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Strying Dec 2022
surrounded by the light of a thousand snowflakes,
dancing and spinning in the winter sun,
I forget the cold.

their beauty brings me warmth,
and I smile as a snowflake lands on my hand.

I stare at it.

we're just two pieces of the universe.

but as it melts, I remember the cold.
I wish I had snow where I live without having to travel :)
S R Mats Oct 2021
Pink snow falling soft
A stroll in cherry blossoms
My soul rejoices
As we move toward winter with possibilities of snowfall we can look back on spring's snow, the falling of blossoms from trees.
Imprisoned in ice
Winter's eternal snowfall
In hallowed esteem
Haiku 3
JKirin Dec 2020
What is this? Mom, quickly, please tell me!
It's fluffy, and falling from heaven!  
Reminds me of insects or petals  
but sparkles like little white crystals –  
so bright and incredibly pretty.  
I have to now, instantly, get it!  
What is this thing? I simply must know!  
Mom! Dad!
                        "Dear, this is just snow."


So cold was today, gloomy and grey  
that none of my friends wanted to play.  
Now it's all fluffy, snowy outside—  
there's no way I'm staying inside!
about the excitement of seeing snow for the first time
JKirin Dec 2020
Thick and quiet – the snowfall around us;
easy silence; we walk through the forest.
There’s no need for small talk or stories –
we have lived through them all, to be honest.

Cold is creeping inside and I shiver,
I’m a wreak as we stop by the river.
Chill is only a part of the worry –
deep inside, for you feelings I’ve buried.

Always kind, you have noticed me get cold;
of my palms you have taken a strong hold.
Your breath warms my shaking frostbitten hands
but it is my heart that hopelessly melts.

Here, in place, I stand totally frozen.
You are close, but I want to be closer.
Would you let my mouth steal, savour this breath,
my arms hold you right here, in an embrace?
about loving someone through years of friendship
Bina Mukherjee Nov 2020
When it snows,
the airy white petals falls on the alps
and rests.
The mountains wear the white cloak with pride,
as the gift from the high above
and I enjoy the majestic morning view of the creator from my humble abode.

Bina Mukherjee
Zhavaed Haemaed Nov 2020
I look at you .. your countenance and demeneour .. how one eyes follows the other and curls of your hair address this courtship unknowingly .. and at a gaze when all at once, my eyes brush off your glance, . hiding in plain sight, what our gentle nudges couldn't hide ..

You do not say .. in fear and worry for what might, I do not ask .. illusions of my habits overcomes.. and yet, we nurture that infinitesimally small fire .. hoping meekly in our hearts .. that something or some force would cater to our reconciliation .. but it never does.
A courting by the falling snow.
Nick lupin Nov 2020
The cold flakes hit my face

Reminding me of my lasting days

For just like the snow, I too am just a simple spec

Falling down a winding path

What will happen to that spec?

Will a dog jump up and grab a snack?

Or perhaps it will simply fall down a beaten path

Full of misery and nothing worth to retrospect

And yet the flakes continues down in a graceful dance

even as it descends,

Closer and closer to that all-consuming ground

Because even though all snow will fall

It’s a miracle that it was airborne at all.
kier Oct 2020
I wanna disappear as if I were
snowfall touching skin
gracefully falling
pushed by the winds

I wanna love as if I were
snowfall with such gentle beauty
I would be cherished
but no one would know me

I wonder if they are tears
from a woman grieving
quietly up top the clouds
I pity her, I do, but I care not for her feelings
i might abandon this account
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