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To be a star,
you must burn.

To be a flower,
you must blossom.

To be art,
you must be created.

To be music,
you must be played.

To be a river,
you must flow.

But to be a lover,
you may not be loved.
I think love should never be conditional...

I’m not perfect, and maybe I’m the most complicated and imperfect girl.
Anddd... a lot of people dislike me and give sarcastic comment for that, buttttt.... my parents and siblings love me unconditionally <3...I thank God every day for it.
It's not about quantity of people, but quality of love, for me..... hehehe..... :)

You are never alone; there’s always someone with you.
Maybe it’s just you who are too focused on what's in front of you and haven’t noticed the one standing beside you.
People love in one of two ways.

They either love selfishly -
Where they love the parts of you that are easy to love, the light.
They use their love like a weapon to try and force you to change, to conform, to fit in the box that they deem appropriate.

Or... They love unconditionally -
Where they love all of you including the parts of you that are hard to love, the dark.
Their love is given freely even when it isn't returned and never do they ask you to conform.
They allow you to be free, to be you.

The second, sadly, is a dying concept. People have forgotten that we all have pasts, all hold darkness.
That darkness, those burdens are what mold us and create the foundation of who we are and will become.
It is a rare person who can see another, with their darkness behind them, spread out like majestic wings and accept and embrace all of who they are.

For years I have allowed myself to be molded, forced and made to fit into boxes too small to hold me for fear of loosing those I loved.
It is only now, recently, that I have learned that my wings, my strength and my foundation are always the things that others wish to change about me.

No more.
No more will I allow my greatest strengths to be deemed unworthy by those who are afraid to love unconditionally.
No longer will I allow those who love selfishly to dictate what parts of me are lovable.

I have always loved with all of me, accepted all of others (even the parts that hurt me) because I thought that by doing so, it would be returned.
I will continue to love in this way, whole heartedly and unconditionally.
I will just no longer stay when I am pressured to conform to another's standard of acceptable.

I have learned to walk away from those I love so I may be true to myself. One day, maybe I will find another who has learned to love and accept all that someone has to offer.
If that day comes, I'll be ready to receive what I have always given and grant another what they have always craved.
Untill then, I'll love truly for all of those who cannot, in hopes that they will see what it means to love unconditionally...
The presence of the 'Me' is only in the 'We'
For the 'Me' is absent outside the 'We'

Till the 'I' and 'You' is united as One
Till the 'Us' and 'Them" is denounced
Tell the 'We' and 'They' is discredited

The narrative will continue as is
It is in the 'I' and 'You"
That a delusional wall of seperation exists

Validated by the eyes images of 'Us' and 'Them'
Endorsed by the minds stories of 'Mine' and 'Theirs"

Orchestrated by the ego
Played by fear
For its is in this ideology
Suffering is rooted
Pain is ignited

Truth of origin is denied
Light of soul is dimmed
Voice of love is deprived

For there is no truth found of who we are
In the physical existance of what we see
No truth is held in the body
No truth is carried in the mind
For these are tools to be used
Only to serve our soul's purpose

For the error in this believe
Constructs but confusion
Inner conflicts and outer battles

As the
Heart and soul knows its truth

Yet the
Mind and ego created its own truth

With each label we build one more bar of seperation
With each bar stands another column of fear
As we build prisons upon prisons
Walls upon walls, bars upon bars

We indoctrinate our mind
We magnify the seperation

So what we see in the streets of the world
Is but a representation of inner struggles

For we have become strangers among our own
For we have forgotten
An attack on them is an attack on us
For there is no 'Us' and there is no 'We'
For they are 'Us' and we are 'Them'
For we are 'One'

For what we are
Transcends the eyes visibility
Surpass the minds perception
For we are not created by mind
The mind will fail to know us

For the truth of whom we are
The infinite soul
Divinely connected
A representation of a miracle
Assembled of love
In physical form
That knows no boundaries
That knows no fear
That knows no seperation

And let it be known
I say this to me, before I speak it out
In the hope of upholding these words
I choose to extend it to all
With love to us all

For perfect I am not
So mistake not that spoken is
The embodiment of me all

For I fall prey too
To this indoctrination of seperation
So let us all be the reminder for us all
Humanity Is Not Political.
To bare witness to all that my eyes have seen I must voice it - This is how I choose to express it. May the universe listen to this call!

I invite you all to take a moment to call the words forward into reality. This is not a far fetched floating prayer or romantic fantasy based compilation of words. It is our truth. It is our essence. It is at the heart centre of our core being of existence. Let us not be robbed of our humanity by allowing our pulse to be politicised and monetised with the delusional tools of fragmentation, division and seperation.
The unconditional love we reject from our body calls to be accepted!
I invite you to witness my apology, by sharing with you an excerpt from my book “Release | Inner Conversations To Lead Us Home” titled ‘“Apology” - Chapter “I See Truth”.

Demands imposed on you
Expectations trashed over you

All the years I projected
All my anger onto you

Thank you for holding it
Without reciprocating it

Suppressing your sexuality
Vilifying your ****** pleasures

Imposing punishments
For every desire revealed

Shamed you with guilt
For every sin committed

I’m sorry

The cuts inflicted on you
The hits and slaps
The ****** abuse
The verbal manipulation

Held you hostage
For your survival was only
Granted in suffering

Hostility was made the norm
A punching bag I made of you

I’m sorry

I made you the enemy
Used you as a battle ground
For endless wars

Crushed your enjoyment of life
You didn’t deserve this

I’m sorry

For imprisoning you
Depriving you of all your rights
My freedom was only granted
Upon your suppression
Withholding you from expression

Suffocating you
******* life out of you
Intoxicating you with fear
Injecting you with toxic love

I’m sorry

I emptied you
And fed you with voids

Confining you in a box of labels
Shaming you for being disobedient
Trashing you for not conforming

Name calling
Bullying you

I’m sorry

For every pimple I labeled as ugly
For every mark I marked as dirt

For every stretch mark
I cursed with anger
For every curve
I labeled a disgrace
For every pleasure
I tagged as filth

I shamed you every day
Every second of the day
I bathed you with guilt

Covered you with layers of masks
Endless veils of contours
Spent fortunes to cover you
Inflicted so much pain
To change you

I’m sorry
I didn’t know better

For now I see only
Wrinkles of light
Curves of joy

Freckles of love
Pimples of stars
Hair of divine feathers
******* bursts of love

You are a piece of art
The sanctuary of creation

A miracle in existence
You are love in physical form

A divine vessel

Forgive me
I didn’t love you
As you love me

I didn’t love you
As our creator loved us

Thank you for being here - By NwK
'Every cell in your body is eavesdropping on your thoughts.’ - Deepak Chopra

If you ever doubted whether you experienced unconditional love, I would like to humbly say ‘yes you have’. This unconditional love has always been extended to us. Yet too often we are blind to see it, numb to feel it, disconnected to hear it and too consumed by physical obsessions to receive it - We therefore reject to accept it.

Our body is a physical manifestation of love and it is fuelled by an active stream of unconditional energy flow of love.

In every moment of the day, our body is constantly exerting energy and effort to fulfil our needs, commands, demands and instructions. While simultaneously, being forced to listen to our every thought. Even when it stops, it is out of love to gain our attention rather than giving up on us. This is a form of unconditional love, yet we reject to acknowledge its voice by constantly projecting our thoughts on it. The ‘thoughts’ if ever dared to be spoken out loud, will in no doubt be defined by all of us, as ‘Bully Behaviour’.

Just like your brain, the body doesn’t know the difference between a true or false thought. The body listens to every train of thought, stores it as memory and eventually responds to the thought as if, it is true. If we are to agree that our body believes every word our thoughts speak then surely I owe my body a sincere apology.

The body will fulfil your demands once you ask for its forgiveness by acknowledging the weight of the thoughts you have placed on it.  To be open to accept the body is unconditional love extended to us, we must first ask for its forgiveness. In this act we bring awareness to our false thoughts we projected on our body, elevate our relationship with our bodies and reciprocate the unconditional love between mind and body.
Spear Jul 2024
People do not understand that love is unconditional

I do not fall in love with someone completely on purpose nor do I fall in love.
I start a friend ship just like I'm taking a bath.
I carefully turn on the water and check the temperature before climbing in.
But then I begin to daydream, forgetting all about how high the levels are rising
or how the temperature feels.
until I am completely submerged in water that scolds me.

And when it all ends my skin is red and sore and I've cried out my heart because it hurts.
halfway along a mired path
with no option but
to gingerly retrace
their mud-caked steps
or simply struggle onwards
careful of each squelch
along that mud-caked path
the dog sits blithely at heel
appearing miserable
in this drizzling rain
but patient for his reward
and willing to wait
following unconditionally
while the man considers
his options and
the next poor decision
he is liable to make
Myrrdin Oct 2023
He loved me unconditionally
As God does
Promising me hell
Mugerwa Muzamil Sep 2023
Love of the moss
grows shyly for the rock
With the rock nothing to flaunt
Whispers and sheds misty tears

Woods shun the rock
But the moss dares it
Giving the green cushion
and the glisten it longs

Such is the extravagance of the moss
The green blanket of the Eskimo
For the moss will give the rock buds
for it to taste the mist of dawn

Shrubs and thickets will envy
but embrace their despise
Winds swipe the shrubs
The moss nestled against the rock
Hugs, sticks and vows
Till man do us apart.

September 2023
Maria Mitea Aug 2023
I don't know how it found  you, but
tonight is the full moon,
yellow moon,
I have never seen it before, it is shining like gold above the land,
the grass is submissive
and the  farmers are working hard, cutting it  for the cows,

My real  lover has come,
he returned, but
he is drunk,
and I don't know how to touch him,
I don't know how to kiss him,

His tears are falling down  like rain
in despair,

My lover returned,  -
God is one, has no equal,
but, I don't know how to love  him,
Caresse him
Deep Jul 2023
You were also
promising in the
like political parties,
But as the time passed
the reality unfolded,

Power corrupts them,
But to you, my love, my love
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