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Reimers Jun 3
Here again, it’s all so familiar,
The empty space I carved for myself,
A void that brings me solace,
Far from the world's embrace.

This time, I entered willingly,
Unlike before, when ignorance guided me.
It’s different now; I can choose to leave,
Yet in this toxic, dreadful silence, I find comfort.

No longer weeping in the corner,
Everything shifts, but the feeling persists,
The heaviness in my chest—
As if the rain never ceased.

Bloodstained puddles on the floor,
Grim reminders of past hardships.
Each reflection a testament,
To all I've survived.

Maybe I’ll linger a bit longer,
Wandering endlessly through this void.
I’ll escape eventually, won’t I?
I can get out… right? Someone... please...
drops of rain,
stop suddenly do they,
for just a moment,
waiting for it to resume.

time, the great controller,
the ever hurting phenomenon,
first of all,
waiting for the end of all.

the traveller on it,
lives according with no,
past to turn back,
just walk past.

hardships it gives,
I see them, I judge them,
to dodge them,
or to face them.

hardships they do give,
a choice to handle them,
its up to you and me,
and sometimes up to time.

To deal with them,
run away from them,
to crush and crumble,
run and be scared forever.
Odd Odyssey Poet Oct 2022
or as the wanting eyes would
wish to see of beauty

But babe, love isn't always as patient
as who hasn't desired a feeling of that rush

Crush, crush, it's crushing my heart
waiting on proclaiming my love
But it's a heavy still; of being under a rock
                                      Love is so hard
if you really loved me
you wouldn't do this to me
you wouldn't throw all this weight
on my shoulders
when you know that
what I already carry
is heavy enough
i have so so so much to post here but i'm gatekeeping a lot of pieces idk i have ideas for them anyways here’s something i wrote back in may
Always Second Feb 2022
each storm that passes
my feet cemented
till the rain washes
our grin that’s painted
on our faces
while it lasted
so good, no wasted
time so sacred
strong we stand
until we make it
2/4/2022 6:21pm
Debanjana Saha Feb 2022
"A year or two
Went by
Deep down
With silence
Longer than ever
No words to write
or to express
And there I was
standing all alone
Not knowing whether
to end or to start anew!

Was that even me
Who used to write
Or this is me
Who kept quite?

Who am I?
Did corona
actually change
all of us
or its just me
Who changed
more than ever?
How are you all? This corona years have been difficult for all of us. I have changed upside down. Not sure how it's has changed you all. But trusting all of you are fine. Take care ❤️
Merlie T Jan 2022
To challenge one another
Impossible ways
Sending our spirits into space
Down to hell
And back again
A love now tried and true
Enlightenment at its finest
In my lovers arms
Soon enough, we'll find Nirvana
Rachel Summons Dec 2021
Mother and child, room of wails
Pales in comparison to what the pen has prepared
A laird to hardships unaware, she protects her hope in her ***** to no avail
For what hails heroes from the dust least they have yet to be erred

Their tormentors shudder from oppressed cut brilliance hidden in pages, addicts to riches bought with blood
Yea, a spud to peace, their wages of greed persist into a protagonist’s drudgery
The journey they face disregards limits, obstacles held together by the will of the author must they succumb
Shunned by amity, the mastermind leaves their conclusion smudgily in dirt

We Readers helplessly watch our heroes with words of consolation clumped in our throat
Devoted to a good story, we gleefully sell time to the composer so our champions can climb the ropes
Common tropes of old, we discuss in groups or alone characters we breathe to life with admiration in which we bloat
Rote in its finest, we continue this slow dancing of pages to the tempo of screams of peril or the feast of shortlived jokes
For the author knows to keep everyone afloat by throwing a good tale on a boat
I wrote this for a challenge prompt on a different website. I hope you enjoy and thank you for reading
Gabe Dec 2021
Give me something I can hold onto
that you stay
Give me something hopeful
that we last
It is difficult, it is scary
But it's something we live for
It's something we'd **** for

Life is full of obstacles to overcome
it's full of hardships
But there's something beautiful about this
and ultimately
at the end of the day
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