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Zoe Grace Sep 2019
I'm going to the markets
In a group of homophobes
Dressed like a ******* lesbian
I am a secret Gaygent
I'm not out, i seriously feel like a spy ****
Emerson Nosreme Sep 2018
What is the cost of loving you, sir?
A slap, or two, or three or four?
Even more than that
If I tip my hat
Can we make that none?

What is the cost of loving you, dearie?
I can see you're asking for quite a lot of money from me.
Can we make that none?

What is the cost of loving you, Ma Chérie?
Another lover, but one who I think
Is not your lover?
Can we make that none?

What is the cost loving you, sweetheart?
You're not so sweet I see
If you want to beat me
Like eggs in a cup
Shattered, bleeding
Can we make that none?

What is the cost of loving you, handsome?
Some hate, not from you.
But from bystanders.
Elliott Jun 2017
I suppose you feel threatened
huh, Amerika?
It must hurt you,
pain you deeply,
I care not to live
by these
(or should I say Rakkkist)
Doesn’t want to to deal with AIDS crisis
Doesn't give a **** about the poor or needy
Supports **** Culture
All Lives Matter except trans women, women, people of color AND Black  Lives,
Electing Donald Trump
I hope your founding fathers
Choke themselves with the noose they made,
in their respective graves.
Sarah Mar 2017
Along with the ever growing trees,
numerous people,
thriving agriculture,
hate has cultivated our land and bodies.

It is no longer considered an emotion
but a catalyst to destruction.
Written 6/19/16
Eliza Marchant Aug 2016
To the people who don’t or won’t support me,
I don’t live in your solitary reality.
I see the world in an equal and just perspective,
It’s affective, connected, receptive, near-perfected.
So I’m not going to heed your advice,
I knew as soon as I saw her, what I think is right,
I’m going to do what I was put here to do,
I refuse to listen to you and your out-dated views.
You say you will go to the city in the sky,
Way up high in the clouds, after you die,
And you say people like me will go to H-E-L-L,
Then I’m glad I’m not near you and your homophobic smell.
Plus, sending me back to my warm, homely home,
Your cult will crumble like the Colosseum of Rome.
You see, Satan is known for destruction and death,
So if you decide to oppose me, you just took your last breath.
I would kiss her right now, make you feel icky and horrible,
I would hold her hand; remind her she is adorable.
I would mess up her short, dark hedgehog hair,
I would gently hold her face in two hands and stare.
We would poke our tongues out at you, and then grin evilly,
Then skip away, holding hands, eyes twinkling gleefully.
Me and her, we don’t give a flying hoot what you think,
You’re small, insignificant to us, gone in a blink.
Me and her, we don’t want or care for your opinion,
You’re just doing what you’ve been told, like a good lil’ minion.
You go do your thing, and we’ll go do ours,
We will look up and follow the brightly glowing stars.
Ana S Apr 2016
I was born a sin.
I was born a lesbian.
For all you who think I chose to be this way.
You made a horrible mistake.
You think I would chose to be hated for my ****** orientation?
Do you think I would chose to get taunted and threatened more than once a week?
Do you think I love the way people stare at me when I so much as wear a button that says tolerance?
Do you think I like getting called a ***** and a sin?
Getting told I'm an abomination to the lord?
Do you think I like reading articals about gay bashing a and hearing from my gay uncle about his expirence growing up gay in nv?
He told me once when I first came out that I don't know if I'm lesbian, and if I ever think there is a possibility of being straight that I'd better go take that chance.
He knew what I would go through and wanted to protect me.
I got taunted and teased at school.
Stupid boys didn't leave me alone.
I relied on violence to protect myself.
Finally I began to get angry.
I wasn't okay anymore.
I spend more than half of middle school is residential treatment centers fighting depression and bipolar disorder.
I got to watch my girlfriend/ best friend turn into nothing due to drugs.
So you still think I chose to be this way?
Well *******!
I didn't get a choice.
It's not like I woke up and thought hey today I think I'll go be lesbian.
Go find a girlfriend and just do it despise all the homophobes out there because I like being difficult.
Just a short little thing.
Cody Haag Dec 2015
I hear your son likes boys
In a way you don't approve;
But it's how he is wired,
Through and through.

You caught your son kissing boys,
And you told him he's disgusting;
Who knew in 2015,
Homophobia would be a thing.

Your son likes boys,
That he cannot change;
So what he kisses boys,
Is that so strange?

There are a million things
Your son could be,
Don't you think,
Don't you agree?

It's up to you, break his wings
Or let him fly;
Think about what you want to accomplish
Before you die.

Do you wish to care for him,
Mold him into his best version;
Or make him your toy,
And use lies as immersion?
Big Virge Apr 2015
Be CAREFUL What You Say !!!
Be CAREFUL What You Say !!!
Don't Talk About Gays In Homophobic Ways !!!!!
Don't Talk of Terrorism Unless You Seek A Vision ...
Where ... Your Form of Religion Is Locked Inside A Prison ... !!!
Don't Talk In Ways That State A Case ....
For Shutting Down ... " Guantanamo Bay " ... !!!
" I say I say ! "
"Yes, you say what !"
" Can I use my brain ? "
"Ofcourse you may,  
Just use it in a certain way !"
"A Certain Way, i'll go insane !"
"Well either way, you'll end up caged !"
"What, just for thoughts I put to page ?
Excuse me saying, but are you deranged ?"
"Don't I have a voice to express joy ?"
"Ofcourse you do, but we're watching you !"
"What, like Big Brother ?"
"A little like that, but we call it undercover"
"Like Mr. Macintrye ?"
"Don't you ever get tired !"
"Well excuse me sir, I just don't concur
with the thought that my brain, should just refrain,  
from talking of things that bring me pain !"
"Sir, your form of complaint, now requires restraint,
and if you don't, STOP, you'll be detained !"
Now I've Just Watched YES .... " I Robot " ...
And Am A Little Disturbed By Modern Plots ... !!!
Now Actors Are Seen On Stage As Machines ...
I Never Ever Would of ... DREAMED ... ?!?
But That's The Way Things Are These Days ...  
Robots Now Taking Roles In Plays ... !!?!!
It Worries Me That We May See ...
A Whole NEW BREED On Our TV's ... ?!?
X Factor Robots PLEASE ... Surely Not ... ?
IN FACT That's Wrong THAT TV Show's Already On ... !!!!
That's A JOKE I'm Sorry Folks Had To Get That In ...
In Truth I'd Really ... " LOVE TO WIN " ... !!!!!!!!
Did I Just Say THAT... ?!?
I Need A SLAP ... !!!!!!!
"Be careful what you say !" ...
Okay OKAY ... !!!
I NEED To Write NICE Poetry ....
Before I Meet The ... " Censorship POLICE " ... !!!
Those Who CLAIM I Should REFRAIN From Being A PAIN ...  
And Should Talk About LOVE And ... " SUNNY DAYS " ... !!!!!!!
WHAT World Are THEY IN ... ?!?
They're NOT In The One of My Black Skin ... !!!
Problems I Face DON'T Lie Within ... !!!
Can't I Talk About Sins of ... NEW Racists ... ?  
"Virgil son, you must resist !
You know your place, so, just accept it !"
"What do you mean, I see I see !
Hidden away from ITV, and clearly yes the BBC !
Indeed, indeed, that's the place for me !
A place where I write poetry, and do not feed deluded dreams ?"
They'll Have An End To Suit Their Means ...
But Will It PROTECT ... " Freedom of Speech " ... ?
Or Fill A Slot ... Just Because ...  
I Do Hope NOT ... Is Poetry DEAD Is Freedom LOCKED ... ?
Is The Answer In ... My head of Knots ... ?!?
I'll Do MY Thing ... Until I'm STOPPED ...  
NOT By Those Who Sit And Plot ...
But Father Time And All Our Gods ....
Who Feed Me Words To .... " Sit and Jot " ....
I Hope That They ... With NO DELAY ...  
Decide That We Have Right of Way ...
To Say The Things We WANT To Say ... !!!!!
Those Who Choose To ... " ENTERTAIN " ...
And Those Like Me of A DIFFERENT Strain ... !!!!!!
Just Like Blood Runs Through My Veins ...
So Do My Thoughts Inside My Brain ...
To Relinquish THAT Would Drive Me Mad ... !!!
Isn't That ESSENTIAL To Being ..... HUMAN ... ?!?
Sharing Views With Woman and Man ...
I'm Trying My BEST To ... " OVER-Stand " ...
Why We'd Want To Change That Plan ... ?!?
It's HARD These Days To ...  " Live In Peace " ... !!!
But It'll Be Much WORSE ...  
With NO EXPRESSION Or Use For Words ... !!!
These Plans DISTURB And Seem ABSURD ...  
And May Just HURT This Place Called ... " Earth " ... ?!?  
We NEED To EXPRESS To EASE Our Stress ...
And Communicate MORE NOT Do This Less ... !!!
That's Just MY VIEW But What About YOU ... ???
But REMEMBER These Days ...
..... "Be Careful What You Say" ..... !!!!!
Listen Here :
Rj Sep 2014
Watching the touching story of a girl coming out to her parents,
Her parents being completely loving and accepting
I realized my parents would have the opposite reaction

— The End —