
sky fogs blue and the streetlights
shine bright orange —

you never went without a home.

it shows.
this is a combination of what it was probably like to be my parents and my alternate ending. Lol
4.9k · Oct 2018
rot in hell, brett kavanaugh
cait-cait Oct 2018
the devil’s eyes are blue ,
from when they made him up in heaven ,

but he keeps his girls like toys,
and like dolls, they lay in piles.

you know,
ive always kept my mouth closed ,
and my sharp teeth dulled,
for i have been forced to wear a smile
to cover up each bruise .

so how come,
he looks at her like a dog ,
you all just let him bite?

do you think he ever kissed his wife’s wounds?

you know, we know that you men all kiss his,
it is time to be angry. It is time for women to bite and kick and scream and make everyone sorry for ever thinking that any of this was okay. I’m sorry Doctor Ford.
4.8k · Mar 2018
i am on my knees
cait-cait Mar 2018
she smears her lips
with mama's red crayons.

she swallows them whole)

lips like sour cherries,
puckered ,
                  swollen .

wiping her eyes on soft
blood stains instead.
only to get sick instead//
cait-cait May 2018
i am holding an axe...

empty towers stand tall in snow
still i climb ,
(each step) —

a toy upon a shelf
(i am freezing)/

you rip the stuffing out of
and try to sew me
shut ,

but the
wound is not healing
(it never will)

the walls get stained with nicotine::
(i miss when they were white)

when i come back to, i am lost -
(because it is dark)

try to howl ,
gurgle instead:
and then
i start to weep-
(and my tears all freeze like little pearls) .

when i look for them again,
(those girls)

they have turned into
(i remember my axe)

and they look me in my eyes —

spit on me, again,
i say

dare you —
this time,
i am not afraid to bite.

(they do not come back for me)
the other title for this poem was “i look at you or maybe you look at me.” I let people on my instagram vote which one they liked better. This is about feeling alone in a battle against many different people you care about. I spent a long time working on it.
3.0k · May 2015
gummy worms
cait-cait May 2015
you were merely a gut feeling
that ate at me,
like a syrup in my stomach,
eating away at all my acid,
and dragging me

but you were heavy, and
i could tell that you
knew this,
for i guess
i was the same
as all the others
in my place,

and it was only today, when
i woke up once again,
and realized that i dont have a clue
what youre thinking,
that i remembered that not only
do gummy worms exist,
but that everything would
be okay.
read a story about a lady in this sitch so i wanted to write a poem about it
3.0k · Mar 2015
cait-cait Mar 2015
You are not a walking coffin,
A sinner, murderer,
Or mother to a dead baby;

You are a woman who decided not to have a child,
The woman who took control of her pregnancy and made the right choice for herself,
A woman who was not afraid to deny a huge commitment,
And you are a woman who's not wrong in the choice you made.
it should be a personal choice
cait-cait Feb 2019
you could be such a handsome, loving boy,
and live in a
nice house
if you didn’t insist on treating me like this...

you know?

we could be neighbors, the
two of us, the
kind who smile and wave at each other at eight in
the morning before we drive to work.

you at the office, and me...
at the office.

can you even imagine:
laughing at whatever winter wonderland party
they hold
with no worries,
no secrets,
no walls...

but i have given up,
as you have grown cruel,  
still thinking of me in that mean, wretched way,
despite the fact that you probably say you don't really care...

but you're just that animal,
the one
you turned into for him-- what
do they call them again?

written on january 12th, 2019 at 10:38 pm. i havent written anything in a while but i was going through my notes to find a title for something and found this. i love it tbh... dont know why i didnt before even w its flaws...
2.5k · Oct 2014
like fire and ice
cait-cait Oct 2014
I was fire, and he was ice;
yet he preferred cinnamon,
and I myself did mint.
2.4k · Apr 2015
cait-cait Apr 2015
when you walked away,
i remember how
you left me on the floor like
a glass cup that someone
threw on the ground
and left untouched
only to cut others with
the remaining pieces.
i fell apart for you but even my shattered heart wasnt enough
2.4k · Sep 2016
balloon head girl
cait-cait Sep 2016
Balloon head girl...
With eggs for eyes and
Sharpie lips,,
Don't cry your egg white tears
For me, or let
the yolk leak from holes in
Your diabetic fingers...

Snap your blouse back on, with
The buttons right up
to your neck, a throat with
3 imprints, but
2 hands and  
1 threat
maybe balloon head girl was abused??? maybe she lives a perfect life?? the world may never know!!
2.3k · Dec 2014
no better place
cait-cait Dec 2014
i remember that day
when the sun was so bright
and the sky was so blue,
and i remember how
we spent that day at the beach,
catching sand *****
and naming them
funny things, and i remember
saying that we could
have them in replace of

its really too bad i cant
even cry now, for
my tears would just
remind me of that day,
since tears are salty like
the ocean, and my heart still
bangs in my chest
like those ***** did
the walls
of my little green pail.
i finished a trilogy that inspired this, since the main character basically became a pirate with her love interest. it was good,
2.2k · Feb 2016
cry baby
cait-cait Feb 2016
its the crying baby
who gets the milk.
i got this off of a fortune cookie tbh
2.1k · Dec 2016
you are unloved
cait-cait Dec 2016
you are unloved;
undissolved in a world you
watch through glass.

and once again,
you are nine; in the bathroom,
on that floor, as
the blue tiled walls reflect,
and replay
over and over and

you wish that
you never truly woke up, from
the strange mix of dream
and reality you
succumbed to long ago,

like a princess, at
wrapped in thorns

you'd never have had to pack
that sleepover bag every time
he made you cry,

even as the tv still played
cartoons, snot still
ran, and you still
bled (and left).
no one loves as much a i do
cait-cait Jan 2019
you stand among us,
as though we were not shattered when
you took apart all that we made
to give you...

and i become that seething
mess on the floor...
when you tell me that you are leaving again,
as if i didnt just
create love to place in
your hands,

a kiss and a blooming rose, you
are all that i am,
and yet
still i feel lonely,

as you stand before me,
naked and in pieces,

but singing on a stage that i made just
for you.
can you believe this is about steven universe? i wrote lines 5-8 yesterday but they fit so well into this...... and lines 9-11 are perfect... I dislike the end but there’s nothing better.
2.0k · Apr 2019
i learn how to cower
cait-cait Apr 2019
i am four
and i learn how to cower:
to put away
my disobedience,
my words,
my innocence,
and look at you like an animal.

i am ten and i know how to cower...
and how to go to school,
and how to live alone,
but by now, i’ve learned to wish
for things greater than mom just
coming home and for you to simply

so i turn fourteen, but still you are
evil, and i,
a doll, that grows but does not extend its
past the deep end
or grows any new sets of teeth.

i age into fifteen and get broken by someone else...

and then i turn sixteen, as time goes on,
i guess,
and still feel broken, but this time its
different than from when you first
broke me,
and i become harder but happier…
sadder, but sharper when in a
stasis, and
try to heal through watching people have a love
for others...

but i fail, and still become happy,

finally, it is now, and i can say i grow up,
as i will always
continue to grow, and when you come back,
i extend my hand in thinking
it’s finally safe when
you grasp it again...

and break all of my fingers.

it is now,
and i learn how to cower.
The first poem I’ve written in months. My output has been extremely dead as of late, so this isn’t my best. I was finally starting to come to terms and heal from the trauma my dad caused me, but something happened with him recently that made it all come back. Sad affairs.
2.0k · Mar 2015
cait-cait Mar 2015
whether or not
you decide to rid yourself
of tiny unwanted cells,
that are too early to hear your voice,
and too early to have a beating heart,
or rid yourself
of a future you may want,
it is your choice,
not your choice that
others get to make for you.
i just wanted to let you know that i support you.
1.9k · Dec 2014
i cant breathe
cait-cait Dec 2014
8 days after
my birthday,
i couldn't breathe
as i took a
swim test
with my friends
and failed;
but that doesnt matter,
for now i know
that he couldn't breathe either.

justice for eric garner
please stop their guns. i want justice.
1.9k · Jan 2015
cait-cait Jan 2015
oh please, *******
and your opinion,
good deeds are selfish,
dont you know, so why
dont u spare me the kindness
of blessing me without
your words for a while,
just like i fail to do to you,
with everything u dont want
to hear,  
sorry i guess,
but if she can come off as bipolar,
so can you.
i wrote something different but i accidentally deleted it and wrote this instead. not really mad anymore just hurt, and i exaggerated a lot in case youre reading this. just listen before u preach maybe.
1.8k · Nov 2016
cait-cait Nov 2016
You pretend to zip your lips like
there's even a secret to spill,
as if i couldn't pry open
your mouth like a four
day old rusty paper-
off an
i was so angry when i wrote this but now im so sad..,,,... christ this is a mess
1.8k · Dec 2014
to be wed
cait-cait Dec 2014
your taste lingers thick
on my tongue,
like the wedding cake
placed before me;
half-eaten, and
mostly smeared,
as i think of what
he could've done for me,
but didn't
i went to a friend's fancy greek wedding and the cake was terrible. i can still feel it in my stomach, yuck.
cait-cait Sep 2018
i wanted to give you everything ,
and ended up giving you myself
instead —

and i
called it giving myself up the only way i knew how ..

little wounds you can’t even sew shut,
id say you didn’t even try.

words can mean so much,
and still you zipped your lips tight —
and decided ,,

that love is simply ***.

you forget me, equating me to some image of
a dead body —

leave me to burn , like when i cried all
little rivers
that you did not even see ...

guess you’ll just have to be locked up,
with the rest of them

wondering why —
like most people do,
why is she so angry?

your punishment
will be torture,

and finally you’ll know —
just what i went through ,
for you
most people would call this good acting but i just think it’s womanhood. Not my best work but I’m trying
cait-cait Aug 2018
love has buried me ,
and i am like an

you were fire
i was ice —

and there were mountains
in between us,

so when you buried me ,
let myself die ,

and you did not ache.
did not
for renny, my sweet angel. rest well.
1.7k · Dec 2018
born with designated shame
cait-cait Dec 2018
learn to cradle yourself
in your own arms,

be strong, because
your mother loves you, and your
sisters love you,
                             more than i
can ever say.

your body is not temple, because
you exist to survive.
so cherish yourself, and one day,
someone else will…

and it won’t be painful, the
way that things are painful

so bear your teeth,
                                 but wear a crown,
you shouldn’t
bite yourself just to cry...
im so stressed **** me
1.7k · Dec 2014
please, someone:
cait-cait Dec 2014
please, someone, waste
my time; help me
forget my burdens and

please, someone, for the holidays,
buy me a prince, and
tell him to slay my demons,
like you never would.

please, someone, make my
toes curl, and my fingers numb
with your warmth, that
i hope caresses me like
a lover.

please, someone,
just know that i don't need saving,
but i sure as hell want it.
i had no idea where i was going with this but i just wanna cry and scream and punch everyone in the face, so instead of that i wrote this.
1.5k · Dec 2014
oh my god
cait-cait Dec 2014
id write a poem about
my wrath toward
our justice system, but
the only thing my
voice can screech, is
oh my god,
enough will never be enough

i pray justice for antonio martin
im so ******* ****** right now and two ******* days before christmas oh my god when will it stop arent our voices and protests enough?? please??
1.5k · Feb 2015
cait-cait Feb 2015
I watch movies about
angry little boys
and angry little girls,
and I cry because I'm jealous
that their spirit
never tired them out
the way mine did to me,
so I've stopped bothering
being mad about the fact
that my anger remains
untouched by true reality.
I feel better Cuz I ate something but I was mad when I wrote this
1.5k · Oct 2014
red string
cait-cait Oct 2014
we were bound by
something more than just
shared guilt,
and a red string,
whether it was love
or pity of the alone,
i could not tell,
but when you were
with me
by my side
it felt like fate.
cait-cait May 2018

eyes on fire ,
i lit a match and
watched you burn

i don’t know how long i stayed
sitting down


when angels were still alive ,
did they look at
the clouds ,?

do they remember how they


my skin peels in the green grass —
composted , the
fence rots and the sun
shines gold ,

this is what they call
"giving back."


blue tears leak
like petals down your cheeks .

everyone cries with you.
im catching up on the cartoon steven universe and playing old video games. im so ******* selfish but what can you really do about that type of stuff?
1.5k · Jul 2016
little me
cait-cait Jul 2016
don't cry,
little me...
youll shed your calloused skin
one day,
hatching out of
your candy-wrapper cocoon
of dreams and ribbon in
               and pink,  

give your jaws a rest,

undo your sewn on smile,
with your
skin collapsing on
your cheekbones and
empty eyeholes,
tired, and d u s t y

you will be fine.
your heart will still be broken, but bigger me is fine. based on coraline. **** everyones boyfriend tbh
1.5k · Aug 2016
red queen
cait-cait Aug 2016
I want to be
Cruel type of

with my lips dripping
Blood and my dress
Trailing jewels,
My insecurities hidden between each
Fold of silk, saying
"I can **** if I must//"
but I won't

The kind where
after crying  
my eyes are red-
(Not from sadness
from anger and dissociation,
and people fear what I have not said--
With my  
heart stitches torn open, and ink
Seeping through

and I'll never have to
i am your queen and I love staying in bed all day
1.4k · Feb 2017
fish tank abuse
cait-cait Feb 2017
i see myself:

little tiny girl,
tear stained, broken..
pressed up against a glass
window that some might
a mirror,

submerged like a castle
in a fish tank, i
watch the way
little me swims
pretty little rainbow beads
picks at affection,
dropped from
the sky..

blue, pink, and
there's a face in the clouds:

like rain, i
cry. looking down at
what once was..

and i remember why
that little girl
whenever i recall my abuse i always feel like im looking through a glass window into a tank full of water or vice versa and it's a strange feeling.
1.4k · Oct 2014
cait-cait Oct 2014
my jealousy lingers like
hunger does after only
a snack,
even though i know
i'll get my fill,
whether i describe it as
atonement for starving,
or satisfaction
when it comes to my emptiness.
some things never change
1.3k · Jun 2016
cait-cait Jun 2016
Spoil me with

And fix my heart with
ribbon and tissue,
    All wrapped up
I don't lose the pieces

It's almost my birthday,

So Tell the little girl me
    the kids have just
woken up

And that the gifts are just
Broken and torn, and
    Opened... Already.

Just for me.
This poem is basically about how life has had it out for me since the moment I was born. Kinda a vague description but im too tired to care. My dad went to jail on father's day and now he wants to apologize to me like it will fix my < 2 decades of abuse. I have to move 3 ******* states away and I can't even bring my cat with me. Happy early birthday, cait-cait. Sorry for ranting I have no one else
1.2k · Feb 2015
cait-cait Feb 2015
if i marred your body
with words and rusty knives,
and i peeled your skin with
the burn of every tear you
ever caused me;
would you label the remnants
as scars from our love,
or tattoos you regret?
i have to get up early *******
1.1k · May 2016
alphabet soup
cait-cait May 2016
He is
No longer
A person
To me

As I sit here
And watch him
Onto the floor

And it looks like
Alphabet soup...
Maybe it's just soup, or
Just Alphabet...
As he begins speaking
1, 2, 3s.  

And I have cried before,
For him. but
Now that I sit,
Eyes on his back,
And still

I frankly hope he
Um okay you don't have to treat me like I'm a different person. I'm still me and you don't have to act otherwise
1.1k · Sep 2016
cait-cait Sep 2016
Sadness grew
        a flower in my heart,
With big blooming petals and
A long winding

And as your fingers
        reached down my throat
                                                  to tug at
It's roots,
it regressed into a n g e r,
shriveled (all) away
I FEEL SICK WHENEVER I EAT I CANT LIVE LIKE THIS also this poem kinda ***** **** I hate my life
1.1k · Mar 2016
cait-cait Mar 2016
**** these tiny butterflies,
that rest in my stomach,
and expand in my chest...

like little paper knives,
i choke.  

ill block my lungs one day,
and ***** them up,
coughing out each wing
and eyeball and

even if theyve got my tongue twisted,
and my brain scattered,

like paint,
it is venom to my
squeezing, breathing heart
one day
ill rip out my
just to see them
cait-cait Aug 2018
you have so much love inside yourself
one day ,
you will only ache

you turn
your brown glass eyeballs in fountain blue,
as you have no more tears
to cry.

i think, one day,
a hole will open up inside you
but physically —
you will bleed .

who tore you open?
i want to ask—
and who will sew you closed?

you pour all of your blood into someone else,
and i touch each wound.
the title was meant to be the title of a poem I never wrote after my cat died, but it fits here too. I wrote this quickly for my friend Emily who has so much love inside their heart. I don’t want anyone to break it.
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