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922 · Jun 2017
The Narrow Side
Gabriel burnS Jun 2017
Smiles, tram cars, stinging eyelids
Transparent brittle shards,
Ashes finding water surface
All of this onto a palm
Locked into a fist

I’m the coin that’s landing on its rim
The odds were slim and yet
I am standing on a grin
The third side says that
Karma always wins
909 · Jan 2017
Face Value
Gabriel burnS Jan 2017
There is no savior
for all;
there's even no
individual salvation

You know the cost
of a call,
but that of

You can hear,
that I know,
but can you listen?
And when you talk
is it the things
you say
or is it in the way...
What is absent,
is it missing?
908 · Jan 2018
Gabriel burnS Jan 2018
You love green
And evergreen sheds cloth only to Fire...

* *

Colors only make sense
Beneath the touch of your hands


Desert sands are clothes
******* an oasis
Warmth divine in your colors


You are not my glue… you are not my stitches… you are the wholeness that my wishes dared reach for… the one for which I’m healing...

* *

Your salt is flowing into the dark seas of my eyes… and behind the horizon of my lips, a smile is waiting to rise for you...
***strips of ozone coming together*** translated from Bulgarian; originally:


Обичаш зеленото...
Вечнозеленото се разголва само пред огъня…


Цветовете имат смисъл
Само изпод ръцете ти


Пустинните пясъци-дрехи
Разголват пред мен оазис
Божествено топло е в цветовете Ти


Ти не си ми лепило… ти не си ми шевовете… ти си целостта, която се осмелих да пожелая… и заради която зараствам…


Солта ти плува в тъмните морета на очите ми… а зад хоризонта на устните ми, Те чака усмивката, за да изгрее…
901 · Dec 2016
Gabriel burnS Dec 2016
We brave uncharted waters
on boat with crumpled sails
We float where it is hotter
but that's another tale

We lose ourselves on purpose
in storms and surging waves
We dwell upon the surface
but it's the depths we crave
885 · Aug 2017
Boats In The Skin Sea
Gabriel burnS Aug 2017
Words are the hands of thoughts;
Fingertips flow
Where she clenches her eyes
Sinking teeth
In lower lip
Prison bars to sighs
Anchored to liberty
Looming like a storm
in the distance
Alternate version:

Words, the hands of thoughts;
Fingertips flow
Where her eyes close
Clenching sighs;
Pearls emerge from darkness
Sinking in scarlet
Till the salt sparks
The sweet
And the lip trickles
Iron taste
Of the coming storm
877 · Sep 2017
Gabriel burnS Sep 2017
She’s dancing:
Closed eyes,
Open palms ,
Vague smile

She is music;
And sound waves
Are dancing to her

And when she moves
Her clothes are naked;
And when she smiles,
My thoughts are
(words are flaking)


She tunes me
To her frequency
Riding waves
Pulling vibes and strings
Charting shores
Wanting replay
Asking for more
875 · Jul 2018
Gabriel burnS Jul 2018
Falling with the rain
crashing on the pavement
I’m coming down
From high… the highest clouds
Taking the long free fall

I cannot stop falling
for You...
865 · Apr 2017
Age of Misinformation
Gabriel burnS Apr 2017
As I lose my way
in an endless ocean
made of flowing knowledge,
my head feels like an anchor,
towing down my heart
below the waves of facts,
to the depths of information
as I drown I do attract
insatiable predators,
all the while,
above the surface
all is doomed to fall
beneath the rising tide,
slowly crawling up
to eat the howling sky
... from about a half a year ago...
858 · Jan 2017
Spiral Fuse
Gabriel burnS Jan 2017
slowly going crazy
twisted and burnt
two different faces
one charcoal soul

sizzling and blazing
crackling in the mud
I've been tainting lately
all I touch and learn

falling out of grace
beyond forgiveness
I return
into the ashes of my days
my heart is now the urn

my deepest smiles are cuts
into the flesh of joy
I need to learn the art of healing
before it's all destroyed
844 · Nov 2018
The Whole Wide Whirl
Gabriel burnS Nov 2018
...thoughts and feelings are soulless soldiers
bleeding my blackness like ink
leading the cracks to the brim
And do they dip deep, indeed...
they come out the other side thinning
and thinning still
and thinning
and seething my fabric
as my quietness parallels the tempo of serration
the wanting of you:
to flow and embrace
my every erasure
with the renewal
the slow violent blossoming
flowing and growing
into our fragrance
Our one world
824 · Dec 2016
The Pull
Gabriel burnS Dec 2016
Invisible lines and curves
Extend from skin to skin,
In waves, from eyes to eyes
Closing the distance faster than light
Is this gravity,
Catching the eyes,
Binding the minds,
Bending the thoughts,
Charging the skin,
Pulling us in?
821 · May 2017
Flavors of Thought
Gabriel burnS May 2017
I'm tasting sugar on my eyelids
Syrup on my irises
Sour on my heartstrings
Bitter in my arteries
But we are more than corporeal
Meant to fly
And cross the boundaries
Transcend the frames of nature’s canvas
Spill our colors farther than the physical
We invent what we do not discover
The horizons and the realms of our future
And I am just like you
A mess of senses that
perception blends into
818 · Dec 2016
Secret Recipe
Gabriel burnS Dec 2016
her lips,
of blooming poppy,
hold promises of *****,
slipping past the choices,
knowing they'd be caught
too late, and not before
they've met desires
in shadows underneath
the moonlit balconies
817 · Aug 2017
Soft Spot
Gabriel burnS Aug 2017
Heels harder than steel
Sharper still
In his heart
Smooth arks
Curves looping
Strong desires
Cutting loose
Weak restraints
Through frail defenses
His achilles heel
A separate entity
Embodied in the shape
Of a fallen angel
Insatiably inviting
The arrows of Apollo
Choosing carefully
Her Paris-es
812 · Jun 2017
Mindscape Voyager
Gabriel burnS Jun 2017
Hypergraphia is lacerating carotid
Finally bloodletting into slumber
Hippocampus that
Incinerates its own
Neuron forest and becomes
A conflagration
Because chars are ruby embers
In nocturnal hunger
Of the lens nucleus
Shaken in the tremors
Deep below tectonic plates
Disjointed in the fabric of reality
Severing the empyreal bonds;
Do not hold back,
But onwards, Horsemen,
Hammer that stampede
Unto centaur constructs
Fleeing from the dreamer
Let them shatter in the cracks
Sinking with the dirt into oblivion
learned this writing process from a friend; thank you for the inspiration; you know who you are ;)
811 · Feb 2017
Gabriel burnS Feb 2017
every grain of sand
is secretly
a polyhedron
that despises science
like every grain of joy
has at least one side
that hurts
799 · Jan 2017
Gabriel burnS Jan 2017
a careless child
messy room
scattered toys around

too young for chess
abusing pawns
and queens alike
some lost at best,
others lying broken
on the ground

and me
I am a cube
at the hands of curiosity,
fingers tightly clenched;
is it persistence now
or is it animosity
beating sides and edges
against the circle slot;
it doesn't take a sage
to see
there never was a plot
787 · Sep 2017
Gabriel burnS Sep 2017
Falling, not fallen
She was no man’s
But a nomad
She was the comet
Finally caught
In His gravity

Her celestial body
Lured beneath
Her stellar sails
By a solar flare
Lowering anchor
780 · Dec 2016
Near Miss
Gabriel burnS Dec 2016
I found a new way
of being misunderstood
all the while
looking for the opposite;
arriving at the shores
of the wrong land,
so my discoverers
and your natives
immediately went to war;
thus worlds collide
at the hands of words
779 · Jan 2017
The Light Given
Gabriel burnS Jan 2017
flying now erratic circles
I'm the moth who didn't flee
glutinous tongue of careless wind
caught me in a single lick
pulling inexorably into the opening
through the lid ajar I went
above the window sill
and straight into the eyes
of a room clad in light

it's turning warm to hot as I orbit closer
and closer still to the ceiling deity
I came in from the wide open void
I came in from the purposeless
the great free emptiness
where skies were grey and cold
I came in to embrace the bright frail sun transparently imbued
with the gift of gods

I pledge my wings to you
though charred into disfigured trails like brush strokes on some
impressionist painting

No longer are you transparent
no longer am I winged
and for a split-second in suspended animation
it was worth it ten times over
775 · Dec 2016
Gabriel burnS Dec 2016
Conflagration rages
through the neuron forest;
in the end were lies,
deceived by honesty.

The first to flee
were all the beasts,
while the humane
remained behind
to burn up in a trace
of sapience.
753 · Mar 2019
Gabriel burnS Mar 2019
What leaves won’t leave you
What’s rooted holds you
What flies sees you exposed
What lies stays a child
What dries up won’t remain dry
What’s come to pass shall roll again
Old songs don’t go when new ones play
Things drip and flood, dance out their pace
A snaking river knows its way
No tongue to speak or eyes to see
This realm spins to realign
So every sunbeam finds its tree

*   *   *

Което те напуска, няма да те пусне
Което корени е пуснало, държи те
Което лети, те вижда открит
Което лъже, дете си остава
Което пресъхва, няма сухо да остане
Което е минало, пак ще се търколи
Не изчезват старите песни пред новите
Неща капят, заливат, танцуват си темпото
Лъкатушеща река пътя си знае
Без език да говори и очи да види
Тази шир се върти до подреждане
За да може всеки лъч да намери дървото си
Translated my own poem from Bulgarian, my native language...
750 · Jan 2017
The Brink
Gabriel burnS Jan 2017
do not even blink;
once it's out
there's no holding back
what follows;
lids and eyelashes
keeping in check
all of this
salty bitterness,
a levy or a dam,
and I'd never rhyme your tears
with anything
745 · Jul 2017
Gabriel burnS Jul 2017
I'm a biochemical construct
mechanical of flesh and bone
software-infused hardware being,
another release,
an incrementally updated
version of humanity;
all off my data cells
come with prerequisites
I had no knowledge of;
the veins of my dreams
were blueprints and schemes
in my mother’s blood
in my father’s skin;
I scribble but cannot rewrite
the me, the I,
procedurally generated,
processed by algorithms;
and the purpose is clear
perpetuate and iterate,
move on with baby steps
not merely in time and distance,
but beyond existence
738 · Nov 2017
The Vine (diVine)
Gabriel burnS Nov 2017
heavy with fruit,
she is suspended in time
Caught in a move
endlessly smooth,
her body winds up,
hugging the cold
pillars and walls,
stretching about,
reaching around
and out to the sky.

She can curve it
in every way
on a whim,
however she pleases
... and droplets will shine
on her body like lotion,
or jewelry, playfully teasing,
although frozen, the motion,
warm is her dance
in the hands of the sun
and the tickling breeze
738 · Jun 2017
Gabriel burnS Jun 2017
writing like

- a grocery list of metaphors

- for a cooking recipe instruction

- or some kind of

- shipping manifesto;

- let your deductive mind

- interpret its own flow

- since that's the one thing

- we don't naturally grow

- but if you put too much spice in that dish

- bear in mind

(x) it’s best served cold
736 · Jan 2017
Gabriel burnS Jan 2017
The heart, the warmest sea;
night dives in
chasing dreams,
then suddenly
the day has come ashore;
a smile crawls blissfully
and parts the waves
to reach the sun
to ask for more
of the same
exchange of warmth
736 · Nov 2018
Gabriel burnS Nov 2018
Je te veux

Comme le nageur a soif d’air

Je te rêve  

Comme la flamme rêve le ciel

Je t’adore
Ma folie,

La coleur vraie de mon coeur
716 · Aug 2018
Gabriel burnS Aug 2018
Drooling on my heart
clawing for the treat
those eyes in ambush
lying in uneasy wait
on the brink, sharpened teeth
savoring the foretaste
breathing in the promises
I will not delay
the inevitable

lips all blades
my skin a sea of pins
bristled for the kiss
tongues coiling for the cut
the cold caress and warm
metallic flavor
sweetness in the air calls
******* the shadows
de-scent... the scent... descent
710 · Apr 2018
Gabriel burnS Apr 2018
An angel fell because… (skip gender-”biased pronouns” here or anonymize with asterisk lunacy) wings were in conflict… the left one anxiously ***** equality, not knowing that would mean a lack of lift and loss of aerodynamic quality… the right one, weaponized, stiffly resolved, glides over the notion that all feathers should be attached talons, even though it doesn’t make sense to fight gravity with sharpness…
And so the angel split with Grace and tumbled… eventually lost the race to inertia… another force to add up to internal struggle and its intensifying pressures...
701 · Sep 2017
Moth Dream (song lyrics)
Gabriel burnS Sep 2017
I'd share the sky
with the clouds
but I had to grow my wings
but I had to lose my skin
I dared to reach
but my brothers took my skin
but my brothers used my skin

and I couldn't let them win
so I had to let this in
now it's tearing us within
and it's the fruit our sins
cause I had to grow my wings
but my brothers used my skin

I made them crawl
took my time nice and slow
feels so good to lose control
like a witness, watched them fall

now I'm free to flee this skin
but I will not shed this sin
and I cannot be complete
698 · Jan 2019
Gabriel burnS Jan 2019
The moon is a question mark,
A door of the night
And I am none of its answers
But I enjoy the conversation
697 · Oct 2017
In the Dress of Fall
Gabriel burnS Oct 2017
So much color and
So little light
The trees are jewels
Veiled by the sky
693 · Jul 2017
Among Clouds
Gabriel burnS Jul 2017
flying high
swooping fast
pulling gravity

lost among the clouds
you among the clouds
where exactly

approximately close
relatively distant
far beyond earshot
and visual

no wings
just me
no dreams
just you
all the way

are you moving
knowing if you stopped
you'd fall
and that
would be the end of us

I am keeping my momentum
incessantly in motion
feeling if I stopped
I'd drop
like a stone,
the impact, our extinction
685 · Apr 2018
The Flow Thereof...
Gabriel burnS Apr 2018
I’m sinking in the dark
The world is upside down
Just the way it should be
I’m taken in by warm skies
And the clouds are tangible

The steep curves of slopes
I climbed crawling
Your breath, the gust
That turned my world over

To reach the rain
I danced on skin
Trenching spells
Caressed soft soil
To split for me a sea of thighs
So I could go the distance
Where We end up as God
677 · Jul 2017
Gabriel burnS Jul 2017
Sugar is bad for you,
saccharine maple thoughts
that you cannot afford
due to the hazard
of overweight ego
dense with the aftertaste
of adipose fantasies
clogging the arterial bonds
that tether you
to solid ground

Stop the caramelized madness
from carbohydrating your soul
into victim obesity
causing the full
arrest of your spirit

The sweet is guilty,
distorted in mirrors,
a negative image
of a past feeling,
present reflection
born of the collision
of intentions and consequences
Not a part 2 of "Note to Self"; even though the first lines are the same.
674 · Dec 2016
Gabriel burnS Dec 2016
Behind the floating point
we, the other digits,
mere fading ripples,
undulate until
we drown into oblivion
672 · Jul 2017
Wet Salt
Gabriel burnS Jul 2017
She is loved. She is stubborn
Mad at that part of the world
That loves her
For loving her
Without asking first

She never asked for this
Though the space between her lines
Already did

Those words
Those traitors
How dare I
Understand with
my heart

She needs to need
She wants the thirst
The hunger, the craving
The needing, the yearning,
The lack at its worst

She wants
none of the learning;
Only the burning
That gives her the thrill
The stinging,
The near-numb
In every flutter
Between every pulse
Through every string

Giving her is
Taking from her
Would it work in reverse?

She is loved.
Stubbornly denying it.
Fearing her happiness.
Banishing the ones who care.

Because her happiness
Potentially could mean
Not having things
to write about
It equals change
And breaking out the zone
Of torturous comfort

I’m afraid of what she seeks
And how she sees those burning curls
And what she does with sparks
And why she fosters embers

I’m scared the most
Of her using flames divine
To burn herself inside
A dark obsession
That swallows every light


I’m afraid she seeks love
So she could hurt herself with it
She uses it
As a means to an end
The end being the feeling
Of being hurt
So the ashes of that
Would be her ink
Fuelling her pyre
“behold the beauty of suffering”
I don't usually post more than once a day, but I've been wanting to post those for awhile now... several inseparable poems...
665 · Jun 2017
Gabriel burnS Jun 2017
staring contest in public transport
and the stranger’s eyes
were her passport
passed the check at customs
crossed the borders of an impulse
I was hers and she was mine
until the station

my coffee daydreams
mad with jealousy
because reality was
standing true in front of me
their eyes met in the train car:
660 · Jan 2017
Out Of The Box
Gabriel burnS Jan 2017
Love doesn't rhyme;
the rules imposed,
the frames we chose,
do not apply,
although we try
to tame its flow
we sink below,
we seek
salvation by escape;
we bravely dove
but there's the threat
of drowning

the rhythm
and the melody
it's giving us,
all random...
but do we
lose ourselves
to find them,
or is it them
we lose
to find ourselves,
I cannot help
but wonder...
647 · Jun 2017
The Vamp
Gabriel burnS Jun 2017
The curse of eternal life
Would be, watching
Every one you love, die

...and she felt like
Her bones were buried
In her body

She had eaten eons,
Watched the ends
Of millions of clocks’ lifetimes
Snorted the rust of their
Idle hands, dead still
In the blank stare
Of their concentric silence

She wanted to cease
This void existence,
For boredom was
Her ultimate torture
646 · Feb 2018
Gabriel burnS Feb 2018
the stones are thrown
the flock transforms
from sheep to wolves
to eat their own
...sheep transform to wolves to satisfy the purpose of judgment through inhumane unification of perception, achieved by the compromise of willing desensitization...
Gabriel burnS Jan 2017
your expressing sunshine
like unforgiving aspects
raising ******
camouflaging silver
meshing razor teeth
because back it up honey
lunacy is saccharine sweetness
your suppressing moonshine
chains of bitter freedom
rays are often hidden
beneath a skin of ashes
there is taste to savour
of warmth and promise
where madnesses collide
Collaboration featuring Glass
631 · Aug 2017
What’s In the Box
Gabriel burnS Aug 2017
“I’m your key, Pandora;
I’m just as guilty
as you are”
629 · Jul 2017
Gabriel burnS Jul 2017
I wrote a poem for you

but I keep changing the words

because I'm learning
623 · Aug 2017
Gabriel burnS Aug 2017
the dress is lying still
on her hips
but not at rest
a tight caress
that stalks in wait
proxy to the prey
black widow web?
620 · Jun 2017
The Last Hand [collab]
Gabriel burnS Jun 2017
In my left hand a joker,
In my right a Jack of Hearts:
A wild card that will break this game
And I know in these crimes nobody can claim-
Their hearts back.

The dealer, the eyes of Judgement
Offers me a King of Spades,
Which I could use to dig up my grave
After you withdraw your red knave.

I dig my nails into my palms
The game is on
the stakes are way too high
my queen of hearts is
reflected in your eyes

Thumb is rubbing on that
ace of spades
the hard way always taught
I should know my place
but I cannot resist your call
A big thank you to Eleni who started me up on this one with her witty stanzas! I encourage you, reader, to pay a visit to her beautiful work! It's been a pleasure :)
Gabriel burnS Oct 2019
Солта е (гора) иглолистна

Целогодишната истина

Чиито очи цветовете Ти не сменят


Salt is… (a forest) coniferous

Truth perennial

Whose eyes don’t ever shed your colors
silver on gold
618 · Jul 2017
The Change (Dark Flow)
Gabriel burnS Jul 2017
You, silhouetted against the skyline
******* slumber, slowly putting on
The night

Slipping into moonlight silk
Sliding into ambience
Of darkness laced with streetlights,
A veil of fireflies
Soft curves flowing side to side,
Waves swaying delight,
My nocturnal albi
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