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8.6k · Sep 2021
Romance on High Seas
Savio Fonseca Sep 2021
Last Night it rained and poured,
Lightning and Thunder.
Passion seeped thru the Sheets,
of Two Hearts that lay Under.
Kisses were exchanged,
to pacify the brewing Storm.
Hands went Flirting,
soaring the Temperatures Warm.
As both legs got locked
high up the Shoulder.
The Night, turned Darker
and the moves, got Bolder.
Nights on White Satin,
are truly a Delight.
Romance is on the High Seas,
until the Sun pops it's Light.
5.7k · Jun 2020
A Night with Tennis Aces
Savio Fonseca Jun 2020
The Sun was slowly Sinking.
The Day was almost Done.
When Darkness fell around Us,
We readied Ourselves for Fun.
I felt Her, with My Eyes.
To Memorise Her Golden Spot.
She Kissed Me on My Lips
and watched Me turning Hot.
With Her Ten gentle Fingers,
She guided Me to Her Door,
The Lion in Me got Woken
and We both landed on the Floor.
Hearing Her Moan and Whisper,
I went fondling Her Curves.
Each stroke that I rendered,
we're Tennis Aces one Serves.
Savio Fonseca Jun 2023
Love has always had, a favourite corner.
With Secrets, Wounds and Scars.
Hearts often meet, at Sunsets.
So at Night, they can count the Stars.
Lonely is My Heart Tonight,
as I stand upon this Sand.
Crashing Waves roll all over Me,
Finally a Moonbeam holds My Hand.
At Midnight, as I try to close My Eyes.
To exhale My Loneliness Away.
My Eyes keep waiting for a Heartful Soul.
But not a Soul comes My Way.
5.3k · Nov 2021
A Walk around Her Park
Savio Fonseca Nov 2021
My Lips went for a Stroll,
around Her Thighs.
They stopped on hearing,
Her Moans and Her Sighs.
I then began worshipping,
Her sacred Shrine.
Coz the Night, was Young
and My Needle, was at Nine.
I passionately kept tasting,
Her Divine Flavour.
Afterall.....She was My Dish,
which I ought to Savour.
"Take your time".....She said,
as I worshipped Her Thighs.
"Coz there lies your Heaven,
waiting to open up it's Skies."
4.9k · Jun 2022
Love has lost, it's meaning
Savio Fonseca Jun 2022
I want to invest My Time, in Love.
But I feel, it would be all a Waste.
Coz Kisses, melt like Coughdrops.
Gone is their sugary Taste.
Romance has lost it's Passion.
Feelings are nowhere to be Found.
Lust is ruling the roost Nowadays
and Moans end without their Sound.
Love.......has Lost it's meaning.
It has a Menu, without a Name.
Once the Clothes come off,
Hearts find themselves in Shame.
Take Me back, to the good old Days.
When Romance meant holding Her Hand.
Kisses were shared at Sunsets,
as Legs kept walking on the Sand.
4.9k · Nov 2022
Dancing with the Clouds
Savio Fonseca Nov 2022
Dancing with the Clouds,
is a Dream that I always carry.
But the Darkness of the Night,
is somewhat a bit scary.
I keep waiting for The Moon,
to show up in the sky.
But the cold November Wind,
keeps howling in My eye.
I feel like I’m slowly fading,
like smoke into thin air.
In constant search of Love,
but no one really cares.
I keep gathering the Moonbeams,
after Twilight steals My hours.
Her Memories sleep with Me,
in a Garden full of flowers.
4.1k · Jul 2023
Life....A Beautiful Teacher
Savio Fonseca Jul 2023
As I gaze at the Midnight Moon,
breathing slowly as I Sigh.
It wishes Me Goodnight,
and assures Me I won't Die.
The Sun will show it's Face,
after the Moon falls off to Sleep.
When the new Day has Dawned,
My Tears begin to Weep.
Life was a Beautiful Teacher,
that smothered Me with Kisses.
Alas I forget all My Lessons,
Hence I'm losing on the Blisses.
Time was a cruel Companion,
Which I lost somewhere on the Way.
Love was just a Friend of Mine,
Who One Day........ran Away.
3.8k · Sep 2022
My Love lost it's Race
Savio Fonseca Sep 2022
Like Flowers My Life got wilted,
despite the pouring Rain.
The One whom I most needed,
left Me in Agony and Pain.
Trust when broken, is Poison.
It seeps right thru your Head.
Creeping into your whole System.
Leaving U good as Dead.
I thought She would trust Me.
I thought She would Care.
I thought She truly Loved Me
and would always be There.
I longer feel so Open.
I don't wish to show My Face.
I find Life, is so very Cruel.
After My love lost it's Race.
3.7k · Sep 2023
A Beautiful Mind
Savio Fonseca Sep 2023
Success may adorn
your Universe,
like Stars.
But it's your
Beautiful Mind,
that sparkles
your Personality.
Savio Fonseca Feb 2024
I wish, I was a Rainbow Colour.
That defined My Life, at Night.
One that made Me look, a lot more Fuller.
One with which, I'd shine Bright.
Yellow is a Colour, that's Contagious,
It has a Smile, that's on a Boil.
It's the centre of Joy and Happiness.
A Life without Work and Toil.
In Red, I would look Bold and Handsome.
I would stand out, in the Crowd.
Warning all, When there's danger around,
I would move around, like a Cloud.
Green is a Colour that matches Nature,
I would be ready to Jet, Set....Go.
It is Zealous and has lot of Passion
Sky is the limit, l can Grow.
I would look Suave , if I was a White.
But actually I'm Black and Blue.
Life has painted Me with these 2 Colours
and I'm stuck to them like Glue.
3.5k · Jun 2022
Your Home, is a Temple
Savio Fonseca Jun 2022
Your Home, is a Temple,
Where the Roof, is your Own.
A place, where U grew up
and a place, where Love Shone.
Never will U find,
Tears lying on the Floor.
Beautiful Memories of the past,
are hidden behind each Door.
Wisdom lies on the Bookshelf
and Laughter lights each Room.
There's a Vase on the Table,
Where Flowers always Bloom.
Don't take anyone's advice,
as how to paint each Wall.
Your Home is a private Shelter,
U ought to make that Call.
Savio Fonseca Sep 2023
We kept Whispering Our Desires,
beneath the Sheets of White Satin.
Our Kisses kept pouring
and their Words were in Latin.
Our Feelings, Calmly and Gently,
were moaning in Pleasure.
That's When Our Hands arrived,
at the spot they most Treasured.
With My Lips I went Humming,
around Her precious Spot.
With both Her Hands,
She Worshipped what She Got.
Like an Amorous Knight,
I went riding Her Post.
After Our Sessions ended,
I raised Her, a Champagne Toast.
3.4k · Aug 2020
A Night full of Ecstasy
Savio Fonseca Aug 2020
I found Myself in Heaven,
one Night in September.
A Night full of Ecstasy,
it was for Me to Remember.
I was worshipping My Goddess
and Her sacred Shrine.
Kissing Her Strawberry Lips,
that were rolling with Mine.
I unwrapped Her Passion,
for I had a lot to Taste.
I began with Her Rose Buds
and then went down Her Waist.
I started riding My Angel,
slowly at First
and ended Our Love Session,
by Quenching Her Thirst.
3.4k · Dec 2022
My Painful Love Story
Savio Fonseca Dec 2022
It's painful, to write My Love Story.
I've to scratch and claw My Head.
Bite My Tongue and clench My Teeth.
Until the right Words I find in Bed.
My Words are written with sadness,
with the Stars listening to My Pain.
On Dark Night I hum a Lullaby,
in Harmony with the falling Rain.
I write to Heal, My wounded Heart.
The Moon helps Me with Her Glow.
Clouds remind Me to take some rest
and the Trees say, "Go a bit Slow".
I Write to escape from this World,
Day and Night I keep penning My Art.
I Write on HePo, to soothe My Soul
and Heal, My Broken Heart.
Savio Fonseca Jan 2023
Midnight encroaches like a Lion.
As Darkness swallows the Light.
Temperatures soar to new Heights,
on a Cold and Wintry Night.
She treated Me to Her Velvet Kisses,
and traced Her Lipstick on My Chest.
Her lofty Passions kept pouring.
On My Body, that was full of Zest.
I speared Her, with My Desires,
as She impaled Me, with Her Lust.
She Moaned away My Whispers,
at the end of every Golden ******.
We woke up at Dawn, next Morning.
As the Sun showed up it's Head.
The Sun, was a bit jealous of Me.
Coz at Night, I had the Moon in Bed.
3.1k · Jul 2023
My eyes were set on U
Savio Fonseca Jul 2023
The finest of Spirits, that touched My Lips.
Was never that intoxicating.
Neither did their sweetness Eclipse,
the Magic your Kisses kept Creating.
No Melody I heard, was played that Fine.
To be Music to both My Ears.
Nor have Notes had those sadful Words.
The Way your Voice, bring out My Tears.
The finest Silk that touched My Skin,
was never that Tender, Smooth or Light.
They never wrapped Me with Finesse.
As your Arms do for Me every Night.
The World offered Me Diamonds and Gold
and Gifts as Pure as the Morning Dew.
But none of them caught My Eyes,
as My Eyes were set on U.
Savio Fonseca May 2022
There was Beauty in Her Silence,
So Beautiful was Her Voice.
Each Kiss She gave, was Elegant.
They made My Heart Rejoice.
Now Her Memories are an anchor,
Dragging down My Feet and Heart.
My weight, is slowly sinking.
But My Soul is not ready to Depart.
As the Clouds begin to Gather.
Thunder strikes the Ground.
My Shadow is ready for the Night.
But My Voice has lost it's Sound.
I wish, I was.....true to Her
and had, My wrongs Mended.
My Dreams, will just be Dreams.
As now Her life has Ended.
3.1k · Aug 2021
A Word of Thanks
Savio Fonseca Aug 2021
A BIG word of Thanks,
for all what U have Done.
U have been an Inspiration,
to Me and Everyone.
U have taught Me,
lessons over the Years.
Those Lessons I will hold,
for the rest of My Years.
U mean a those,
who are Suffering.
With all your Prayers,
they show signs of Recovering.
U are My Guiding Light,
for the Battles I've Won.
U are the Light that shines,
like the Morning Sun.
Dedicated to My Cousin,  San Castelino. Happy Birthday. Remember your best,  is yet to come.
3.1k · Jul 2020
Once more, Again
Savio Fonseca Jul 2020
Last Night We Escaped,
to a far away Place.
To be on Our Own
and have our Own Space.
As I played My Tongue,
inside Her Mouth.
I Rolled in a few Kisses,
from Her North to Her South.
I stroked Her Silky Body
and relieved all Her Pain.
She Moaned and Whispered,
"Once more, Again."
I kept feeding Her Passion
and all that She Desired.
Kissing Her every Piece,
from the Talent I had Acquired.
3.0k · Jun 2022
A Broken Heart
Savio Fonseca Jun 2022
When a Heart in Love gets Broken,
it's pieces get scattered Around.
Tears keep falling Drop by Drop,
without a Word or Sound.
Diamonds are stones that Sparkle,
When U polish them all the More.
A Broken Heart becomes a bit Stronger,
When Love touches their Feet or Shore.
Black loves, the Sound of Silence.
White shines, when it is Night.
A Heart that's Broken has Memories.
But their Love, is never in Sight.
As Moonlight shines on their windowsill,
A Broken Heart is brought back to Life.
But then old Memories, begin to creep in
and Dreams, are stabbed by a Knife.
3.0k · Jan 2022
Walk in the Clouds
Savio Fonseca Jan 2022
Let's take a Walk in the Clouds,
Sharing each other as We Go.
Let's take a trip, around the World
and let's Walk it, really Slow.
U decorated My World,
where Dreams played their Part.
I shall decorate your Universe,
painting My Love over your Heart.
The Colours of the Rainbow,
are a Beautiful sight to See.
But even Rainbows lose their Colours,
Darling........When U smile at Me.
My mind was a Clutter,
Living my Life Day to Day.
Your Love flowed like a River.
Floating Me, gently Away.
Savio Fonseca Jun 2023
We can pretend, We own the Woods
and stand Regal, like the Pine.
Gathering Fruits, Nuts and Honey.
While sipping on Red Wine.
With a Camping Tent as Shelter.
We can weave the branches for Our Bed.
Lay Our promises, on fallen Leaves
and hold on to them, Once they're Said.
The Stars can give Us Company.
As the Moon stays guard at Night.
Wild Kisses, can be Our Password.
As Passions flows thru each Bite.
At Midnight U may see your Lion,
Roaring himself in Bed.
Woods I find are a Romantic Place,
Where solemn vows can be Said.
2.8k · Jun 2023
I'm waiting for the Rain
Savio Fonseca Jun 2023
I'm waiting for the Rain to fall from the Sky
and gracefully sway with the Breeze.
Bringing Calmness, Sanity and Peace around.
Blessing the green fields and the Trees.
I'm waiting for the Rain to fall from the Sky
and Splash on the window Panes.
So Children can hum their rainy Tune,
While it makes puddles in the traffic Lanes.
I'm waiting for the Rain to fall from the Sky,
To Wish Us Hello and Goodbye.
To each Pretty Soul, it gives a tender Hug.
Taking their Blues to the Mighty Sky.
I'm waiting for Raindrops to fall from the Sky,
So We all can have some Fun.
The Raindrops must Kiss, each one of Us.
Before the Sky, gets covered by Sun.
Savio Fonseca Sep 2023
Thy Woman is a Queen of Passion,
pull Her closer to U at 1 am.
She's a Royal and smells of Hope.
See that U savor Her till 1 pm.
At Night, She will stir up your Soul.
With a Tongue that Stings and Whips.
She will paint your Chest and Thighs,
With those pink and sultry Lips.
She's intense and full of Feelings
and U have, a lot more to Learn.
Her Passions know all the places.
Where at Night, they have to Burn.
U will be caught, in Her World of Ecstasy
and When your Love joy, begins to Drip.
Keep Dancing your flesh with desires,
as U savor your Woman in Sips.
Savio Fonseca Aug 2023
Wake-up to a Day, that's spilling Sunshine
and let Sunlight, keep nourishing your Soul.
If there are Grey Clouds and Rain around U.
Don't Worry, as up there's God in Control.
Inhale the Beauty that surrounds U,
look at Nature from near and far Away.
Discover God's beautiful Gift to Mankind.
Thank Him for having given U this Day.
When the Day is Done and Dusted
and the Sun is setting beyond the Hills.
Wait for the mighty Moon to show up,
as U sit patiently near your Windowsill.
The Universe is wrapped with Darkness,
eagerly waiting for a Spark to Light.
That's When Romance shows up with Aces
and Passion keeps seeping thru the Night.
Savio Fonseca Oct 2023
I'm uploading My Dreams for Tonight.
When the Sun sets beyond the Sea.
Come forth, My Pretty Woman.
Wheresoever U may Be.
When I step into Light, next Morning.
I must feel your Warmth, on My Skin.
My Soul must brim with Happiness.
So there's a flutter in My Heart Within.
Life at times, can be a Monstrous Devil.
That may sail U on dying Streams.
Feelings are the Fabric to Our Souls,
I Fashion them out, with My Dreams.
Emotions are just like Wild Fires.
They have mystic powers to Destroy.
Sometimes they have the power to rebuild.
So U sleep, on a bed of Crimson Joy.
Savio Fonseca Sep 2023
Standing underneath a Billion Stars,
I looked down at the Roaring Sea.
Something jumped out of the Water,
I wondered What it could Be.
I leaned Myself a bit further
and tried to figure things Out.
A Mermaid caught My Eyes
and I had no time to Shout.
I thought I ought to save Her,
from the 'Sharks' there out at Sea.
Then I changed My Mind,
as Her Beauty enchanted Me.
I waved out, My Hands to Her
and that brought, out Her Smile.
She said to Me, "Let's go Diving,
so U can Romance Me for a While".
With a Splash, I was in the Water.
Holding on, to My new found Love.
She was a Soft as Cotton Candy
and murmured like a Snow White Dove.
At times I've Romanced in Sunshine,
At times I Held Hands in the Bitter Cold.
Today I was at Nature's end Swimming,
With a Mermaid and Her Heart of Gold.
2.5k · Aug 2023
Endless Love
Savio Fonseca Aug 2023
Count the Raindrops,
falling in a Rainstorm.
Count the Leaves,
that are there on a Tree.
Count the Stars,
Up there in Heaven.
Count the Fishes,
Swimming out at Sea.
Take the Happiness,
of the Universe.
and Add them all,
to a Love that never Ends.
Her Heart,
will taste only Laughter
and Her Eyes,
will hold U until the End.
2.5k · Jul 2023
Wishing upon the Wind
Savio Fonseca Jul 2023
I was standing under the Starry Sky,
admiring the Sparkling Stars.
Kept winking at the Silvery Moon
and blowing Kisses to the Shooting Stars.
I kept wishing upon the Wind,
hoping that My Wishes led to U.
The Night, was cold and lonely
and My Heart, was missing U.
Life is made up of Night and Day
and I chose for Me the Dark.
Hoping Lightning Bolts and Thunder.
Would ignite your passions to Spark.
Loneliness often turns bitter.
When it's left alone for too Long.
It hangs it's Hands around U,
playing the Lyrics of a sadful Song.
2.5k · Aug 2023
I hope to Romance the Moon
Savio Fonseca Aug 2023
At Night, I often lock My Eyes,
as I stare up at the Sky.
I hope to Romance the Moon,
That's perched there up so High.
I stretch out both My Hands,
Hoping She falls into My Arms.
I wish My Prayers were heard
and they bring Me all Her Charms.
Through the looking glass of Mine,
I see the Universe that's out There.
There's Darkness all around
and Romance is Everywhere.
What good is this World to Me,
if it cannot offer Me it's Love?
This broken Heart of Mine,
found solace from Above.
2.5k · Jun 2023
Your Beauty, is so Beautiful
Savio Fonseca Jun 2023
Your Humour splits the World
and the Universe begins to Laugh.
Your jokes flow like a Fountain
and splits Me into Half.
Your Smile makes Me Quiver,
along My nervous Spine.
It's like the Ripples of a River,
Where the high tide begins at Nine.
Your Beauty is so Beautiful,
It moves My naked Soul.
Your Kindness is so much Loving,
It sewed My broken Heart to Whole.
I was waiting for My Heartbeats,
So I could Dedicate a Poem with Words.
But Words were hard to come by,
So I stole them from the Birds.
Savio Fonseca Sep 2023
Romance Me, among the Flowers
and confess, your Love for Me.
Nature will stand as a Witness,
for a Love that's deeper than the Sea.
Hold Me with your Fragrance,
as I sway U with the Breeze.
Our Passions must keep pouring,
As We nestle among the Trees.
Lead Me to all your Hidden Secrets.
I promise they will be Dear to Me.
When U draw yourself a bit Closer.
Your feelings must pour over Me.
Your Heart must beat a Rhythm,
that will narrate all your Pain.
The Pain will surely Disappear,
When I Kiss U in the pouring Rain.
2.4k · Jun 2022
Rocking the Sky with U
Savio Fonseca Jun 2022
If the Ground was above Us
and the 'Sky' lay Below.
I would still Love U.........Darling,
as U are My Rose in the Snow.
If the Deserts had no Sand
and the Beaches had no Sea.
Concerts would be performing,
without the likes of U and Me.
If Today was Tomorrow
and old Memories turned New.
I would cherish all the flashbacks,
even if they were handful or few.
If only U turn, Days to Nights.
So My Dreams come True.
I would be a very lucky Fellow,
rocking the 'Sky' with U.
2.4k · Sep 2023
If U take away My Heart
Savio Fonseca Sep 2023
Take the Fragrance from the Flowers
and the Garden will lose its Charm.
Take the Hands away from the Clock
and Time won't ring an Alarm.
Take the Violin, from the Symphony
and the Dance Floor begins to Sigh.
Take the Rain, from the April Showers
and the Ground will begin to Cry.
Take the Tidal Waves, from the Ocean
and the Waters will be Calm and Still.
Take the Landscape from the Mountains
and the Sun won't set behind the Hill.
If U take away My Heart.
The beatings are still there Within.
I'll Love U forever and ever,
As your Heart is neatly tucked In.
2.4k · Oct 2023
Life....and it's Moments
Savio Fonseca Oct 2023
Life has those tearful Moments,
When U need a Shoulder to cry on.
U find there's no one around U
and your Heart ends sighing on.
Life has those empty Moments,
that keeps eating on U.
U see the World Colourless,
and U end up feeling Blue.
Life has those silent Moments,
When U need someone to talk,
But there's hardly anyone around,
So U end up taking a walk.
Life has those scary moments,
When U feel, U are not good enough.
U go around tipping your Hat,
but still that's not enough.
Life has its beautiful Moments,
When at Night, U stare up at the sky.
U Wait for the Moon to show up
So U can wave it good-bye.
Savio Fonseca Jun 2023
U have the Eyes, of the Stars
and your Lips, are crucial as Air.
U have warmth of the Sun and Mars,
and your Heart is valuable and Rare.
I Wish to Write a Poem on your skin
and illustrate every word I write for U.
Sail My fingertips on your gentle Curves
and trace them on the Heart I Drew.
If the Morning Sun forgets to rise,
U will be lighting up My Skies.
It’s both Beautiful and Tragic.
When I'm with U, how fast time Flies.
My Passions are coursing in My Veins.
As sweat appears on your Skin.
Heaven has opened it's Doors for Me,
So Darling......Please let Me In.
2.3k · Jun 2020
There's no Sunrise.....
Savio Fonseca Jun 2020
There's no Sunrise,
to Sunset the Beauty
and Smile of a Woman.
There's no Season,
to Offset the Charm
and Elegance of a Woman.
2.3k · Jun 2022
She's your Shade and Blanket
Savio Fonseca Jun 2022
U will never find a Sunrise,
that Sunsets Her Treasured Smile.
U will never find a Season,
that Offsets Her Romancing Style.
Her Mind that races Faster,
has Hands that are often Kind.
Her Heart is always Forgiving,
with Generosity U will never Find.
She's your Shade, in sultry Summer
and your Blanket, when it's Cold.
Her Nights are lit with Passions,
with Desires Hot and Bold.
There's much more to a Woman,
than what's written on Her Face.
With Feelings that are Full of Life.
She will win any given Race.
2.3k · Oct 2021
Lipstick on my Collar
Savio Fonseca Oct 2021
With Her Lipstick on My Collar,
and My Kisses on Her Soul.
A restless moving Body,
was eagerly shooting it's Goal.
My Desires were on Fire,
waiting to be Burnt.
I kept changing positions,
so all Her lessons.....She Learnt.
It was Our weekend Romance,
the Moon was no where in Sight.
All Our clothes were scattered,
in a room which had no Light.
With all Our Chocolate Fantasies
and a Butter Scotch full of Dreams.
The Night passed away silently
with Whispers, Moans and  Screams.
Savio Fonseca Jun 2023
The Door to My Heart, was left open.
To a Woman, I had given the Key.
She never found, what She was looking for
and soon returned it, back to Me.
I held back Memories of Her.
The moment She decided to Part
and nestled them, Safe and Secretly.
In the corner of My Heart.
I drew Her Picture in My Mind.
A Picture which I could never Erase
and painted the Picture, in My Heart
with Colours no one could Replace.
Each Night, I played the Moon to Her
and was building Her, a Mansion on Mars.
I kept building My Castles in the air,
While She chased all the Stars.
Savio Fonseca Jun 2023
I need to have, a Slice of Heaven,
Whilst living My life on Earth.
Where can I find, What I keep seeking?
I'm seeking it, as I feel the Dearth.
So I plucked a few Stars, from the Sky.
Whilst the Moon stared at Me.
She kept wondering, why the Stars.
When there were Fishes, out at Sea.
I then chose to chase the Butterflies,
that were eyeing the Flowers Around.
They saw Me in My Rose Garden
and left without touching the Ground.
When will Happiness, find Me
and I get a Slice, of what I'm looking For?
I keep winning all Battles in My Life.
It's high time, I won the War.
2.2k · Jul 2022
Flow of Love
Savio Fonseca Jul 2022
Let the flow of Love, surround Me
and fill My Heart, with Joy and Peace.
Let the Waves of Passion, move Freely.
So their flow thru Me, doesn't Cease.
Let the Sound of Love, keep Ringing.
So My Words run, Clear and Strong.
Let My body Cells, rejoice in Singing.
To a Heart, which My Feelings Belong.
Let My Feeling for Love, stay with Me.
So My Nights, have a Beautiful Dream.
Let My Boat of Love, sail Peacefully.
On Waters, of a never ending Stream.
Let the flow of Love, be Vibrant.
As I travel, on the Highway of Life.
Sharing Love with Family and Friends
and with the Woman, in My Life.
2.1k · Apr 2024
Savio Fonseca Apr 2024
Nibble Her Neck,
and She'll curl up Her Nose.
Massage Her Feet
and She'll curl up Her Toes.
Tickle Her Earlobes
and She'll Moan your Name.
Whisper Her Cow Girl
and She'll ride on your Frame.
Tweak Her Rosebuds
and She'll give out a Moan.
Kiss Her Lips,
and She'll slurp on your Cone.
Bite Her Toes
and She'll wriggle Her Waist.
Trickles of sweet Honey,
is all yours to Taste.
Savio Fonseca Sep 2023
My Words would have touched U,
in so many different Ways
and turn both your Hands,
Cold and Numb.
The Sense of Touch,
is so Wonderful to Feel.
A Hug, A Kiss, A Nudge, A Pat.
add up to a mammoth Sum.
I was a Fool to have fallen in Love,
Head over Heals and Blind.
I went blushing, all through the Day
and at Night, I lost My Mind.
Love can move Mountains I'm told,
it can Calm the Storm out at Sea
I had built, a Mansion for both of Us
and a Wave took that, with Me.
Savio Fonseca Aug 2023
I'm a fool, Who has fallen in Love.
Head over Heels and Blind.
I keep blushing during the Day,
not knowing what's there in My Mind.
If I offer My Love and Gift wrap it to U.
Will U make Me yours Forever
Or will U turn it Down and Laugh at Me
and make Me hang My Ears Forever.
As I stand on the Steps of Happiness
waiting for U to open the Door.
Will U let Me into your fold
Or will My Tears roll on to the Floor.
The Last time, When I said I Love U.
My Voice had begun to Crack.
I'm that best selling Book, U never read.
Lying Dusty and Torn on you Rack.
Savio Fonseca Jun 2022
I wish I could spell out,
the Tears that are Falling. 
Whipped by a Breakup,
Your Name they keep Calling. 
The note that U left behind,
Broke My Heart in Two
and now My Life is living,
with Memories of U.
My Heart that lies shattered,
across the bedroom Floor. 
Has each piece waiting,
for your knock on My Door.
At times a Broken Smile, 
appears on My Face.
With a hope that one Day,
your Face it will Trace.
Savio Fonseca Sep 2023
Happiness brings U Laughter.
Happiness brings U Joy.
It makes U, sound playful.
Like a Child, with a new gifted Toy.
Love pours Out with Romance,
It has the Fragrance of a Flower.
Some are lucky to have it.
As it multiplies Life by the Hour.
Tears that fall on your Pillow,
for all the times U have Cried.
U feel awful, lonely and Hollow.
like almost half of U has Died.
Life is so much Beautiful,
When there's Someone to Care.
Your Wounds all keep healing
Someday their Scars won't be There.
2.1k · Dec 2022
Midnight Match
Savio Fonseca Dec 2022
Her Rosebuds began to bloom,
in the middle of the Night.
As both My Hands went surfing,
after it had turned Twilight.
My Head rested, between Her Hills
and it took Shelter, on Her Lap.
My Ten fingers began tracing,
the vital points of Her Map.
She then carved on My Heart,
each Alphabet of Her Name.
Creating a new Beginning,
for both Our bodies to Shame.
My Hands, began their warm-ups
and stopped, at Her Garden Patch,
Giving My Passions a spurt
and thereby lighting My Match.
2.0k · Aug 2023
A Cat, climbed up My Roof
Savio Fonseca Aug 2023
Last Night a Cat climbed My Roof.
I have no reason Why.
Though I'm a Lover of Cats,
I was scared to ask Her Why.
I'm figuring out How She got There.
As My House is Down by the Sea.
I tried calling Her Kitty,
But She wouldn't answer Me.
Maybe She was in search of Fish,
So My Heart uttered a Hi to Her.
With that She purred a Meow
and began to lick Her Fur.
I finally brought Her Down
and asked Her what She Wanted.
I have failed to Understand Cats
and the last One, had Me Haunted.
She kept purring all Night
and the Lion in Me lost Control.
But I buried all My Sins,
When She held My Heart and Soul.
2.0k · Nov 2023
Pretty Cat, Kitty Cat
Savio Fonseca Nov 2023
Pretty Cat, Kitty Cat.
U stole My Heart, this morning.
Pretty Cat, Kitty Cat.
Let's watch the Stars burning.
Pretty Cat, Kitty Cat.
Where did u learn to purr?
Pretty Cat, Kitty Cat.
You're a Kitten fully of fur.
Pretty Cat, Kitty Cat.
Your Heart, was Once My Home.
Pretty Cat, Kitty Cat.
Don't in the streets, U Roam.
Pretty Cat, Kitty Cat.
Who, let the Dogs out?
Pretty Cat, Kitty Cat.
Why do U make me Shout?
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