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6.4k · Jan 2016
Cody Haag Jan 2016
Chant that you are brave,
Even as your body begins to quake;
Exclaim that you need not be saved,
Endeavor to alter your own fate.

Affirmations deserve more credit;
Say anything enough and you'll believe.
It's wholly possible to edit,
A new response to fear needs to be conceived.

Therapy is not at my beck and call,
But willpower will help me revise,
Prevent me from facing a dastardly fall,
A pivoting, terminating demise.
5.6k · Dec 2015
If I Was Different
Cody Haag Dec 2015
If I was thinner, this world would love me more;
But I eat too much dinner, and I'm a bore.
If I had more courage, I'd have more friends,
But that on my attractiveness depends.

If I was different, I'd appease society;
But this is me.
And honestly I'm at the point where
I'm not looking to please.
4.7k · Nov 2022
A Bleak Future
Cody Haag Nov 2022
I'm caught in the middle,
Of someone else's game.
Twisted as hell,
I stay the same.

Try as I might,
There is no reward.
No lover to hold,
No future to look toward.

How long can I last,
In this diseased state?
How long can I pivot,
And avoid my fate?

The road will end
With an unfulfilled dream.
A man torn asunder
By his self-esteem.

Tears will be wept,
But nothing will be lost.
For I am an empty vessel,
Battered and tossed.
This one's about depression, suicidal tendencies, and looking toward a future you're certain will be desolate.
Cody Haag Dec 2015
He crouched in the corner,
Huddling up against his brother;
Who made him feel safe
From his mother.

Glass shattered, and the boy ran out,
To the other room where
His mother was found.

The blood and glass shards
Were everywhere;
He reached for a towel
To bear.

His hands clutched it against
Mommy's wound;
"More alcohol,"
Mommy crooned.

He relented finally,
Giving her the bottle;
By ruby blood,
The floor tiles were mottled.

Lights flashed outside the cabin,
As the ambulance arrived;
The little boy would never
Forget that night.
3.5k · Mar 2023
Destroyed Innocence
Cody Haag Mar 2023
In a dream, I saw myself,
Then erupted into tears.
The innocence shown then
Was destroyed throughout the years.

A glass shattered to a million pieces,
Will never be the same.
Glue it together if you want,
All it keeps is its name.

A car left abandoned,
Falls into disrepair.
It will never run right,
Upon this I swear.

People are the same,
Clinging to a better time.
Staying stuck in place,
Destined to never climb.

In a dream, I saw myself,
Then erupted into tears.
The innocence shown then
Was destroyed throughout the years.
3.4k · Dec 2015
Living With an Alcoholic
Cody Haag Dec 2015
Living with an alcoholic is like
Standing outside during an on-and-off thunderstorm.
You never know when they'll snap,
When they'll take on their meanest form.

We cooked, and laughed, late in the night,
And I walked her to her room
And put a movie on, turned off her light.

"I'm going to get a shower," I said,
Departing into the bathroom.
When I reemerged, hair still wet,
Tension - in the air - loomed.

"You need to treat him better!" she screamed at my brother,
Words echoing throughout the house;
It seems to me that once the lights are doused
And she's left alone with her thoughts,
That's when aggression is taught.
3.3k · Dec 2015
The Birds That Were Ashes
Cody Haag Dec 2015
Earlier today,
I laid outside atop the snow,
A feat that I haven't tried
Since life's true colors showed.

The frost numbed my body,
I'm sure red flushed into my cheeks;
I stared speculatively at the sky,
My eyes searched and seeked.

I wanted to understand the beauty,
That nature offers so readily, the solace,
That it blankets us in even on cold days;
I wanted to understand beauty that is flawless.

My tired eyes embraced small, soaring figures
That coursed through the air with grace;
Content to go their own paths,
Not engaged in a petty race.

The figures were falcons,
That spiraled and sailed on wind above me,
Probably heading south,
For warmth to set them free.

But in that moment I compared them
To man-produced ashes;
Gray soot that courses through the air
Dashes, in varying directions,
As fire burns.

In that moment, the birds drifted through the air
So aimlessly, like the ashes do,
Landing faraway,
Wherever they flew.

Nature itself could be ashes,
If people continue on this path;
This destruction ought to incur
Some sort-of wrath.
3.3k · Feb 2017
The Shedding of Beliefs
Cody Haag Feb 2017
His eyes penetrate the mirror,
And the glass penetrates him back.
Tears rain down his cheeks,
And his semblance undergoes a crack.

His head hits the pillow,
His eyelashes flutter along to dreams.
Mother watches with weepy eyes,
Then sunlight through the window beams.

His heart flutters like a leaf in a breeze,
Excited by the man before his eyes.
For years he has struggled
With this affection he was taught to despise.

Even as his heart tells him what to do,
The boy continues to hide his truth.
It seems there is much to lose,
It seems a way to ruin his youth.

But the secret ails him—
A condition untreated.
Without exploration,
His heart remains defeated.

Destruction clasps onto him, an iron grip,
And his demons come alive.
He begins to hate himself,
Struggling to survive.

Hatred finds him during his adolescence—
Like a deadly blade wishing him dead.
To survive, he learns a simple truth—
His beliefs must be shed.

Now a cloak of happiness hangs from his shoulders—
His boyfriend is in his arms.
He has parted with society’s silly notions,
Of which only dealt him harm.
3.1k · Mar 2016
Broken Humanity
Cody Haag Mar 2016
Broken humanity will often falter,
As it ponders which mold to fill in,
Ponders what it must alter,
Which path it must begin.

It is a trembling, cowering bird that hides
Within each of our hearts,
Somewhere in a dark corner it abides,
Made up of many broken parts.

We have the role of nursing the bird,
Bringing it back to its purest condition,
There is a fire that must be stirred,
A stunning, unbridled and pure rendition.
3.0k · Dec 2015
New Generation
Cody Haag Dec 2015
The deterioration of society,
Commonly serves as writing material;
Hell, even I could write about changes
That have lessened our souls.

But I also appreciate the changes
That have bettered us as a collective people;
I dream of collaboration between church-goers,
And those that turn from the steeple.

We've evolved to a new level of acceptance,
And equality that was unknown;
Yes, the "isms" still exist,
But in a much softer tone.

Gender roles wreak havoc,
And some feel elite.
But we've inched closer to equality,
And those roles we will defeat.

I have so much hope for this generation,
The kids that have been raised with new eyes;
We possess views that our ancestors
Would abhor and despise.

Unity and inclusion,
Love and tolerance;
I will preach these things,
Until there is a balance.
3.0k · Mar 2016
Quite So Blue
Cody Haag Mar 2016
Our flaws make us who we are,
At least, that is what I am told.
But if I wanted to change my flaws,
Would you deem that too bold?

I feel quite dismal, when I gaze.
When I look into the mirror.
My face is not astounding,
I see very little, I fear.

When I search my soul,
I also see little beauty there.
I think that if I could read thoughts,
I'd learn that few actually care.

My flaws do not make me happy,
They seek my constant attention.
I have flaws that are hidden,
Ones that I dare not mention.

I will change what I can,
That is all that I can do.
After that, I will accept the rest,
Then maybe I won't be quite so blue.
2.5k · Dec 2022
the truth
Cody Haag Dec 2022
you say that I'm wrong,
but you've never known right.
how pretentious of you,
to stay in my sight.

you're entitled to your opinion.
but truth is, no one gives a ****.
if we were all like you,
we'd all be full of it.
That moment when someone crosses a boundary to share their flawed opinion with you.
2.3k · Aug 2022
The Known Future
Cody Haag Aug 2022
My future seems set in stone,
The path before me, known.
Spent in solace, all alone.
Hiding from what I can't atone,
2.1k · Dec 2015
I Hear Your Son Likes Boys
Cody Haag Dec 2015
I hear your son likes boys
In a way you don't approve;
But it's how he is wired,
Through and through.

You caught your son kissing boys,
And you told him he's disgusting;
Who knew in 2015,
Homophobia would be a thing.

Your son likes boys,
That he cannot change;
So what he kisses boys,
Is that so strange?

There are a million things
Your son could be,
Don't you think,
Don't you agree?

It's up to you, break his wings
Or let him fly;
Think about what you want to accomplish
Before you die.

Do you wish to care for him,
Mold him into his best version;
Or make him your toy,
And use lies as immersion?
2.1k · Jan 2023
Kiss of a Stranger
Cody Haag Jan 2023
I lost myself in passion,
And traded virtue for lust.
Kissing two strangers,
Then dissolving to dust.

I cried in my mother's arms,
As I questioned my life.
How I traded innocence for guilt,
How I traded joy for strife.

The kiss of a stranger,
Is an empty thing.
Whereas the kiss of a lover,
Can make one's heart sing.

We all make mistakes,
That's what mother said.
But I despise the things I do,
I'd be better off dead.

When will this tumult end,
When will I be free?
When will I be loved,
When will I discover "me"?

I am so cold and so empty,
And without any light.
And without a shred,
I've lost my fight.
2.0k · Oct 2015
Broken Promises
Cody Haag Oct 2015
Promises are meant to be broken,
That's what they always say.
But my face is always soaken,
With the tears I've shed today.

If promises don't last,
Then why am I living?
It means that my entire past,
Wasn't worth the giving.

Living day to day is stressful,
When happiness evades you.
Nothing seems to fill this hole,
That leaves my feelings askew.

Broken promises are meant to be,
Or perhaps never to have been said.
Now after all the pain, I see,
What should've stayed in my head.
2.0k · Nov 2015
Real Monsters
Cody Haag Nov 2015
Halloween, what a very strange time,
Kids dressing up like monsters I see in my mind.

Real monsters, though, don't have horns or fangs,
They just have the ability to cause painful pangs.

They know how to break your heart, and then throw it away,
And they never give you the time of day.

Let the children dress up as fictional things,
Real life monsters don't have scales, claws, or wings.

Guard their innocence; let them dress up,
And pray they'll never meet a real monster close-up.
2.0k · Nov 2015
Frostbite Fingertips
Cody Haag Nov 2015
Frostbite fingertips, chilly they are,
Far more appealing than the faraway stars.
That's why my eyes turn to you during winter night,
Your frostbite fingertips, caressing my cheek are light.

Just as dreams are for dreamers, love is for lovers,
And that passionate feeling around us hovers.
Others doubt, but the stars above know,
When compared to our passion, dim is their glow.

Your fingertips, cold on this snowy night,
Rejuvenate me and emblazon my life with light.
If hypothermia were to claim me now,
I hope others wouldn't long ponder how.

I'll lose myself in you any day of the year,
Even during winter, you resolve my fear.
1.9k · Dec 2015
Know Not to Settle
Cody Haag Dec 2015
Intrepid, a boy strode down the mountain path,
Into nature's unchanging wrath;
The dust stirred at his feet,
The sun kissed his back, fiery heat;
He thought of the bloodbath.

They'd told him to run,
And he did, under the heat of sun.
Now, he'd slowed to a crawl,
Heading away from the desert brawl;
On his waist, he still had his gun.

He came to a stop,
Sat on a rock,
Ran his fingers through his hair-mop.

He should have known not to settle,
It always took a toll.
1.9k · Apr 2020
Blue-eyed Boy
Cody Haag Apr 2020
Boy with blue eyes,
Break my heart.
Your plush lips
Are a work of art.
Lost in your scent;
Cool breath, pure smile.
It holds me in place,
Yet makes my heart travel a mile.
Kiss away my tears,
And pull me tight.
If this is wrong,
I don't want to be right.
Why is it so difficult to find a guy? It's always about ***, I swear.
1.8k · Jan 2016
Cody Haag Jan 2016
Upon entering this world,
I emanated innocence that was profound;
By that and pure youth
I was wholly bound.

As I aged and discovered that
The world harbors many dark things,
I also learned that a person has only whatever
Light he decides to bring.

I am learning slowly,
But surely, over time,
That there is purity to be found
In this world of grief and crime.
1.7k · Nov 2015
The Monster's Abode
Cody Haag Nov 2015
With satchel in his hand, he strode down the road,
The sun glinting against his eyes as it does with glass.
Up he crept to the cave of the monster, its rank abode,
And pulled the elixir from his satchel fast.

Trembling, his hands uncorked the bottle,
And released the liquid a'splashin onto the ground below;
The potion served to mottle,
The rock soon to blow.

He leapt from the cave entrance, down toward the road,
Away from the monster's ghastly abode,
And managed to escape sudden death,
As an explosion blasted from the cave's mouth like fiery breath.

The monster wailed loud as death strangled it,
A strange, bone-chilling, awful fit.
But like the cave, the monster was now dead,
And he could head back to his cabin to sleep in his bed.
1.7k · Nov 2022
All of the Above
Cody Haag Nov 2022
I'm in love with the idea of being in love,
Of kissing a boy, of having enough.
I trust in the process of having trust,
Of flying free like the happiest dove.
I'm in love with the idea of being in love,
But more so in love with all of the above.
This one's a little weird, but I like it.
1.7k · Dec 2015
Settle Not for Mundane
Cody Haag Dec 2015
So undesirable, being forgotten after death;
What's the point of living at all,
If you're forgotten upon your last breath?

Perhaps I could be happy
Constructing a modest, pleasant life for my family,
And then passing away a wizened pappy ...

But I endeavor to reach higher
And to achieve goals that some deem unattainable;
That is one of my ultimate desires.

Settle not for mundane,
Be comfortable not with
What just barely sustains.

Don't be an obstacle
On the path to your success:
That is not logical.
1.7k · Apr 2016
Society's Menace
Cody Haag Apr 2016
Derick knew what he had done,
To earn the impression of delinquency.
He had broken the law many times,
And fought with people frequently.

His mother branded him a danger,
To society and himself.
His father branded him a stranger,
His real son lived upon a shelf.

"See this boy here?" his dad would say,
Tapping a photograph of young Derick.
He remembered that day,
When life had been more generic.

That was before his father slouched alone,
Bottle in palm of hand,
Talking to women on the phone,
What a role model, what a man.

"I see the boy," Derrick said,
His voice quiet as night.
"But I don't see the man,
Who prompted me to fight."

Little Derik came across his father,
Back then, talking to his women,
He managed to anger the man,
Who hit him then claimed to be kiddin'.

His father flushed with anger,
He hit his son in the face.
"Don't you dare say that,
You know your place!"

Derick, he was deemed society's menace,
Few cared that his father drove him so,
I hope that you will judge less,
For you simply never know.
1.6k · Apr 2016
When I Feel Pretty
Cody Haag Apr 2016
Whenever I must add new people to my life,
I feel that it is my duty to be my most likable version,
And because of that, I wear makeup, straighten my hair,
And lose myself in aesthetic immersion.

I feel better when I feel pretty,
And that breaks my heart.
I never thought my happiness,
Was such a simple and vain art.
1.6k · Jan 2016
Imprisonment of the Creator
Cody Haag Jan 2016
Abscond from your digital world,
Fall into the rhythm offered by Mother Earth;
Bathe in the glory apparent before you,
Endeavor to obtain a new birth.

To think one is living,
One must go through the motions;
To know one is living,
One must see the valleys, forests, and oceans.

A man spends days inside his home,
Completely and utterly alone;
Sometimes he delivers messages
Or uses his telephone.

Yet even then he is so integrated;
So controlled by technology.
Thoreau thought no man could live such a life,
And still be considered free.

"We do not ride on the railroad;
It rides upon us - "
These words from Thoreau
We need to wholly trust.

The creator is often imprisoned
By the creations he has birthed;
I think a life so wasted
Has very little worth.
1.6k · Dec 2015
My Tears Have Dried
Cody Haag Dec 2015
My tears have dried up,
The faucet turned off;
I have nothing left,
Please don't scoff.

Where am I now,
Without my home;
My heart's adrift,
I'm so alone.
1.6k · Apr 2016
Anti-social Freak
Cody Haag Apr 2016
Babbling like a fool,
Proving myself a tool,
I see judgment in those eyes,
I know I am despised.

My mouth closes then,
This is not my friend.
They think I am dumb,
I feel oh so numb.

Mouth, know your place,
It is inferior, like your face.
Please, get in line,
That disdain is a sign.

Speaking is not meant for me,
I am a total freak.
They know it on sight,
My chest is so tight.

Put me out of my suffering,
Their judgment is puncturing.
Their eyes are deadly blades,
I wish that I could fade.
I don't think any of these thoughts are good, and I'm not trying to spread negativity to readers of this poem. I'm simply portraying the thoughts that cross my mind when I am put into social situations.
1.5k · Dec 2015
My Canvas of a Body
Cody Haag Dec 2015
He calls my body a canvas,
Tells me that it is beautiful.
That my blemishes are beautiful,
My hair that curls a little too much in the back is beautiful,
My scars are beautiful,
My acne is beautiful,
My Vitiligo is beautiful,
My stretch marks are beautiful.

He tells me these things,
And I'm scared to believe him;
The idea of showing him my whole body is

But if there's one person in the world,
Who can look upon my body without disdain,
With light in his eyes,
It's him.

I'm so thankful.
How did I get so lucky?
1.5k · Dec 2015
Your Kisses
Cody Haag Dec 2015
Your kisses fall upon my lips like
Wind fluctuating against grass blades,
Changing in intensity as a response to the
Affected's desire to fade.

Firm when I want to cease life
And gentle like water when joy inhabits me,
Because you understand what exactly
It is that I need.
1.5k · Nov 2015
The Atheist
Cody Haag Nov 2015
I've cried out to God during all my times of need,
And tried opening the door.
But it seems that my qualms he will never heed,
Even as I pray, falling to the floor.

The door is not locked, see,
The door does not exist;
But what does?
The blood flowing through my wrists.

It's time to let him go, to turn the page,
And to let it all evaporate, the unrequited rage.
He does not exist, he is not all around,
He doesn't care if his children are safe and sound.

That's okay, counting on myself is better,
Than using fantasy as a crutch, an old sweater.

I believe in people, I believe in love,
I just don't believe that any comes from above.
1.5k · Nov 2015
Tears of Acid, Man of Placid
Cody Haag Nov 2015
Her tears fell like rain,
With an abundance of acid;
Whereas her lover's tears rarely fell;
As a person he was placid.

The rivers flowing down her cheeks,
Reminded him that he used to be not so weak.
When he cried, bleeding emotion like she did now,
He was a stronger person then, his soul a bough.

Now, weaker, he could accept the fact,
That when he let sadness dehumanize him, he made a pact;
No longer would tears fall down his face,
He would bury the emotions and lock them in place.

He wondered now if he was destined to be happy;
He missed the days when his trunk was damaged, sappy.
He hardened to a point far beyond desire,
Steely now, having quenched his inner fire.

He embraced her in their small living room,
Happy that tears wetted his shoulder, and that sadness loomed;
She was still human, she still bled emotion,
Something that for him was a distant notion.
Enjoy. Let me know what you think.
Cody Haag Apr 2016
Strength does not just exist,
It grows over time,
And if you poison the soil,
It will never transcend grime.

Flowers spring up when nurtured,
But wither away when left alone;
Winter will **** them also,
This has been continually shown.

The process needs the right environment,
Or it will never be completed.
And as you pick yourself up from the dirt,
You will wonder why you are always defeated.
1.4k · Nov 2015
Poison Your Body
Cody Haag Nov 2015
You're killing your body,
It's giving out under the abuse;
Your poisonous habits ending your days;
Why are you hindering your liver's use?

Oh wait, I know, you're depressed with life,
But you do realize that to us its also been a knife?
Everything has fallen apart on us too,
But this isn't something I'd ever do.

How can a person be content with harming loved ones,
It leaves me feeling so stunned.
It's clear that you don't understand love,
If a there was a deity above, it's you he'd judge.

Not me, not the homosexual,
The cutting, suffering boy,
Who has taken a toll,
Serving as your toy.

Poison your body, go ahead;
I'm not a murderer, but these thoughts are in my head.
If you want death so bad, I'll let it take you,
But I won't let you drag me along with the things you do.
1.4k · Jan 2017
The Noise
Cody Haag Jan 2017
The noise never falters away,
What it is, I cannot say.
It plays in my head like a twisted song,
It tells me what I am doing wrong.

Sometimes it seems to play aloud,
And I question why others don't see its shroud.
But my mind is what is slipping,
The seams are tearing, ripping.

I am not crazy. But I do suffer.
I tell myself to be tougher.
But words are nothing in the face of fear.
They are nothing to stop my tears.

I dream of silence, it seems grand.
I dream of a different time, different land.
Books take me far, I escape it all.
But one day, I might still fall.
1.4k · Nov 2015
My Heart Isn't a Ship
Cody Haag Nov 2015
If my heart sailed onward like a ship at sea,
Drifting through the waters complacently,
I'd find peace somewhere deep inside of me.

Letting go is a tiresome trial,
My tears flooding the streets for up to a mile,
Proving the things that life spits at us are vile.

With a heavy heart, I'll keep on going,
Through this hazardous life of tear-flowing,
While the entire time I'll be knowing,
My heart isn't a ship,
And I'm not even rowing.
1.4k · Nov 2015
Hands and Fingernails
Cody Haag Nov 2015
You can learn a lot about a person just by looking at their hands.

Is the skin picked off, do scabs and blood surround the nails?

Are their fingernails bitten down so much that small slivers of blood show atop each one, where nail should be?

These small indicators can point toward anxiety, and troubling lives. You should always remain respectful, because you don't know what a person is going through.
1.3k · Jan 2016
Ensues the Night
Cody Haag Jan 2016
Swish of the curtain,
Click of the light.
Darkness envelops,
Ensues the night.
1.3k · Jan 2016
Throughout Stormy Weather
Cody Haag Jan 2016
It is clear to me on this dark night
That alcoholism is a temporary plight.
I do not wish her death,
But continue like this and she'll meet its breath.

I must hold myself together,
Exist throughout stormy weather;
Glue my pieces together with resilience
Understand my own brilliance.

I will survive this all,
Rise up against suicide's call.
This will not be my end,
It is always possible to mend.
1.3k · Jan 2016
Don't Stop at All
Cody Haag Jan 2016
Don't have a flame,
Have a bonfire.
Don't have a spark of power,
Create an empire.

Don't sing a note,
Croon a ballad.
Don't dance a move,
Reanimate those pallid.

Don't stop because you can,
Don't stop at all.
Turn this message
Into your motto and call.
1.3k · Jan 2016
Frozen Tears
Cody Haag Jan 2016
Frozen tears on my cheek,
Empty soul within my body.
So cold that it crystallizes the moisture on my face.
Sometimes I feel so empty,
So entirely devoid of humanity.
1.2k · Dec 2015
Your Bruises
Cody Haag Dec 2015
Your bruises,
They're the color of dark skies.
You bleed your tears as a response;
You don't deserve to be despised.

You think you do, but like a tree that,
Stands after a tornado hits,
You're a victim to the perilous abuse,
To all of it.
1.2k · Dec 2015
Young but Not Youthful
Cody Haag Dec 2015
Flowers die when winter comes,
Stems curling and wilting into nothing
But shriveled masses that exist,
Yet don't, as if they are bluffing.

Many flames have snuffed out these past years;
Friendships have died and dissipated
Like those flowers in winter,
Whose deaths were fated.

The landscape of my life,
Was torn apart at the base by death
That completely reshaped the environment
Like winter's icy breath.

Nostalgia tears at me on these quiet days,
When there is not an overload of work;
The quiet seems to encourage
Nostalgic memories to lurk.

There is no reigning them back in,
Though, the moments that have fallen apart
Like chalk on sidewalk,
Children's favorite art.

I am young, but my youth
Left a long time ago;
I thought it was a river
That would steadily flow.

I have missed out on so much,
I claw at these wishes as time goes on;
For my age is accumulating,
And "young" is only a temporary term to don.
I am sad.
1.2k · Nov 2015
Tears of Crimson
Cody Haag Nov 2015
Tears of crimson,
Splash against your cheek,
And as we embrace,
It is your lips my mouth seeks.

I am crying my pain,
And it is gracing your skin like ruby rain.
My hands clutch at your spine,
And in this moment, I'm fine.

You can save me,
You can pull me back,
You are a piece of me that once I lacked.

Stay with me, kiss me tonight,
This safety, and content, is our right.
1.2k · Dec 2015
Repent from Your Addiction
Cody Haag Dec 2015
Repent from your addiction,
So we can develop a relationship like clouds
Intertwined with the blue sky;
A relationship of which I can be proud.

Clouds float high above,
Formations of water that practically hug
The sky-ocean that hovers over this planet;
I wish we were like that, snug.

I have known little of you
Over these erratic years;
I have known little love
But many explosive fears.

Please, please, I know that you are weak,
And I know that you are tired;
But your small acts of love
Are so wholesomely desired.

I want more from you,
Want to give you much more;
It's a painful feeling that
Comes from deep in my core.
1.2k · Dec 2015
Living Through Screens
Cody Haag Dec 2015
It's so sad that people need
Likes, comments, follows,
To feel happy with the lives they lead.

I know that personally,
I base my worth on how my work is received,
How well my words bleed.

Days must have been simpler, before
Our worth was defined by Facebook likes,
Follows on Twitter,
These things just to make us not bitter.

When we didn't live through screens,
And we were less vain;
I think the world was probably
A little less insane.
1.2k · Dec 2015
A Man's Toil
Cody Haag Dec 2015
The man stepped into his childhood home,
Like a thief breaking in,
He had never belonged there,
So it felt wrong, a sin.

Now that his parents' light had been quenched
And he'd been granted access to this place,
He traced his hands over the mud-room bench.

He explored the house, touching
And feeling
The many things his parents had owned,
Things that left his mind blown.

A bible, a cross, a portrait of daily devotions,
A sad smile touched his face,
What a notion.

These people who hated him
And had hung him out to dry,
Had convinced themselves they were justified,
Before they died.

Before their bodies blended with nature;
Disappearing into the very soil,
They no longer had to remember the toil.

It was fresh in his mind.
His fingers left the bible,
And that was the last time.

He wouldn't be back,
He'd never think of them again,
They had caused nothing but pain
For little Ben.
1.2k · Nov 2015
Beautiful Things
Cody Haag Nov 2015
Rose petals flutter in the wind, as if the air is kissing them.
But black ink spreads through the petals as they fly.
The flowers are dead, and the evil is boundless.
Beautiful things are corrupted so easily.
1.2k · Sep 2016
Brought to My Knees
Cody Haag Sep 2016
The world brought me to my knees so often that
I chained myself to a wall;
Though I am secured to its masonry,
From time to time I start to fall.

Wrists slide from their shackles, to the abyss below,
Where the quiet seems to stretch out like a warm embrace.
Where the trembling lips and shaking forms cease,
Where no longer exist the tears that roll down my face.

But perhaps I have too much resilience,
To break away from my *******;
Though I often squirm against the metal,
Feeling as if I've been taken hostage.

Each morning I wake in peaceful silence,
Yawning, stretching, starting the day.
But a mournful agony screeches inside,
Manipulating my thoughts and the words I say.

The world brought me to my knees so often that
I chained myself to a wall;
Though I am secured to its masonry,
From time to time I start to fall.
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