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Unknown Feb 24
The smoke from putting out the candles

Reminds me once again how no one cares

How many years has it been with empty promises?

Being told repeatedly how much fun my birthday will be  

You’re getting older we should celebrate  

But when it comes down to it their empty words

It would be different if I didn’t see how much effort  

Goes into everyone else’s  

The smiles I see plastered by how excited they are

It makes me sick; I shouldn’t complain at least they remember

But do they?

I’m celebrated with a cake but who’s going to tell them  

That I’m not much for pastries  

They bought one so it should count for something  

Until you know how each year, I stay up to bake theirs  

One they’ll like

One they’ll enjoy

Here’s to me,  

Happy Birthday to little Miss Nobody
Still working on it a bit so it's a work in progress
A number just one before
A number that signifies
one quarter
of one-hundred,
-in this case-
years of age.

I've circled the sun so many times
that time itself has begun to blend together:

Days spilled into
                       Weeks cascaded into
                                                    Months plunged into
                                                                                  years; incalculable.

I neglect to mention that throughout it all I have,
in fact,
been vaguely happy at worst and genuinely blissful at best.

And so I say to thee;
If on your birthday you cannot breathe,
If every moment is lost with ease,
I implore you, see the cost of these
things-and learn to set yourself free.
24 Years old...It sure has been one helluva trip.
Cole Feb 11
A dark room
Hiding in the corner
Barely singing a song
Whispering the words
"Happy birthday-"
Choking back tears
holding arms to chest
"-to me."
Letting out a cry
"Happy birthday-"
Thinking about people
the ones downstairs laughing.
"-to me."
Celebrating since they won't.
"Happy birthday-"
At least it'll be sung with the right name.
"-dear Cole."
Tears stream down
Quickly wipe them away
"Happy birthday-"
Jumping, hearing a door slam in the house
"-to me."
Laying down
Rocking back and forth.

I open my eyes.
My birthday again.
Is it really two years later?
Fake birthday wishes sent.
At least this year I won't be alone.

I have never been 40
it's coming soon
it's just around the corner
The big 4-0 looms
I have Never been 40
I haven't got a clue
Will my hair turn grey
How much will I lose?
I have never been 40
What do I do
I've heard all the stories
I don't want to face the truth
I'm turning 40  
Goodbye to my youth
Can some one help me
I'm turning 40 and singing the blues
Will I lose my teeth
Have to gum my food
Wear knee high socks?
Watch the news
I'm turning 40
My life is through
What is next
Nothing to look forward to
It's all downhill
Oh *******
What to do
I'm turning 40
Yeah my life is through
hazem al jaber Dec 2022
Happy birthday ...

And ...
it's like yesterday ...
this day ...
It was ...
the meeting ...
in spite of ...
many years went ...
we made a covenant ...
within our hearts ...
to keep on ...
faith ...
and loyalty ...
for only love ...
all our age ...
from that day
til now ...

yes sweetheart ...
today, my love ...
is that day ...
our day ...
it's ...
your birthday
in it we still running ...
our love ...
as we started it ...
since that day ...

Happy birthday ...
sweet angel mine ...
you are the happiness ...
to my heart ...

Well hello twenty four
Didn’t hear you knocking at my door
Woke up to happy birthday baby
Me wondering where good morning went
Out the door to early you just missed him
Dancing in the breeze on a whim
Here I am now twenty four
No surprise, there’s still skeletons beneath the floor
The darkness didn’t go away
Like we had hoped
Getting older doesn’t cure it
Just makes it easier to hide
Still wish I had died
Yet here we are at twenty four
In the dessert heat
No reprieve from the sun
But the suns healing
And the healings only begun
So much left to do
With no idea how to start
Just hoping that I can find my heart
Buried it years ago
Now at twenty four
Hoping I can find it, when I open the right door
Life is a very scary thing, I woke up crying this morning, but this was the first birthday I’ve had in years that I didn’t dread
SophiaAtlas Nov 2021
Valya Oct 2021
I hope today you can truly celebrate yourself
I'm so proud of how far you've come
And even though I don't agree
With a lot of your actions
I'm still happy that you've been able
To make yourself happier
We might not be together anymore
But I'll always have this fondness for you
So happy birthday to my first love
I hope everything plays out the way you want it to
You're turning 17 good job im really really proud of you <3
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