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4.8k · Jun 2015
Alice R-P Jun 2015
Have questions
and question
everything you see,
should believe.
It is a way
to find answers
to Your needs
and the consonance in Yourself
You ultimately seek.
4.5k · Jun 2015
Alice R-P Jun 2015
Mesmerizing mirage,
Ephemeral envisage,
Ineffable infatuation
Felt from
Sudden serendipity.
3.5k · Jun 2015
Skinny Dipping
Alice R-P Jun 2015
When starting a new relationship,
You will have to take off all
What's covering You,
Rip down the built up walls.
Similarly as going skinny dipping into the sea,
Leaving everything to the shore,
Jumping into the unknowing-
Naked and vulnerable,
Hoping for something fresh,
Something more.
3.0k · Jun 2015
From Flicker to Flame
Alice R-P Jun 2015
The candle is lit,
It flickers in front of me,
Just like my heart inside.
The light plays around,
Not staying quite steady,
Just like my thoughts in my mind.

The seemingly calm flame,
Unexpectedly starts to ignite,
Just like my feelings for You.
The candle burns out,
But I believe and have faith,
That our love will live staying true.
2.4k · Jun 2015
Thank You Dad
Alice R-P Jun 2015
One man in my life
Who would never leave,
He has stayed around
Protecting me.

One man in my life
Who is always supportive
Giving advice from his experience
Wanting us to follow his lead.

One man in my life
Who has thousand ideas daily,
And is striving for
Turning them into reality.

One man in my life
Who is willing to give
Everything and even more
To his daughters and his family.

Don't be sad,
That we are growing up so fast,
We'll still be there and Your little girls
Thanking You for being our Dad.
2.1k · May 2016
The Unknown
Alice R-P May 2016
The unknown tries to frighten me,
throw me off guard, and knock me off my feet.
I am blind, when it comes to the future,
and do not have eyes that could see.
But whatever may come,
I trust myself to be strong,
to take control and move on-
Because that's my story to tell everyone.
2.1k · Jun 2015
Depicting Emotions
Alice R-P Jun 2015
When put to words
They do not feel the same.
When said out loud,
Come across as burned out flames-
They seem as somewhat distorted,
Not what You see inside,
Rather concealed and tamed,
The intensity not quite portrayed,
On the equivalent high tide.
2.0k · Jun 2015
Universal Language
Alice R-P Jun 2015
Love is an universal language.
Is it truly?
Feels like everyone has their own dialect,
With which they are born with
And do not get to select.
From these
Most I have hard time to decipher,
Some I can grasp,
A small number I seem to comprehend,
A handful I understand,
But only in one
I am completely fluent in.
1.9k · Jun 2015
The Lightness of Your Being
Alice R-P Jun 2015
A handful of berries,
A heart full of joy,
These are the moments,
In the summer to enjoy.

The lightness of Your body,
Your eyes have a gleam,
Living is so effortless
It nowadays seems.

Bathing in the sunrays,
Mind is at ease,
These are the days,
You should undoubtedly seize.
1.8k · May 2015
Intrinsic Force
Alice R-P May 2015
They encourage me to understand what I lack,
They force me to strengthen my core,
They influence me wanting to become better,
They tell me there is something I can strive for.

They are my frustrating frustrations,
They are my weaknesses and my flaws.
They compel me to open my eyes,
Ergo I can see vividly more.
1.7k · Mar 2016
My existence
Alice R-P Mar 2016
I was torn from where I belong.
I had to adapt and be strong.
I stare into the distance.
Reassuring the purpose of my existence.
1.5k · Feb 2016
The Power
Alice R-P Feb 2016
The Power
it sees.
1.2k · Feb 2016
The Depth of It
Alice R-P Feb 2016
When You  caress my cheek with Your palm,
When You run Your fingers through my hair,
When You  look me in the eyes and smile,
It's the only thing I hear.

When You nod to affirm I'm understood,
When You kiss me before You leave,
When You gently grab my hand,
It's the only thing I see.

When You know how to make me laugh,
When You know the right way to console me,
When You take me in Your arms,
It's the only thing I feel.

There is no need to say the words,
Without them I grasp the depth of it-
I can hear, see and feel
All the love You have for me.
1.1k · Jun 2015
Terrified of Cats
Alice R-P Jun 2015
Behind the deceptive exterior,
Strong walls that have been built,
Is something different from expected.

A mouselike soul
Having feelings of distress,
Needing to be protected.

Afraid of getting hurt,
Not obtaining chosen goals,
Not being the one who's selected.

Fear of being judged,
And going unheard,
Scared of not being accepted.

Wanting to hide from the world
To the safe hole in the wall
Believing it can't be trapped in there.
1.0k · Jun 2015
Alice R-P Jun 2015
Feet in the grass,
Feet in the sand,
Feet in the water,
My hand in Your hand.

My lips on Your lips,
My eyes gazing Yours,
Your grinning makes me smile
Like an uncanny force.

You move me,
You soothe me,
You know me,
And still love me.
935 · May 2015
Alice R-P May 2015
The daisy told her: "He loves You!"
The wind whispered softly: "He cares!"
She looks at the stars and wonders
Which road she took that got her here.

The path taken was not kindled by sun,
The moon certainly did not lead the way,
And all she can see is the tenebrity
That is left from the once exuberant day.

He promised to bring her the moon,
He even told he will take her up there.
He consoled her when feeling blue,
He assured her he will always be here.

The daisy tells her: "He loved You!"
The wind whispers softly: "He cared!"
"Was it all for real?"
She wonders.
Or was it only in her Head.
912 · Jun 2015
Humanity to Insanity
Alice R-P Jun 2015
From it You came,
And because of it You live,
It awarded You Your existence,
And proceeds to give.

Invites You in its arms,
Is welcoming and warm.
Provides You with abundance,
Everyday offering more.

And what do You give back?
Besides tearing everything down
To utmost obliteration
Leaving an open wound.

You don’t stop to notice,
You preserve less and less,
And the weaker links
Are near the extinction process.

You continue the demolition,
For the „greater good“ You say,
Wiping out what’s left,
Until nothing feels the same.

I warn You, there will be a day
You won't be opening Your eyes.
There is a rule You can not change-
Without the greenery Everything dies.
889 · Jun 2015
Alice R-P Jun 2015
Grey skies,
Green eyes,
Yellow autumn leaves.
Your hand
Against my cheek,
Caressing it tenderly.

Piercing weather,
Warm embrace,
There isn't much I need.
Howling wind,
At peace inside,
I'll follow You, just lead.

Heavy rainfall,
Lightness within,
It feels like a calming song.
No why's,
Only highs,
Alongside You I belong.
882 · Jun 2015
Childhood Dreams
Alice R-P Jun 2015
As a child we all had dreams,
Back then so childish ones they seemed.
As a grownup You will hear
The child inside You starts to scream.
Wanting to be noticed,
Desperate and hoping
The roads can still be changed
Dreams to reality will be made.
862 · Jun 2015
Those Three Words
Alice R-P Jun 2015
The sky above us is ablaze,
You can almost feel the heat
From the colors of dark orange and red.
Your presence is putting me in a daze,
And up me You lift,
With all that's being said.
The sea has quieted down,
And the wind is noiselessly
Swishing through the straws, the sand, my humid hair.
Looking deep in Your eyes I know
I can say those three words finally,
I am certain I am there.
857 · May 2015
Alice R-P May 2015
Here in the midst of the nature I lay,
On the petals of the fragile Bluebells.
And the Blue Stars and the Yellow Stars,
Surrounded by their tantalizing smell.

Will You show me the way,
My Blues and Yellows,
At the times I go astray.

My little Bluebells oh so lovely-
Can You play me my dearest song,
When I am blue and head feels heavy.

And You over there,
My Small Blue Wonder,
From You I ask the simple things.
Please fill me with the life and wonder,
So I could go and spread my wings.
851 · Mar 2016
Alice R-P Mar 2016
Early warmness
From the sunbeams.
Birds chirping and hornets
Annoyingly buzzing.
Morning dew
On the verdant green.
Wind rustling through
The naked tree branches,
Waiting for the burgeoning
That announce the beginning anew.
844 · Feb 2016
Passage of Time
Alice R-P Feb 2016
Lips smile, hearts sing,
Early in the morning.
Black coffee for two
In the afternoon.

Hours passing by,
Your hand still holding mine,
Thus, I have no fear,
During the dinner feast.

Waves are calming on the sea,
While we're having the high tea.
We lay here, the beginning now so far,
Above us the moon and the stars.

Good moments, better moments,
The best and the worst
Seem as seconds lived long ago
In the only life that we know.
843 · Jun 2015
Life's Mysteries
Alice R-P Jun 2015
The smell of coffee in the morning
Reminds me of those with You.
Breakfast in bed,
Under the blankets until noon.

There was no haste
To some place else,
In each others arms,
Savouring the sweet embrace.

The nights were bright,
Sky overflowing with stars,
On the ground we lay,
Searching for the North star and Mars.

Picking out flowers from the meadow,
Under the vast blue yonder,
Making flower crowns together,
Filling each other with laughter and wonder.

Attempting to unravel the life's mysteries,
To untangle all the knots and twists,
Struggling to give answers to all the questions,
Still staying ecstatic to be alive and coexist.
838 · Jun 2015
The Peak
Alice R-P Jun 2015
Through the obscure woodland,
Under the path shown by starry sky,
Over the hillock of misery,
Finally standing on the mountaintop high above.
Staying there forever
Is impossible,
And without the rough ascent
Tumbling back down
Is inescapable,
Being ready for it, though,
Is sensible,
And not remaining down there defeated,
Is reasonable.
822 · Nov 2016
Alice R-P Nov 2016
Sincere thoughts,
Big eyes,
Happy hearts,
the need to know "Why?".
Pure emotions,
Dreaming big.
Once, I was like them,
Once, I was a kid.
808 · Jun 2015
Lost and Found
Alice R-P Jun 2015
Sauntering in the streets,
Rain drops falling down,
I'm just following my feet.

Lost in countless thoughts,
Head above the clouds
Dark grey and heavy.

It is myself I found,
After the sounds
Had finally quieted down.
789 · Aug 2016
Alice R-P Aug 2016
Falling stars
In the night sky
Away so far
And here I lie-
On the ground
But still so high,
In the nothingness,
Under the moon,
And the sun,
Wondering why
And how
It all began.
733 · Jun 2015
The song of the heart
Alice R-P Jun 2015
I can hear its voice,
It is pulsating, yet so soft.
I apprehend the message,
It calls out to me and You.

It will be hard, I know,
But I have to go through the passage,
And allow myself to be vulnerable,
To experience feelings anew.
724 · Mar 2017
What lasts
Alice R-P Mar 2017
Where I am standing now,
I can enjoy the view.
The past was beautiful,
I changed, I grew.
The present I see
as a place to believe,
calmness and contentment
residing within me.
Every step into the future
becomes the present,
then the past.
Whatever I choose to keep,
will be what lasts.
706 · Mar 2017
The Game
Alice R-P Mar 2017
There is only one rule
In the game-
What you think,
You will gain.
Want to live in fear-
Be afraid.
Want Your dreams to become true-
Dream every day.
705 · Sep 2016
Yes- I do
Alice R-P Sep 2016
Want You,
Miss you,
Hug you,
Kiss you,
Hold me,
Take me,
At the altar
To you,
I'll say
I do.
683 · Mar 2016
Alice R-P Mar 2016
I do not understand,
I do not know,
Where I stand,
Where should I go.
Sometimes high,
Sometimes low.
Feelings, emotions,
Everything around.
678 · May 2015
The Light That Guides You
Alice R-P May 2015
There was an oasis,
With a yawning void.
There was a somber forest
I attempted to avoid.
There was a time
I did not know,
If the fault was mine
Or what should I sow.
Every so often I felt a hight tide
That seemingly tried to stifle me,
I was dazed and torpid, thus not able to decide
On which path I was ought to be.
I awaited the eventide,
To be in quiescence,
And to be noticed by a superior force,
From who I could receive an awakening message.
The stars above me did not glimmer,
My vision was vague,
Suddenly something inside me started to simmer,
And I was about to be amazed.
The inanition verged into energy,
Vivid colors surrounded me on my way.
My path was finally assured
And paved with bright solar rays.
675 · Feb 2016
Alice R-P Feb 2016
Awake at nights,
In haze during the days,
Hoping for insights,
Looking for the new ways.

Mind is jumping,
Running, screaming,
Sometimes limping,
Humming, weaving.

Is the reality surrounding me?
Or is it living inside of me?
Is the truth what I see with my eyes?
Or is it what I hear in my mind?
648 · Jun 2015
My Heart as a Canvas
Alice R-P Jun 2015
My heart is filled with all the colors,
The world around me has to offer.
It seems to be an enormous canvas
Artist being the life, painting it ever so often.
These are never ending  blends,
With the variegation of shades,
Thus the understanding- from them
Only few I will name.
The drops of yellow from happiness and joy,
From friendships staying true.
Some light pink for the eternal child inside me.
Sadness and failures depicting serene blue.
Truth and purity paint it white,
And in black lies the strength, staying on course.
Lines of green for evergreen.
Rich lilac imagination in me pours.
Dark blue swipes from the adventurous soul,
Grey delivered by the doubts and unknowings.
The blood-red hue from all those emotions
Piling up from not releasing nor showing.
Brown will be added throughout the life-
The knowledge, experiences and wisdom that’s gained.
Each and every day I grow as a person,
Unwilling to stay the same.
And colors from love
What will be those?
Combination of it all,
I so readily suppose.
643 · Feb 2016
Alice R-P Feb 2016
All white.
The ground, the sky.
Too late?
To ask myself why.
643 · Jun 2015
Alice R-P Jun 2015
Are we,
Are we not,
Here to have a purpose.
Do we,
Do we not,
See what is important.
Will You,
Will You not,
Believe what You are told.
Or will You
Search for the truth,
To discover what is truly Your own.
625 · May 2015
Alice R-P May 2015
There will be many, who only make
You weak and feeling sore.
There will be those who only take,
And those You get Your heart torn for.
There will be them, who know too well,
What makes you the most dismal.
They will be pushing on those nerves,
You'll feel the scars in an instant.

Yet, there only will be few,
Who will make Your heart sing,
Who will make Your heart listen.
Who will make Your eyes sparkle,
Who will make Your eyes glisten.
To them- you must be true.
596 · Mar 2016
Alice R-P Mar 2016
Morning full of sunshine,
No clouds can be seen in the sky.
You tell me: "Good morning, the girl of my dreams.
How could I ever tell you goodbye."
You kiss me on the nose, I smile
And there we lay for awhile
Looking into the depths of each others eyes
Wishing we could freeze the moment in  time.
565 · Mar 2016
In Your Arms
Alice R-P Mar 2016
You pull me against Your chest,
And wrap me in Your arms.
I forget about the rest
As I listen to Your heartbeat.
It calms me,
I feel safe.
Time stops
In Your embrace.
554 · May 2015
Simply Hello
Alice R-P May 2015
Hello You in the mirror,
How glad I am to see You today!
You are so fresh and rested,
You look ready to start the day.

So, go out and enjoy the little moments,
Do not forget to have some fun.
I want to see You here again smiling,
After the day has so quickly gone!
552 · May 2015
Alice R-P May 2015
Young girl was ambling in the forest.
She was in love.
In love and dreaming.
As simple as that and nothing more.

It was the first time,
And thus the word "love",
Seemed to be the most wonderful creation.
Something that opens up all the doors.

She walked.
She thought.
She wished for the reciprocal feelings.
She wished for simple things.

There was joy in her heart.
There was hope,
But the wish went unanswered
and was blown away by the wind.

She did not become embittered,
Solely searched for something new.
She embarked on a whole new journey,
On which she discovered a wonderful land.

And when the moment was right,
She fell in love again.
And this time,
With the right man.
548 · May 2015
Alice R-P May 2015
You will always be a teacher,
You will always be a student,
Your heart will always be near
the place that You were born.
545 · Jul 2015
I Will
Alice R-P Jul 2015
I will kiss You on the sea,
While rocking  on the waves quietly.
I will kiss You in the sky,
White clouds and the birds passing by.
I will kiss You on the ground,
Whilst lying on the flower petals,
I will kiss You in Your sleep,
When serenity has placed its' wings around us.
I will kiss You under the stars,
When You hold me and we dance.
I will keep kissing You forever,
If You give me the chance.
542 · Mar 2016
Alice R-P Mar 2016
Answers hide somewhere.
I have searched for them,
but have not found.
Answers hide elsewhere.
Where I have sought,
they have not been.
I have looked outside,
now is time to look within.
515 · Feb 2016
The Right Ones
Alice R-P Feb 2016
Seconds pass.
Cars pass.
People pass.
They won't come back.
Seasons change.
Moods change.
People change.
Some people turn their backs.
Clouds drift away.
Boats go adrift.
People drift apart.
The right ones keep coming back.
479 · May 2015
Alice R-P May 2015
What makes me "me"?
Is it the way I look, the way I speak?
Or is it something inside me only I can see?

Is  it through the process of time I will finally grow into me?
So yesterday- was I not complete?
Is there tomorrow something more I can be?

Who am I today?
Do I even know?
Who can say.
469 · May 2015
Alice R-P May 2015
A white and empty paper
Lays before You everyday.
You ask me how to fill it?
The choice is Yours,
You know the way.

The decisions You make will stay there,
Thus take a big and careful look,
Make all the dots and dashes count,
Whilst in the end You'll have a book.

But You
There will be no more.
439 · Feb 2016
I Choose
Alice R-P Feb 2016
I would do it all again.
Even if I know now
What I did not know back then.

I would not change the path I took,
There is nothing else for me to chase,

Because my choices lead me here
Into Your loving embrace.
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