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I tried
I tried
I tried
I hurt
You thrived
I tried
I hung on
I’m tired
You’re gone.
Emphasis on when you’re the only person making an effort in a relationship and you keep holding on because you love them and it just doesn’t matter.
Fenixx Menefee Apr 2021
Honestly. I'm tired of hearing it. Who are you? What are you going to do in life? How will you make your mark? What will you amount to?
That's not a real career. Have you thought about something else as a more practical career? You won't succeed.

How can I think freely if all my thoughts are full of holes? Everyone nitpicking them until they no longer exist, what's the point of even trying?
How can I succeed if everyone pushes me back into my bubble? What am I supposed to do if I can't even leave? No one expects me to leave, either.

How am I supposed to get anywhere if I'm surrounded by high expectations? What am I supposed to accomplish? I can't get anywhere today. The bar's too high. All I can do is complain. Is this really all I can do? It's so... awful. It's a bother. It's a nuisance. I hate it. What am I meant to be?
I'm tired. Of everything. Honestly.
Swivz Nov 2020
I guess your story dont really matter unless you beat a ****** case.
Unless you sell a lot of plates.
Unless you gang banging your set
With a gun and big chain.
Fell into this life young
but I’m im glad that I got out safe.
Came sacrifices from my body
But I still made it out that place.
Others weren’t so lucky
to live and see another day.
Some spent their time in prison
Came home and found another way.
Some do the same ****
Guess they learning the hard way.
If he’s was smart he’d take his family
And move far far away.
Man I live for the vision
But the time is just ticking.
I give this **** my all
and never planned on quitting.
Seen ****** blow up with one song
And I ain’t ego trippin.
It’s just been ten years of grinding
On this one big mission.
All the days through depression
Staring gaze at a weapon.
Spin the chamber put to my head
if it bang it’s a blessing.
Some say it’s weak
I say easy it’s if you tired of living.
Hard to fight back when your body has been wired to give in.
Needed god to pick me up
But I just kept on slipping.
Some just keep on smoking.
Some just keep on drinking.
I just keep on thinking
When will I be winning.
Tess M Aug 2020
Assumptions: make them
Lies: deal them
Feelings: disregard them;
for they will be wrong anyway
Definitions: adopt them

Privacy: error
Rights: error
Individuality: error

Conformity: accept
Colm Aug 2020
Give me nothing
But time
Everything within

  This wanting to be of something
    And there will be neither writing
Nor ending

   For a summer storm

But combined

      And in giving me a required aim
  When there is sound to be found

And creation to pro

  Then the writing will flow
As if out of a struck desert stone
      And swell
How Writing (Told) Goes
aspen wilde Jun 2020
i tell everyone else to love themselves
and tell them they're worth it
but what about me?
forever talking people down off ledges
just pushes me off faster

i don't feel like i'm falling anymore
i feel like i'm dead
too far gone to save
what does that make me?
inside there's just a little girl waiting to be loved
... not by anyone else

... just by herself
a Feb 2020
Does the line of comfortability change due to culture? Can you handle less because maybe you did not handle more? Are you over sensitizing because I overheard? Telling me to watch the words I learned at a young age because Susies mom taught her kids those terms?

Do you only laugh at the people you enjoy? Respect the same of your own? Can you respect me even if you don't agree, I don't want to come at you, I don't think Im right but I don't think Im wrong. Agree to disagree simple to say it .

You tell me.... "I AM" part of the queer community as if I don't love a good ***** in the face.
You tell me WHO you are and assume who I am not.
I don't want to take away your voice, I don't disagree, I just wanna say mine too and how I feel....
Butterfly Nov 2019
I'm tired but let's do another day to see if things change.
I said I was coming back but sike, you felt for it.
Keiri Aug 2019
Goodmorning, sings the happy delivery guy.
In such a cheerful and jolly glee.
How was your day. He asks, I don't know why.
I do not answer, it was horrible you see.

Goodafternoon, says the friendly neighbour.
In such a happy and soft content tone.
I quickly close my creaking door.
I don't get why people enter my comfort zone.

Good evening, a colleague at work had to say.
She smiled in an inviting kind matter.
Oh how would she know what's good anyway.
They're on my tongue by every letter.

Goodnight says the volunteer on the phone.
For I called the lifeline again tonight.
Good for you, finally you leave me alone!
I forgot I was the one who dialed out of fright.

What would they know what's good.
Rather push them away.
They never even understood.
And they don't listen to what I have to say.

I feel lonely, abandoned and forgotten.
In this barren, cold dark world which is rotten.

With my mind I will always be alone.
Shifted away in my bubbly comfort zone.

I will never have a delivery guy, a neighbour or a friend.
I will rather accept a most lonely, and sad end
This is how I feel every single day. I feel too emorionally unstable to lay out contacts, make and keep friends. And by the end of the day, I complain of feeling lonely. Anz being aware of this cycle, I feel foolish and little.
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