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Zywa Nov 2023
You hear the echoes

of guides everywhere, despite --

the signs 'Silence Please'.
Mausoleum Taj Mahal

Novel "Midnight's Children" (1981, Salman Rushdie), chapter 1-4 "Under the carpet"

Collection "Low gear [2]"
Zywa Nov 2018
I entered the display case
of people educators
subsidizing snobs
the multirich and companies

among tourists and inhabitants
who want to be seen
in the museum café and
with sophisticated pastry lard
the conversation with careless clauses

they quote from an authority
whom nobody has to understand
to get the intention
of the praised artists

The shop was crowded
Spotlights on show-pieces
fancy coffee table books
and chic presents
for the season and the next holidays

Especially the past
is on sale, postcards
of the attractions
and sights of the city

like the collections
which graduated stylists
cast in international moulds
to magnets for visitors
Collection "The Yellow House Museum"
Zywa Dec 2022
The farmer has cows,

some poultry with a watchdog --

and holiday guests.
Collection "NightWatch"
Isaace Aug 2022
The grey lines etch
Her eyes, her mouth and her hips.
A blade makes contact through the fine, stone mist.
Sanding down the beating end of a hammer,
Trapped shapes appear,
Revealing new ways to approach
Her eyes, her mouth and her hips.
My Dear Poet Mar 2022
I’d trade my heart
for your mind
My touch for your eyes
My soul for your love

Yet never, my mind for your heart
My eyes for your touch
Or my love for your soul

For how then shall I
Ever know you
Ever see you
Ever love you
My Dear Poet Jul 2021
I’m selling my heart
for what price do you think?
what money cannot buy
just over a drink
nor gold can even try
take me drunk while I blink
cash for a promise of a lie
with a smile and a wink
but a trade of hearts
and you may have deal
you can’t beat a better bargain
so let’s shake, It’s a steal
Fair Trade
George Krokos Dec 2020
Result of trade war
between U.S. and China
- corona virus?
Zywa Oct 2020
Through the forests, over mountains
and seas we travel, the roads
are free

What is special, we take
along the way, in long caravans
Along the markets

along coasts and ravines
through steppes, through storms
and robbers

What is good for the neighbours
is even better for us
It is prosperity

Free passage, free trade
are worth wars to us
We laugh

at power and land, which are
expensive to defend and yet
get lost
The Netherlands

Collection “Mosaic virus”
Simon Aug 2020
Trust is not commercial, because trading or exchanging wears upon one's very truth isn't exactly well thought out. It only comes about, when one's very truth isn't (not) exactly commercial. But when trust isn't truth, when one's very wears aren't as thought out as it was to begin with. Scrambling many believes until one most tired (thought out) engagement, began to unscramble back into "trust is not commercial"!
One among us ALL comes across something that never was meant to pan out correctly. Because certainty is a believe meant to unscramble ALL believes back in onto itself! Forcing many priorities too become uncertain of itself....
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