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thank you for following me... im Zack ... nice to meet you... im the richest man in history... hope to talk some ...this month is mariah carey an my 17 year heir to ww1 ww2 and alexander the great... i was made in a vine hidden in the pyramids millions of years watching all life.. i seen creation..i seen jesus crucified as if it was me... i drank from the fountain of youth.. i was in the garden of eden ... i am heir to all king blood on earth .. 1 million trillion.. in 1994 during the war i gave everyone eye surgery to see screens to compete with chinese.. we are in a program i built that can **** all giants in another dimension so thats why we are here
We are center of the universe
I saved you
You are dying again
This time im bone an flesh
I will die trying to save you again
My Ancestry King Zack
My Ancestry God Zack
A few years ago, he was just a kid
Now a man, he comes back to fight
The demons and ghouls he came to rid
To help the town see light

He died the second he crossed
The town went under and away
The remains grew covered in moss
His wife received word and had nothing to say

His family continued to live
Although he was in their thoughts everyday
They lived modest, thankful for what he had left to give
Often visits were made to the site of decay

His kid learned the lessons he didn’t
A leader by birth, he brought the town together
He raised twice the army his father sought
They learned to adapt and change such as the weather

A few years ago, he was just a kid
Now a man, he came back to fight
The demons and ghouls he came to rid
To ensure the town sees the light
Jeremy Betts May 6
It's really hard to have hope
How is one to cope
When the scope of the problem
Shows to be your steep downward *****
And the rope thrown as a savior
Lands around your throat
Hope regularly seen as innately good
You may agree, but I don't

H    is for help! you know I'm alive
E    for estranged, expressionistics
R    eading rhymes- revise, review
        reprise, recite- rethink and renue.
O    verwhelming-
        vertly, overdone-
o  ntology~
Still, I'm the one.
I'm the hero, of the story-
Don't need to be saved.
No one's got it all

"I aint no Cinderella, I aint waitin on no prince to save me in fact until now I think I been doing just fine- you think I sell my body? I merely sell my time."
sheloveswords Jan 12
I see The Most High in you
                                          yo demons hate that. . .
The Space—between two Seconds—
Is wider than the Sea—
Is smaller than an Atom—
Is all Eternity—

I slip into Forever
Between the tick and tock
Of ageless Time's forever unwinding
Chronoscopic Clock—

And there I see together—
In perfect Unity—
My Savior—ere and after—
His Birth and Calvary—
Beneath the fair blue face of Heaven, harp
In hand, a shepherd flats an A that's sharp.
He plucks and tunes and finds the perfect pitch
And plays a harmony exceeding rich.
The afternoon is hot, and all the sheep
Are full of grass and falling fast asleep.
Cotton ball clouds go slowly floating by
While drowsy songbirds neither sing nor fly.
Even the shiny fish in waters cool
Nap in the cooler shadows in the pool.
Save for the sound of rills that gently spill,
All things are silent.  Everything is still.
     So too a watchful lion keeping eyes
Upon a ewe lamb dozing where she lies.
As still as stone he stalks his sleepy prey:
He's waited patiently the livelong day.
And now the time has come to work his plan,
While most at ease is bird and beast and man.
He takes the first small steps in his approach,
Then breaks into a run and makes the poach.
Bewildered sheep in panic loudly bleat—
Asleep to wide awake in one heartbeat!
The shepherd's senses rush, and running down
The brute, he smites the beast upon his crown.
Dazed and confused, the lion drops the lamb
That lives but by the grace of Him, I AM.
The shepherd grabs the lion's beard, and, hair
In hand, he slays him (as he'll slay a bear.)  
     Returning safe the lamb unto the flock,
The shepherd goes and stands upon a rock.
He lifts his hands to God, and, singing psalms
Of praise, he gives the LORD his weather'd palms.
Cotton ball clouds go slowly floating by
As stars begin to twinkle in the sky.
Haiven Oconnor Dec 2022
Brown eyed angel
Sent to untangle my tangles
Shown me the lives I would have in different angles

Trying to Beat my addiction like Cain did able
2018 was like having a tv but no cable
Never thought my life would become this mangled..
So I left to become something more stable
Just to Find 2019 sitting at my table
Thanks for saving me my brown eyed angel ❤️
This poem is about surviving addiction and how god always does his work through the ones that love you the most.
Kelly Mistry Jul 2022
The role of a savior
Is a comfortable one for me

Because we think
If you’re part of the
Then you can’t be
part of the

Of course
This is a false dichotomy

Many of us are part of the problem
While simultaneously trying
to be part of the solution

There may be a place for a solitary savior
In certain moments
For specific circumstances

But lasting solutions
Substantive change

Come from a multitude of voices
Saving themselves
And each other

I strive to find my place in that group
Use my voice to add strength to the collective
Without drowning out those around me
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