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7.8k · Oct 2016
Like a Lotus
Mane Omsy Oct 2016
Got my background *****
Never my fault, I've tried
Don't even blame my fate
Everyone littered constantly
Put my life under many sweats

Had to wake up and run
Never turning back, just trying
When hardwork pays off
To get that taste in every level
Cramps transformed to rewards

It's a risk to root down deep
Staying in that mode unshakeable
That's how I'm growing through
With all these dirts beneath me
Strengthen my stem and blossom
On the surface like a lotus
Strive hard to the top even if your background haunts you
2.8k · Sep 2016
Lonely? Shine like a Moon
Mane Omsy Sep 2016
She felt the world is rotating
She felt like a force dropping
He meant the words he spat
He threw the past so fast

Lonely? I disagree
Here she stands, her decree
Why just end your life, so soon?
Live and shine like a moon
Don't get too upset if you are abandoned in your love life.. move on.. and don't feel like a worn out material.. be strong and shine your inner soul out to the world.
2.5k · Sep 2016
Wonder Woman
Mane Omsy Sep 2016
So small but it's beautiful
Like a pearl from a seashell
So warm hands wrapped under
Tiny fingers holding tight

Wonderful gift of nature
Wonder why it's amazing?
Can't express the impression
The feeling in mere words or lines

The death pain in contractions
She had suffered more to gain
Now see the smile in her tears
That love will never fade away
Never hate your mother, but love her more than your life, wife or another person
2.0k · Sep 2016
Early Joy
Mane Omsy Sep 2016
Are these light rays
Making me uncomfortable?
Hard to wake up early
Hate to be awake early
All I'll have to do is get clean
And search for happiness

Why the newspapers worry me?
Early in the morning, I'd read
On the first page, controversies
Deaths and accidents, black news
Where did the psychologists go?
Get me stronger every dawn
Just to be happy and energetic every morning
2.0k · Dec 2016
Tempting Violence
Mane Omsy Dec 2016
The lines you roared
The people you urged
The crimes you saw
Crimson tridents on the road

So close to unleash the beast
Tempt me again, then regret
Or put complete blame on me
Ever felt wisdom with pride?

Difference between me and you
I reckon violence will boomerang
Naturally or artificially, you don't
Count the debts you'll face in hell
No matter how bad your society is been haunted by wise cruel leaders, they'll be payed back by God or Human. Even if they don't believe it would.
1.8k · Apr 2017
A fight for a Mango
Mane Omsy Apr 2017
Then it chirped
for a long time
It spread its wings
and flew away
The squirrel grabbed
and looked at it
Stared for a while
With a deep breath
She took a bite
It seemed delicious
The sweetness drooled
from either sides
and touched the ground
She had no regret
That was so tasty
The bird had a bad day
I swear, by the look
at the squirrel's tiny face
This picture of the wild
enjoying a fruit
Amid the summer heat
I'll never forget
It has been a while since I watched the beautiful events in a day. Just becoz the electricity broke for 5 hours I sat outside for some air. I was so happy to see something this natural and serious.
1.8k · Apr 2017
Like Me
Mane Omsy Apr 2017
A minute of your attention
Just pretend I'm something
Let me rent a room inside you
With all this stress pressing hard
Down, I'm supressed, I'm the nail
Pull me out of this wooden smell
Had my anxiety crave for admiration

Leave me a trace of hope for love
Leave me a page from your history
On this silent road
I just want to hear a horn
An affectionate one
A residue to remind myself
It's meaningful to wait
Or could it mean to move on?
Redemption - V
1.7k · Dec 2016
Meant to be together, But
Mane Omsy Dec 2016
Now you'll know the pain
That tore me apart
How do I refuse?
You did throw me in so deep
You were never what you used to
I'm thinking we're even now

Regretting days are over, finally
I saw you suffering
Still my heart beats so gently
I don't know where I am
We were meant to be together
What you've done was so cruel

I didn't care much
When you said, just a friend
Then once I saw you both in my bed
Covering your ******* with guilt
How do I forgive?
1.6k · Oct 2016
Views (waves)
Mane Omsy Oct 2016
Listen to the waves
They don't stop trying
Eating the shore slowly
They gain what they came for

Every time I place my leg
I go down and feel drowning
Staying there, never moving
Watching the eagles fishing
1.6k · May 2017
Mane Omsy May 2017
Where are your pieces?
A touch will fix it
Your stillness turns me
Violent with anticipation
Direct me towards you
I won't mind the way

A gesture to peal my skin
Spread my emotions
Draw in the atmosphere
Bring the art of love
Straight in to you
Sign the masterpiece
Inside you
Your movements make me stare and think
what a beauty!!
1.4k · Sep 2016
Footprints (Leaders)
Mane Omsy Sep 2016
Running under shades
Frightened of the names
You carry, them blindly
They'll judge by your face

When did you touch
Another's heart?
Screaming to love me!
I'll be there soon

Tracing the footprints
And finding your way out
Don't know where they lead you
A dungeon or heaven
You should be careful about the person you take as a role model, you must learn about him/her
1.4k · Sep 2016
Every Night
Mane Omsy Sep 2016
Under the street light
Staring at the dust bin
Let the dogs get away
With all the meat left

I'm hungry, thirsty
No droplet of water
Found clean anywhere
Am I the only one?
Help the poor and needy
1.4k · May 2017
The Only One for Me
Mane Omsy May 2017
I'll have to grab you
And tell
You are a gift
The droplet from heaven
To slake my thirst

You are the crown
On my head
So prestigious
than my innocence

You can only be
The one
For me
You are my only one forever
I'll be with you forever
1.3k · Nov 2016
Mane Omsy Nov 2016
Frowning, glittering faces
They changed constantly
Lost the vision for loyalty
Where trust is a weapon
To tease someone's life

Put edges to the lines
You drew thier attention to
Then pick wisely, when
They change colours
People are untrustworthy (most of them)
When you trust someone (even your family members) expect them changing sides.
1.3k · Jun 2017
Mane Omsy Jun 2017
We could build a castle in our dreams
On a peaceful beachside
No cyclones can blow it away
Dress up like a queen of my heart
You deserve the diamond tiara
We could walk ashore bare foot
Holding hands watching the sun set
Like a gold coin dipping in water
Hear the breeze singing memories
I would carry you in my arms
Back to our palace, lay you on the bed
Just yesterday,  I dreamt a wonderful dream.. a date with Selena Gomez.. that was awesome.!! We walked a lot and held hands and She put her arm around me.. It was wonderful..
1.3k · Sep 2016
Exact Terror
Mane Omsy Sep 2016
To the top, they arose
Avoiding every obstacles
They recieved, many applause
Preaching to hit the skulls

Why do you create monsters?
And try to establish the lies?
Why rule the world with errors?
Then blame it on the others?
Countries race against each other and make terrorists work for each and every state. Middle East has become the victim of Israel and US terrorism. While Russia try to capture the Arabian trust.
1.3k · Sep 2016
Cheated So Rude
Mane Omsy Sep 2016
I wasted my energy
For someone
I didn't know
Until they told me
I was working for my enemies
Now I don't know
How to feel that pain
It's some un forgotten truths
They'll never see good in you
Never wish a fortune for you
They created gossips
Turned your friends to foes
Made you live alone
Die alone
Make you **** your own
Be accurate about who you work for...
1.2k · Jan 2017
Hit Even More Harder
Mane Omsy Jan 2017
Pow, that's a go shot
Who to dare race a leopard?
Thumbs up, how you'll loose
Get hit by a nail, Boy?
Still breaching life insecurities
Think listening to the wise men
Put your throat out, cry out
Don't try to roar, you're never near
Crooks shoot the animal first
Pow, did you hear that?
Same **** come over again and again
Now you're wasting time
The hare in the race, you know well
Sleep if you're smart and dumb
Get rid of your comic sense, kid
You a genius, bet with real men
Kick them ***** real from their front
If you're listening to the sound
Here, hear with the another sense
Loud, voices trembling your feet
Never mind what they have to give
You don't have to give a ****
Ride across witches cursing you
Let them get the fact that
You won't surrender
Even if you're surrounded
1.2k · Aug 2017
The Unseen Beauty
Mane Omsy Aug 2017
There's the flower blossoming
And there's my sweetheart
All my life I wished more luck
Never anticipated such fortune
With the sweetest bite on her lips
Is the **** taking me places?
Or is she proficient at this?
Too much light through my eyes
I close my eyes and see light red
The heat you carry for me
Transfer the magic, teach me
Softness, lightness and fragrance
All together, more than a zinnia
In a lavender garden, ecstatic glow
With warm feathers, ready to fly
A yellow warbler, the soft cheeks
In the deepest of my soul, it rolls
The image of an unseen beauty
It's the beauty that is holding us, the beauty of her heart and her skin.
1.2k · Jan 2017
Billionaire President
Mane Omsy Jan 2017
I came here first, so stay back
The words of a tyrant
I can't let you sleep on my pillow
I don't care you made it
This land is mine, I don't share
I don't help no Muslims nor no Mexicans
How could you say we're the same race?
I'm white and you is black
I've set my streams to greatness
They'll flow with blood, I know
Even though,
My strength will shake the world
I'll wreck the ships they sailed
And anchor mine safely, with no fear
He has become the worst nightmare to the good hearted humanity. The rest of the world will witness his mass cruelty.
1.2k · Apr 2017
The Truth Behind (Sonnet)
Mane Omsy Apr 2017
I'm hallucinating zombies heads twisted
Blood spread on the floor, it's slippery
Should I attract these creatures instead?
Soon before they turn, better hurry

I stepped out unnoticed, it is too dark
Only some pair of green round lights
I froze the moment I heared them bark
Oh Lord! This nightmare, worst bites

The faces of these beasts covered blood
Felt like I'm pushed to edge of a grave
Mine blood they tasted, last breath, dead
I prayed angels to hold me and save

Are my pledges thrown into this pit?
Are the chameleons smiling at this wit?
Redemption - XII

The truth behind metaphorically defines the feeling inside my mind after all these ******* up issues. The people pretended to love you spits straight at your face when the fire is still burning.
1.1k · Feb 2024
Sam and Bibi
Mane Omsy Feb 2024
Is it cruel to silence a pregnant woman with a dozer
Sold their souls to a war criminal's thirst
Rationalizing every lies with more of them, so kosher
Ask the children died of starvation and thirst
Ever felt threatened by the fire they spit
Lessons never learned, or was it a skit
It's inhuman to take side with criminals, we all learn about our homeland freedom fighters or conflicts against oppression. This is not history, this is happening in front of our eyes, yet we are blind.
Media influenced wars gathering support from logical people filling their lives with lies.
In the end, truth shall prevail
But at what cost??
1.1k · Sep 2016
Dying Poet
Mane Omsy Sep 2016
Why is that confusing?
Is my poet dying?
A lot of chaos, I'm surrounded
Never believed I will lose hope

I had tutors directing my path
I derailed, and now I'm lost
Searching for a shortcut
To get to the highest mount

The path I chose will show
The reality of hard work
The strain I should bear
Through the forest path
I've been doubting my skills... :(
1.1k · Nov 2016
Caesar of Hearts
Mane Omsy Nov 2016
Somewhere in your cold heart
I wished for a sparkle of heat
You gleamed before everybody
Thought I would feel miserable
Never, I felt more free since then

I stepped forward to melt you
You melted mine instead, in love
Dozed me into you, with a smile
It wasn't too late to know the truth
You've been playing games with me

You were conquering my whole heart
I hailed your name and dreamt a lot
Held my pillow closer, cuddling gently
Slept with a sweet smile on my face
Innocent, I am, you turned to a witch
Hunting down love, a Caesar of hearts
Types of people who play games with people who love and admire them are the world's most dangerous ones. Should never let them ruin your life...
1.1k · Dec 2016
The Immortal Mortal
Mane Omsy Dec 2016
Cloud formed above with a cold shade
Walked with his heads down, humble
He put smile on every face, never fade
People adored his honesty, they mumble

Whether you disagree the fact, he told it
Said it for the grace of the people, he loved
Got the message and he put his life for it
They spat spite inspite his honesty, hated

The believers, the supporters, they failed
Couldn't help the prophet but to obey him
Never atttack back, just defend, then exiled
They sieged lands, helpless, went with him

Years later, commandments descended
Won their land back, no more bloodshed
Freed the slaves, freedom for all, but laws
Women be brave, you're safe, no more bows

Except for your God
Rabee-ul-Awwal 12 (Arabic Hijri Calendar) is the day, the leader of the Muslim Community, Prophet Muhammed (Peace Be Upon Him) born. The same day after 63 years he ascended from the world. We praise His thrive to bring peace into a Dark Aged world then. It was then people hated to have baby girls born. They were ashamed of it. They even burried them alive to hide their dignity among the others. When Islam descended on Prophet Muhammed, who, then was a honesty little lad doing the right thing and helping the poor ones, he tried his best to gather people to Islam and bring peaceful atmosphere among the evil society. Later, when God gave the permission to fight for their lands and wealth, Prophet Muhammed (s) led the society with courage and understanding. There were lots of dos and donts in their battles. To only fight against the army and not women, old people, children. Do not even destroy any trees or animals. Any houses or water sources. Fight with rules. Amid the wars they won, they freed the enslaved after a while. The slaves were delighted to see how beautiful the religion they were against was. Thousands converted to Islam and embraced the world of happiness and equality.
And as per this year it's December 12, the day He came to us and left us.
1.1k · Feb 2017
Cruelty of the Era
Mane Omsy Feb 2017
How you feeling on the top?
Sharpening your tongue, for another fall out?
So, who to care about the mass now?
Who to cut fleshes by their mouths?

Pin it up on religions, once battled
No you don't want to know, who broke the promise
Who brought the message, who blazed the torch
Feed your own enemies with kindness, they taught
But you're dipping fingers in your own people's platters

Building crisis, rolling dices, conquering heights
Listen when the base breaks, you won't stay there
When their dreams scatter, you owe them
They can pull you down from this ladder
Keep calm and watch him fall
1.1k · Oct 2016
My Everything III
Mane Omsy Oct 2016
This saint inside can't resist
Your curves still are stunning
My dear, come here, take me
To your paradise with love

Your eyes are like the diamonds
And the glitter on your lips
Stuck on mine, when we kissed
Those eyes shone with passion
My Love ♡
1.1k · Nov 2016
My Everything VI
Mane Omsy Nov 2016
You kept the rhythm
Balancing while you're walking
I can hear you closer from behind
I pretend I didn't expect you
Closing my eyes with those soft petals
And a scent that takes my soul away

You came closer, bit my ear
I gripped on your hands
Pulled you, held you, kissed you
You revealed the beauty
You locked inside just for me
Love you a lot my queen ♡♡♡
1.1k · May 2017
Sweet Chimes
Mane Omsy May 2017
I can hear you near
Sneaking through the door
I can hear your bangles
Chiming lust in my ears
Your shyness keeps it real
I'll set your desire in fire
Embrace me from behind
Hug me tight, that's right
I'll hold your tiny face
And pour a thousand kisses
Bend you back to bed
Bless you with my passion
I'll love you forever
And ever
1.0k · Feb 2017
The Beauty (LtV - 7)
Mane Omsy Feb 2017
Not another word, it is just beautiful
The little sounds as the bubbles pop
Nano drops shattered on your hand
While the stream flushes down the sea
The beauty of a green meadow
Projected under a morning sun
The aftermath of a lazy rain, bow
You see the clouds form, white and fluffy
When the sun come up, like a good old man
A bright face with his beautiful beard
Where isn't the beauty? Look everywhere

The kitten fondling a woollen ball
When it pokes and runs in its cute way
The magic in their eyes, to find happiness
Resurrect humanity, let's be more joyous
Wake the inner child and see the real world
The beauty is everywhere, in every human
Every creation, every spark of it
Wake up and shine the brightest smile you've got
1.0k · Jan 2017
Perfect Smile
Mane Omsy Jan 2017
Hey, in that light red beauty
Walk to me, with that face glowing
I always wanted to get to know you
When that lips spread wide
Wink at me, the sun's heating it up
Type you in my heart, tattoo it up

Ain't the type of feeling I've felt
Never seen such a beautiful laugh
When you joke and laugh from far
Wish I could hear it all day closer
Will hold on to your arms forever

Your friends wave at me everyday
They've been seeing me staring at you
I hope you talked about it and shy away
You've got what I dreamt of beautiful
989 · Mar 2017
Wipe out the Disgraced
Mane Omsy Mar 2017
Let the heat cool down
Erase the thought of razors
Thoughts of meaningless rules
Let us be our own judges
Coz it's corrupts everywhere
Find the best people to maintan
Tranquil atmosphere won't hurt
Only but for the criminals
Let's wipe clean our country
Forget about the past
A new start
Yes, the memories you created
Won't fade
Still, we could forgive mistakes
You've destroyed your name
Bring a change yourself
Put the criminals into misery
Abandon leaders of violence
Being religious doesn't mean to hurt others
944 · Sep 2016
Crimson Tears
Mane Omsy Sep 2016
While I crossed the road
In the middle of a crowded village
I saw an aborgine tear
Falling from her crimson eyes
She carried a *** of water
Above her grey head
She looked at me
While leaving a shop nearby
The dweller stared at her
Walking away from him
He looked so pathetic
He had feelings for her
How does she feed her family?
How could she beat her poverty?
How blessed we are but unkindly
I'm too, helpless
Please forgive me
Help the poor people
940 · Dec 2017
They Said
Mane Omsy Dec 2017
It's perfect
You two
But don't shatter it
The screams you'll feel
Will be horrible
So don't scatter it

Love is the bestest feeling
Never judge its worth
Coz it really hits back
With the worst feeling ever
That could end your life

Hold on to her so tight
Don't ever let the grip loose
Pour her with kisses
She won't forget with you
By her side
They said to never let her go
922 · Dec 2017
Under the Moon Light
Mane Omsy Dec 2017
Is this heat between us
Making me stay up all night?
Or is this love we warmed up?
When the guitar vibrates
Along with your sweet melody
I drown in the moment deep
The flame on the ground dances
To your song blazing for more
Side to side tapping our legs
Spent the night under the moon
Wishing to kiss you always
And a shooting star flew above
920 · Oct 2016
Take Back Your Heart
Mane Omsy Oct 2016
You took my heart
And gave yours away
To someone you trust
He's playing with it
You don't even know
One day, he'll tear it
Without any mercy
And the blood will shed
Take back what you gave
What you could loose
And give it to me
I'll keep it golden safe
My love, it's complicated you gave your heart to a person you don't know he's playing
913 · Oct 2017
A Sail through the Pacific
Mane Omsy Oct 2017
So he sailed
Towards the insane weather
It rained furiously
A brave lonely sailor
In the Pacific
The sharks, killer whales
They all wanted to race
They betted to break his sail

It wasn’t that huge
Neither a Dutch-man
Nor a Black Pearl
He wasn’t even as Jack
The only mercy he could receive
Is from mother nature
Through the cloudy wild ocean
His voyage to find an island
Where no man will hurt
No human will be animal
No beasts could roar
Will never anchor until he discovers

His adventure won’t be told
Generations after him
He wasn’t having company
Of a strong lady
Or a strong child
He wasn’t expecting to find
A family where he’d anchor

In search for life
In search for peace
In search for humanity
He’ll sail to his death
On that lonely little boat
885 · Oct 2017
Legions of Lucifer
Mane Omsy Oct 2017
You can’t stop smoking
I can
You can’t ignore ****
I can
You can’t avoid drinking
I can
You can’t stop shouting
I can
You can’t shut up complaining
I can
You won’t drop that gun
I will
You can’t help silence
I can
You survive with violence
I can’t
Toleration with independence
Seizing opportunities for peace
Let the wire choke your lungs out
Hell in front, war of apes
Animals in the streets, Grodds
Telepathic maniacs attacking blocks
Rappers in the venues spitting fires
On every head spreading contagion
Zombies alike, transformers of Lannesters
883 · Sep 2016
The Rich n Greedy (Celebs)
Mane Omsy Sep 2016
Liberty's way out of our control
Checking the pass for every person
Why don't you sit down and listen?
Call all the cops and surround my house
Keys to your success are in my pocket
Money up in a building robbed again
What is the best weaponry in your country?
Levels we reach, we never step back
You shoot the unarmed so technically
Amazing twists in the media, I hear
I say what I hear, so don't judge me
Can you believe my parents scolded me?

Luckily I have the doughs, they key low
I'm drive a lambo, they live in bamboo
I found a charity fund, I raised a lot
A lot to see if the people love and follow me
I don't feel greedy, coz I feed the needy
I see what's good, what's bad and evil
So look at your face, hater I'll spit
F out of the yard, you'll be hit by my guard
Not every celebs are like this... there are a lot of celebrities who help the poor and spread peace to this world. Support them. They are not doing it for fame. They are doing coz they know the poor's feeling
879 · Jan 2017
Where We Lost It
Mane Omsy Jan 2017
Glancing again, what happened?
Why did they die?
Have they seen us, the poeple?
For whom they fought bravely
Holding hope, the only weapon
The only inspiration, dragged out

Then go through every aspects
Slavery, prison, torture, death
Or more, living worse than death

You can see how it turned well?
And still ruining the whole respect
Hell, we brought the laws, divided
Race, cast, religion, gender, wealth
Can you think about anything else
Done with it, where they left, we start
879 · Sep 2016
Equal Care
Mane Omsy Sep 2016
It's a disturbance to care
Women in the streets, why?
Why do you think it's cool?
Every people, just look at it
Everybody's equal, treat 'em
Just don't look at their shapes
Coz negativity flows in air
We are kind to women, why?
Coz they look different?
Then why argue for equality?
This is not offensive for women, offensive for the feminist who care more about women rather than treating everyone equally
Mane Omsy Oct 2016
Risk your life out for the crowd
And you get nothing
But more rebels and jealous people
And you get trapped

Controversies made up from nowhere
You still lonely and cry inside
When you try to hear from positive sides
You get stalled by lots of advices

If you respect your people
Don't expect anyone bless you
Just do what is necessary for your people. That's how you become a part of the society. The one you must keep in mind is that you might or might not get a result or attention from your services. So, don't regret doing good for the people.
872 · Nov 2016
My Everything V
Mane Omsy Nov 2016
The soft touch of your lips
Every morning I wake up
You put a smile on my face
Every day I feel I'm new

To you

We changed the pace of fun
Kept moving like we're children
Dozed off on the sofa, cuddling
Skin to skin under the sheets
I love you my darling ♡♡♡
872 · May 2017
Before I Fall
Mane Omsy May 2017
Save me
Before I fall
You enlightened my world
Don't be away now
I can heal myself
But only when you're here

My dear
If you go, I must too
The rage against death
Will invade for eternity
Why isn't it ever be peace
To conquer the world?
Rising Imaginations for Passion
871 · Apr 2017
Rejected Pleas
Mane Omsy Apr 2017
Let the bullet drill through
Erase memories of my family
Hell, the people who must stick
together, the trouble is severe

Ride the life boat
This ship has begun to sink
No more trusting fams
No more good intentions

I can't smile when blood clots
It won't heal like friendships
Rowing straight towards them
Even, words could've relieved-
the grievance, a little
Redemption - VIII

This is really the most terrifying thing occurred in my whole life. When your own family turn their head away from you and couldn't even help you with relieving words, it's like they don't know you anymore. They don't believe you could ever succeed in life so they could have anything helpful from you. This is the moment when you realize life isn't easy like the other adventures you've seen in films. It's reality. It's happening. Do not expect your own blood to help you.
871 · Nov 2017
Trouble Leaving
Mane Omsy Nov 2017
If this is what you wanted
Then I won’t make it hard
You’re meant to heal my wounds
But if you leave this heart behind
Lost in the woods alone
In the middle of the wild
I might not survive here
Making you the evil
I wouldn’t want you to be

Why is everything complicated?
Let the air pass freely
Into your lungs
Breathe it calmly and relaxed
864 · Dec 2016
Fear of Jealousy
Mane Omsy Dec 2016
Break the silence with a subject
That wouldn't lead to violence
Pick a page and turn it slowly
Don't miss a lesson for a revision

Who's the captain in this ship
Who could save us from a drown
Since the ocean waves are strong
Predicting our future is in danger

Live my life, or live your life
To imitate all your moves and talks
Who mentioned I could be my own
Is self respect and pride till doom

I'll love someone who's better than yours
To create a conflict in the midst of this
Dilemma of another sunrise, listen bud
Wish we had two different moons to shine
Be within yourself
847 · Mar 2017
Mane Omsy Mar 2017
Fair to trust your covers
Trust worthy profiles, texts
Who knew the hidden tragedy
Judging a cover, the whole series
Let no troubles face till doom
This route is a little tough
Rough enough to move gently
Though I don't surrender
Buckle up even harder
Till the broken heart fixes
Its own way to empowerment
I seek revenge but I'll fail
Until then I'll have stories to tell
Lessons to spread and alert
Internet frauds are using other's profiles to cheat people and con them with easy measures. From my experience.
844 · Feb 2017
Rays Stuck on Clouds
Mane Omsy Feb 2017
How do we forgive a cold hearted man
Who exiled us from this land?
How could we smile and cry at once?
You blew gently, the fire still burns

How could you desire to be so safe?
When there's much more options
Who would feel safer if the other's armed?
But he's just protecting himself from you

When my child cries my heart breaks
Coz the rope of hope, couldn't hold on no more
I cannot tie my life on any edges
But to hang myself is shameless now
Despite the travel ban, several lives are at their edges. Please be a HUMAN, Donald
831 · Mar 2017
Mane Omsy Mar 2017
Why is it always?
Is it your thirst for respect
Prove if you can in a better way
Don't ***** about "it's OURS"
Speak if you can
Or hide in the bushes
Don't sneak around killing people
If you really want to be praised
None will do, even your religion
Hell is awake with your deeds
Eat what you want
Don't dare put your hands
in our platters
Real men don't bring hate
Ugly goblins, teach your kids too
Respect people without covers
Leaders who spread violent speeches and deeds must be abandoned from the country. . Should be hanged in public.
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