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541 · Sep 2021
In the end
Zack Ripley Sep 2021
I know that what I've done so far
Has really helped people.
But sometimes, I wish I didn't care so much. Sometimes, I would give anything to be numb. Because it's so exhausting being a castle of glass. I can't sleep. I can't breathe. Because every day,  I feel myself getting one step closer to the catalyst. The thing that makes me ready to take everything I've built and burn it down. Because in the end, does any of it really matter?
537 · Mar 2024
Zack Ripley Mar 2024
It seems like it's getting harder to know
if it's OK to say or do something these days. Maybe it's because I'm getting older.
Maybe it's because I care more.
Regardless of why, I must admit I find myself somewhere between sad and scared.
Sad and scared that I can't keep up.
Sad and scared that I'm slowing down.
Maybe you are too. If that's the case,
I'll tell you what I've been telling myself
when I feel this way: it's healthy to be sad.
It's healthy to be afraid.
And if you're being healthy,
you don't have to feel guilty
or let it ruin your day.
Zack Ripley May 2019
Years ago, I was a teen.
I was afraid to make friends
Because kids were mean.
So one day,
I decided to wander around mymind to see if there
Was any strength i could find
I thought if I could be strong
It wouldn't hurt when they
Called me fat and stupid.
That once they realized
It didn't affect me anymore
They would get bored
And move along.
I thought I knew where I
Needed to go but got lost.
I found myself somewhere
I didn't know.
Finally, i found a door
And when I rushed through,
All I saw was darkness.
Nothing more.
I tried to find my way back
But after awhile, I made myself so scared i got dizzy and fell. Then everything went black. When I came to,
I realized trying to ignore my feelings wouldn't make me strong. That it wasn't my job to prove they were wrong. There in the darkness, I realized I was
Strong all along.
When I believed in myself,
I got back my sight.
It felt like a lifetime
But I finally found my way
Out of the darkness and into the light
534 · Feb 2021
525,600 chances
Zack Ripley Feb 2021
If a picture's worth a thousand words,
What's a life worth?
It's crazy to think that life can be lived
A million different ways when,
at most, we'll only see 36,500 days.
Especially these days, people worry
They don't have time to figure out
How to do, how to say something meaningful.
So think about it like this:
You may only have 36,500 days, 100 years. But it doesn't take days or years
To make a difference.
It only takes a minute.
And EVERY YEAR, you get 525,600 of them. 525,600 chances to change.
533 · Dec 2020
Organized mind
Zack Ripley Dec 2020
The future is ahead
and the past is behind.
It's important it stays that way
So our minds can stay organized.
Zack Ripley Oct 2020
NO ONE can help or please EVERYONE
But ANYONE can help or please SOMEONE.
525 · Jun 2020
I'll follow you
522 · Nov 2022
Borrowed time
Zack Ripley Nov 2022
Living on dimes
at the corner store,
always trying to find a way to make a few more.
Not worried about the mansion
or a new corvette.
Just wanna make sure
my baby's set. Cause we've always been on borrowed time. Never had to do more than just survive. But now that somebody's gonna count on me, I'm going to make them proud. Don't believe me? Just wait and see.
520 · Sep 2020
Fortune cookie
Zack Ripley Sep 2020
Live your life.
Because no one
can live your life for you.
And when you dream a dream,
Don't abandon it. Embrace it.
Because only you
can make your dream come true.
519 · Oct 2021
How can I
Zack Ripley Oct 2021
How can I build you up?
How can I break you down?
How can I make you see
That you are safe and sound
With me
508 · Mar 2020
Penny for your thoughts
Zack Ripley Mar 2020
"What are you thinking about?"
"You. Me. The world. Life. Happiness."
You smile and say "is that all?"
"You know me.
I think about everything.
What are you thinking about?"
"Well, I WAS worrying.
About bills. Insurance. Our health. The future.
But then you distracted me."
"And what are you thinking about now?"
"That I wish I had your optimism.
But for now, no more worrying. It's time to breathe.
I'm just glad to be here in this moment with you."
506 · Nov 2021
Baby steps
Zack Ripley Nov 2021
Don't worry about trying to change the world
by yourself; that's a job for all of us.
If you want to change something,
try changing your world first.
And even if it seems small, celebrate it. Because any change you can make
is often the biggest change of all.
506 · Oct 2019
See you at the end
Zack Ripley Oct 2019
When will you give your heart a chance to soar?
What's it gonna take for you to believe you deserve more?
I know this is a theme I've explored before
That when people push you down, you don't have to stay on the floor.
But you still don't believe me, so I'll keep saying it until you feel it in your core.
You are not a product of your environment
You can change the score
The first step is to find happiness.
Then, it's time to start opening doors.
It'll take some time.
So make sure to bring a friend.
Don't give up, I'll see you at the end.
504 · Jan 2020
Head in the clouds
Zack Ripley Jan 2020
Keeping my head high up in the clouds
Because it's too exhausting being just another face in a faceless crowd
502 · Aug 2020
Protect yourself
Zack Ripley Aug 2020
The hardest lesson to learn
Is that hiding your feelings
Protects no one.
The hardest thing to accept
Is that you don't need to protect anyone.
501 · Jul 2020
The day you passed away
Zack Ripley Jul 2020
The day you passed away,
I couldn't see the sky.
Too many tears fell from my eyes.
But they weren't tears of grief.
They were tears of relief.
Because even though
I'd never be able to hug you
As you walked through the door,
I knew you weren't in pain anymore.
500 · Dec 2020
Never too late to believe
Zack Ripley Dec 2020
It's never too late to live.
It's never too late to love.
It's never too late to dream
No matter how impossible
Your dream may seem.
It's never too late to make new friends.
It's never too late to make amends.
It's never too late to forgive.
It's never too late to move on.
It's never too late to sing your song.
It's never too late
To stop smoking or drinking.
It's never too late to try new things.
It's never too late for you.
It's never too late for me.
It's never too late
To be who you want to be.
It's never too late to believe.
497 · Sep 2021
All grown up
Zack Ripley Sep 2021
Adulthood is like high school.
Someone's always ready to find a way
to take advantage of you.
You have to work with or near people
you don't like.
You have a half hour for lunch.
And forget everyone else.
You're still trying to prove yourself to yourself. The difference is, in high school,
kids don't have many opportunities to change. They don't have a reason to change.
Therein lies the beauty of being all grown up. People can say you shouldn't do something. And they may not like it.
But they will respect you enough
to make your own decisions.
496 · Jan 2021
I saw hope
Zack Ripley Jan 2021
Tonight, I sit down to write
Just like many nights before.
This time, however, I saw something different on the other side of the door.
I saw hope.
I saw it when I saw the grass again.
I saw the sun melt the snow away.
And I knew that snow would turn
Back to water which would bring
The flowers back someday.
496 · Jan 2024
Love and memories
Zack Ripley Jan 2024
As time keeps going,
my mind will start slowing down.
I won't remember when we met.
I won't remember how.
But there is one thing I can promise right now. I'm not afraid of losing those memories because I'll never have to wonder
why you came into my life.
Whether it's because you saved me,
you hurt me, you taught me a lesson,
or you became my best friend,
you made me who I am.
And that's all I need to remember.
494 · Jun 2022
Riddle me this
Zack Ripley Jun 2022
Which is the mistake: to give or to take?
To close my eyes or stay awake?
Do you hide from yourself in the light
Or hide from people who hurt you in the dark?
Do you leave it behind
or try to reignite an old spark?
Do you surrender yourself in honor of your faith
Or do you believe in yourself enough to create your own fate?
The truth is, it doesn't matter how you answer because none of these options are mistakes.
They're choices. And, regardless of the outcome, it's not a mistake to make a choice.
490 · Aug 2019
Zack Ripley Aug 2019
I don't need stories of battles
Between knights and dragons
In the days of old.
I don't have dreams
Of everything I touch turning to gold.
I don't need to walk on water
Or turn water into wine.
I have enough magic in my life
Because you're mine.
490 · Dec 2019
Not a cat, but a stranger
Zack Ripley Dec 2019
This is the story of a tipped tree,
Some fish,
And two men who hit the streets.
They wanted to spread the word
About how to keep pets safe.
To speak up for those who could
Not be heard.
They'd knock on the door,
Say "hi! We're from PETA!
And just like that, they weren't
Invited to say anymore.
This happened again and again and again.
Finally, they agreed "one more. Then that will be the end."
They knocked on the door.
But this time, no one answered.
They knocked again, no answer.
They went to the window
And what did they see?
Baby goldfish in clear ***** of water
Hanging off the tree.
They looked at each other,  and both said "we need to act quick."
Luckily, the door was unlocked.
No lock to pick.
Handling them with care,
They got the fish to safety and got
Out of there. But before they left,
They kicked the tree down in anger.
And that's the story of how the tree was knocked over not by a cat,
But a stranger.
This was inspired by a prompt to write a poem about why the tree was knocked over.
489 · Oct 2019
Have you ever
Zack Ripley Oct 2019
Have you ever been confused about how you feel
Because you're not sure what's real?
Have you ever been filled with dread
because you can't get out of your head?
I have too.
Have you ever been picked on in school
and done something desperate just to make them think you're cool?
Have you ever neglected yourself by pushing your feelings aside
Because you were afraid of what would happen if people found out how much you were hurting inside?
I have too.
What I'm trying to say is if you think you're alone, you're not.
Take it from me. If you can find the courage to ask to talk to someone, it can help alot
Finally back!
488 · Feb 2024
It's all valid
Zack Ripley Feb 2024
You can be hurt, but not feel pain.
You can be scared even though you seem safe. You can feel trapped even when you're alone because everyone processes their own experiences and emotions differently.
It's all valid.
488 · Mar 2020
The wind vs the wolf
Zack Ripley Mar 2020
The wind howls louder
than a wolf to the moon.
But don't worry.
Spring is coming soon
and will stay until June.
487 · May 2019
Talking will set you free
Zack Ripley May 2019
You be my Bonnie, I'll be your Clyde.
Together, we'll take this life for one hell of a ride.
You be my Thelma, I'll be your Louise.
We'll get in the car and do whatever we **** well please.
Life on the run with the one you love may sound fun.
But no matter how far or how fast you go,
eventually you will always fly too close to the sun.
It may seem natural to flee
but it doesn't matter if you run from pain or fear.
Your mind is like an elephant.
It never forgets so your problems will always reappear.
What you choose to do is up to you.
But take it from me.
Talking about your pain will set you free
486 · Sep 2019
End of the line.
Zack Ripley Sep 2019
You made me play your game. Now I'll never be the same.
I believed the lie you told.
Now that I know the truth, I've never felt so cold. So alone. Heart feels heavy like it's made of stone.
I can feel myself sinking.
Ever closer to depression. Despair. In desperation I cry out "is anyone there?" No one answers of course.
Then your voice pops in my head saying "nobody cares."
For a second, I believe it.
Then I remember your deceit. In a moment of clarity, I realize listening to you would mean I admit defeat.
But I wont let you win. I'll take your words and make them mine. It's the end of the line.
486 · Mar 2020
Did you know?
Zack Ripley Mar 2020
Did you know someone's proud of you?
That someone finds you beautiful inside and out?
Did you know someone loves you for who you are?
That you don't have to feel ashamed of your scars?
Did you know that you're enough? That you're strong?
Even through the computer, I can see you crying, saying "you're wrong."
But I'm telling you these things because they're true. Even if they're not true now, they will be.
Now say it with me.
"Someone's proud of me."
"Someone finds me beautiful, inside and out."
"Someone loves me for who I am."
"I don't have to be ashamed of my scars."
"I'm enough. I'm strong."
One more thing. "It's okay to tell my story."
484 · Apr 2019
Just because
Zack Ripley Apr 2019
Just because it's called makeup
doesn't mean it has to make up who you are.
Just because someone is bullying you
doesn't mean they're not being bullied too.
Just because someone tells you you're stupid or ugly
doesn't mean it's true.
Now, it's true that just because you read something
it doesn't make it true.
But it's important to know that just because you're feeling blue,
it doesn't mean it's the end of happiness for you
483 · Oct 2019
Winds of change
Zack Ripley Oct 2019
The winds of change are coming soon.
You can already see them starting to affect the moon.
The winds of change make the days shorter and nights colder.
Not that that's a bad thing.
It can make people want to be closer than shoulder to shoulder.
To the trees, the winds of change are like school bus drivers.
the breeze carries their leaves away, drops them safely on the ground, then returns them bright and new when spring rolls back around.
Change can be scary. But not all change is bad.
Just think of the pumpkins and cider and good times to be had.
481 · Jun 2019
panther in the night
Zack Ripley Jun 2019
I'm standing on the edge
Looking out past the shore
Hoping if I follow the horizon
I'll find something more.
Something worth fighting for.
All I want to do is leave behind the hurt and the hate
But deep down, I know it will follow me wherever I go like a panther in the night lying in wait
481 · Jul 2020
Not alone
Zack Ripley Jul 2020
"What would you do for loved ones?"
"What would you do for yourself?"
"Why not?"
"It's selfish."
"Why is it selfish?"
"Because I'm okay being alone.
They're not."
"First, just because you're okay
Being alone doesn't mean
you should be.
And second, you're not alone.
You have me."
481 · Dec 2023
Power of people
Zack Ripley Dec 2023
People can be mean. People can be kind. People can be calm. But when stressed,
they can feel like they're losing their minds. People can be right. People can be wrong. People can learn. Some people find out
there's more than one way to be strong.
People can be happy.
People can be depressed.
Sometimes, people need to hear
"your best is enough."
People can be heroes.
People can do hard things.
But you're not just people. You're you.
Which means you can be or do
almost anything.
Zack Ripley Jul 2019
It's all been said.
It's all been done.
Think you're broke and lonely?
You're not the only one.
Living in a world so isolated
So cold.
They say the only ones
who survive do what they're told.
But that's just what they want you to think.
They don't want you to find the power you have inside.
So get your thoughts together, wake up and let's ride.
We're going to say
what we need to say
and whether we succeed or die, at least we can say we tried
479 · Jun 2020
Zack Ripley Jun 2020
life is full of ups and downs.
But we've been down so long,
I can't help but wonder...
When the time comes,
Can we even remember HOW
To get up?
And when will that time come?
When someone has the courage
To scream one word.
Enough kneeling.
It's time to stand and start healing.
But it's all or no one. So...
Have you had enough?"
467 · Jun 2019
Don't walk away angry
Zack Ripley Jun 2019
Today, I found you crying on the stairs.
I asked if you were okay.
You asked me why I cared.
So I sat down beside you.
I said "I know you didn't ask for one, but you look like you could use a friend."
I asked again "what's wrong? Are you okay?"
You said "I'm fine. Just go away!"
I looked in your eyes and only saw pain and fear. So I said "we don't have to talk. But I'm not going anywhere."
You groaned and put your head in your knees.
Finally, you looked up and said "want to know what happened? Fine!
I found out my boyfriend cheated on me. When I confronted him, he said he never loved me and I needed to leave. Is that what you want to hear?!"
"No. I'm sorry that happened. Do you have any friends or family near?"
"No. And I don't have any money either."
"Alright. Before you say it,
I know you have no reason to trust me. But if you want, you can stay with me."
"Why are you being so nice to me? Why do you care?"
"Years ago, I had a friend who had gone through
a traumatic experience
and I wanted to help her.
I thought she could heal
if she talked to me about it.
I pushed her too hard
And she yelled at me.
So I yelled back.
I was angry so I left
and ignored her pleas
to come back.
Found out later she
Killed herself.
I don't know if anything would have changed if I stayed.
But I wish I didn't get angry
And walk away."
464 · Aug 2020
Things change
Zack Ripley Aug 2020
They say things change.
And that's absolutely true.
Money. Entertainment.
Clothes and shoes.
But the thing is, none of that matters
Unless people change.
The same people are still screamin,
Still fighting for the same reasons.
We've built a world where words
Have as much power as angels
And demons.
I'll be the first to admit. I have no idea where to start.
But we need to change now
Before we drift even further apart.
464 · Jun 2021
Snooze button
Zack Ripley Jun 2021
How can so much go wrong under a sky filled with pinks, golds, and blues?
These days, it feels like a chore to turn on the evening news.
Don't get me wrong. I know life has never been a pleasure cruise.
But day by day, I'm getting more addicted to the snooze button
463 · Nov 2020
Zack Ripley Nov 2020
You could know everything,
But that won't mean a **** thing
If you don't start listening.
Listening to yourself.
To your body.
To your friends and family.
Listening to the people
Who ask for information.
Because they won't be interested
In what you have to say
If you don't care about
What they have to say.
463 · Aug 2024
If you're reading this
Zack Ripley Aug 2024
First, I wanted to play.
Then, I wanted to make friends. Next, I wanted to cry.
Eventually, all I wanted
was for the loneliness to end.
I stayed alive for my family.
But it got harder every day. Because I didn't know how to say "I need help. I'm not okay."
Now, it's been years
since I've been in such a bad place.
But if you're reading this,
and you're wondering if you have anything left to give,
for what it's worth,
it's not too late
to decide you want to live.
462 · May 2020
what i love about you
Zack Ripley May 2020
I love your laugh.
I love your smile.
I love that you take time to breathe every once in a while.
I love that you want to help.
I love that you care.
I love that you don't get bothered if people stare.
I love that you're not afraid to treat yourself
To a cookie from the cookie jar
But most of all, I love that you're proud of who you are.
461 · Dec 2019
Find your way
Zack Ripley Dec 2019
It can be hard to find your way
When you watch the sun drown
In a sea of gray.
But it's okay.
The sun will come back another day.
461 · Nov 2019
A visit from an angel
Zack Ripley Nov 2019
The whiskey burns my throat even in the cold November air
As I sit out on my porch in my evening wear.
I let my mind drift away,
Not unlike the swirling snow
To the night I received a mysterious letter many years ago.
At first, I was confused.
But my curiosity grew
When they asked to meet on the bridge at midnight for a secret rendezvous.
As I put on my boots, gloves, and cap, all I kept thinking was "please, don't be a trap."
When I arrived, the air was thick.
And with my adrenaline rising, it was getting hard to breathe.
I waited and waited, and then you showed up just as I was getting ready to leave.
I screamed into the wind
"I got your letter! What is it you need?"
Then, what happened next, I could never have believed.
There you were, surrounded by an ethereal glow.
You, my love, who stole my heart when you left before it was your time to go.
To this day, I don't know if what I saw was real, or just a dream.
But it gave me hope.
And more importantly, it gave me peace.
460 · Jul 2020
Don't (a soliloquy)
Zack Ripley Jul 2020
Stop! PLEASE stop saying "don't."
"Don't give up."
"Don't be afraid to ask for help."
"Don't be sad."
"Don't keep it bottled up inside."
I could go on and on.
"Don't be scared."
God, I hate that one the most.
Like, why the hell shouldn't I be scared?
Look at everything that's happening.
Look, I know you mean well,
But when you say that word,
It feels like you're trying to control me.
And I already feel
                           ­        Out
                    ­                     Control.
I know you want to help.
And it means a lot to know you'll be there if I need help.
But I need to do this on my own.
459 · Sep 2020
Zack Ripley Sep 2020
Every night, I search the sky
For the stars that spell out your name.
Because ever since you left
Without saying goodbye,
Nothing has been the same.
So if I'm lonely,
I lie underneath your willow tree,
And as I look at the stars,
I swear I can feel you next to me.
Zack Ripley Nov 2019
Tonight, I write this poem for you.
You, who pushes through the day with a smile even when you don't want to.
Tonight, I write this poem for you.
Lover, fighter, don't be afraid to let your fire burn brighter.
Tonight, I write for you a poem of hope.
You, the one who fears you've reached the end of your rope.
Tonight, I write this poem for you.
You, my new friend. If you need someone to talk to, I'm just around the river bend.
456 · May 2024
Lost in translation
Zack Ripley May 2024
I understand there will be times the words I say won't be the ones you hear.
And you might lash out in anger
disguised as fear.
Fear that one day, we'll fight, I'll leave,
and never come back.
But once you calm down, like you always do,
I'll be there to remind you that sometimes, words get lost in translation.
And it's OK, because it happens to everyone.
456 · Nov 2019
I act; therefore, I am
Zack Ripley Nov 2019
The world is so cruel to you
But your words are so kind.
How can you trust people
or be nice to them
When they've robbed you blind?
I don't trust them.
But I believe that even though words
Have incredible power,
Actions have even more power.
So when life gets me down,
I think of a phrase
I act, therefore I am.
I act happy, therefore I am happy.
Yes, I'm still wearing a mask,
But if you say something enough,
you start to believe it.
I don't fully believe it yet myself.
But I want to get better
So I'm up to the task.
Are you?
Yeah...doesn't rhyme completely but important message nonetheless
455 · May 2020
Zack Ripley May 2020
Going down, but it's not bad.
Going down to the river
to clear my head.
Simple things like skipping rocks
Or catching fish in the stream
Remind me that
even in times like these,
Life could still be a dream
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