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10.4k · Apr 2014
Sydney Marie Apr 2014
Forget his name, you must forget.
You murmur in your sleep.
Forget his face, try even through closed eyes.
Forget his touch, one that you miss so.
Forget all the times you shared.
Forget the feelings he made you feel.
Forget his words, all those promises still unkept.
8.4k · Oct 2014
Sydney Marie Oct 2014
The one that can save any human,
someone in the littlest distress,
or someone in the most.

You saved her.

You've saved everyone you've come into contact with.
As for the one you couldn't save; it constantly reminds everyone of someone, someone who can't be and shouldn't be gone.
The affect it put on you, the look in your eye when you drift off into the distance.

Sometimes superman needs his own super hero saving.
sorry boyfriend, i keep writing about you..
8.0k · Apr 2014
Sydney Marie Apr 2014
I have all these secrets that shouldn't be shared.
Secrets shared are then turned into thoughts, regrets, even wishes.
No matter how fast my head spins, how hard my headache pounds.
I can't share what's needed to be said.
To anyone, not anyone.
I mustn't, I can't.
Secrets need to be kept hidden and shall be remained until reviled.
6.8k · Apr 2014
Sydney Marie Apr 2014
When you catch him looking at you, everything he could ever want is right there;
Trust, loyalty, happiness, pleasure.
He feels everything he could ever want but when he catches you, looking at him, you see everything. Every flaw, every disaster they've ever created. Everything they've destroyed and ruined and flipped upside down. There is a difference between love and lust.
He loved me, I only lust him.
4.8k · Mar 2016
Six Word Story
4.4k · Apr 2014
Sydney Marie Apr 2014
How common is it to find a feeling like that?
To feel absolutely free and wondrous at the most.
How every touch can over power every moment.
How the smallest kiss can cure all disease.
How could something that pure belong to the simplest form of a human?
Being simple, isn't pure, pure is being yourself.
And only the best can bring a human to its true self.
3.2k · Oct 2014
Sydney Marie Oct 2014
When the shadows of a dark room,

dance for their lives.
When the thoughts in your head,

yell in fear.
When the voices you hear,

don't speak the English truth.

You over analyze,
you think,
you forget.

Your mind becomes an open box for all knowledge to jump into and out of, its true what they say? But why do we trust said 'they'?
3.0k · Apr 2014
Simon Is
Sydney Marie Apr 2014
He lives in the corners of her brains.
Eats away what she doesn't want to know, what he won't let her know
He lives in the corners of her lungs.
Eats away what toxins that are left from the freshness of the air she absorbs, what he wont let her absorb.
He lives in the corners of her soul.
Eats away the cravings and past damages of her life, what he doesn't want her to feel.
Simon is;
What Mary Thinks
What Mary Absorbs
What Mary Feels
My writing based off the movie Session 9. Found on Netflix, only the best psychological thriller I've seen in 2012.

This is a piece, that I wrote being completely astonished sitting in front of the TV after this movie ended.
2.9k · Apr 2015
Happy Birthday
Sydney Marie Apr 2015
Thick skin at the age of 16.
Thoughts with more power at 17.
Tongue painted silver at the age of 18.

Sydney Marie Apr 2014
This thing, all things devours; Birds, beasts, flowers
                                                       Gnaws iron, bites steel
                                                       Grinds hard stones to meal
                                                       Slays kings, ruins towns
                                                       And beats high mountains down.
-The Hobbit
(Only my life in two trilogies)
2.2k · May 2014
Sydney Marie May 2014
Reminding you of your childhood, how the only cutting involved was arts and crafts. How the only drug involved was to get rid of a cough. How the only imitation was of our parents and siblings for a laugh. This shell of purity and wholeness can break at any give time in someone's life, when something extravagant happens to take over the innocence.
A knife
A drug
A copycat
2.0k · May 2014
Eyes Half Closed
Sydney Marie May 2014
Dreaming can improve the imagination so the reality of it all doesn't seem so raw and cold to the touch. Feeling yourself completely drift off, so peacefully. It's a suicide mission everyone survives. But having your eyes half closed nothing can be accomplished. Dreams seem real, life like, as if someone was chasing you. As if someone was hurting you. As if someone had you under all their control. As if someone wanted your dreams and you, dead.
1.9k · Sep 2014
Sydney Marie Sep 2014
Towers as high as I am when my fingers touch yours. The rush of people and mumbles of complete strangers talking to one another like rain talks to cement. The new eyes locking on mine, smiles with glowing teeth hiding behind pale skin.
The lights, the cars, the noises, the new surroundings.
It makes me think,

why didn't I leave home sooner?
1.9k · May 2015
Six Word Story
1.9k · Apr 2014
Sydney Marie Apr 2014
Some people have different outlets.
Some people run to clear their head, some people cut.
Every release, is the mind relaxing, in the most simplest way the body can find.
To help the mind get rid of the darkness that overwhelms and clouds judgement,
Some people call this darkness, fear.
Yet no matter what outlet someone has, you can't run or sing or cut away fear that your mind holds. Fear shows humans that the world isn't always good and positive. Without a bad day, how would we as humans know what a good day is?
1.6k · Jan 2016
Sydney Marie Jan 2016
I'm not scared,
I wont fall in love again.
I'm scared I will never fall in love like
i've had writers block and much more go on, but i hope everyone had a lovely holidays and has a lovely new year, you're awesome for reading this by the way... :)
1.5k · May 2016
When In An Argument; (10w)
Sydney Marie May 2016
using big words to
make you
sound smart,

isn't smart
1.5k · Apr 2015
Understanding Love
Sydney Marie Apr 2015
I'm done crying,
but my mind has not.

It's writhing in pain and misery,
but my heart has stopped.
1.3k · Mar 2015
Six Word Story
1.3k · Oct 2014
Sydney Marie Oct 2014
Its hard knowing which way is left and right.
But no matter where you turn it's somewhere, where you planned to be. Knowing that a plan has been already set in motion the day you were born makes the turning so much more easy to relate to when your lost. Knowing that wherever you end up is where your suppose to be.
You know you've ****** up
1.3k · Nov 2014
Self Saviour
Sydney Marie Nov 2014
I know
what its like
to want to die
so when
the chance comes
it completely terrifies me.
It makes
me want to
run the opposite way
from the end
of my story
run into
someone who cares
and who can
bring me back
to reality.
I don't want
to end my life
even when
I want my life to end.
1.2k · Jul 2016
Sydney Marie Jul 2016
I will trust in my wings to keep me flying.

I will trust in my moral compass to keep me straight.

I will trust in my mind that I will be okay.
1.2k · Oct 2014
Forbidden Fruit
Sydney Marie Oct 2014
He was the apple I took a bite out of,

savored every droplet of juice that squished out of every bite.
He was the sculpture I touched so softly,

felt every line and bump that my fingers ran over countless times.
He was the boundaries that I climbed over,

adventurous and reckless not worrying about a care in the world.
I was to hungry, I was to longing for touch,

I was to young to know he was a forbidden fruit.
Something I should have never touched.
1.2k · Jan 2015
Missing You
Sydney Marie Jan 2015
i'm sorry

i'm such an *******,

i miss you
to mike and mitch.
1.2k · Sep 2014
Soul Searching
Sydney Marie Sep 2014
A soul is being able to exist in earth. Being able to feel and consider yourself a beautiful creature that was put here for a reason. A soul is something that has all of you in once place and it already knows everything you like and the emotions you carry and the moves you make. It's the brain for our whole body and why you do the things you do. It's a map that you don't know, but it knows.

Your soul is what makes a human  
a human,
a cat  
a cat,
a fish
a fish.
1.2k · Apr 2014
Sydney Marie Apr 2014
It will never stop happening, turning a shoulder.
Left then right
It feels like cement blocks, it paralyzes you and so it should.
When you find something that amazing, that just simply words will never describe.
It will never be easy when you turn.
Your heart kicks you back.
It's stronger than anything.
Incredibly, it will always over power and see over anything.
Left then right
You can't do it, that's why it's only until next time.
1.2k · Apr 2017
Man Made
Sydney Marie Apr 2017
"What is loves biggest fear?"
He whispered.

She spoke back.
1.1k · Apr 2015
Sydney Marie Apr 2015
It seemed that it was only after you had laid on me,

that I could start to make you comfortable.

Then you wanted to go to bed with me every night,

because it was so **** easy for you to get on top of me.
1.1k · Sep 2014
Sydney Marie Sep 2014
It's a Sphere we live in. This circle of us, created by us, lived by us. Within the never ending shape we rage wars and make love, hold rally's and hands, we run, we cry, we fall, we learn. We evolve. What will become, 20, 30, 300 years from now? This Sphere we live in was meant to be flat.
1.1k · Oct 2014
Sydney Marie Oct 2014
Some of us think its a bad day that will get us good,
that it will either send us to heaven or hell.

Seeing the pain that others go through when they have someone close to them lose it for good.

It makes people like us say “We can't cause that harm to the people WE love.”

It really doesn't make a difference because when it happens it happens.

That's your time, you weren't suppose to make it out alive, these birds eye views of other lives that have been affected by another.

It should make a difference but it doesn't.
1.1k · Jan 2015
Sydney Marie Jan 2015
"Having depression and anxiety is so conflicting because, its wanting to do everything, but wanting to do nothing at all, its wanting to score high on a test, but not having the energy to study, its being afraid to lose your best friends, but not having the energy to hang out with them, its sitting in your bed at 3 in the morning worrying about the future you don't even want to have."
Not mine-
Found quote-
1.1k · Sep 2014
Sydney Marie Sep 2014
An induced trigger by what is thought to be proper,
healthier then the other options.
Wide eyes and wandering thoughts,
distracting everything from anything.
The taste and the rush.
Followed by the numbness and silence.
That beautiful noise that only happens,
when the dependent comes into play with
a precious mind
a heavy soul
a broken heart.
I wrote this while experiencing *** for the first time.
1.1k · Apr 2016
Sydney Marie Apr 2016
It is always nice to know that you're not alone

It is also awful to know that they feel what you feel.
1.0k · Mar 2016
POV of You
Sydney Marie Mar 2016
I know this is how you felt,
I know everyone feels things differently.
But I know now, this is how you felt.

And my God,
Am I ever sorry.
1.0k · Apr 2015
Sydney Marie Apr 2015
i changed from liquid to powder,
Now that you're gone?

powder was to much of a memory

1.0k · Jan 2015
Dancing with my Heart
Sydney Marie Jan 2015
I want to tell you i miss you
But im more frightened by the thought of your responce
I remember all these things
Dancing in the living room,
Dancing by the campfire,
Dancing in the streets.

You still have my heart but i could never tell you that.
1.0k · Sep 2015
whatever happened too ...
Sydney Marie Sep 2015
Ive become
this permifried *****
this unintelligent underachiever
this messy mistake
The drugs in me now are nothing compared to what you did to me
937 · Sep 2014
Sydney Marie Sep 2014
Its a memory captured forever, in its own little flat object, that can be torn with the slightest touch.
Sometimes its all we have left of a previous adventure or maybe the night that no one remembers.
Humans need to treasure these moments for as long as they can, some might not want to because of reasons, others might not be able to control what they forget.
Memories will fade and turn into nothing, photos will fade too, but they go black and white and stay forever.
914 · Feb 2017
5 Word Thought
900 · Sep 2014
Sydney Marie Sep 2014
You turn left and right,  
you're on the right path you know it too.
Your feet know it.
You try to ignore all the sensations and vibes that you know come all at once like the wind. It happens less then a few times but those are the times that that left and right seem so beyond impossible to follow.


to ignore it.

to shove it farther down into you.

to blame it on something else.

to inflict it.

You try and nothing works.
886 · May 2016
Sunday Morning
Sydney Marie May 2016
holidays like these make me feel empty
874 · May 2016
Sydney Marie May 2016
Time is moving much quicker.

and I,

cannot keep up.
873 · Dec 2016
873 · Sep 2014
Sydney Marie Sep 2014
Just fathom for a moment, someone actually understanding what you want to be heard.
Having someone nod or smile at the fact that they have the same issue or looking at some painting and feeling the same emptiness and sadness as you do.
Just that the mind can comprehend such a fact that someone else could understand such a disaster of a title wave.
Everything that was left behind, they saw the same wreckage as you.
867 · Dec 2016
Sydney Marie Dec 2016
Love is selfish.
Love is not a game to be played or won.
It is a selfish act.
And boy,
You make me want to be on center stage.
Happy Holidays to those who are celebrating this week. I wish you all a safe and lovely time with friends and loved ones.
851 · Mar 2016
I Hate You
Sydney Marie Mar 2016
did you manage to get all of what you wanted
when all you wanted while you were with me,
was to do nothing.
817 · Apr 2014
Love Triangle
Sydney Marie Apr 2014
"Because you were madly in love with him? He was the person who made you feel safe, I don't know how to explain it but you know when you see someone who is  truly in love with the one they are with? You can just see it in their eyes, both of them. That's what I saw in you, every time you were with him or ever talking about him, it was like you were in a trance."
My before anyone else, who I miss so dearly, thank you for showing me how I act when I'm intoxicated by young love.

This was right from his big, blunt heart. xox
784 · Apr 2016
The Other Woman
Sydney Marie Apr 2016
I know I am okay with her being your second.

Because I know I will always be your first,
And your *best.
always & forever
Even though you are gone and not mine.

Oh my, my spelling, sorry..
750 · Apr 2015
Every Other Day
Sydney Marie Apr 2015
It was slipping into lukewarm water
telling me you loved someone else.
Nothing broke, but everything shattered.
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