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Man 5d
Body of a long night in the suns,
Existence as we know it.
Ocean of absence & matter,
Of gas & solid
In equal coexistence
Within these systems upon systems.

Time & motion,
The yin & yang.
The delicate balance
They maintain
Allows for each to live.

Without one,
The other ceases to exist.

Without motion,
Velocity & acceleration,
There would be nowhere
For which time to go.

Without time,
Duration & interval,
There would be nothing
For motion to travel.
Man Feb 9
Let us remember Aristillus & Timocharis,
Like Halley & Galileo.
Of Zhang Heng & Dao Lee,
Like Newton & Max Born.
Of Werner & Yermolyeva,
Like Curie & Oppenheimer.
Of Paracelus & Fredrick Banting,
Like Tesla & Pythagoras.
Of Richard Feynman & André Ampère,
Like Michael Faraday & Benjamin Franklin.
Of Payne-Gaposchkin & Joseph Swan,
Like Ignacy Łukasiewicz & Kikunae Ikeda.
Of Takamine Jōkichi & Berners-Lee,
Like Robert Hooke & Gutenberg.
Of Talos Attalus & Perrilus,
Like William Bullock & Franz Reichelt.
Of Abū Bakr al-Rāzī & Ibn al-Haytham,
Like Archimedes & Johannes Kepler.
Of Aldini & Henry Russell,
Like Edison & Graham Bell.
Of Carl Bosch & Richard Fiedler,
Like Mr. Hyde & Dr. Jekyll.
Of Brokkr & Sindri,
Like Gullinbursti & Hephaestus.
Sarah Richardson Dec 2024
Webs of stories form beliefs,
influencing actions,
creating a concept of me—
until I become myth.

A synthesis of cells,
speaking electric tongues,
a possession of matter
by patterns that think.

Through a brain and a spine
and everything between,
a unity emerges:
scattered fragments
woven whole.

Interactions form bonds,
all the way up, all the way down.
Outside and within:
culture consuming society,
society consuming self.

Self devours body,
body devours mind,
biology consumes chemistry,
chemistry consumes physics,
down to quantum foam.
Edward Hynes Dec 2024
Sometime in a quantum flux, a particle imagined us,
Thought creation worth a fling, and threw the dice to start this thing.

A particle that thinks it’s God? I know that sounds a little odd,
But even worse, it has a vice, a particle that plays with dice.
With apologies to Niels Bohr and Alert Einstein
Lizzie Bevis Dec 2024
The bonding forge of palm on palm
Breaks my shield, dissolves my calm;
Your hands trace earthquakes down my spine,
Awakening every nerve of mine.

You ignite my skin with a lightning flash,
Electric tremors pulse and pass,
Each fingertip becomes a molten brand
That sears desire across my land.

When lips meet, our worlds collapse
Passion fractures these synaptic maps;
Your embrace, a crushing tidal force,
Leaves my gravity without a course.

Magnetic fever pulls us close,
As currents crush and silence prose.
Each brush of skin sends shockwaves deep,
Where primal energy coils and leaps.

Heated fusion erodes the mantle,
Boundaries burn and souls entangle,
Your touch conquers my universe
Intent with the need to be immersed.

©️Lizzie Bevis
rae Dec 2024
if all the universe is entangled
if we are all opposites in order to exist
we are tied, we are
victims of fate, bound
by the very nature of the impossible
but measuring renders particles split apart
cut that crimson thread that binds us
for we know our truth
the probability
            the possibility
now certainty
ceased to exist
and so once again we’ll search
left in a maze
left in the dark
my tears won’t reach you
and your scars won’t be mine
Man Nov 2024
Plenty, long - it is pitiful.
Is it never better than to taste of it?
Empty, numb - it is pitiful.
Is it naught that is more flavorful?

In the living glass of the universe
I am a liquid,
Drink the drink.
By the marsh like mixture of life,
Split the iris,
Eye to eye.
As the electric echo of an echo
Waves as expression,
I am a particle.

I am the light

By the gypsum rose grown.
I am the order borne out of the primordial.
In weaves & webs perennial,
I am the pyramid doubled.
By the barycenter offset zero,
I am without mass & weightless.
In the predeterminants of the hypermatrix,
I am a bolt of lightning and the thunder.
By the storm of the ocean struck,
I am a standing wave in motion.

Material and immaterial.
Sarah Richardson Nov 2024
At 3 AM, when prayer beads tick like Geiger counters,
my thoughts uncoil—copper-bellied serpents
tasting darkness with forked mathematics.
The mind's eye dilates. Space folds
like origami in reverse.
                          Here: the edge
where meditation meets vertigo,
where breath becomes sine wave,
oscillating between being and void.

Two doors in the skull's quiet temple:
one opens on supernovas blooming like black dahlias,
one on atoms waltzing in their quantum ballroom.
Both lead down labyrinthine DNA spirals
to what we've spent eons fleeing—
that first serpent's whisper:

Listen: the sound of synapses firing
like distant stars going nova,
each thought a light echo
bouncing through time's curved throat.
The heart grows dense as collapsed stars,
while dreams crystallize into sacred geometry,
snowflakes falling upward through dark matter.

Memory: that holographic river
where time swims backward through its own reflection.
I cup moments like bioluminescent plankton,
watch them slip away, pixel by pixel,
leaving ghost-prints on retinal nights.
Each lost second transforms me—
tree rings of light recording
what darkness taught the leaves.

In the space between heartbeats,
neural networks weave myths from starlight,
encoding infinity in finite flesh.
We are legends dreaming ourselves awake,
ancient light translated into carbon,
into stories that birth galaxies
between firing neurons.

Observe the great devourings:
Universe swallows galaxy swallows star
swallows planet swallows society swallows self—
recursive hymn, eternal return.
Watch consciousness eat reality
eat quantum uncertainty
eat itself, until nothing remains
but foam on probability's shore,
glittering with all possible worlds.

Deep in the amygdala's forest,
where fear grows like luminous fungi,
I find fragments of cosmic egg-shell,
evidence of what we hatched from.
Each cell remembers its stellar womb,
each atom hums its hydrogen lullaby,
while DNA spells out in base-four code:
you are everyone you have ever been.

When Brahman's eye blinks,
superposition collapses into now—
wave functions falling like autumn leaves
into singular moments of being.
Time is a spiral staircase
wrapped around a strand of RNA,
leading both up to heaven
and down to the quantum foam
where angels dance with quarks.

At the event horizon of ego,
where self meets infinite regression,
I dissolve like a koan in the mind of God.
The observer becomes the observed,
the cosmic dance becomes the dancer,
until there's no difference between
the meditation and the mantra,
the equation and its solution,
the eternal and the now.

All is recursion:
Light waves breaking on consciousness' shore,
consciousness breaking on light's distant edge.
We are the universe's way
of witnessing its own reflection—
billions of eyes opened in wonder,
each pupil a black hole
drawing light into meaning,
meaning into mystery,
mystery into math,
math into music,
music into flesh,
flesh into light.

Paghunda Zahid Nov 2024
I was a Moon in a dark abyss
Wandering alone in tormented solace
As aimlessly as a fish in bowl
Glumly glad within my alien abode

In a spur _ you appeared from Nowhere
A Blackhole pulling me towards its angelic snare
Rearranging the space time fabric

To a whole new world
mystifying yet aesthetic

And I couldn't resist, for that Benignity
set my heart ablazed _
filled its Valence shell
Entwined with you I will step in eternity soon
Hoping, your floral rugs bear stars and moons..!!
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