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1.5k · Apr 2015
Fresh Start
Lady Bird Apr 2015
a new beginning
its a fresh start
weep not on the past
think of  the memories
of happiness to last
1.4k · Feb 2017
The Silhouette
Lady Bird Feb 2017
with each gust of gloom
transparent emotions flow
a whistling tender breeze
lingering a lonely rhythm

realigning clouds of smog  
hovering tattering trees
leaving behind a silhouette
absorbing shadows of sorrow

all alone a locked heart
searching for unknown hope
humming the bitter dreams
of a darkened and lost soul
Inspiring Image ---
1.4k · Feb 2017
Haiku -- Sweet Surprise
Lady Bird Feb 2017
absorbing comprehension
so sweet like red wine
yet surprised by your wet kiss
1.4k · Sep 2016
Headed Home
Lady Bird Sep 2016
something told the wild geese it was time to go
as the soft breath of winter slowly fades away
beneath their wings it whispers "no more snow"

the chill of winter days has now gone
across mountain tops and fields of gold
the song of geese carries a distance tone

high up in the clear crystal blue skies
velvet clouds gives way to the sunshine
in V-shape form North wild geese flies

the geese call with the wind it's blown
check marking their flocks flight location
notifying relatives they're headed home
1.3k · Feb 2017
My Magic Key (Rap)
Lady Bird Feb 2017
sometimes my words can hit so instantly
that just the way that  they flow from me
powered by imagination is the best to be
its at my fingertips and its my magic key
I put my heart and soul in my creativity
making masterpieces throughout my poetry
1.3k · Jan 2015
Every Hand Dealt
Lady Bird Jan 2015
some cards hold secrets
joker's are wild
throwing things backwards
yet life's game still goes on
behind every hand dealt
1.3k · Jun 2015
JUNE (25W)
Lady Bird Jun 2015
June's vibrant lace has drifted
with the cool yet warm wind it flew
leaving behind a depth of green
to catch the Summer's morning's dew
1.3k · Mar 2016
Black Pain
Lady Bird Mar 2016
you didn't even cared to know
my sadden soul was dying
twisted in crumbling emotions
drowning me in such sorrow
the dark shadows continue to
stain my heart black with pain
the stench of worry lingers as
the tightening barbwire of stress
clawed through my mind crevices
cutting away my desire to dream leaving behind deep scars that still holds hurt
I haven't lost complete control of my heart now it's covered with fading perfume of sadness
1.3k · May 2016
Verbal Blow
Lady Bird May 2016
brings laughter, excitement and security
cuts deep like a sharp knife or
soothes like warmth of a blanket
a product of a fatal verbal blow
can grow like thorns finding its way into
the softest spot of mankind
the heart
1.3k · Dec 2016
Medusa's Melodies Of Torment
Lady Bird Dec 2016
singing her melodies of torment
hiding in a chamber of lead
awakened and degenerated
yet no one seemed to care
left lies and lost love
pulling the final thread
the heaven's bled a river of red
from the fall of her severed head
1.2k · Jan 2017
Poisoned Temptation
Lady Bird Jan 2017
don't get too drunk
that you lose reality
or blinded by the lies
told under your nose

don't get too drunk
breaking your own heart
digging a hole in your soul
for the promised illusion

don't get too drunk
that you change so much
you're unable to find yourself
ready to turn your life in

don't get too drunk
clinging to the addiction
of poisoned temptation
the alcohol of false love
1.2k · Dec 2014
I Am Who I Am
Lady Bird Dec 2014
I'm in my roller skates
filling up my bubble bath
sliding across my plate
were tumble weeds of last
nights brussels sprouts
I'm spinning in circles
chasing every dream
I finally read that old book
from the creepy attic
but I haven’t had a chance
to introduce myself

through my window the pink
rose I've planted caught my eye
my pen just ran out of ink
yes the sky still holds it's blue
and it sometimes shed tears too
walking while chewing gum
is a very hard thing to do
I think I'm making progress

I just love being me
it ****** off all the right people
who's willing to ask the question
who the hell am I?

I am who I am...Me and
I would rather be nutty than mundane
1.2k · Sep 2016
Lady Bird Sep 2016
tick tock strikes the clock
in circles two hands flow
counting seconds to minutes
moving just so very slow
year after year
all in one loop
round like a sphere
minutes to hours
a time full hoop
tick tock...tick tock
circling within the mind
the flow will never stop
searching for answers that
are so very hard to find
1.2k · Sep 2016
Embracing Souls
Lady Bird Sep 2016
yet scared
beyond no doubt
complete together
and whole
combined as one
souls united
wisdom and pride
emotions soon
to intertwine
1.2k · Jan 2015
Let Your Colors Shine
Lady Bird Jan 2015
Take A Step
Fall; But Get Back Up
Try Again Until You Get It Right
Don't Put Down Your Wings
Keep On Flying The Skies
Which Are Full Of Dreams
And In Every Cloud There's Hope
So Come Out Of Your Cocoon
Don’t  Blend Into The Crowd
Be A Part Of This Would
And Let Your Colors Shine Bright
1.2k · May 2016
Sore Throat
Lady Bird May 2016
the thorns in my throat
are hard to maintain
it needs to be known
that I am in pain
its my turn to speak
on just how I feel
its very hard to say
but I need to heal
This poem flows like a song.
I've recorded it for fun using "Talking Larry" app.
1.1k · Sep 2016
Her Heart Already Knew
Lady Bird Sep 2016
her heart it already knew
she cant hide her tears
once again she's on her own
alone there she swings
all alone there she cries

her heart it already knew
she's hurting from her core
alone carrying this burden
with stress in her heart
again there she swing alone

her heart it already knew
no one's there to comfort her
the only thing for her to do
is swing; swing away the pain
swing just to keep herself sane

her heart it already knew
the swing was not the true
reasons why she sits to cry
this is a special place to think
a place to swing away her worries

here heart it already knew
this was a world of her own
to swing; swing away the pain
here her swinging helps to erase
the stress causing her heart strain
1.1k · Jun 2016
A Simple Dirt Road
Lady Bird Jun 2016
the road in front of you is a simple dirt road
in the the middle of nowhere; one step too far
one step beyond the point of no return.
the directions has lead you astray
one winding dirt road after another
you can’t seem to find your way
you're so rattled by where to turn next
at every corner there's another road to follow
only to end up where you begun
it feel as if there's no way out of this maze
no matter how many turns you take
the right turn is the one you want to make
your destination may be unknown
with so many directions to choose
take a minute to think as you continue
you might come across some obstetricals
things might get a little puzzling
there might even be rocks blocking your path
you might get confuserd but continue to walk on
kick each small pebble and toss them aside
don't let them stop your flow
life can sometimes keep us down
there will always be a dark cloud
we cant seem to get rid of but we have
to stay strong and try to blow it away
there is a piece of sunshine for everyone
you just have to keep on walking
1.0k · Oct 2016
Lady Bird Oct 2016
my soul is alone
and wants to be held
my heart's dispirit moan
beats one ray of hope
for true love is unknown
I've watched a video
at the end a man mouths some words while  lying on the sidewalk....
this is what I imagined he said...
1.0k · Jan 2015
Lady Bird Jan 2015
caught in a spell
caged; blocked,
closed and locked
covered in tears
ink smudged
paint dried
all useless
patience is missing
running out of ink
words unclear
and unwritten
1.0k · Jun 2015
Split (15W)
Lady Bird Jun 2015
split down the middle
yet not perfect
somewhere in between
my torn heart may shatter
1.0k · Jun 2015
Star light
Lady Bird Jun 2015
there's something special
under nature's blanket
as dawn meets dusk
the moon is enchanting
stars to twinkle all about
the light engulfs the darkness
and the gentle breeze blows
enclosing the wisdom within
as Earth spins time together
1.0k · Oct 2016
Lady Bird Oct 2016
like an old used
dish towel tossed aside
like nothing at all
just hanging there
waiting to fall
stripped from love
rinsed with pain
absorbing the hurt
out comes the rain
what happened to just
leave me behind
there is no answer
to comprehend this
residue I find
1.0k · Apr 2015
Continues To Flow
Lady Bird Apr 2015
when the pen caress the paper
its able to keep the roll of thought
through every word written
the ink soaked so deep shows
a fragile soul that continues to flow
1.0k · Apr 2015
Without Creativity
Lady Bird Apr 2015
so powered by imagination
ideas they spin and twirl
around in the creative brain
while feelings drip and swirl
to paint, to draw, to write
with a quenching desire for art
everything is in clear sight

so powered by imagination
the brush on canvas work together
unlocking the doors of creativity
capturing every inspiring thought
displaying in marvelous ways the magic
flowing through every stroke of color
giving the artist a creative soul

experience is in a jar firm and cold
sealed with signs of big hopes
and dreams of lots of better things
gleaming so bright like a piece of gold
the world would lose its true beauty
and imagination will evaporate
without the power of creativity
986 · Mar 2017
Trapped Heart
Lady Bird Mar 2017
once treasured
like a gem
a strong, beating
yet fragile heart
struggling alone
caged now trapped
in hopes and fears
garding the only key
to its loving soul
977 · Feb 2017
From The Depths
Lady Bird Feb 2017
there was no way to escape
the strangling rising waters
now penetrating its hollow core
attacking from the depths of
an endless source of bubbles
sinking its last hungry breath
to the bottom sandy sea floor
this skeleton corpse lost
the little soul it had left
This image inspired me ---
964 · Dec 2016
Lonely Rhythm
Lady Bird Dec 2016
my heart locked in a lonely rhythm
whistling through a thunder storm
realigning all the stars above
oh how I've felt so all alone
his gentle tender breeze now blown
for I humm bitter dreams no more
954 · Jan 2017
You Are My Peach
Lady Bird Jan 2017
you are my ripe and tender peach
yet I strain for just one touch
you're too far away for my reach
exhausted I sit down and cry
distance proves to be too much
wow, I wish that I could fly

I take a breath and give a sigh
a mind filled with mists so deep
in a branch you are way up high
wet from my tears I drift asleep

so tightly held in your leaves
I wake with eyes opened wide
you sway under dawns soft light
my excitement I just can't hide
tender peach, my wondrous sight
942 · Mar 2016
Suductive Soul
Lady Bird Mar 2016
infused with strength
escaping the devious ways
of a dark suductive soul
continually breathing in those
spoken words known to be lies
leaving behind the scars
that's very hard to disguise
942 · May 2015
Still Lonley
Lady Bird May 2015
in each second that pass
loneliness chills my every bone
the bright silver moon did smile once
but only one sleek pale ray
it stole through my window
and almost filled my room...
what else should I say?
...I'm still lonely...
933 · Sep 2016
Autumn Tears
Lady Bird Sep 2016
within the transparent lonlyness
tainted emotions are every where
through a gust of grayish gloom
with each fallen leaf fear flows
lingering in the stale dry air
passing over each wounded branch
that absorbs the shadows of sorrow
leaving behind one bare silhouette
of a tree rooted under the moon
standing alone through all upcoming years
with no way to escape the crumbling tears
from the fallen leaves of Autumn ending
and the night chills of Winter begining
902 · Sep 2016
I Refuse To Turn Away
Lady Bird Sep 2016
flowing so gracefully across the river
I see a lovely rose with deep red tones
radiant wet gleaming petals caught my eye
should I extend my hand to revive it's beauty?
what was the reasoning of its loneliness?
was this romantic figure sent to me?
yet I refuse to turn away

looking out my bed room window
everything was in black and white
trees and grass vibrated in the wind
further down eyeing the white gate
a bright golden light caught me eye
hovering was one ray of true beauty
a long stemmed red rose stood tall with
such vibrant green and healthy leaves
yet so very far and out of my reach
should I extend my hand to capture its beauty>
what was the reasoning of its loneliness?
yet I refuse to turn away
877 · Mar 2016
So Beautifully
Lady Bird Mar 2016
throat of brass
spirits dancing
wild and free
on puffs of wind
soaring and floating
with each note  
from the depths of
my soul through  
something so beautifully  
my saxophone plays
Its own masterpiece
875 · Mar 2017
Learn From It
Lady Bird Mar 2017
ignore yesterday's rain
let it stay behind
for today is anew
tomorrow isn't promised
so live in the moment
enjoy making it last
there 's nothing to do
about the past
but learn from it
865 · May 2016
Spot The Lies
Lady Bird May 2016
an alluring portrait of beauty
a painting worth adoration
the portrayal of love
mending its flow of art
the starlit eyes
holds a broken heart
so fragile yet easy
to spot the lies
in the fallen mind
850 · May 2015
Feel Like Hiding
Lady Bird May 2015
sometimes I feel like hiding
from all the hurt and pain
from all the days and nights
filled with tears and rain
when life gets too ugly I build
a tower in my mind
floating high filled with all
the beauty I can find
a very special place that only
I know and no other can be
no certain place to go but
my dream world I see
I sometime feel like hiding
from I myself and me
848 · Jan 2015
Hand Me A Glass Of Words
Lady Bird Jan 2015
I sometimes get hit with writers block
sometimes I can’t please myself with
my own unique creations
I'm my own toughest critic which has led me
to stop writing on several occasions
when the path has been cleared
I'm unable to stop the flow of my creative
thirst; a mouth quenching desire to write
if you were to hand me a glass of words
I'll write all night
Inspired by "BeAutiFul ConFuSion" ---
I left this as a comment to their poem "Writers block'---
844 · Oct 2016
Like Wine
Lady Bird Oct 2016
many days spent waiting
behind my quiet yet
bitten lips are words
hidden deep entwining
in a special language
the dialect of love
so sweet like wine
capturing my soul
with one sip
just one kiss
from your lips
I'm drunk
835 · Nov 2015
Unsung Thoughts
Lady Bird Nov 2015
the mind it possess the tempo
of each poem that will grow
the poet hums silently as
the inks flow of harmony
tries so hard to unleash
the un-sung thoughts
wanting to break free
827 · Sep 2016
Ink Of Harmony
Lady Bird Sep 2016
the mind possess the tempo
of each poem that will grow
the poet hums silently as
the inks of harmony flow

silence within its aging pages
in an attic of hurt and true pain
it sits all alone just an old notebook

silent for too long
trying to make sense of things
hoping to unleash the
unspoken thoughts
pouring words onto paper

Shhhhh !! ....I need silence....
I'm  asking the lines
please allow ink
from my pen to purge
my emotions into its spaces
826 · Jun 2015
I Can't Remember
Lady Bird Jun 2015
I'm sitting in my thinking chair
my eyes state that I'm trying so hard
to remember but remember what?
I've placed one hand on my foreheard
yet biting my nails on the other
holding back all the pressure of forgetting
I walk across the room to see a poor lonely
yet dried and drooping flower in its ***
with wet soil the plant was watered earlier
the plant is now out of my view
but what am I to do
I still can't remember
Ha Ha.....When The Text Is Centered it looks like a light bulb...
817 · Nov 2015
Not Cool
Lady Bird Nov 2015
he fried his eggs on the stove
and cooked them real slow
still he burnt his lips to a crisp.
that's why he speaks with a lisp
he's not cool or even hip
yet from his waist he strip
because his pants were ripped
it's wasn't to show off
how well he's equipped
it was a huge slip
814 · Feb 2015
Now A Locked Door
Lady Bird Feb 2015
my gut instincts tells me right from your wrong
I am my own follower I stride to my own song
I buried the scare a mark of your betrayal
I inhaled new life my other was just too frail
I got tired of the strains of the heavy pain
I took the tragedy but it was you I blame
I took the breath of rebirth I am now a new
I left, forgot and survived you
shattered glass lays upon my floor
there once was a window now a locked door
808 · Feb 2017
Last pertal
Lady Bird Feb 2017
sturdy stem of throns
a fragile soul grow
strung like barbwire
withering very slow

soft to the touch
older day by day
no longer admired
perfume fading away

folding over in sorrow
petals they slowly fade
from the dying rose
losing beauty it has made

last petal crumbles
dusting Earth's floor
for the dying rose
happiness is no more
806 · May 2015
Bottled Up Thoughts
Lady Bird May 2015
seeping from  my wounded heart my tears are
dripping down the damp pages of my notebook
my pen  it pours the ink deep from my tattered soul
my sadden puffy covered face reveals all the pain
of the stressful, messy and  misty bottled up thoughts
that rolls across every straight line untangling  each
and every confused knot that was held within too long
it is time to force them out though these words I write
thoughts, untangle, words, dripping, ink, notebook
792 · Feb 2017
Sucked Dry
Lady Bird Feb 2017
thoughts are draining
from every inch of my mind
yet I can't find the last line

I'm slaving at my desk
racking my brain for
the perfect words

my soul is ****** dry
not one single drop of
inspiration for me to try
773 · Feb 2017
Keep Trying
Lady Bird Feb 2017
it takes time to sort through
sometimes you may get lost
it might be mind boggling
but keep  trying don't give up

I'm starting over fresh
putting the past behind
and moving forward with
every Tic and every Toc
with every minute passing
upon the great clock
I lose a little Yet
I gain alot...
770 · Mar 2017
Curved Creatively
Lady Bird Mar 2017
I write because the paper listens
to the tears and laughter of my soul
like blood pumping though my vanes
seeping ink drips down the damp pages
as I write across every straight line
the messy confused bottled up thoughts
turn into questions running through my head
high above my neck it sits holding it all in
just think of what my brain is going through
my pen may scribble to fill the page
with words written from my soul
yet it transforms all my thoughts
never before told

my pen takes hold of the paper
as I hold the flow of my thoughts
floating through the lines on each page
riding the waves of concept
that takes flight
thoughts are like birds
so many in groups
bunched together
one by one loose
feathers drop
here and there
falling out of line
yet finds its place
ether speaking in flight
or written in words
the paper listens
that's why I write

my words can hit instantly as you can see
I have to jot them down as they spark..
or they just might fly away from me
I write because the paper listens
for inspiration it can vanish so quickly
sometimes my thoughts may flow fast
if I stop in the middle I lose the imagery
causing my pen to trip over words
leaving behind a big mess of typos
then the bad grammar is exposed
my pen may scribble to fill the page
with words written from my soul
yet it transforms all my thoughts
never before told

just to let you know
my words can hit instantly
that's just how I be
most of my writings
are free style poetry
my mind possess the tempo
as each poem I write grows
I the poet hum silently as
my ink of harmony flows
from my quenching desire
my mind and fingers they
think much faster than me
unleashing unspoken thoughts
silent for too long I can not be
the paper listens and gets drenched
with thoughts of my hot to the touch
written emotions curved creatively
769 · Jul 2016
Lady Bird Jul 2016
fish... fish... fish
in the pond today
I'm in need of a wish
please get out my way

rain... rain... rain
from the sky today
please do explain
why treat me this way?

grass... grass... grass
yes I see the wet grass
I'll just tip-toe on pass
CRAP! I fall on my ***

do,,, do... do
what should I do?
YUCK! gooey gooey goo
sticky gum on my shoe

gee... gee... gee
no umbrella with me
its just not my day
CRAP! I for got my key

phone... phone... phone
my battery is low
please don't  die
I need to call home

hair... hair... hair
get out my eye
its just not fair
I dont want to cry

wet... wet... wet
so freaking wet
this day is so my
unluckiest day yet

stuck... stuck... stuck
trapped under this
black cloudy sky
so much bad luck

today... today... today
I wish it would just
leave me alone
hurry up and  go away

I wish... I wish... I wish...
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