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I have value.
    I am courageous.
    I am worthy of love.​
    I give myself permission to be myself.
    ​I am enough.​​

I care for myself.
    I am mindful.
    I am strong-willed
    I have clear intention.
    I share in the good life with others.

Hone in on those genuine desires.

Trust in the world.
Figure what's important to you.
Remove what doesn't lead to it.

Choose some meaning affirmations.
    Say affirmations out loud.
    ​Use the present tense.
    Try not to highlight the negative.
    Say the affirmations everyday.
Zywa Apr 18
A freethinker thinks

about questions, the answers --

he doesn't want to hear.
Novel "Een tevreden lach" ("A happy smile", 1965, Andreas Burnier), chapter "The train" --- Collection "Unseen"
Jeremy Betts Mar 27
An organic cell
An inescapable cage
A personal hell
A shell of rampant rage

Under a digital spell
Center stage
A deadly swell
Safety not easy to gauge

How quickly the bar fell
A sageless age
Shhhh, don't tell
It's the same on every page

J Vital Mar 9
Born without sin,
I am imbued with the mask of humility.
The masks of fate,
gift me its shame and unyielding hold.
For what is man but a puppet,
Who wears masks to fulfill his own desires?
The masks of fate, forever eternal.
The silent skin that scorns our unwitting souls
Dari dua
Kupilih satu
Yang mula

Sebab main main main main
Lalu jatuh
Endap lain lain lain batin
Baru runtuh

Anggap bodoh pemain lama
Kalau jodoh takkan kemana

Apa rasaku palsu
Alpa jujurmu bisu
Biar resah di lembah ragu
Atau nyata sungguh lugu

Jangan lagi kau cari aku
Karena aku si paling batu
040324 | 20:00 sejak semalam ada yg tak terelakkan berubah, di perjalanan ke kos ga bisa berenti mikir, tapi yakin akan pilihan. Bukan tentang bermain-main. Tidak akan terbawa dalam rasa.
Jeremy Betts Feb 21
Digging my own grave with only the handle of a shovel
That's the level of commitment that I bring
But I should tell you this one thing
That also means I have lost the battle
Probably because I could never gain control
Up such and such creek with no paddle
No shanty to sing
Mistakenly trusted an Icarus wing
But that was years ago
Here I am, still stuck in the flow
For what seems like a couple hundred millennia or so
Combating my own soul
Laughing and mocking
The relentlessness is life altering
Landing a career ending swing
Not declaring but taking it personal
And I think I just realized I'll have nothing to show
That's impossible
Win or lose I present as a broken man not worth repairing
And hey,
That's still something

Mark Wanless Jan 28
funny thing about
life is it ain't personal
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