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The grand ambition of love is to find “the one.”
and, of course, to be the one.

It’s a hard combo.

Finding someone amiable, who’s the best lover, your best friend,
confidant, emotional companion, intellectual equal and soulmate.

And, of course, it helps if ‘the one’ likes to dance
and has a little piña colada money too.

And when do you know you've been successful - in year 50?

It’s the holy grail, the age-old dilemma of love and desire.
A song for this:
Bullet and a Target by Citizen Cope
Wait Another Moment by The Bingtones
BLT Merriam Webster word of the day challenge: Amiable: someone  friendly and agreeable.
This journey is new,
But I don't need anyone's helping hand...
I'm enough for myself,
My wings are my companions now..!
I only need a little wind...
Just to flap my wings and
To fly freely in this busy sky full of
Thunderstorms and clouds..!
How fast this life moves on... Yesterday I was just a little kid playing cheerfully in the luxurious lap of my parents but today I've to battle at my own to find a place for myself in this competetive world.

Ready to join my first Internship from today... 🙂✌✌ ... From now, the struggle begins..!
In that ignorant
crowd, He found two companions,
Pain and loneliness!
This modern fast paced world is making people weak and lonely
CupcakesArePink Sep 2020
its hard to believe when they tell me that i will be missed
if it were, random days would be full of conversations

you have grown weary of my constant "hello"s
and you have proven that my point correct

the loneliness has welcomed me back
laughing at my ambition of attaining companionship

no one misses me
that's a bunch of horse ****.
i feel alone. the end.
Patterson Nov 2019
To all the ones I've loved before:
Your lives were as road signs
swimming into view for but a moment.
-I have yet
to lose a love
to distance or quarrel.
And not once
have I misplaced my heart.

God forbid that one day I wake
to find that I have begun to un-love.
Selfishness, lust, vengance,
these I have not known
Only the sweetness of your eyes
your face
your nearness.

I have yet to lose my love
to any other
but to time.

To all the ones I've loved before:
Your lives were far too short
-and while you've crashed through my door
-though you were but a small part of my life...
I am glad, for a time
I was your whole world.
If you build a wall,
I’ll build a door,
I’ll knock until it opens,
And hope it never closes.
Kai Sep 2019
hug all your friends
and keep them close by
cause when times are hard
on them you will rely
A Jan 2019
Lifeblood (Poem 1)

They called me the sun. I used to rain my light down upon them like it was my lifeblood, torn from my veins and arteries for them, for them, for them. They took it and hid it away, my blood, using it for their own gain. Some might have screamed Praise the sun! but for naught, as their brethren took and took and took and I was left a withering husk of my former glory, no longer golden, clouds on my once-fair brow. There was no glory in dying alone, without a battlefield or comrades. And for what? They complained, complained, pushing their hate towards me, for it was too dry, too hot, too much, too much, too much. How would I know? They wished for me on rainy days, hated me on the sunny. I was never balanced, I was always giving and taking too much.

To A Moonlit Dream I Can't Recall (Poem 2)

I dreamt in slow waves, shining so bright that the dark was chased away from the fair sheep I tended. My brother was off with his own, dusty with his own exhaustion when the day broke over and bled into the night. He was never much for talking, but when I spied on him, hidden in dark groves, he was alight, fiery with his own happiness and pride, until the sheep began to complain and the clouds crept in to watch. Wolves, were they, but I paid them no mind, for my sheep ran where they could not follow, to gossamer hills filled with hopes they could never express elsewhere. When my fingers ran in ribbons through their wool, the fair strands separating and splitting, dewdrops on a window pane, I sheared them, weaving tapestries of what they created within the confines of themselves.  

When my brother came wandering in one day, his arms ****** with his own life, splashing golden on the tiles, I could do nothing. We were our own shepherds, we could not take each other's flock. The day could not replace the night, as I could not replace my brother. I could do nothing to assist him, could not ease his pain. He would have to continue bloodletting, to give his sheep his blood until he was drained. My teardrops were on the fire until the night spread in thick tendrils on the floor.
These are a pair of prose poems I wrote for a prompt on Write the World. As I like darker takes on mythological characters, the two here are Helios and Selene, the Sun and Moon in Greek mythology.
Breon Dec 2018
Passion-flicker pyre,
Pipe the heat around us.
Brace your shoulder's burdens,
Burned to smithy sparkings.
White-gray flakes of winter,
Wilting tinder's children
Scraped together, given
Gimlet stares and scattered,
Dusty little leavings.
Lean against another
Passing bottle-poison,
Poise and cold forgotten.
With a little winking,
Wish the glass a fullness.
Call the bottle closer,
Clothed in sunset glimmer.
Remembering a pleasant interlude: sharing drinks, a fire, and winter with dear friends. Maybe something more, but things get fuzzy there.
A black boy came upon me
running with the wind
He rushed passed me
With one blue and one yellow balloon
Bouncing excitedly behind him
Like some faithful pet companions
His laughter in both sight and sound
Spread all over his face and around
The bright bouncing balloons pulled
Hard against the strings
And he laughed and laughed...
A child can bring joy in the smallest way, so free
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