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335 · Mar 2019
Jenna Mar 2019
Rain is just another reminder
of how many tears I have shed
and how less lonely I am
in this gray world
334 · Mar 2019
New Style
Jenna Mar 2019
Your voice floats
with a refreshing confidence
Directing your own show
in front of others
Yet, I cannot seem to do
the same, when
I stand in front of you alone
Wobbling with syllables;
I feel like I'm learning to talk again
making me take a couple steps back;
mastering how to communicate, more
than what I hope my eyes can convey
333 · Apr 2019
My Dearly Departed
Jenna Apr 2019
buzzing bees all around
copying its sound
heart cannot help but pound
voices hum in the background

dizzying gaze so wide
colors swirl in a heavy tide
red and black tickled my side
breathing slowly died

pale skin glitters in the sun
blue skies water halts it's run
patronizing eyes said 'done'
What happened to my loved one?
327 · Mar 2019
Balance Me
Jenna Mar 2019
Never looking down,
in fear of hurting someone
this tightrope is quite long
with every step a grunt is met
somehow they keep me balanced
until a scream is heard
for that is when I peered down
325 · Jun 2019
Where Our Love Lies
Jenna Jun 2019
In the mountains,
we carve our hearts
The sun rising soon
Waiting for a melody
As we become in tune

Withering under the heat
Our love burns away
Like the webs spiders weave
Stringing our mistakes
The everlasting moment

Watching our hands prune
Dying with your last breath
Your soul flies over the moon
Casting a shadow over our heart
Vowing to never forget you

With this lovely little tune
If only, I could have loved you longer
Been a while since i posted something.
325 · Mar 2019
Flickering Light
Jenna Mar 2019
Darker person on the other side
What is there you have left to hide?
My echoing voice is all that replied
It seems your light has died
319 · Mar 2019
Endless Ocean
Jenna Mar 2019
Footprints in the sand
led me back to where I stand
the sun slaps me with a glare
a convincing circular dare

Shell beneath my feet
looking all innocent and sweet
the foamy wave
fills my hollow cave

Glitter sprinkled on the ground
birds overcast with a distant gnawing sound
her eyes were a clearer than the blue
Dear Daughter, you shame the view
319 · Mar 2019
Flame of Love
Jenna Mar 2019
I wish this candle burned
like our passionate love
the flame and the scent
a combination of us

Flickering in the darkness
to remind us of our
ups and downs in life
the flowers in front
of our house, the everlasting
presence imprinted

No other candle could be
a better representation
308 · Apr 2019
Stock Still;
Jenna Apr 2019
My feet dangle in question
if these legs will ever grow
or perhaps find motivation
to make their own tracks again
leaving imprints of obliviousness

Wheels turn, stuck momentarily
a glimpse of looping future
pushing with a heavy burden
footsteps echo hollowly
dragging approaching fate
290 · Feb 2019
Wake Up
Jenna Feb 2019
My phone never keeps quiet, always buzzing
Its another repetitious reminder of reality,
of my endless, unsatisfying want
Envy soaked and drowned,
Seeping into cracks
of longing
287 · Apr 2019
The Ending
Jenna Apr 2019
Succulent flourishes
a brief sense of essence
fleeting life within a blade of grass
cutting reality by a sliver
rational itching sensation
overwhelming pit of doom
distinct summary, concluded
the life we call ours is no more
falling one by one in a green field
filled with dread and suspense
being consumed with blinding greed
Not sure where I went with this.
284 · Mar 2019
Scattered Dreams
Jenna Mar 2019
My dreams scatter
like the seeds of a dandelion
Drifting here and there
wanting to settle down
somewhere I belong
A family wouldn't be so bad after-all
274 · Feb 2019
To Whomever,
Jenna Feb 2019
Dear, to whomever,
last parting gift of gratitude
lips press against seal
to whomever,
this piece of wretched heart
is easily teared apart
to whomever,
it may not be your concern
but hold me close

As this is my last piece of comfort
274 · Mar 2019
Silent Step
Jenna Mar 2019
--The line torturing
its always held me back
staring, mocking, my resolve
it nips my foot
a friendly reminder;
it tells me theirs nothing
on the other side
yet, something scratches
my throat to voice what
everyone hated me for
Was it an opinion?--
273 · Apr 2019
A Beautiful Thing
Jenna Apr 2019
Petals fly up high
Wilting with ginormous life
Pink falls meticulously
Brushing the dewy ground
Fresh tears warmed by
the everlasting sunlight
Giving a breath of fresh air
in hopes of regaining
movement and emotion
Spring has a beautiful ring
and a underlying allergic thing
Its so nice out today!
272 · Mar 2019
Plain Jane
Jenna Mar 2019
I can't swallow this pain
spiraling down the shower drain
the lip stick stain,
is the color of a constant migraine
staring at me, I might turn insane

Whenever I saw you with him in disdain
I cannot not maintain
this derailing emotional train
that is called my brain

Though it matters not what lane
still tugging at our almost broken chain
in effort to retain,
whatever is left to remain.

You are no longer my Plain Jane.
272 · Feb 2019
A Soulful Home
Jenna Feb 2019
My home is older than me
but my love for it still stands
filling its gapes with memories
though its starting to wear
along with my body
to die in this home
would be a kiss of happiness
and a brush of regret
for leaving it so
we belong with each other
it holds my love,
my memories,
and most important
my soul

And to depart with such a thing,
would not be horrible
for my home is older than me
264 · Apr 2019
No More
Jenna Apr 2019
Pretentious eyes
never thought twice
before we cut ties
raised by alcohols entice
as droplets of water flies
261 · Mar 2019
Jenna Mar 2019
All everyone hears outside
as the loud whistle intensified;
the creeping fate magnified
making us constantly reside

Here I sat next to my bedside
this wouldn't be the first time I cried
helplessly stuck inside
this was happening worldwide

All I did was hug my teddy bear and hide
waiting for my dad to arrive
wondering if he did survive
we never did get to say goodbye

My eyes felt dried
and couldn't help feeling terrified
with a thought that amplified
that he may have already died

An increasing want to lay aside
with my teddy bear to randomly confide
no matter how much I begged, it never replied
angrily launching it across the room, dissatisfied

This place wasn't fortified
but it was supplied
that was all they could provide
as everyone ran countrywide

If only our country allied
though it seemed nullified
it was now my time to decide
whether or not to commit suicide

It would be better than committing homicide
though no matter how I tried
there wasn't any emotion identified
Besides hoping that no will be satisfied

Because this is one thing that couldn't be,
261 · Feb 2019
Little Inquires 1
Jenna Feb 2019
You call me a Monster,
or Are you inflicting
your own thoughts?
255 · Mar 2019
Winter's Crack
Jenna Mar 2019
River by the bend
Winter seems to have no end

The sweeping sunset begins to transcend
ice became my best friend

It did not mean to offend
but, it did try to amend

Though the more it tried to defend
it spider-webbed and began to distend
Tired of all the snow here.
253 · Mar 2019
Sneaky Kiniky
Jenna Mar 2019
Nothing was sneaky
about Ms. Kiniky
She always got caught
stealing what has already been bought

The door began to tattle
the clergy man knew and let out a cackle
Oh, she thought she was so clever
But, now she is locked up however

With a grunt and rattle
she was forced into a shackle
It felt like forever,
being cooped up in the cellar

Ms. Kiniky became quite stinky
Her cellmates began to call her Ms. Piggy
She never once thought
that she would have been put on the spot

She kicked the gravel
while the guards prattle
One day, she received a letter
she instantly felt better

It began to unravel
Gazing in consuming baffle
It was a key wrapped in fine leather
she thought 'now or never'

She had to be quick and breezy
For Ms. Kiniky, has never had it easy
she almost got shot
getting away in with a jog trot
This is more of children's poem. But I still had fun coming up with it none the less. XD
248 · Apr 2019
Again and Again
Jenna Apr 2019
It blooms with sadness
it grows in the wallowing night
calling out with frivolous colors
making me shiver all over again
247 · Feb 2019
On Manual
Jenna Feb 2019
Some people,
are considered not
human, but a machine
that consists of no emotions
no matter how much,
they smile at you,
laugh with you,
talk to you
Care for You
246 · Apr 2019
Falling Apart
Jenna Apr 2019
A reminder that is given
white petals drift slowly
turning brown and shriveled
like your empty promises
drowning in the water
being consumed
by the chemical bonds
that feed your lies
forever pricking your fingers
with the thorns you place
on my body, stabbing myself too
245 · Mar 2019
Mournful Angel
Jenna Mar 2019
The leaves are shining
with leftover angel's tears
hoping to purify
what is killing it inside
so it can stand tall once more.
238 · Feb 2019
Jenna Feb 2019
Are you human?
then why do you not care?
for another
Who now?
235 · Apr 2019
Refilling Glass
Jenna Apr 2019
In a drunken stupor
The glass wracks with guilt
Under pressure of a gaze
Willing for them to shatter

--People below carry on
The graying sky a signal  
To the viewer's thoughts,
thoughts about a perished soul

Room full of old confessions
Dreary with a taste of venom
Held in the palm of a sinner’s hand
Stuck out waiting for someone to eat off it

No one could take the weight,
The burden of being an iniquitous man
Before, his hands were occupied  
Holding two different hands in each  

One let go too soon
The other held on too tightly
And now they were both gone
Slipping out of these deceitful fingers
Another for my final project! Based on Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin from David's prospective. Please leave critical comments to help make this better! Thanks!
235 · Apr 2019
Home Stead
Jenna Apr 2019
They said I was brave
but everyone ended up in a grave
digging their secrets
underlying sickening sweetness

your sin was called a joke
too scared to uncloak
what was considered a monster
stuck in what we call a goner

Every step burns with contempt
to the point toes curl with regret
what was the message
that made it so depressive

this drawing of reality
your life is quite ******
no home to go back to
only leftover crumbling pieces of you
231 · Mar 2019
Fleeting Second
Jenna Mar 2019
Sweat soaked shirt
wet with prevalence
of our childish frolicking
even the leaves shiver with laughter
the wind tickles us so for our behavior

Though being chased,
is more fun than playing house
like we do now to cover the fact
we loathe time and our decisions
all the while hiding ourselves

Buying a cage and ring
that we observe with confusion
we realize that this is no circus
only a torture device
we have brought upon our person

As we dance and giggle
I wish for this sense of youth
compared to this tiny second
to stay forever,
not in mind, but in reality.
Take a moment to remember your regrets and cherished memories of past times. Sometimes we need a reminder of what was lost.
230 · Mar 2019
A Brief Moment
Jenna Mar 2019
He never catches up
always behind, chasing
Only meeting four times a day
a red line separates us often
We kiss at midnight and noon,
hug at six-thirty in the morn and night
till the red line passes us
splitting after a single second
till we cross paths again
230 · Feb 2019
Comfort Food
Jenna Feb 2019
Who needs love,
when I have food
nothing can compare
to this full feeling
love cannot make me
feel whole repeatedly
compared to a substance
that only replenishes
it does not judge you nor
have feelings about it being
used in such a way.
I am a bit famished
230 · Mar 2019
Too Big Heart
Jenna Mar 2019
To Her too big heart,
For Her, she is no spare part

Always taking care of others
Adopting those before her own need
She is the most gentle of all mothers
This mother has never shown any greed

To Her too big heart,
Within Her, her soul defines art

Like a light ray hitting a mirror
washing everyone with color
making their thoughts more clearer;
perhaps our darkness a bit smaller

To Her too big heart,
Love Her, she wanted a restart

Worry for her well-being
that is all she may ask for
time is beating and aging
she quickly becomes sore

To Her too big heart,
Help Her, before she comes apart

Acting happy for anyone's sake
Though as days pass by,
her body begins to ache
she knew not why, she began to cry

To Her too big heart,
Praise Her, when she is hurt

She may count on God
though she is already giving up
somewhere in her life, it became flawed
and began filling herself up with a coffee cup

From Me, your second daughter,
your sister's daughter, neighborhood child,
and your family's family.
A family friend tried committing suicide today. I'm not a big fan of 2019 so far.
227 · Apr 2019
Glass Sheet
Jenna Apr 2019
Every thing,
Every single one
Is repeated
No originality
In a world of fragility
Its pretty short but truthful
226 · Apr 2019
Who is that?
Jenna Apr 2019
lifeless eyes stare back into my own.
perhaps this mirror is reflecting
my inducing thoughts
calling like a seductive woman’s moan.  
sometimes I wonder
if this mirror will
attach itself to me one day
to the point where people
can't distinguish us apart
226 · Feb 2019
Silver Sight
Jenna Feb 2019
All I could see,
was a fine silver
it was so quick,
but my heart was
even faster,
for this silver
it could not outrun
me in this race
But, sadly I could
not replace me for you
as my regret
falls with your
leftover tears, reflecting
back at me
226 · Mar 2019
Jenna Mar 2019
I could have stopped him,
but I knew he would die
So I left,
Leaving behind the ashes
of flaking memories and
emotions of my friend
Never truly understanding,
why the will to die was so strong
224 · Feb 2019
Always Here
Jenna Feb 2019
For the first time
I wanted to live
not for me but for her
Oh Dear, may I?
I promise to hold you,
when you cry

Dear, you are mine
and I am yours
even if you do not
see it now, but
I will be there
when you need me
The Most
218 · Feb 2019
Whittled Lie
Jenna Feb 2019
Acceptance is a lie
No one or object will fully accept you,
for nothing fully trusts
with out lying to themselves first
Hard to trust those who trust you...
217 · Oct 2019
Seasonal Hues
Jenna Oct 2019
By the river we sat,

the fish squirm below.

They remind me of speckled dirt.

A stone flies, spattering  

rings of a tree which show  

our life over the short years.

The insects that sing and thrive during a  

Summer day relish in a sun

so warm it brightens our skin

turning it deep red as the maple leaves

when autumn shows its cold shoulder.  

The color slowly hurts as the harsh winds

hit our cheeks with a slap

full of rules and stricter discipline.  

Distance is not the only thing

that grows between us.

Snow drops appear slowly, yet

I sit waiting by the river for you.

Chills form, I stand as still as the snow.

Leaving footprints of longing, I backtrack

every time I spot a piece of fresh grass

sprouting out of the blank blanket;

A new-born friend, that is very weak.

Searching for a replacement as time grows.

The river thaws, Winter ends, bringing  

Spring in poor conditions.  

Mud has encased the entirety of the water.

So thick, it is a disturbing smell, or it could

be you I think of so fondly.

Your booming voice has never been so clear;

Bringing a rain so soft,

it makes me tremble under its pressure

as you shed all my tears.
This is for class, let me know if you like it please :)
217 · Feb 2019
Life Lesson
Jenna Feb 2019
Wisping, wallowing, Heart,
he might have said
the most important words
in life's complex language
but his actions speak more,
as he walks away once again.
214 · Apr 2019
Blinding Contradictions
Jenna Apr 2019
It keeps blinding me                                
  not the pain                                                      
    no­t the jealousy                                                  
      not the shame
        not the depression

                               It's the Love.

So bright it burns
No longer a fleeting feeling
Just a passionate sizzle
As it protests against my skin
Adding a different kind of hue
Described as feminine colors
Some men hate it so

Twinkling with a glare,
  not the face
    not the torso
      not the hands
        not the legs

                               It's the Eyes.

Dark as day swallowing the light
Greedy for more color
In wait, it becomes a game
It glares with determination
Reflecting its true desires
Blissfully unaware of another's intent
In hope it finds purchase of more value

Beating down with persistence,
  not the brain
    not the stomach
      not the lungs
        not the intestines

                             It's the Heart.

True inner beauty
is what captures the most
Relative to time and space
It may grow weary with years
Though it will never distinguish its heat
Pulsing vibrantly every single second
Divulging upon raw emotion and vision
Feeling a love craze.
202 · Feb 2019
Refilling Cup
Jenna Feb 2019
Tea bubbles piping hot
Musty scent of cologne
Gaze has been caught
Every thought lay prone

Piercing brown upon recognition
Around morning you came
A cycle of repetition
Never knowing your name
195 · Apr 2019
A View of a Voice
Jenna Apr 2019
I carry this speaker
hoping their voices will be heard
more precise and cleaner
booming loudly word for word
--deafening those nearby

Moving those emotionally
a bit rationally
sharing hearse and raw
opening the eyes
to those who never saw

I hope to share a different point of view
without the judgmental whips
that sting like a tattoo
only offering their own remarks and tips
none of it spits any true

For whoever is free
vouch for my plea
this volume has a limit
only brave hearts outstretch it
--don't become a cynic

Mark these words well
for it's hard to be repeated
moreover, speak and tell
do not perceive this as conceited
all our lives are broaching a newfound hell
Tired of being shut out, who will get me out?
190 · Feb 2019
Jenna Feb 2019
And I'm here, here
Lost in self conflicting thoughts
Like you wanted me to be
Though your fears have gone
They became a part of me too

You forgot them
but you left them with me
in my quivering heart
I will keep them out of love
but they grasp me painfully

Here, here with me.
This one kind of made me cry...
181 · Apr 2019
Heaven's Mercy
Jenna Apr 2019
It was in that time
where decisions matter
and points are taken
that is shown into
various pathways
hesitating to pick one

Though, there is one
that is different from the rest
there was no pavement
but a grassy green field
with sunlight touching
the planes with life

It didn't take long
for me to choice
which one I wanted to walk
once my foot stepped into
the life filled grass, did I
feel a little lighter
175 · Feb 2019
For Fulfillment
Jenna Feb 2019
Somewhere and someday,
Freedom will come
and so will my love
For you, is all
my embodiment needs,
to feel whole once again.
161 · Feb 2019
Ever Lastfull
Jenna Feb 2019
Try to erase past
Hazy with blurry view
Ink stained too fast
Withering words turn blue

Letters dry like tears
They cry for assistance
Receiving undaunted, sad smears
Praying for inks consistence

Only replaced with scratches
Dry and dented blankness
Now broken up patches
Full with leftover thankfulness

Memories of old time
Leaving became the worse
Words are a crime
Wishful thinking cannot reverse
160 · Mar 2019
Weak Legs
Jenna Mar 2019
Sometimes I wonder
when I'll stop being a table
tired of people weighing me down;
beginning to croak with strain
no matter how strong my legs are
I find it harder to support myself

Continuously, every day
I feel just a bit flatter
154 · Apr 2020
The Pits
Jenna Apr 2020
I'm goin' downtown
         To see what's goin' around

Nothing but a bunch of empty space
             because reality is hittin' people in da' face.

      No style, no talk.
      Just a walk,

around the block,

I shouldn't even be out.
       But there is no sound

                   in my cell:

Decrease in education.

No way out, it still gonna spread.
Watch out, before people stay away
from you like you already dead.

I'm goin' to my ghostown,
Watching people from above
Having a common stare-down
They aren't the only ones to know.

All of this:
is The Pits.

No way out,
stuck doubt.
Outtake on Coronavirus while walking in town which has not been quarantine yet.
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