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Anais Vionet Jun 30
In a phalanx of four: Peter, Lisa, Dave, and I, descended a waterfall of marble stairs - pilgrims to another time - as if we’d punched through a wormhole.

It’s a five-star bash at the palace of Versailles - a grand ball - and the air itself seemed to vibrate with a feverish energy. As we bottomed the stairs, something whisked by in the air - was it the ghost of beheaded Louis the 16th?

Naah, it was a multicolored, donkey-headed, Cirque du Soleil creature. They swung everywhere, like gravity defying bugs on silken tethers, ring-swings and thin, web ropes. They flew, tumbled, unicycled, breathed fire and were shot out of cannons like fodder - all against a prismatic sunset backdrop.

A surprisingly chill Parisian wind clawed at our costumes of silk and broadcloth finery. The sun, a bright pink and yellow crack, low on the horizon, cast long, dramatic shadows on the flourish of chaos, as people arrived.

As night asserted itself, light became a living entity, blooming and dissolving in a mesmerizing multicolor-laser ballet that bathed the milling, costumed throng in fluorescent kaleidoscopes of kool-aid colors.

The day before, we had final costume fittings, earlier on the day, we had our hair and makeup done by artists who specialized in 17th/18th century styles (like we’d have known the difference).

From the salon, we were valeted, from Paris, directly to a ‘theme studio,’ setup in the Grand Trianon (the small, side palace where Napoleon lived in the summer) where, for €250 each, we got 10 glam shots on an elaborate, fantasy set.

Then we were escorted to the ‘Extravagant’ (a VIP area next to the stage) - passing through the envious glares of queued, lesser mortals.
‘Ahh, Privilege’, I thought, smiling brightly and waving royally - ‘just like Marie Antoinette used to do it.’ (before being angrily beheaded).

In the heart of the masquerade, tables fairly groaned under a buffet to shame the Roman emperors. There were open bars where rivers of martinis, champagnes and chocolates, the very essences of the celebration, flowed freely.

Elaborately constructed, elevated stages of polished aluminum pulsed music and life. LED light-panels painted fleeting hieroglyphs on the crowd, teasing the edges of perception and bands performed their own sonic wave-magic, swamping the crowd along in currents of booming, euphoric, Frenchcore club-music.

Dance, dance, dance, rest. I don’t think I’ve ever been in a more delightfully fragrant crush of humanity.
Our gilded, white clothed table was an island where we could retreat for cooling refreshment. I have two important words for you 'watermelon martinis’ - you’ll thank me later.

Versailles decadent past was alive that night. It was a young crowd, in general, so, of course, G was there, with Molly, K and Ice - but we were, like, ‘no thank you very much’. In several areas, costumes became fairytale slithers, as partiers became increasingly uninhibited.

After about four hours we caught the ‘exclusive’ light show (Hollywood bathed in unclothed decadence) before moving, weary limbed as zombies, toward the whispered promise of breakfast.

About 45 limousine-minutes later, waiting tourists and a crowd of locals outside a posh Paris restaurant hushed as we passed, colorfully costumed, like ghosts of an indulgent, hedonistic past - to our reserved table.
“Quatre, café et croque monsieur, s'il te plaît,” I told the waiter (four coffees & breakfast sandwiches, please).

I’ll admit to being a bit jaded. I’ve been to more than several ‘Parisian Haute-Couture Extravaganzas” but Lisa seemed genuinely impressed and I think the boys (Peter and David) had fun too. I was lavished with kudos as if I’d thrown the thing.

The atmosphere had been pure romance - in an upscale, Disney, mass produced sense and while it was, perhaps - like last summer's trip to the Ascot races - something not to be missed, it was also a one-time fling - something to look back on - when we’re 40 or whatever.
BLT Merriam Webster word of the day challenge: Kudos praise given for an achievement

G was there, with Molly, K and Ice = the club drugs Ecstasy, MDMA, Ketamine and ****.
Cambrie May 2022
she would be fluid
completely refreshing

she would be resilient
unable to give in

she would be so unique
one of a kind

she would speak so elegantly
gentle whispers fill the air

her word would be knives
yet so sincere

she would hold you close
yet keep you at a distance

all she wants is to love
make every soul feel adored

she would be bold
but slick in her appearance

she is the most controversial opinion
yet the only thing in this life that makes sense


If A Poem Could Be A Person
She is divine, He is divine, They are divine. We should love the sweetest most broken poetry all around us.
Over silent waters
The swan is sliding
Nothing seems to be moving
Not even the waters
Soft whispering sounds
as the wind caresses the trees
Full of elegance  she is moving
to meet her mate.
To mate for life.

Shell ✨🐚
Swans ,What a beautiful sight
What elegant birds!
Ode to nature
Georgi Naydenov Jan 2021
Remember her, old friend?
She was...hideous,
You think she was ugly,
oh no, far from it.

She was the fairest,
Her lavishing sable hair,
Her viridian eyes,
Her glamorous smile,

Her soft-hued skin,
Her delicately slender body,
Her dazzling manners,
Her ever so warm demeanor,

Her moves,
Fluid, graceful, focused,
Capturing the essence of the music,
with her mesmerizing artistry.

She was indeed perfect,
Unique, as no one could be as elegant,
Charming, for no one, was as lovely. no one was as rotten.

What she was, my old friend,
Was an empty vessel,
the soul of which had perished,
mortified by its actions.

For all she ever wanted was approval,
so what she did was put on a mask,
losing herself in the process,
becoming a ghost of her formal self.
I am personally very proud with how this one turned out. People have told me that it reminds them of the main heroine of the movie the "Black Swan".
Mystic Ink Plus Jan 2021
There are beautiful souls
Somewhere in the limelight
Unexposed to the colorful world
Unwritten in any verse
Not tempted to hear
They are beautiful
Incarnation of angelic spirit
With noble decency

Beauty like that
Manifest rarely

You vibe that
Genre: Inspirational
Those constellations that reflect,
In the illimitable rainforest, dark and damp,
Are those, if truth be told, galaxies?
Or glass chips embossed in your guise? O! beauty!
Mystic Ink Plus Dec 2020
If you feel childish
Hold on, never be adult
I see honesty in it
Genre: Observational
Theme: embrace dope soul
Author's Note:
Most grown up kids are
Something different
Something unpredictable
Something unrealistic
Something inhuman
Something unholy
Something sick

So called grown up
Are like filters
They may
Say LOL without laughing
May text Umm without reading
And idk while knowing
Remember that
And you need to understand
Whom to keep distance
Whom to stay close
Mystic Ink Plus Nov 2020
The one
Like no other

The fabric of nobility
And that fire and zest
You are
More than
Just beautiful
No one could deny

With that
Exquisite grace
Mighty presence
Vibe in
As a cerebral delight
Genre: Almost Romantic
Theme: That's you.
Author'sNote: Where were you before?
neth jones Aug 2020
heel to elegance
but don't let it stew in you
one detached glance up
from your stooped bow
and you'll see
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