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I loved staring at still stars and the twinkle of their lights
So, she told me, She was a celestial being shining at night
I tried to watch her but she hid behind the rolling clouds
And then she complained, "Can't you see my shine if I'm in a shroud?"
I felt ashamed the moment and promised I'd try
Again she passed by me but I didn't recognize
A meteor shower came that stunned my eyes...

She still asks, "Can't you find where am I?"
And I cowardly reply, your shine is too bright
That I'm even afraid to look at the Sky..!
Sometimes, it's better to put on goggles than to hurt your eyes... Of course by dazzling light...
Feb 2023 · 2.7k
I can't write her down
Whenever I try to write about her
I feel like I don't have enough space on my paper
How can I define her? 
When I myself originated from her definition
How can I restrict her within a few lines? 
When my entire words are enslaved before her
How can I portray her life in a poem? 
When my own life is indebted to her...

And even if she herself asks to write her down
Then also, a tale for her won't be enough
Even if to summarise her down
I'd need to write a novel or two
And if she asks to be drawn down
Then nothing would be tougher than this
'Cause a canvas won't be able to hold her entire explosion of colours
And to counter that, I'd only be left with a single option... 
To build an art castle in a space not less than the sun!

Can u write down ur mum?
Feb 2023 · 1.8k
Expressing 5...
No, he's not pessimistic
It's just that he's accepted the reality
He has examined every single angle
But got the same result each time
The radius is not yet ready to form a cone
So, he has to cope with the circle only
He understands things very well
Hence, there's no point in being optimistic...

The tree would bloom only in the spring
So, it continues to wait for that season
Similarly, he's also waiting for the storm to pass by
And the clouds to rain down 
So that he can see the clear blue sky
Under which he'd again try to convince
The radius to give up its obstinacy
And to form the cylinder, if not the cone...
If he can't be at the top alone... Let him be equal with every other being..!
Feb 2023 · 873
इत्तेफाक से कुछ ऐसे हालात हो गए
कल तक जो अज़नबी थे, आज वो भी साथ हो गए
फिर भी इक कसक है दिल मे उनके जाने का
ना जाने क्यूं सारे जवाब आज सवालात हो गए

Coincidentally, things happened this way
Yesterday's strangers have become my Known ones today
Still there's a pang in my heart over her departure
Don't know why all the answers have turned into questions these days..!
Trying a little Urdu... learning from the poetries of Jaun Eliya (one of the most famous modern Urdu poets, born in India, later shifted to Pakistan after partition).
Jan 2023 · 3.9k
She's the queen of Chess
You thought, this life's a game of chess
And you're the queen of this play
And everyone else is nothing more than a pawn
Who's only there to die for your victory...
But you never cared for those little hearts inside those walking pawns
Which always craved to get embraced
But fell for your tricks of use and throw...

You're the grandmaster of this game
So you caught another pawn out of me
Played with my emotions, manipulated my empathy
And you hid behind my back to escape that battlefield
But I understood your tricks the moment you made potions out of my riddled heart..!

And now that I've realized your true intentions
I won't be that pawn for you anymore
Your manipulation won't work on me
And the armor that safeguarded you won't protect you any longer...
But I'm not saying, you'll stay unarmed in this game
After all, you're the queen of chess
And I'm pretty sure, you'll catch another pawn out of someone/somewhere..!
Jan 2023 · 1.7k
Another Harbor...
When I embarked on my voyage
I got infatuated by your charm
And thought you were my final destination
But slowly, when I came closer to you 
You made me realize that 
You're just another harbor to rest for a while
In this indefinite journey, which has no end..!
Jan 2023 · 2.7k
Expressing 4...
You gave me the freedom to fly against the wind
And tried to hold my string in your hand
But you never realized I was a bird, not a kite
Who has its own wing to chase the sky...
And now that you've recognised my flight
It's too late for me to climb that height..!
Few things need to be done on their right time, once their time gets over. It's almost impossible to do them again with the same perfection...
Dec 2022 · 2.3k
New Year 2023 (Haiku #18)
Old moon bids adieu,
World enjoys its departure...
The new sun arrives..!
Happy New Year 🎊🎊🎉🎉 Everyone!!!
Dec 2022 · 2.9k
Expressing 3...
They talk for a new day
But the Sun has already extinguished
And he's lost in an unidentified darkness
Where the Moon is present
But doesn't accompany him at all...

And those twinkling Stars
Seems nothing more than his fading heart
Yet he's crawling along that dark path
In the little hope of a new Moon's ray
But he's unknown that a distance of 3,84,400 Km gapping them apart...

Again in that blank darkness
He sees some rays but this time Red
Unaware of the danger, he continues to step ahead...
They tell him to bridge the gap between him and the Moon
But he's burning down all of the Bridges
And thinks, he's going to build something new...

But it's just a thought, so, he decides to recall, all the things...
Before he prepares himself to see his own downfall..!
Dec 2022 · 1.3k
Expressing 2...
When I shifted here... 
far from my land
full of anxieties and a little fear, unknown...
Two cute baby pigeons
Right in a corner of my balcony 
Gave me that happiness I was craving for... I don't know, from when...
And those baby pigeons 
Unable to fly, were a little afraid 
Of that 17th floors' height 
Were so helpless the same as I 
And their helplessness forced them to share that space 
With a person who himself was shy 
And few days passed... 
I tried to give them that possible space needed
Spread the grains so that they could feed
And now we both were comfortable in each other's company
At least I thought so... Unless that day came... 
When they learned to explore the sky on own... 
Unknown of their new ability
I stormed in our space to see them 
They saw me coming... Saw the slide of the door
I was about to step in but they gave me the same reason to abhor
This selfish world and the game of "You Trust, I show (The colors)..." 
They flew and never came back... 
What they meant to me, they couldn't understand
And left me alone, again with my fear and anxieties
The same way, when once you pulled off your hand..!
Hey Everyone... Back here again...hope you all are good... Little stuck these days with unknown things...
Oct 2022 · 2.0k
Things are not going in the right direction, nowadays
I wake up and begin to think a lot of things and end the day with the same thoughts 
I'm going through various phases these days that I don't know how to explain
And I don't want to express them either...
Happiness has been something that I can clearly see but can't feel 
I see people laughing and cheering around me, but that seems so artificial...

Now I abstain from being a part of those social groups
Where the use of the “F” word makes you cool and gives you a certificate for your confidence
But I don't blame them, Perhaps it's me only who lacks something
Something that makes me feel alienated in the crowd 
Every day I feel like a glass broken by several strokes of a hammer
But I collect myself again... just to witness the pain of those invisible scars...

Writing gives me peace of mind, but these days I avoid writing down the things
Not because I'm lacking inspiration or something, but I'm afraid
Afraid of the same words that used to heal me before but now haunt my peanut brain every now and then
The words I used to put life in are now attempting to shape my entire life...
I'm feeling like that caged bird who can't fly even after being freed 
Because she's got the false notion that she has no wings, perhaps the same notion I'm getting too.
I have to express a lot of things... might share them in the next part!
Anyway, I'm back here again... will try to interact more often now.
Sep 2022 · 2.3k
We understood each other better...
When you're just a ‘White Light’
and I was a mere ‘Glass (Slab).’
But the moment you found that ‘Prism,’
you dispersed and showed 7 colors...
That left me confused, to figure out,
which one's true..!
Sep 2022 · 2.9k
I was trying hard to chase the HORIZON

just to get your little appreciation,

but you denied my efforts again and again...

And perhaps, that only forced me to pull out in the MIDWAY..!
How can I continue to serve
When u can't give me the recognition that I deserve?

Hello again, hope y'all are doing well.
Aug 2022 · 1.8k
You called me, your “Moon,”
and enjoyed every bit of moonlight...
But the moment you saw the “Sunshine,”
you ran behind it while the “Moon” continued to wait,
even after losing its identity..!
It's the sunlight that overshined the moon, but the moon never lost its presence!
Aug 2022 · 1.5k
Different angles...
You always thought it was my ignorance...
But your light was too bright,
That my eyes couldn't adjust..!
We all have a different way of observing the things...
Aug 2022 · 2.1k
Democracy (Haiku #17)
Forest republic
Hyenas and wolves contest
To feed on the lambs
Democracy was a beautiful concept when brought... But slowly, it changed ... It has changed a lot that one can now define it as "of the politicians, by the politicians, and for the politicians..."

U can share ur POV, would love to know that ...
This life's a battleground,
We're all warriors here. 
Fake smile is our shield in this, 
And we're battling through our invisible tear' (tears).

Fighting to conquer the kingdom named 'success,'
And the failure is our only fear.
Even after identifying the target of attack,
Our goal seems to be hazy and unclear.

Resisting against unknown adversaries,
Struggling every single day to survive.
"One day, that kingdom will be ours,"
Only this hope keeps us alive.

With a tired body and countless scars,
We prepare again to endure all the strife (strives). 
We back ourselves up again to fight the next...
Perhaps this is what we call life..!
Accept or not, but we're all battling here each day... 🙂
Jun 2022 · 2.2k
Life (Haiku #16)
Colorful, it was!
Soon all the colors mixed up,
And turned into black..!
That's how the life goes, right na?? 🙃🙃

Anyway, I'm back again... 🙂🙂
(धर्म के ठेकेदारों से परमात्मा कहते है)

दिखावटी सा लगता है ये प्रेम तुम्हारा,
जो तुम मुझे बार बार दिखलाते हो।
बनावटी सी लगती है तुम्हारी सारी बातें,
जो तुम मेरे बारे मे औरों को बतलाते हो।

पहले खुद ही लड़ते हो, फिर खुद ही डर जाते हो,
बार बार मेरे ही नाम पर, ये हथियार क्यों उठाते हो?
मै ही तुम्हारा निर्माता, मै ही जगत रचयिता,
फिर मुझको किससे भय, जो तुम हर बार मेरी रक्षा करने चले आते हो?

दिखावटी सा लगता है ये प्रेम तुम्हारा,
जो तुम मुझे बार बार दिखलाते हो।

मुझको बाँट दिया तुमने धर्मों मे, दे दिये कई भिन्न नाम,
फिर क्यों दिन ओ रात खुद के दिए उसी नाम को गलियाते हो?
तुम भी मेरे ही बच्चे, वो भी है संतानें मेरी,
फिर क्यों एक दूसरे को भाई बोलने से तुम कतराते हो?

हर मुश्किल में, हर एक मुसीबत मे साथ तुम्हारे खड़ा मैं,
बावज़ूद इसके, क्यो तुम मेरा नाम लेने से हिचकिचाते हो?
जब सत्य जानते हो कि मै ही अल्लाह, मैं ही येशु, मैं ही हुं श्रीराम,
तो इतनी सी बात को स्वीकार करने मे तुम इतना क्यों सकुचाते हो?

दिखावटी सा लगता है ये प्रेम तुम्हारा,
जो तुम मुझे बार बार दिखलाते हो।
A poem about rising religious intolerance in the name of Almighty.
Jun 2022 · 1.7k
Broken from inside, heart full of scars...  
Pretending to be alright while battling several wars..!
Who once was full of fire, now longing even for a spark...
Everyone thinks he's a laughing clown, but he cries alone in the dark..!
Comment if u can relate or if u've seen someone relatable to this...

Already posted this on Instagram, check that out and let's connect there too.
My Insta Id: ubirajarajubatus
Follow me there and I'll follow u back

Am back here again... Let's explore each other once again.

Feels refreshing to be back here😊😊
May 2022 · 3.3k
I Smile...
Whenever I feel alone and lost...
I try to smile the most..!

I smile to hide the pain that I bear,
I smile to hide my eyes full of tears.
I smile to hide the truth that never lies,
I smile to hide my sufferings that continuously rise.

I smile, 'cause I know the cunning nature of this world,
I smile, 'cause I don't want my pain to be unfurled.
I smile, 'cause I don't want to show myself vulnerable,
I smile, 'cause in the crowd, I don't want to be uncomfortable.

I smile to put a smile on my loved ones' faces,
Amidst all the challenges, I smile to hide my every weakness.
I smile to look strong and hide my scared inner identity,
I smile to spread a little ray of humanity.

I don't want this world to make fun of my dream, suffering and pain...
That's why, I smile... 'cause only this smile has the ability to drive them insane..!
I always try to smile, Even in my hard time...
'Cause only two things make me strong, when I feel low
One is my fake smile and another is my flow of rhyme...

Wasn't active here from past few days... Hope u all are good... Just came back here to say 'HELLO' to u all... 'Cause again taking a break from tomorrow to prepare for my sem. Examinations, will see u all after that..! Till then, we can connect on Insta, I'll be active there.

My User I'd: ubirajarajubatus
Just leave ur user I'd in the comment section, I'll follow u there to connect☺☺😊😊.
[अज़ान-हनुमान तो बहाना है,
असल मे तो महंगाई से ध्यान हटाना है!

(एक आदमी दूसरे कौम के आदमी से)
प्रदर्शन की सुनाई दे रही आहट है,
तभी सत्ता के गलियारों मे हरबड़ाहट है।
ऊपर से अपने लिए कोई संदेशा आया है,
फिर से उन्होंने आपसी सौहार्द बिगाड़ने को फरमाया है।

(संदेश पढ़ने के बाद वही आदमी)
मै लूंगा लाठी हाथ मे,
तुम भी पत्थर रखना साथ मे।
मै जोर जोर से चिल्लाऊंगा हनुमान,
तुम भी लाउडस्पीकर मे ही गाना अज़ान।

मै अपने लोगो मे, तुम अपने लोगो मे, फैला देना ये बात,
की सामने वाले कर रहे हमारे धर्म पर चोट की शुरुआत।
अगर हमने अभी ही नही बदले अपने ये हालात,
तो अगले ही पल खतरे मे आ जायेगी हमारी पूरी ज़मात।

उसके बाद, हमारे आका सामने आयेंगे, (हा वही आका जिन्होंने संदेशा भेजा था)
दोनो कौम मे नफरती आग फैलायेंगे।
मुझे और तुम्हे आपस मे लड़ाएंगे,
फिर खुद ही शांतिदूत बन जाएंगे।

(लेकिन उसके पहले, उनके शांतिदूत बनने से पहले)
खून की नदियाँ बहेंगी सड़को पर,
दंगों की गाज़ गिरेगी हमारे लड़कों पर।
खून के आँसू रायेगी मासूमियत,
किसी कब्र मे लेटी होगी इंसानियत।

आग की लपटे होंगी चारों ओर,
हर तरफ होगी चीख पुकार की शोर।
आपसी भाईचारे की तो कट ही जाएगी डोर,
हर तरफ धर्मांधता की होगी एक नई भोर।

कट्टर हो जायेगा इंसान, कट्टरता होगी हर रस्ते मे,
पेट्रोल-डिजल का तो पता नही, पर इंसानी जान मिलेगी सस्ते मे।
निंबू का दाम कोई नही पूछेगा, क्योकि खटास तो होगी हमारे ही भाईचारे मे,
हमे लड़ता देख वे हँसेंगे, और अट्टाहस होगी सत्ता के गलियारे मे।

(फिर वही आदमी कहता है)
लेकिन इससे हमे क्या, हम तो है नफरती मजदूर,
लाश पर इंसानो की चलके, बन चुके है हम बहुत क्रूर।
जरूरत कुछ हमारी भी है, तभी तो तलवे चाटने को है मज़बूर,
देखने मे लगते इंसान ही है, पर इंसानियत से अभी है कोशों दूर।

(अंत मे वही आदमी)
हमारा तो है बस इतना ही काम ,
हम तो सिर्फ है अपने आकाओं के गुलाम ।
जिस पल हमे मिलता उनका फरमान ,
निकल जाते उसी वक़्त, हम बर्बाद करने को सारा हिंदुस्तान।
It's my observation that riots don't occur by themselves. The people in power plan and create it; they appoint goons from both religions (Hinduism and Islam) and ask them to spread hatred against the other religions in their own community; these people are known as "नफ़रती मज़दूर" or "Labours of Hatred," don't know about others, but at least I call them. Riots are usually created when the people in power think any protest is going to happen against them regarding their policy. And this time the issue is "inflation" in India, which is why several riots are occurring in the name of Azaan (ISLAM) and Hanuman (HINDUISM)..! 

Planning to recite it out on my YouTube channel... So that, it may create more awareness.
Apr 2022 · 1.2k
The Irony...
The irony of my life:

I don't want to socialize,  
yet I want to be recognized!
My life's irony ...

What's yours?
देख तेरे भारत की क्या हाल हो गयी राम,
हर तरफ अब बाकी रह गए है केवल दन्गो के निशान।
तेरे ही बच्चे सताये जा रहे है, लेकर तेरा ही नाम,
तुझपे ही हो रहे है ज़ुल्म, और तुझे ही किया जा रहा है बदनाम।

भगवा चोला ओढ़कर, ढोंगी बन बैठे है तेरे भक्त,
दूसरे कौम का बोलकर बहा रहे है तेरे ही संतानो के रक्त।
अब ये पता नही की वो दहशतगर्द है या है इस बात से अंजान,
की तु ही अल्लाह, तु ही नानक और तु ही है श्रीराम।
Happy RAM NAVAMI everyone.

A little truth..!

50th poem here 😅
Apr 2022 · 1.7k
Depression (Haiku #15)
It's astonishing...
How one chokes amidst the crowd,
And yet no one see..!
Hey Everyone...
Hope u all r gud and doing grt... BTW, AM BACK HERE AGAIN..! 😅
Mar 2022 · 1.7k
On a new journey...
This journey is new,
But I don't need anyone's helping hand...
I'm enough for myself,
My wings are my companions now..!
I only need a little wind...
Just to flap my wings and
To fly freely in this busy sky full of
Thunderstorms and clouds..!
How fast this life moves on... Yesterday I was just a little kid playing cheerfully in the luxurious lap of my parents but today I've to battle at my own to find a place for myself in this competetive world.

Ready to join my first Internship from today... 🙂✌✌ ... From now, the struggle begins..!
Mar 2022 · 5.4k
Don't hide your face, don't even cover...
Play like a man, it's just the festival of color'..!
Prepare water bombs and get your water gun...
Fight against unknown, it's really so much fun..!

Follow their path and chase them down...
Color them up and make them a clown..!
Then run fast, back to your way...
And repeat it again, repeat throughout the day..!

Spray the colors and spread them in the sky...
Dance like a crazy on the music so high..!
Bath in that color's shower and make your mood lite...
Just for one day, forget your healthy diet..!

Taste different cuisines: veg or non-veg, tangy or hot...
Fill your mouth with chaat, dahi-bade, drumstick and empty the whole ***..!
Dive into the pool of sweetness, grab your sweets up:
Gujhiya, Gulab Jamun or even an Ice-cream's cup..!

It's not a day just to wear white dresses...
Enjoy this day but don't forget its message..!
“Evils, Sins and Rivalries are made to be thrown...
But Friendships, Truths and Glories are made to be won..!”

Touch the feet of your elders and seek their blessing'...
Forget every challenge' for one day, which continuously you're facing..!
Keep aside your ego and be friend' with everyone slowly...
Spread the colors of love and make this holi even a more colorful
Gujhiya, Gulab jamun are some Indian sweets and Chaat, Dahi bade are some Indian snacks...

Water bombs — Water balloons
Friend' — Friends
Blessing' — Blessings
Color' — Colors
Challenge' — Challenges
Holi is an Indian festival of colors and delights..!
Mar 2022 · 2.2k
This life is like a car without brake'...
We never know what turn this life will take..!
At this moment, our heart's full of love; and at the very next moment, it might even break...
So just smile in every situation, even if that smile is fake..!
Life is a War field... And we're the warriors of it... Our weapon to fight is our smile... So, just smile and continue to fight in this War field called life...

Brake' — Brakes
Mar 2022 · 2.7k
I need my time...
Don't overthink, don't tense your nerve'...
Not only our tangent is different but I'm also standing alone upon a messed up curve..!
I'm an unsocial guy and it's very well known...
Don't try to find me out, I'm lost in the illusion of my own..!

It's not so easy for me to walk on the given way...
It's not so easy for me to give  instant reply on — what you say..!
It's not so easy for me to follow your set norm'...
Whenever I try to do so... I'm stopped by my inner storm..!

I'm the one who tries to live under the table...
In the company of yours, I find myself uncomfortable..!
I run away, whenever I hear your call...
It's very tough for me to be friend with you all..!

It will take some time for my shyness to end...
It will take me some time to make new friend'..!
So give me my time to stand with you all, on the same line...
Until that moment, let me live in the space and thought of mine..!
Hey everyone,
I hope u all are good. Wasn't active here from past few days coz of the reopening of my university campus but now I'm back. It feels so good and relaxed to be here. As I'm back now, I'll start exploring HP again...

[Ignore it...(just wanted to share somewhere)
Went to my clg last week for the very first time...I'm about to complete my bachelor's till next year but when I entered, I got the feel of a fresher. Everyone appeared as a stranger to me and cuz of my shy nature I didn't get the opportunity to interact with others. Although I don't like to make friends yet I think interaction is important. But I think I'm little different and I need my time to be comfortable even to interact with my classmates (physically).]
Feb 2022 · 628
Let's Connect...
Hey Everyone
Let's connect on INSTAGRAM...

Username — Ubirajara Jubatus


Username — Ubirajara Jubatus
Feb 2022 · 1.6k
Destiny (Haiku #14)
It's like a river
You're a tiny stick in it
So, go with the flow...!
We never choose our path... It's only our "Destiny" which drives us to the way on which we move...!
आज 26 जनवरी है, आज हम गणतंत्र दिवस मनाएंगे!
सुबह सुबह उठकर, कुर्ता पजामा पहनकर, साथ में चश्मा लेकर एकदम हम नेताजी बन जायेंगे |
9 बजे मैदान पहुंचेंगे, 2-4 सेल्फी लेंगे, फिर Insta, facebook पर status update कराएंगे...
आज 26 जनवरी है, आज हम गणतंत्र दिवस मनाएंगे!

बस आज की मजबूरी में ई तिरंगा को सलामी दे  जायेंगे |
देखा देखी में हम भी जन-गण-मन ख़ुशी का ढोंग करके गायेंगे ||
आज ई सब बड़े दिखावे के साथ कर लेंगे लेकिन कल फिर से भगवा लहराएंगे |
भले हमें खुद नही आता लेकिन दुसरो से जबरदस्ती वन्दे मातरम गवाएंगे ||
आज 26 जनवरी है, आज हम गणतंत्र दिवस मनाएंगे!

बड़े प्यार से आज हम "जय भीम" का नारा लगाएंगे |
खूब शौक से आज संविधान की कश्मे खाएंगे||
"छोटा बड़ा कोई नही, सब एक बराबर है", आज हम जोर जोर से चिल्लायेंगे|
भीड़ को इकठ्ठा करके, बाबा साहेब की तारीफ के कशीदे पढ़वाएंगे ||
लेकिन बस आज ही करेंगे, कल फिर से इनको इनका औकात दिखाएंगे |
ई भीमराव जो किया है, उसके लिए उसे फिर से गालियाएंगे ||
छोड़िये आज इन सब बातो को, आज 26 जनवरी है, आज हम गणतंत्र दिवस मनाएंगे!

आज भाषण देने के लिए एकदम बढ़िया मंच सजवाएंगे |
भाषण ऐसा देंगे की सब मंत्रमुग्ध हो जायेंगे ||
नागरिको के संविधानी अधिकारों को अपने भाषण द्वारा उन तक पहुचायेंगे |
सत्ता विरोध और प्रदर्शन के अधिकार को भी उनको समझायेंगे ||
आज तक तो ई सब ठीक है लेकिन कल से जो सत्ता के विरोध में बोला, उसपर UAPA का धारा लगवाएंगे...
विरोध करने का उसको मीठा फल दिलवाएंगे, देशद्रोह का charge लगवाकर उससे जेल में चक्की पिसवाएंगे ...!

आज हम थोड़ा liberals वाला देशभक्ति दिखाएंगे...
कल से फिर दोबारा हम असली राष्ट्रवादी बन जायेंगे!
लेकिन फिलहाल, आज 26 जनवरी है, आज हम गणतंत्र दिवस मनाएंगे...!
Truth of modern India...

This is a poem written in my very own regional accent, i.e. Bihari accent... So even hindi speaking people may also face problem while reading this...

My very first hindi poem 😅😅

Happy rebublic day 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳
Jan 2022 · 1.5k
A Father... (Haiku #13)
In the battleground...
He battles to win a bread,
For his loving child'...!
Battleground refers to the struggles of life...
Think of "WE", not just of "I"...
In this process of stating facts, you'll surely be questioned— "Why?"
Just stick to your point, what's the need to "justify"?
When they'll understand, they themselves will "identify" —
Truth was always there and it'll never "die"...
It may take some time but one day this truth will definitely conquer the kingdom of "lie' " !
Tried another flow of rhymes and some facts of this life...
Dec 2021 · 1.6k
Welcoming 2022 (Haiku #12)
New day knocks the door
A hot, happy Sun rises
In spite of the moon...
Sun for 2022...and Moon for 2021

Happy new year guys 😊❤️
Dec 2021 · 2.0k
Goodbye 2021...(Haiku #11)
It's tough to say — bye!
When you know, From tomorrow...
You will not exist!
For u — 2021... Goodbye... "We'll meet again"... I wish I could say so but we can't ...And that's what, this life teaches us... That, nothing is permanent, everything has to be vanished... Even our existence!!
Dec 2021 · 1.6k
We write (2)...
We like to see the things, black and white...
We don't want to get into, What's wrong... What's right...!?
Struggling against the situation, we usually forget our power and might...
When the day feels heavy... We write, to keep our mood lite...!
We dodge the darkness of trouble from our powerful word's light...
Observing the nature, from the start of the day till the end of night...!
We pour our thoughts and imagination on the paper, when we start to write!
It's 2nd part of my poem — "We write"...

Read first part here
👇👇👇 ...

Wasn't active here from last few days... Coz of my sem. Examination... But now my examinations are finished... And I'm back here again 😅 again, I'll start exploring new poems... And 'll try to interact with most of the writers 😊😊...

Another flow of rhymes 😅😅
Dec 2021 · 3.5k
Facing all... (Haiku #10)
Fighting down my fears
I've got so strong, that even
In my pain, I smile...!
Sometimes, Our fear breaks us down but sometimes, the same fear builds us up to fight the pain...
Nov 2021 · 2.1k
Expectations (Haiku #9)
If you want to be
Disappointed, lone and hurt...
Then, start expecting!
Another name of "Expectation" should be disappointment...

Read this poem if u want😅😅... in case u've missed it 😅😅👇👇👇
Nov 2021 · 5.4k
A cold night...
It's a cold winter night,
Everything seems to be foggy white.
In this frosting moonlight,
The dark horizon's fading out of sight.

Like a caterpillar in its cocoon,
We're chilling at our hot room.
To some, this night is a boon
But for some it's a night of doom.

Looking through my window-pane,
I'm enjoying the dew-drops as the drops of rain.
Some men are sitting down the lane,
I can see them shivering with cold and pain.

Shivering under that cold and open sky,
They're yearning for some fiery eye'.
Their lips are getting pale and dry,
This cold night is torturing them to die.

They're slowly dying in this freezing night, yet pretending to be okay...
Facing this terrible situation, don't know, how to get away?
Neither questioning the situation nor knowing, how long like this they've to stay?
They're just hoping for a sunny tomorrow where they can enjoy the warmth of the day...
Fiery eye' here refers to help.
Truth of every winter night where we enjoy the nature while the homeless ones suffer...

Obviously another flow of rhymes 😅
Nov 2021 · 1.5k
Ego : An Illusion (Haiku #8)
He created an
Illusion...Which parted him
from his own people
An illusion where one finds himself/herself right in any condition and others wrong in any situation.
Once u will dump ur ego aside ... U will find... The world is more happy, kind and peaceful to u...

Hey everyone, I'm back now... Hope everyone's good!... I was back at HP on 5th of November but only for two days... Cause after then I again got busy in other stuffs... But now I'm fully back here and got a lot to tell, write, share and obviously😅 a lot to read, know and gain. I missed this site a lot and u all too. So, as I'm back here... I'll make sure to interact a lot with most of the writers and poets again like before 😊😊.
He scanned his whole life
But found pure lies...then he hugged
The ultimate truth...
Whether u're poor or rich... A king or a beggar... One day ur designation will be vanished, when u will face the ultimate truth : the death...

(Taking a small break from here to complete my assignments and other stuffs....

Will be back soon 😊)
Sep 2021 · 1.7k
Everything is alright as long as you're delivering to their expectations
but when you'll fail to deliver so,
The same moment, you'll be taunted and 'll get hates from everywhere,
From them too... who was your so called well-wisher in your good time...

You'll be embarrassed, humiliated and will face unnecessary controversies,
They'll make you feel that you've destroyed your life and nothing is left for the future,
They'll forget your hard works, achievements and all... that you've earned for them over the years,
And will only remember your one bad moment...

They will object even to your smile then...
But don't give them your any single attention or thought,
Just ask yourself...

Every month for a night even the Moon looses its moonlight but does it mean that it will never shine again?
Every autumn, the tree looses its leaves but does it mean that it'll  never be green again?
Every evening, the Sun sets but does it mean that it will never rise again?

You will get your answer then...
Your all thoughts and worries will be vanished,
You will bloom like a new flower from a bud and your good times will come back,
From then, never look back in your life and don't give your thoughts to them who've hurt and humiliated you in your bad times...
To my favourite cricketer... #DAVID_WARNER
We know you're facing hard time... Suffering from a bad cricketing phase... But don't listen to the critics... Just believe in yourself... You'll rise again 😊

Sep 2021 · 2.9k
The tongue (haiku #6)
The soft pink tongue spits
Poison and nectar as per
The situation...
Was trying to write it as a four liner:
The soft pink tongue
Is always on the run.
It is as cool as an ice
And as fiery as the sun...

But it ended up as a haiku....
Was inspired by a very famous saying : don't be the slave of ur tongue but make the tongue ur slave...😅
Sep 2021 · 2.7k
We write...
We see life as we were told,
Obstacles in our path may be fiery or cold!
We don't know, what the future holds?
We just write as the moments unfold,
Taking leads from new and old,
We keep writing until our eyes get closed,
Because we never know, when the writings are going to turn into gold...
Fiery here refers to hot...
Tried another flow of rhymes... And some thoughts of mine too😅

Read 2nd part here
Sep 2021 · 2.2k
Alone (haiku #5)
In that ignorant
crowd, He found two companions,
Pain and loneliness!
This modern fast paced world is making people weak and lonely
Aug 2021 · 1.5k
MURDERERS of democracy
Sow the seeds of communalism,
Spread hate against minority,
Defend the wrong acts of majority,
Abuse the seculars and secularism,
Call liberals — Anti-nationals,
Question the so called opposition,
Praise every move of Government,
Act as a pet of power,
Force the democracy to die
Or ****** it yourself...

And... you're a part of Indian Media!
The truth of mainstream Indian Media... And I think it's the truth of most of the media organization throughout the world...

Press and media houses are called as the fourth pillar of democracy... But if they'll act like this... Then, how democracy will sustain?
Aug 2021 · 2.2k
The sparkling river,
Nourished millions of lives, Now
striving for own life...
Here striving refers to struggling...

This poem is dedicated to current condition of rivers and water bodies because of pollutions and global warming...🌊
Aug 2021 · 2.5k
Autism (haiku #3)
An autistic boy,
In search of his existence,
Fighting life alone...
Autism is a mental disorder. A person suffering with this disorder finds it hard to interact with society or individuals. It's very hard for them to communicate with others...
They repeat theirselves again and again in the state of panic and anxiety... But a study suggests that autistic persons are extraordinary and super intelligent...

This haiku is inspired by a Turkish Drama Series "MUCIZE DOKTOR"... will soon be writing a full length poem on AUTISM...
Aug 2021 · 1.4k
Inhumanity (haiku#2)
Chaos everywhere,
Inhumanity rising!
Crying loud for peace...
Dedicated to current situation of Afghanistan 🇦🇫
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