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763 · Sep 2018
Gleamed Beauty
Lady Bird Sep 2018
springing through the tall trees
the misty drops danced as moisture
blossomed a rhythm with the breeze
surrounded dewed flowers softly swayed
gently overlapping the green grassy hill
moonlight walked across the peaceful air
floating with such an extraordinary thrill
like pearls around the neck of life raindrops fell
and nature's beauty gleamed everywhere
Inspiring Word Bank Challenge; Using These Words:
Moonlight, Flowers, Raindrops, Blossom, Extraordinary
759 · Jan 2015
My Willow - Haiku
Lady Bird Jan 2015
under my willow
with a flower in his mouth
my puppy sleeps
willow, freestyle, haiku, puppy, flower
758 · Jan 2015
Truth May Be Messy
Lady Bird Jan 2015
lies they cover the heart with
a very thin see through mask
yet no heart is made of stone
those words of jagged lies
they cut through the bone
causing some tattered edges
of puffy pain filled eyes
leaving continuing scars

the truth may hurt causing
a misty covered mirror
a tear or two may chip
opening the eyes answering
those questions in thought
causing doubt but never asked
the truth may be a bit messy
but it will always set you free
inspired by "Amanda Goodness" --
from her profile message ---“The truth is messy. It's raw and uncomfortable. You can't blame people for preferring lies.”
750 · May 2015
Lady Bird May 2015
my voice saunters
climbing inside my head
slowly I places one word
at a time
I try to underline my feelings
by listening
742 · May 2016
Glass World
Lady Bird May 2016
undermy stormy eyes
filled with sorrow and pain
standing drenched in tears
falling like silver sheets of metal
like a hawk in the night I'm listening
to the sound of my pounding heart
tasting my own salty tears

pressing my face against my mirror studding
all the possibilities of what was wrong
closed my eyes silently like the shutters
that hung over my bed room windows
then very gently, I took another look
alone in this glass world wanting to scream
but I can't because every wall was easy to break

mind was struggling to escape from this darkness
it felt like a tightened noose around my throat
fighting for air I could feel my body falling
this is madness, insanity, I'm so confused and lost
all I feel is the pain like a fist in my stomach
I just stood there staring at the floor with tears in my eyes
I never thought my heart would break because I guarded is so well
735 · Sep 2018
Guess Its Name
Lady Bird Sep 2018
drips of joy
some of pain
peel me you'll
find restrain
liked or disliked
I‘m all the same
aroma and sight
so guess my name


don't take these
words by surprise
you might shed tears
from your eyes
many have complained
that I'm a nuisance yet
who I am is who I am and
can't help how I was named
open your eyes cant you see
an "ONION" thats just me...
728 · Sep 2018
Meeting Over
Lady Bird Sep 2018
a sip of coffee
a puffed out cigarette
a nonchalant nod
with a goodbye
Write In 14 Words Only Using This Quote Prompt --
" There is something of yourself that you leave at every meeting with another person" ~~Fred Rogers
727 · Sep 2016
Lady Bird Sep 2016
walls closing in
no where to turn
in this dark room

four corners
sealing the cracks

being cautious
closed doors

lost thoughts
cubed inside

four huge walls
must get out of
this locked box
714 · Sep 2016
Friends Through Poetry
Lady Bird Sep 2016
friends are still friends
through words or not
sometimes their words
are all they've got...
letter to letter
they can communicate
a letter of words
can inform a friend
"No I didn't forget
your birth date"
the message just
got to them late
but all in all the
message got through
they might even send
one back to Thank You.

friends are still friends
it doesn't really matter
from distances close or afar
words can be spoken
from wherever you are
typed or even by hand
words can also be written
to or from a friend

letters or poems
of rhythm or rhyme
a friend? to that I say
"sure" a friend I'll be
if you'll be one of mine
a friend.... YIP-EEE !!!
a friend of POETRY
( Keith Edward Baucum) asked me a QUESTION:
"Can I be your friend just a friend through poetry.".?
And this poem is my ANSWER:
709 · Oct 2016
Music Of The Night
Lady Bird Oct 2016
eerie music of the night
creeps rustling through
the falling leaves whistling
the rhythm of the wind

each brittle branch is
tat-tat-tat-tattering a
beat flowing against the
tossed confetti of leaves

natures natural music
is sung every night
but once a year in October
Halloween holds its concert
Lady Bird Jun 2015
PASSION is tied and crocheted together
with unraveling PLEASURE twisted in emotions
a sadden soul is dying yet no one cares to know
sorrow is drowning any small faint of GLOW
covered in the shadows of a sandy desert island
the stench of worry LINGERS the air as
hesitation stains the heart black with PAIN
like a FIRE that has not completely lost control
a wall of distrust stands with burning halls
of brick crumbling through the mind crevices
strangled by the tightened barbwire of MEMORIES
poking and cutting through the DESIRE to dream
leaving behind deep scars that still hold HURT
there's no TIME to question the INSTINCT
this heart that was once filled with LOVE
is now covered with a fading perfume of sadness
there's no way to escape this TUNNEL of confusion
this garden of hell has taken over ever inch of
this MISTAKEN yet unsolved JOURNEY
word bank challenge 15 bold words
694 · Jul 2016
Changed Text Tone
Lady Bird Jul 2016
I finally got the chance
To change the tone
It was just right
A brand new one too 

...Days past...
...No calls...
...No text...

I sat in my quiet room
In front of my desk
With no sound  around
A good time to think
A good time to write
Yep all alone
In my own world

Always before I begin
I take in a deep breath
Just to get things flowing

...WOW !!! ...

At that very moment
I heard it
Loud as day
It Echoed
Through the room
With good acoustics
Because of all the
wood floors

flipping out my chair
I flew just sliding
Across the room
I hit the floor hard
I was punched off guard
Choaking on my enhale
Laughing with my exhale

Yep! no scratches
No bumps or bruises
Up off the floor I jumped
Just fine I am

Oh yeah
That's right
I just remembered
What tone it was
I set
My own high pitched voice

"Someone's Texting You"

LOL...LOL... LOL...

This has really happened
Yet it is all so very true
I'm still laughing on the inside
And yes if you were there
You'd be laughing too...
694 · Sep 2016
Blanketing The Day
Lady Bird Sep 2016
caressing the tree tops stale wind blows
like a stalker creeping on their tippi-toes
transparent darkness across the sky it flows
lost in this view where just a bit of sun shows
blaketing day the night through time it goes
690 · Sep 2016
Lady Bird Sep 2016
I am afraid to imagine  
I don't know what
could make me happier
to shake the hand of
a new found friendship
to really get to know someone
talk for a while
never judge by looks
or just a pretty smile
what really matters is
whom we find inside  
we have to see whats there
we might be surprised of the
friendships we could share
we have to analyze, ask questions
and take the time to get to know them
yet it's not always easy to open up
never judge their book by its cover
don't over look the qualities
that looks can sometimes hide
I received a note from "Desire rod"  in her message she sent this link---

I didn't really understand what she was asking... but  I think
she wanted me to write a new poem with the same meaning...
and I wrote one as I replied to her message....
and ...... here it is.....

What do you think???
(9/21/16) 2:26am
687 · Apr 2015
Couldn't Cry
Lady Bird Apr 2015
tore down my walls
bleeding me dry
laughing aloud
and I couldn't even cry
684 · Jan 2015
Purge My Words
Lady Bird Jan 2015
I sometimes get one of those headaches
that lingers thinking it's gone but it's not
I feel there isn't much I can do but purge my words
onto my paper asking the lines to take it away
I need to put these emotions somewhere
I have been silent too long and I'm hoping my mind
stays on track and the head ache goes away

change is inevitable
the world is spinning
but I feel lost in time
trying to make sense of things
but there was never sense...
only feelings....I feel too much...

the wind may change directions
and blow gray shadowed skies
over me blocking my concentration
driving my mind crazy

I try so hard to change the way the wind
is blowing but my thoughts leaves behind
many questions and yet sometimes I don't
even feel like answering with "why" or
"I don't know" yet those thoughts continue

I take in a deep breath and the gray
will fade making things better
I just keep moving forward with my chin up
its never easy but everything will be alright

its a brand new year yet
sometimes I just want
the days to last longer
but times does fly by
with no way to slow it down
no matter how hard I try

I float through time just
like birds soaring the sky
I live life to it fullest yet
changing with each step I take
the steps that I make as go
are for my next generation to follow

I am still able to keep my flow
through every word I type or write
I can feel just what and how I feel
it really inspires me for this I know
Yes I do, I do really understand
I must be patient for it takes time to heal
I can tell that all will be ok

change is such a good thing to see
for without change the Earth just might
stop its spin; then where would I be?
680 · Jan 2017
Blade Of Lies
Lady Bird Jan 2017
torn by the blade of lies
the core of the hurting soul
hanging from the thread of love
a trapped heart no longer whole
678 · Oct 2016
Your Lost Not Mine
Lady Bird Oct 2016
I'm leaving you behind
this is our last kiss
and for that I am fine
my past is where you'll be
it was all your fault
it will be me you'll miss
I'm done; finally free
to make something new
it's your lost not mine
Goodbye I'm ride of you
674 · Jan 2017
Weaver Of Words
Lady Bird Jan 2017
like paint through bristles
ink is spilling out
of my overfilled pen
bleeding onto the paper

scribbling notes
in a usual cliche
curling my words
hoping they stay

for a weaver of words
I am without any
I couldn't describe
snatches of my sanity

writing is an extension
of the mind and
I am out of mine
Lady Bird May 2015
that first moment
I lose myself
I cant remember but
its carved deep in my heart
I just know
I'll surrendered
to something greater
than anything else
I live my life  
searching for it
again and again
its not lust
its not passion
just what can it be?
that moment is it  
662 · Feb 2017
Held To My Ear
Lady Bird Feb 2017
sunshine lingers land
over receding tides
seashells on the sand
carring the ocean within
with a warm gentle touch
there silent whispers unfold
held to my ear I listen
as a beautiful story is told
659 · Sep 2016
Crying Heart
Lady Bird Sep 2016
a false clay mask
covers clenched faces
hoping the edges wont break
held together by the cracks
of the bitten lips
a single drop of pain
reignite the agony
for silent it wont remain
behind the quiet yet heavy
mind full of deep confusion
black clouds of frustration
overlaps the screams of the
crying heart
655 · Feb 2017
Hung In Sorrow
Lady Bird Feb 2017
hanging by threads
from the core
her trapped heart
with a hurting soul

blades of lies
penetrates digging holes
of deep darkness
leaving emptiness within

her clawed face
and sadden soul
she fears death
covered in tears

worry lingers through
her confused brain
staining her mind
black with pain

her heart echos
the false love
the promised illusion
and poisoned temptation

dripping wet eyes
filled up with
tears of hesitation
crying for solitude

hung in sorrow
chained against walls
of dark depression
reflecting yesterday's rain

around her neck
a tightened noose
coated with barbwire
hurt and pain

left all alone
with no mask
concealing the shadows
choking her soul

leading her through
a loneliness maze
loosing the shape
of her whole

the lost young
girl she was
has completely vanished
into thin air

now she is
a confused woman
living in her
own garden's hell
Inspiring image --
653 · Dec 2014
Bows Of Lies (15w)
Lady Bird Dec 2014
a knotted kiss
in a bow of lies
bounded in bliss
yet undone in sighs
651 · Jan 2015
Have I Loss My Muse?
Lady Bird Jan 2015
no lit light bulb
or wowing spark
has hit me yet!
I've opened every
phone line and every
book or magazine
I could find
they use to bulge with my
dreams & aspirations
today my eyes are down
and my ears are wired shut
I think I've loss my muse
will I remain uninspired?
649 · Sep 2018
A Through Z
Lady Bird Sep 2018
each fallen letter
scattered the tabletop
sliding their shadows behind
from the darkness into light
A through Z
the alphabet yearns for
their wording placement
Inspiring picture here---
648 · Jan 2017
Flight Of Nature
Lady Bird Jan 2017
the flight of nature under its feet
embracing and absorbing the world
floating high above in plain sight
singing its lovely song so sweet
spreading its gentle wings so light
soaring through life's wonderful sky
full of desire sailing so gracefully
through the colors of the rainbow
its destination may be unknown
yet with its determination it will fly
646 · Jan 2017
Tongue Of Confusion
Lady Bird Jan 2017
when the words are hard to express out loud
or other people just can't seem to understand
I write to release all my anger or frustration
grabbing a pen or a sharpened pencil in my hand
leaving smudged lead or wet ink on my finger tips
scribbling jotting down all the thoughts that attack
conquering my mind trying hard to escape my lips
releasing emotions that pull me down or hold me back
the knotted tongue of confusion is loosen now untied
I'm able to climb out from the depths of the dark pit
grabbing Life's sturdy rope that depression tried to hide
641 · Dec 2016
Set Me Free
Lady Bird Dec 2016
cute,funny, smart
makes you wonder
whats behind the smile
charming, sweet, satisfying
may sooth the urge
for a little while
yet not your cup of tea
not a toy on a string
I've made up my mind
I'm not your play thing
I refuse to waste more
of my precious time
if you love me why wont
you just set me free?
635 · Jan 2017
My Lasso Of Words
Lady Bird Jan 2017
there are as many definitions
of poetry as there are poets
as a writer I feel poetry is
a form of art; the antidote for
depression an illness that can
take a away all hope from a
determined soul with a passion
for living life but not enough
strength to climb from the deep
pit of darkness that shadows the heart

I know from experience that
poetry is a powerful antidote
yet it may not cure depression
but will help keep it under control
my mind I know is an ocean flooded
with feelings, emotions and thoughts
when its too hard to say what I feel I
grab my pen and poetry become the paint
of my unspoken thoughts

poetry is my lasso of words that has
pulled barbwire of confused thoughts
from the crevices of my thinking mind
bridging from the rocky cliffs of frustration
to the solid valley covered lands of peace

hidden in the hovering clouds of depression
is a locked door that blocks the exit of
a crisp and clear wonderful world holding
the true beauty of imagination hostage yet
to free the darkened soul use the antidote for
it is the powerful key unlocking creativity
as a writer I call this; the key of "POETRY"
614 · Sep 2016
Her Drink
Lady Bird Sep 2016
broke her heart did he
there was no time to think
was it her fault thought she
a glass of ***** was her drink
was it the glass that he forebid
or the slip of her tongue and sadden face
for told a huge lie is what she did
her heart in her ears poundin at a fast pace
tears ran down her cheeks from her eyes
she dare not look at him any more
for it was him that she despize
that's what she was drinking for
I feel drinking, drugs, or even suicide is NEVER a solution to any temporary problem.
608 · Dec 2016
Castle Of Beauty
Lady Bird Dec 2016
a stone castle of beauty
standing on the edge of day
where freedom's spirit lies
a lonely wounded beast
with eyes up to the skies

a dream plain and simple
streams of gentle chills
winds creassing the skin
spreading arms like wings
to jump the tallest hills
601 · Jan 2015
Lady Bird Jan 2015
my smile is like a waterfall
I'm standing under its flow
my heart it is so very sad
my tears they drop so slow

my eyes are soggy and very wet
my cheeks are two red fire *****
stained with so such pain
for my true love I've not found yet
593 · Jan 2017
Blind Love
Lady Bird Jan 2017
a kiss with a gaze
life that will catch
the faded stars

normal qulities
active in the mind
highly above dreams

the soul speaks
fighting to find
a pair of fresh eyes

a peaceful voice can
silently be Loud
yet love is blind
588 · Jan 2015
I Define Poetry
Lady Bird Jan 2015
there are so many definitions of poetry
yet the lines shout out my name
it's time to release some of my pain
write words about love and hate
as fast as I can, at every rate
pick up a pen, begin to write
start with an idea, a thought, a light
dreams and hopes are in creation
my pen turn curves with such imagination
emotion spilling out on every line
with a flow, a mark, with rhythm and rhyme
explaining a point with a written voice
revealing my life, showing my choice
feelings splashing on each page
I am no longer in my quiet stage
let it all out and set it all free
I call it my definition of poetry

me as a poet use my written words
and my canvas is you; "the reader"...
587 · Dec 2014
Bottled Thoughts
Lady Bird Dec 2014
bottled with emotions of
impatient confused  thoughts
hopping lily-pads and jumping rocks
my brain holds it all
like a shooken soda bottle
....fizz...fizz....fizz...zzzzzzz..  ..

WAIT !!!  don't twist the cap..

my mind is like an incubator
for it may take a while for a good
idea to develop
578 · Jan 2017
Shipwrecked Thoughts
Lady Bird Jan 2017
Can the ocean really get flooded?.
when the ocean in my brain gets flooded ......

my thoughts are tangled up
in the tornado twisting and turning
in my head surrounding my brain that fight
through the tossing thoughts, emotions and
feelings that my lips may have trouble speaking
my pen is the oar I use to pull my drowning soul
out from the troubles waters

The ship wreck of words sail through
the rough thinking waters running fast
causing a whirlpool headache as they
fight pushing and clawing at my brain walls
yet surviving thoughts that were able to brake
free from the storm of depression they smudge
a trail through the dripping wet ink falling from
my oar of a writing pen dragging behind the
clustering drift wood of lost words smearing
through the lines of the solid land of paper

my brain calms down a bit to inspect the
rest stop of provided free range of open
writing space clearing the way for all the
injured broken pieces of memories and
lost thoughts that were still floating behind
the mind is trying to stay focus by thinking,
searching for any surviving notions or ideas
that hangs there on the tip of my tongue

tossing out the remembering lifesavers to
pull in other surfacing thoughts that wants
and need to be revived from the fallen debris
clustered crews of gathered thoughts form as
my pen holds the ink of hope and inspiration
dragging my down confused depressed soul
to safety by writing my trapped untold story

ink its flowing through the valleys of paper
marking detailing the saved unspoken words
freed from the clutches of depressions prison
my brain can now release its story through my
scrawling pen that I hold in my writing hand

There are always traps of frustration, confusion and
depression; which is the worse pitfall of them all
the war from the thinking process is never over
preparing for their battle I take the action to grab
the already loaded weapon for writing; the "INK PEN"
578 · Feb 2017
Dead End
Lady Bird Feb 2017
echoed steps faster pace
shadows on every corner
running with no destination
tripping over her confusion
she's now on the ground
eyes covered with fright
574 · Jul 2015
To Be Written
Lady Bird Jul 2015
my thoughts are chasing the words
as my mind attempts to catch them
before they fly away and disappear
my pen taps breaking the silence
the ink awaits its turn to touch
the blue lines of my white paper
which holds the empty space for
what ever I want to be written
568 · Jan 2015
Things Do Change
Lady Bird Jan 2015
its a brand new year yet
sometimes we just want
the days to last longer
but times does fly by
with no way to slow it down
no matter how hard we try

we float through time just
like birds soaring the sky
we live life to the fullest yet
changing with each step we take
the steps that we make as we go
are for our next generation to follow

change is such a good thing to see
for without change the Earth just might
stop its spin; then where would we be?
558 · Apr 2016
Over Lapping Lies
Lady Bird Apr 2016
failed yet false
exploding smile
belly full of butterflies
heart skipping pulse
in lost of illusive alibis
time measured and deceiving
lies over lapping lies

teeth and fist  
tightly secured
hard as stone
belly knot tied
blocked tears
it was me
who cried

living through silent droplets
that fall from the eyes
unable to forget the wounds
written by the fallen lies
down the red stained cheeks
with belly knots and ties
the broken hearts hurt soul
tries its best to hold on while
hope is slowly being stolen
by lies over lapping lies
558 · Jan 2015
The Letter
Lady Bird Jan 2015
no words in the world
could really describe
what I feel deep inside
I wrote a letter in my mind
that turned into a message
that I wanted to send
hoping you it will find
by sailing through the wind

I received your letter one day
it really had me thinking
bringing tears to my eyes
with no real reason why
friends I thought we were you and I
but all I found inside was
the sad words "Good-bye"
548 · Sep 2016
To Write Or Not To Write
Lady Bird Sep 2016
my thoughts aren't always sublime
my grammar could be right or wrong
trapping my mind; forming a block
where the words might be hard to find
a notebook in my pocket; a pen in my hand
always seeing everything so inspiring
sometimes others can't seem to comprehend
leaving wet ink to dry on my finger tips
dreaming, thinking, jotting down the thoughts
that's conquering my mind trying to escape my lips
being who I am I make writing an everyday task
for there seems to always be something on my mind
to write or not to write is the question to ask
544 · Apr 2015
Lady Bird Apr 2015
draw my blood
snap my bones
monitor beats
probe each part
put through each test
to find what's wrong
I already know
I have a broken heart
blood, freestyle, bones, heart, test, monitor, broken, probe
543 · Jun 2016
Lady Bird Jun 2016
once treasured like a gem strong and free
withered and withdrawn now like a falling tree

I arise to seek the questions as to why
this once sparkling gem is becoming so wry

my heart can endure love; upset it cant take
but overdose it with pain it will soon break

my mind holds thoughts that no one can comprehend
my heart holds feelings that only I can understand

I am my own trapped prisoner struggling to break free
yet the fragile woman I am can break in two so easily

buried deep in both hopes and fears
a locked door hides all my falling tears

anger its biting every bit of my pondering soul
causing me to loose the shape of my whole
539 · Feb 2017
Her Heart
Lady Bird Feb 2017
loving her was his promised vow
she gave him her heart
all he did was take it for granted
519 · Dec 2014
Intertwined (15w)
Lady Bird Dec 2014
tree of pure gold
intertwined branches
blossoms of beauty
gives a thrill of
true nature
515 · Jan 2017
Enchanting Beauty
Lady Bird Jan 2017
the traquilled waters flowed
awaking her inner child
light engulfs the darkness
enclosing her past behind

enchanting beauty shines
hidden under nature's blanket
something very special
calling her soul of pure bliss

deep and beyond the underworld
she has finally arrived safely
just where she was meant to be
home within the seams of the sea
511 · Jan 2017
Monster Of The Soul
Lady Bird Jan 2017
she failed to take a breath
as her darkened thoughts
penetrate through the
hollow core of her soul
the feeling of nausea hit and
came with her fear of death

worry lingered her thinking brain
covering the walls with ugliness
her mind is stained black with pain
what was she to do; leave or weep?
there was no comprehension of the
monster which she was about to meet

she's choking on falling tears
that claw down her sadden face
there's no escaping the monster
in the crevices of her mind
hovering her deepest thoughts

with no mask concealing the
shadows of her darkened fears
she had no time at all to inhale
dripping wet eyes filled up with
hesitation crying tears of sadness
that has taken over her warm soul

the monster trapping her soul
strangles her with a tightened
noose coated with hurt and pain
its barbwire teeth of darkness
holds her head down very low
chaining her against the wall
she hangs there deep in sorrow
away from the world all alone
reflecting on yesterday's rain

she could not speak; her silence caused
her tears to tumble the damaged thoughts
down every line of the damp pages smudged
with her words of the hurt and pain that
covered every inch of her inside journal

there is true darkness trapping her soul
leading her through a maze of loneliness
causing her to loose the shape of her whole
the young girl she use to be has vanished
leaving her a confused woman living in her
own garden of hell
Inspiring Image --->
498 · Jun 2016
Lady Bird Jun 2016
behind the deep scars
of a sadden soul
stained with pain
a heart so fragile
cant easily spot all
the falling lies

hard as stone
stained cheeks
a false smile
belly knots and ties
all because of the
over lapping lies

even though
there is a door
tightly nailed shut
through its crevices
are broken hopes
and shattered dreams

eyes droping tears
slowly reflecting
forgetton wounds
of hurt and pain
believe it or not
denial does exist
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