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6.5k · Nov 2021
twilight lover
Strying Nov 2021
you glisten in the sunlight,
and glow in the moonlight,
you're my compass,
my direction in life,
the beat in my heart,
and the sparkle in my eyes.
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ love you☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
5.5k · Oct 2021
lonely sunsets
Strying Oct 2021
all I see are
crashing waves
purple and orange,
and yet my mind
thinks only of you.
5.2k · Jan 2022
electric blue
Strying Jan 2022
like my guitar
and your eyes
and the way you looked that night
and the stars in June
in the big Vermont sky
and the way my heart
always shined around yours.
3.9k · Jul 2022
Strying Jul 2022
my eyes still burn
from the last time we locked them
you and I are like
everyone and everything around us
trying to extinguish us
but our eyes
they meet and make a forest fire
they meet and planets explode
it's like there's nothing else
keeping me from moving on
except for the way our eyes
used to ignite at a mere glance.
a forced broken love story
inspiration was my life but also "I burn for you" from Bridgerton
3.1k · Jun 2023
the ocean's song
Strying Jun 2023
it whispers as I drive past,
luring me in,
I park near the rocks.

I exit the car with my long locks,
descend the stairs,
run with the sand,
wind in my hair.

I breathe in the salt air,
and stare at the force of the ocean,
its beauty,
its strength,
and yet,
its fragility.

I pause.

As though to awake from a dream,
tired and drained,
I walk back to the car,
suddenly aware of the sand stuck on my feet,
and my knotted hair.
Hi! I'm back :) Hope everyone is doing great.
2.9k · Dec 2022
Strying Dec 2022
surrounded by the light of a thousand snowflakes,
dancing and spinning in the winter sun,
I forget the cold.

their beauty brings me warmth,
and I smile as a snowflake lands on my hand.

I stare at it.

we're just two pieces of the universe.

but as it melts, I remember the cold.
I wish I had snow where I live without having to travel :)
2.7k · Sep 2021
Strying Sep 2021
a wave of air
a stream of fire
a world ablaze
a person enranged
a life encaged
and eyes
and a smile
and everything
and you.
exhausted, but felt like writing something :)
goodnight everyone <3
2.7k · Dec 2020
Strying Dec 2020
Coming back
As if nothing changed

Texting me
As if you didn't stop

Using the same language
As if we're on the same terms

As we were
Back when I fell in love.
this dudeeee smh
2.5k · Feb 2021
Strying Feb 2021
I wonder if when I die
Someone will find comfort in the poems I write
That when I reach a peace
They too can see some sort of calm in the distance

Like a withering light
A flickering spark
It's fleeting
But enough for you to walk through the tunnel.
I wish my poems to be found after I die, although it's kinda a violation of privacy since I don't write these in my own name, I want to make a difference in the world even if it's just through language.
I recently found an author named Sylvia Plath and im absolutely amazed, yall
should check her out :)
2.5k · Jun 2022
youngest sibling syndrome
Strying Jun 2022
you make me feel like I'm six years old again
running scared and crying behind chairs
you make me feel like I'm not enough
but I am
because you don't define who I am
yes, you make me sad
and yes, you are the favorite
but I am no longer six years old
You are not my maker
And you are not my breaker.
my sister is just built diff sometimes but it's chill
2.4k · Oct 2022
Strying Oct 2022
I open my eyes
to see a sun so bright
up on this mountaintop
I find a rock and stand up
I breathe in, as the dust picks up
the wind of life
carries my body away tonight
HII, I really want to go hiking :)
Hope y'all are having an amazing day <3
Strying Sep 2021
a long way
to a place many never go
surrounded by tall trees
with a path, many don't follow
an open home
hi ~ just wanted to transport myself for a second :)
2.3k · Mar 2021
Strying Mar 2021
dripping on my page
I can't take this pain
my eyes blur
I can't even see the page anymore
and the writing is doubled unrecognizable lines

I want to disappear.

It's easier for me
to die
than to try

but every time someone asks me if I'm fine,
I lie.
im sad
so ******* sad
i literally say i want to die in front of my parents
it seems like no one cares
or if they do, i never say anything and they dont push hard enough to get me to open up.
2.3k · Jan 2022
Strying Jan 2022
the darkness holds so many secrets
that daylight doesn't dare to ask about.
hidden underground,
ignored and concealed;
the light does not always illuminate the truth.
✰hi everyone✰
✰it's very dark in my room right now✰
2.0k · Oct 2021
Strying Oct 2021
the emptiness I feel at night
doesn't go away
in the morning.
2.0k · Dec 2022
Strying Dec 2022
the silence hangs in the air suspended,
it doesn't drift,
it just floats,
waiting for someone to make a move,
waiting for something to improve,
but instead,
all that's left,
are careless words,
and broken souls.
just came home and wanted to eat calmly but I guess that doesn't happen in my family lol
1.9k · Jan 2021
i cant
Strying Jan 2021
You and her together again,
leaving me like a piece of cardboard on the street
you kicked around, but never really wanted.
1.9k · Jul 2021
Strying Jul 2021
why is it the people I always check in with,
never check in with me?

And even when they do,
it is never more than a simple,
"how are you?"
god im so alone
my besties are in a different state rn and im just here like ??
hope you are all doing well and feel free to rant in the comments, this is a safe space <3
1.9k · Jul 2021
i dont want to get better
Strying Jul 2021
so alone
i forgot how it felt to be held

took a cold shower
because i didnt want to remember
but fr i just took a cold shower and it made me feel alive
10/10 recommend, especially while it's still summer
1.7k · Feb 2021
another fallen innocent
Strying Feb 2021
I gasp for air
I reach for the surface
I fall by the call

I hope I will see
another deity
coming from the sky
like a prince or a knight

I wish for the day
I finally see the light
because I'm drowning in denial
and all the plight
I see in my life
where there used to light.
I felt like writing ab something with drowning because I am truly drowning in school work right now and I have two tests tomorrow which I'm not ready for and so many assignments and school is just so hard right now for me.
Hope everyone is doing amazing and I love each and every follower I have on this platform <3
1.6k · Jul 2021
killers and the innocent
Strying Jul 2021
I often look up at the television
seeing heroes like the black widow,
and warriors like blodreina,
and I want to have this power,
but a society with people like this cannot function.

These people inflict so much pain on civilians,
that they would never be allowed to exist,
in reality.

Hidden under the depths,
they may be discovered,
but killers and the innocent cannot coexist,
despite needing each other to survive.
I really look up to Natasha from the new Black Widow movie. So proud of the actress for getting her own movie finally, but the character itself is amazingly strong and loving. Part of me wishes I grew up to be someone that strong, despite knowing how terrible her childhood was and how much pain she was forced to inflict.
1.6k · Oct 2021
lost in you
Strying Oct 2021
your love
is a vast sky
with stars so bright
I go blind
and can't see anything
but you.
1.5k · May 2022
Strying May 2022
Sometimes I feel like all of the ink in my hand has run out
I keep making the motions
But I don't feel the emotions
I keep drawing in the air
But I can no longer sense anything there.
Sorry I've been so inactive, school's been keeping me busy =)
Hope everyone is doing great <3 missed ya'll
1.5k · Oct 2020
Happy, Forever
Strying Oct 2020
Laying on a deathbed in heaven,
They said there was only happiness here,
Now all I wish for is
My heart to stop,
My lungs to empty,
To breathe my last breath.
So I just lay on my deathbed,
Looking at the perfect,
Just a dystopian view on heaven, eternal life may not be the dream. People want to move on not necessarily live forever, and happiness would fade over time if you have everything you want.
1.5k · Feb 2021
l'appel du vide
Strying Feb 2021
the call of the void.
I may not speak French,
but I seek the same:
existential freedom,
endless darkness,
eternal peace.
writers note ab mood: I really feel like my anxiety is getting worse despite a week off of school.
1.5k · Jul 2021
Strying Jul 2021
I've tried to hide my emotions for so long,
I'm starting to forget what I'm hiding.

It sometimes comes back to me,
like a dark wave of awakening,
and then back to the light and fake smiles I go.
been really sad recently, it's like sometimes i forget and think ill be fine and make it, and then i go back to being exhausted and wanting to cry all the time.
1.4k · Oct 2022
if only
Strying Oct 2022
"it was just a dream,"
I whispered,
wishing I'd woken up to a different reality.
actually, I'm usually happy to wake up to reality because I have stressful scenarios in my dreams a lot loll
1.4k · Oct 2021
after the cry
Strying Oct 2021
the flood
brings the drought,
the everlasting numbness,
only to be ended
by a knife that opens the eyes,
letting tears out once more.
been pretty sad lately
hope everyone is doing okay~feel free to rant in the comments or dms <3
1.4k · Oct 2021
Strying Oct 2021
on pages
and hands
our love
around and around
we draw
and draw
until all your ink ran out,
and now I'm but a line
drifting on a blank canvas.
physics test tmr - wish me luck <3
1.3k · Nov 2021
Strying Nov 2021
don't lie to me
and tell me you're happy
because I cry every day
and you're making it so hard
to talk to you.
gn - my dog's been having some issues w her bowel movements and it's been frustrating so I'm really tired (currently 2:46 am because she woke me up to do her business lol)
Strying Apr 2021
have no fear,
don't look back
only take words of wisdom,
from your own soul.
u are ur own inspiration.
1.3k · Jan 2022
unrequited love
Strying Jan 2022
in your mind
all but a picture of me remains
but in mine
a movie is playing on repeat
and you are the lead
the director
and love interest
school tmr :(
<3 yall
1.3k · Jan 2023
Strying Jan 2023
sure I already loved nature before,
how could I not?
with the glorious world around us
a literal fairytale outside our windows.

but something after you said those words,
made the rain look extra special in the light that night,
it was as though your words flipped a switch,
and now everything seemed so pretty.

I was still frightened of everything,
but my focus was no longer on my fear,
but on a feeling of glee,
and I felt so free,
even nothing had truly changed for me.
I think that new possibilities bring fear, but also excitement and confusion. Just trying to take things one day at a time.
Strying Oct 2020
I want a passionate love
One that consumes me
One that takes me to highs I could never imagine

But love these days is limited
If you love someone too old, too different, the same gender
It's wrong
People move away

Things are spoken, and thus the magic disappears
Just as magic is expected to do

And yet, I want a love that consumes me
A love that rarely exists in this world
And I may never have it.
Just some thoughts about love.
1.3k · Mar 2021
Strying Mar 2021
it's not horrid
it's not terrible
it's everything
it's you and her
it's the tears that pour
it's the people laughing
it's everyone clapping
for the joyous occasion
the white dress
the suit
and the girl in tears watching her life dissapear.
POV: watching the love of your life get married to another girl and love someone else. you're never enough, you're never the one.
1.2k · Sep 2021
Strying Sep 2021
I light a match
just to see the flame
feel the warmth.
I blow it out
just to feel some power
over anything in my life.
1.2k · Mar 2021
A withering light
Strying Mar 2021
is destined to fade
like a heart
is destined to break,
and every line I write brings me
closer to sanity
but every sentence you take from my lungs,
brings me closer to vanity.

Dear God,
when will I find my humanity?
ah im kinda losing my motivation everywhere and my grades are starting to slip but i cant seem to focus or learn or even care.
1.2k · Sep 2021
Strying Sep 2021
if I smiled, would you like me then?
if my eyes weren't always filled with tears,
just waiting to be let out of their cages,
would you like me then?
when will I be enough for your love,
is it when all of mine runs out?
actually, imma go do some physics notes, but yall sleep well <3
1.1k · Jul 2021
I've been feeling empty
Strying Jul 2021
But it's pushing me to try,
I don't know why.

~Maybe my eyes miss having reasons to cry~
kinda just sitting here trying to motivate myself with some techniques my sis gave me earlier this year when I had 0 motivation to even try them and idk if theyre going to help, but i have school soon so, even though im sad and numb, i gotta try to get back to an active life
1.1k · Jan 2021
The Queen of the Apocalypse
Strying Jan 2021
Pretty and silent.
Unspoken but seen.
her eyes.

Surrounded by death,
she stands,
a light in the dark.

A world taken,
yet she keeps it turning.
She keeps those left going.
She's a lifeline, not a lifesaver.

And when all hope is lost,
her heart beats loud and she stands.
She stands to fight.

Even when no one follows,
her hair is swinging in the wind above them.

She is the queen of the apocalypse.
"Behind every great man is an even greater woman"
she is the queen.
1.1k · Dec 2021
cancel culture
Strying Dec 2021
creating cages
can't control
can't counter
can't contest
can't clean
can't cry,
can cry
cancel culture.
I hate cancel culture :(
goodnight ya'll
1.1k · Jun 2021
Strying Jun 2021
im numb
but still sad
what is this life
something straight out of hell
its hard to breathe
and i wish i could be happy
but everything is just
so grey
~im still doing finals ah~
1.0k · Nov 2022
tired students
Strying Nov 2022
drifting through our days
taping eyes open
shaking ourselves awake
all this starvation and deprivation
of today's nation
yearning for another minute of shut-eye
while staying up staring at screens
late at night
a never-ending cycle
932 · Dec 2022
Strying Dec 2022
it comes so naturally to me these days,
each breath brings a wave of anxiety with it,
except this feeling doesn't leave when I breathe out,
it builds,
attacking my every cell,
till I can't breathe anymore.

I get stuck,
between walls,
about to be crushed,
frozen in time,
unable to escape.

a suffocating feeling,
helpless and alone,
reeling to break free.
Anxiety ***** but we are getting through it. I only have one day left of finals and then it's finally winter break!
925 · Jan 2021
Strying Jan 2021
I try to speak because
I have so many thoughts
and stories to tell
yet I can't find the words
and my head just yells them
arguing back and forth,
what do I say next?

my mind is at war
and I'm just trying to win the battle,
a battle just to open my mouth
but I always seem to lose.
So I just sit there, silent.

And even my tears
seem to
without a sound.
896 · Aug 2021
loneliness and betrayal
Strying Aug 2021
so much hate
behind my back
i see you laughing
like a maniac

i leave the call
and everyone joins
i try to help
and they abandon me

i feel so alone
all of the time
like if i never called
theyd never try

music in my room
on these lonesome nights
never with another
till death do i part.
hi, just tried to join the vc my friend was in and she kept leaving after i spent all day going out of my way to support her bc i know shes going through ****. i got off right away bc it made me sad and now i see all of my friends on call with their cameras on. i guess they're better off when im not there.
lowercase on purpose btw
826 · Jan 2021
On my Nerves.
Strying Jan 2021
"DOubT ME AgaiN I DaRe YoU!"
she yelled
at the man
who said
she couldn't do it.
he really said i dont do anything in school when i try so hard and got all As but a B+ last semester IM SO DONE
803 · Jan 2022
human's best friend
Strying Jan 2022
twitching ears
dripping snout
the eyes anyone could recognize
my puppy
my friend
my life
4 my dog, chai, lol
798 · Oct 2022
Strying Oct 2022
notes surround you
while you sob,
and dance
the only thing that can truly
match your every move.
"what a wicked thing to do, to let me dream of you" ~ Chris Isaak
792 · Dec 2020
can u hear me?
Strying Dec 2020
I'm so used to
singing a note
no one else can hear
it's like I'm screaming
and no one's ever there
drowNing but it's okay
How is everyone doing?
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