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Apr 2020 · 562
Suicidal Love
if your heart once skipped a beat,
That's a pulse missing,
No oxygenated blood flow,
Veins empty as heart left in vain,
Love have arrived.

We die a bit, skips a bit,
only to be reborn in a stranger's shoulders,
Love is the problem and the solution.

It creeps in like a seed,
For sure you will water it
With tear drop
from heart break to miscommunications.

The seed grows
The seed glows.
There were days
Where *** was love
where human bodies use to bond like atoms
before condoms formed a fluid block like the gates to heaven.
There were days where *** came before safety
And love was in the skin
Then *** arrived.

Okay Kids...
See... there were days
Where bodies interlocked like chains
A hook so electrifying love had no boundaries.
and we use to call that 'HUGS'
There were days where
month spited glorious venom between chicks
There were days where
Hands hugged and moved, the world stood still.
With a spot light
on a Red Carpet COVID-19 arrived, blood on the floor.
I don't intend to promote unprotected *** or to disobey the regulation to prevent the spread of COVID19. I only acknowledge the lack of a beautiful and emotional human contact.
One day I will tell my kids the story of how the sun became a weapon burning us to ashes.
how ballute papers were suicide notes as we put a cross next the face we handed out souls to.
how every voter Got crucified in their own crosses.
how Lucifer is the holy one, Africa have became a twisted colony of evil.

But my kids will know
the stories of how we were condemned for complaining after spending centuries of oppression.
They will know how our enemies gave us a religion that said we must forgive our enemies, the irony.

**** it, I will show my kids the ocean, the only grave that took our forefathers during the slavery ships,
since pyramids were crafted in our souls called the triangular trade.
Mar 2019 · 533
building news
Scientists discovered a heart lost in the bemuda triangle.
far offshore was a man drowning in love
for sure the ocean was Valencia.
a curvy woman, he rose with tides as his hands hope to hold her.

breaking news
Love is a conspiracy theory formed in the chest like the triangular trade, we are slaves to our hearts. slowly dying in the hands of the ignorant.

in other news

insecurities are like sharks' caudal fins , tipping in our visibilities everytime we hide it.

Love comes when it's least expected.
Feb 2019 · 670
every Love poem I write feels like a suicide note, as I let a part of me find another home.
love articulates a passionate soul caged in my ribs
wrestling with every beat to break free.

Some say if U love a flower don't pick it coz it will die, so I planted mine next to yours.
for the roots to meet beneath the Earth's surface.
Jan 2019 · 394
Free Mind
Too many demons to face this January, already feels like hell in my brain.

Time to open the gate and let evil run lose.
Too many Angels knocking,

Too many Angels starving, My food for thoughts are always poisonous.

Emergency Evacuation
Not enough Time
Jan 2019 · 502
Fire in the field
I'm used to the smell of smoke,
I have watched many bridges burning in my past,
that's why I never heard when my dreams burn to ashes.
all the pages and passion raised by flames carried by wind,
I have inhaled my own death.
the moment I lay my eyes on you,
it was like putting another stone on stomp,
I buried your soul from the first heavy stair
like I'm extracting your innocence,
this is how I became a fisher of men.
Using words to finish what lord made.

All we do is Catch fish.
The mall, Campus even the street are the only occean we live in.

I decided to use a first person narrative, hoping it will be more intimate.
Jan 2019 · 434
From Vows to Violence
I saw the story of creation unfold before my face,
voices of masses screaming vows before the lord.

like the last meal, this is how the end began.

With words like stones exchanged between families in a divorce court.
Jan 2019 · 1.4k
The 7th Day
It was the 7th day when evil invaded our skins, God resting as they wrestle to pull a trigger of genesis, the big bang felt like a genocide,
on this day the altar was on fire.
Twinkle twinkle is the twisted little philosophy of the past.
Stars are burning some where burning, and what you see is a funeral.

Today we learn even the little step bring progress.
Dec 2018 · 921
The Genesis of Revelation
Breaking news

Back to our existence a Big bang theory was a comic story,
the only big bang that happens every day brings distruction
it was the sound of a bullet escaping a gun to find home in a spinal cord

in other news
cracks were discovered in a happly married man.
we are all broken after all.
till death bring us together, for another funeral called revaluation.
It's crazy how we still argue about the formation of the Universe just to deflect the big issue which is"After life". But we die everyday.
Dec 2018 · 477
Bemuda triangle
The Bemuda triangle
Is a l beautiful place locked within the only trinity.
Placed right between heaven and hell.
Dec 2018 · 789
There is a barber shop built on the ashes of Babylon,
where men lose their ******* with shame that skip to the fourth kid,

There once was place where Samson's hairstyle was a treasure map.
A place where lost man travel
Where David found no stone
where Noah built an Ark but storm never came.

When we pass through that place even the stars we use for direction disappear.
Nov 2018 · 1.1k
you are a lab rat,
dancing in their labs,
through you they *** to conclusions.

You turn them from ***** to holy,
Every morning they turn saint.

It's sad how you have turned a naked god,
Cleaning possessed men.

Immoral lab experiments
Men are tresh.
Nov 2018 · 508
Broken Mirror
For far too long
               we believed our skin had scars,
Walking naked
                 Only to hear the society's broken interpretation of deviants and devotion.

I want to be a Black verse
Living off the society’s expectations,
I want to be a Free verse
Redefine this hypocrisy called democracy.

When I grow up,
I will be an exposed poem, with stanzas like a book of secrete.
Nov 2018 · 514
I will miss you
I want to remember you,
To recall your tiny fingers I left with no ring attached,
To recall your smile and your soft light skin.

I was to turn an Island
Lonely and only waiting for a hurricane of flashbacks.

I have inked your name in my heart,
Please tell me we will meet again,
Somewhere in the future, Masego.
Nov 2018 · 1.1k
South Africa (Jozi-Soweto)
A journey from Soweto to Jozi have turned a suicide note,
Written like a poem through every inch the Shosholoza cover.

We survive anyway,
With the apartheid legacy written on our bleeding skins,
The rainbow nations I have seen are the slashes painted on my father’s skin.

Every day we survive crime, ***, cancer and the brutality of our own negative thoughts.
Every time I enter the train I see depressed souls, I see the effects of apartheid although we try so much to act like it never happened.
Shosholoza is a name of a train in South Africa that is used by mostly Black people, a third class train.
Consumed in burning conversations
Three some torn from ashes of imaginary conversations
The devil withdrew, I'm  back to drowning in reality.
For this poem I got the inspiration from ME's poems, here on HELLO-POETRY.
Nov 2018 · 1.2k
A small sip won’t sink the ship, no need to walk on water Peter!
Even a dark spot on a light skin is called a beauty spot,
A bottle a day keeps an uncle awake.

My drunk uncle rewrite history in his confused stories
“Moses built the Ark, Jonah ate the fruit, and Eve raised dry bones”

Maker of miracles always have a penny for a bottle
Like he turned the ocean water into wine
He never gets sober.
I believe in writing whatever I feel like and whatever comes to my mind, too often it has revealed how amazing I have experienced most things in life. There is always a light in every darkness.
Nov 2018 · 1.5k
Love bites
It all started at our first Anniversary celebration
Then we built burning empires with our lips
We tattooed venomous love bites in our skin,
With Jokes cracking a womb till it tuned a cradle,
Nine months later babies fell from the sky (baby shower).

But our love story starts with folded fist painted on my face,
I can still see the folded fists holding roses with a ring on one finger.
Let’s raise the rose and our story will sculptor itself.
Nov 2018 · 1.1k
I have spent decades digging my grandfathers’ bones,
I was told the graveyard is a the wealthiest place
Yet to discover my roots that were wiped by the storm of colonialism.

The rainbow was too ashamed to shine,
Stars too Black to be seem,
Words to heavy to be lifted.

Yet here I’m,
Going deep in the grave with my shallow words.
Hoping to find the bones still attached to the flesh with the soul kept within.

They have forced words down his throat
As they wrote in his head “RIP” John.
“Have you ever search for the death among the living?
Turning your GF a statue of your mom”
Oct 2018 · 846
Imagine trying to geminate in a stony land
Aiming for the sky to be part of the constellations too
Finding a way between the stones worshiping gravity.

Imagine becoming a star, burning with curiosity,
While the gods who brought you to this world keep shooting you everywhere like a confused lightning.

Imagine your parents mapping their afterlife through your skin
Poor parents marking treasure maps to an innocent soul “KUGATA”

Imagine being taken to doors of prophets, Pastors and Sangomas,
Only to grow up hating neither.

Imagine a pregnant teenager
Who is yet to find her direction
She travelled to heaven through my eyes
(Swati word)KUGATA is a ritual used to be practiced by most South African tribes, where they cut the skin of child to protect him from evil spirit as he grows.
Sangoma is a traditional healer (Zulu/Swati word)
Oct 2018 · 214
I lost it the moment I tried to prove,
To prove my dream is worth living for.
It was like convincing  a hungry lion
that the rainbow have more than 5 colours.

my Dr E.A. Malambule
Oct 2018 · 503
I once watch stars creeping through my nostrils,
A plant turning god and breathing smoke through my mouth.

Today there are constellations colliding in my thoughts,
a battle of the gods, Sagittarius spending darts like bullets,
My life is named after a Roman god.

There are far too many gods in this world,
Some shine and some are shy of the light,
We talk shapeshifters, mind invaders, soul suckers.
There are far too many gods in this world,
yet non saved me from being burnt by the city street lights.
Sep 2018 · 692
Behind the tears
Show me your five closest friends and I will tell you, your past,
They hang like stiches to cover what life has taken from you,

You were born with eyes rotating 180’
Then the death started to walk on your back demons hunting you,
So you evolved upright, 90’ no look back.

We make friends based on what we need or what we have lost.

Show me your friends, show me your scars,
Now look at my friends, can’t you see I’m in pain.

Check out this poem I performed @WordnSound
Apr 2018 · 740
extinct love
Love is a colourful City
Where Citizens are colour blind,
I have visited it too many times in one second,
Last time I went Seeking refuge the City was evacuated.
Mar 2018 · 259
Sky Blue.
The sky is a place for birds that can fly,
For rockets and bullets that can flee.

The sky is for stars that can shine,
For moons that can move,

The sky is just a space given identity by our DNA.
I have tried to make my room look like a class somewhere in Varsity,
Or even travelled with time to the future,
I have found my mind misplaced in a timeline.
But now that we have finally met, look at me.
I have seen your face through every student's eyes.
How you would sit next to me, in our own planet.
How I wish I could have said more than 'Hello'
I just discovered another home you built in the wrong side of the sky,
You constantly ignore how I look at you and see our future built in your palms,
I have watched FUTURE moving back and forward in my eyes.
Mar 2018 · 269
If you accidentally fall in love,
Keep falling to the gravity of her heart,
Pray that she catch you before you crash.
If love falls in your palms,
It will leave wounds and you will keep searching for it
With bleeding hands wishing to relive the past.
Mar 2018 · 329
Can I write you a poem
I will place it in my palms
so when I say GOODBYE
you will see what I meant by HELLO.
Mar 2018 · 629
Recycle bin
I watch my desktop like my whole life time,
With folders, folding memories,
Files filled with future plans,
Too many codes on my wall paper,
I been trying to hide my self in face of my family.

Clicking the recycle bin has been a religion,
I worship pictures of my ex.

There is a reason why they are in the bin,
Which happen to be a recycling one.

Its like digging a grave to give CPR to bones, call me Ezekiel.
The great poem ever told should be the great poem ever sold,
We trade Memories and experiences with our souls,
Sending words to win emotions.
I have learnt to purchase purpose with my poems.
Have you ever write an open letter to an illiterate god?
To an empty sky blue which keeps blue-ticking you every time you type,

Let me tell you how it started…

It started with 5 loaves and two fish that mankind worship miracles and minor-things not the Christ.
This is a poertion of my long poem called "911-"
Mar 2018 · 2.7k
Somewhere in South Africa.
We worship the net
We understand the reason why google starts with 'go..'
We give the 'd' while praying in our inboxes,
The only place we think under, these boxes.

I was blinded by the Jozi city lights,
Chasing false fortunes,
Got lost in people's comments and complements.
Last time I closed my eyes I was somewhere in South Africa.
Today am somewhere on google map,
Planting trigo-station every time I get high.

If you find me standing before the burning bridges,
Show me a path leading to the South Africa Mandela was talking about.
Feb 2018 · 445
When sun reach deadline they came in line,
Like miners, astronomer carried him to a black hole,
Where he hear no grumbling of my hungry sister,
Milky Way wiped a waving man.

I have seen future fading to false fortune,
Man drowning from headline to deadline,
A poisoners lullaby turned funeral hymn.
Yet we painted raindrops in our faces as he slowly fade.
Feb 2018 · 503
Dear Son
I wish I could stay by the sea again,
Watching it swallow your tears, rising tides,
It’s funny how you use to wipe them towards your tiny chicks
And pretending to be okay.

I miss how you use to bit an apple,
Leaving tinny teeth marks on the side,
How I watch you finding your way to it seed.

You taught me life,
Never miss wrestling on Sunday,
Always ready to play Marry go around any second.
I remember watching you trying to fit my hat
Pretending you are the granny next door,
Swinging of his chair every morning
Just to let the summer sun worm his heart.

I wish I was there.
Watching you growing,
Now am only left with memories
Memories of how life was going to be if I didn’t join the army.
In battle field, every time I pull a trigger my heart commit suicide.
I wish I could tell you, all the things I learned about life.

If you get this latter just know I learned that.
I daddy loves you.
Feb 2018 · 445
No dart in my quiver
Have you ever prayer with a letter to an illiterate god?
Pistol packed but can’t afford bullets,
Our fridges are starving, insufficient funds rises our insulin.

Ready to sail to our green pastures
But our ****** drowned in pirates’ palms,
Those who see man suffering hate their *****’s victory,
Our talent mummified because we can’t afford to live out our dreams.

We are rejects of the system, deviants to the society
Every year our resolutions are the same
Yet we been writing them for decades
Born with no silver-spoon but promised street of gold

So I turned to the God:
“Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?”
Oct 2017 · 438
And again
I thought I was fine alone,
Until I walk sideway to your shadow,
Your curves perfectly painted on the pavement every time the sunshine on you.
Classic coat with sun glasses I caught a snow in the Sahara. I watch your hips magnating every man’s eye ball.
I watched your shadow until sunset then you were no more.
And again am not alone.
Oct 2017 · 250
How to Love
Sun and moon are in love,
Conflicts called eclipse,
They been dancing in the sound of gravity
right after God said "let there be romance"

Ocean and sky have  been making love for centuries,
Even when cumulonimbus form in their face they wait soon it fades.

Love remain innate in nature,
But we still search for emotions
Between pages of love novels.
We still find our fantasy painted on TV screens.

I want to love like tides,
My moods rise and fall but
fish still find life in my existence.

We all know how to Love
but don't know who to Love.
Oct 2017 · 498
We always avoid meeting ourselves,
Morning alarms alerting us to be ourselves.

Talent extic, fossil buried in our bodies.
Watching it resurrect every morning,
To die again when the world look at
what we are and tell us we are not
And we believed.

When I come back home
I visited mirror again,
Words turned bullet,
What will I say happened to my face,
Why is my finger still has no ring on it,

What's the snow in my head, wait!
Am I aging or its just side effects of rejection,
"But you told that they can understand the man I am.

So why are we talking to each other again?"
Oct 2017 · 580
Be humble.
When a man emerge
from the dark city streets
in search of light.

Getting away from ghetto
Past remain a tattoo
I have found a path too.

But the scars articulated in my face
Will always remind  me where I  was

So I remained humble too,
Knowing today life is harmful to
Someone. Under the street light.
When bullets develop wings in the hands on a devil,
We hide behind needles while bullets search for a place to call home.

You kept scraping your etching finger on a trigger,
Our vessels vomited adrenalin, we saw danger,
You flooded our blood with anger.

I’m from the death,
Telling you not to dare,

If you dare pull another trigger,
Remember God’ eyes are watching.
Sep 2017 · 670
Dreams Gone astray
We use to ask each other with smiles in our faces
"What do u want to be when U grow up?"
Today we have grown up, look what we have become.

Just pray to be buried in graduation gown,
To be mined liked treasures,

Our dreams were made of closed fists
Made strong gold,
Today they made of decomposing fabric.

I have implanted dream in my girlfriend’s womb,
Dream will make you of himself after 9 months.
Sep 2017 · 514
I have poems painted like the Pyramids on my skin
They sprink like umbers, burning demons on my sleep,
Am a god.

Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image"
Genesis 1:26
Sep 2017 · 432

The world is coming to an end,
I have a Nuclear weapon about to burst inside my chest.
Sep 2017 · 438

Civil war began with whispering souls seeking setisfaction.
The floor is paved with thornes,
in streets filled with thugs
taking drugs seeking setisfaction in the sky world.
their dreams are getting high.
Like space race, we target from range.
South Africa's political system scar the hell out of me sometimes, we turn to shift our focus from keeping thugs off the street to taking our leaders down.
Sep 2017 · 357
I had an appointment with past,
so today I met him in flash back in the dark ages.
The mirror stood a decade away from me but I can still see what’s inside my iris.
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