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Serendipity May 30
Dashing, charming,
full of foolery,
She unwinds with legs of poison
sitting still on top the table,
seeping deep into my mind.

The image stains the flesh
and how I wish I could undress
the bottle of her sickly cyanide.

But taste testing pills and potions
made to drowse and **** the roses
are not nearly as sweet as implied.

So I admire from afar
oohing and awing at the bar
staring at the glass
and not taking a bite.
Nyx Apr 22
Almost like it was etched into my soul
My mind refuses to forget.

I see you.
I see your smile.
And ****.
It consumes me again.

Dripping with that sickeningly sweet nectar
Reviving that lingering taste of honey on my tongue
Sparking that chaos that breeds like wildfire
For that foolish love that I once clung

Intoxicated by that familiar scent
Inebriating my mind of incoherent thought
Indulging in this irresistible poison
All sense of caution came to nought

That smile.
That ******* smile is what does me in

Blooming like honeysuckles on a vine
Vibrant in colour, alluring to the eyes
these blossoms aren't all new, just dormant for a time
lying in wait for the worst timing to arise

Entwining itself into the crevices of my heart
Spreading across my body it twirls and intertwines
Desperately trying to pull away as I might
But its futile against the ever tightening vines

You smile at me

Halting my breath but for a moment
As if encapsulating us in time
It feels almost as if the world is composed
completely of just you and I

I'm unable to resist

Big weld
A M Ryder Apr 3
He asks me if
I believe in angels
And before I realize
I don't have the heart
To tell him, I tell him
"Not Lately.."
And just wait
For him to hate me

But he doesn't
Know how to
So he never does
Loving like a man
In the time
Before God gave
Man religion and
Left it to them to
Figure out
What hate was
Madeleine Mar 20
My child
Don't let poison fill your cup
Rather fill it with joy
And much love
For what your cup is filled
Your cup will overflow with
Our dearest love has fallen
The night arrives the same
Shocked and feeling solemn
For when darkness reclaims
It's an unpleasant surprise
Daily grave planet digs
Towards ground in varying size
Pebbles and twigs
Disturbed a deeper level
Dashing beside fear
Black eyes of the devil
Secrets and lies appear
At dawn grief will linger
Faded heat of the sun
Greater the poison from the stinger
Shine is at point forced to run
Weighed down by loss I am feeling
Our frame anchored to the ground
Burden remains leaving us reeling
Within in blackness does astound
With sharp blow takes the victory
In daylight look for shame
In moon hide what we're scared to see
Have only sadness in us to blame
Written 2-8-21
leeaaun Dec 2023
pain shows no mercy,
it treats you as an enemy
even when you are always holding
a first aid box–
to heals its wounds
it's like a snake biting you back
Temporary home, I'll be all alone.
Roses in gardens all is filled with poison thorns.
Nose bleeds, no breath, my dreams turn to storms.

Wake me up to the sound of your voice.
You'll come over? the sky turns white.
Meet me there tonight, I'm not up to another fight

Kisses taste like sorrow as bridges stay hollow.
Loves bites bleed, I'm yours indeed
Nothing guaranteed, yet you know I'll follow.

How come bruises are mistaken for kisses?
Behind the curtains it all lies.

By: Zoulaikha
How can bruises be mistaken for kisses?
Kitt Sep 2023
Teeth sink into cold flesh
Piercing thin skin
The crunch of triumph rings:
devour me whole
Leave nothing behind
but the rotting, browning, sugary core
and seeds with a tiny drop
of cyanide
(if ever, in case, the apple bites back).

Break me down to my barest pieces
and root shiftlessly through the rubble
clean house, so they say, and getting
ready for spring
Rid yourself of the taste of me.
There lies a poison, that runs so deep.
It dwells within, in the darkest hue,
A lethal venom, my poison is you.

Your allure so strong, I can't escape.
A toxic addiction, I can't undo,
Entangled in your web, my poison is you.

With every breath, I inhale your spell,
Into the deep abyss, I quickly fell.
Your touch so electric, my heart beats anew,
Enchanted by your charm, my poison is you.

You're the sweetest ache, consuming my soul,
Leaving me helpless, unable to control.
Intoxicating whispers, I'm tempted to pursue,
Bound by your charm, my poison is you.

I'm aware of the risks, the hazardous chase.
But I find solace in this twisted taboo,
Though it may destroy me, my love for you is true,
Forever entwined, my poison is you.
Pale windows.
Man Jul 2023
Tender flesh, pale & thin;
Cigarette burns pock cratered skin.
Entrails that entail, poison foretaste.
Hidden, not much to be read, that
Of false smiles, on a plaster face.
The cancer within,
Almost at its brim,
Building to the self-consumption
Surely bound to take it's place.
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