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Jan 2017 · 381
Àŧùl Jan 2017
If you happen to have it in youth,
You will lose true lovers forever.
If you happen to be so uncouth,
You lose more than just a lover.
If you happen to fail catching the sleuth,
You should look inside yourself rather.
If you often forget lovers like a cloth,
You would rather start a museum.
My HP Poem #1395
©Atul Kaushal
Jan 2017 · 299
Killer Memory
Àŧùl Jan 2017
Your memories will sure **** me someday,
Our memories together I mean here,
Unto the moon range our memories.

So today I dare you to ask a doc,
To refresh each of your memo,
Individual and selfish as you,
Love you do only your egor,
Least concerned about your own folks,
Never cared for what they ar

Look again into my eyes -oh- so lonely,
Upto the stars and beyond ranges the memo,
Vealed are your emotions unlike you.

Minutes were hours when I was loved,
End of my love is impossible to do**.
The First Complex Secondary Acrostic.
My HP Poem #1394
©Atul Kaushal
Jan 2017 · 1.1k
Àŧùl Jan 2017
You were sad,
Upset with your mum,
And with your dad.

I made you so glad,
Made you forget tears,
And you forgot.

What was it,
I could only wonder,
All you made was a mockery.
My HP Poem #1393
©Atul Kaushal
Jan 2017 · 745
A Beautiful Bridge
Àŧùl Jan 2017
I'm the bridge connecting them together,
Two different strains of Indian culture,
And I am doing justice to my mother,
As well as I am doing it to my father.
And I am so linking north with south,
Two different styles of parenting couth,
I'm the son of 2 strains of Indian culture.
My father is an Aryan from north India.
My mother is a Dravidian from the south.
My own definition is of a whole Indian.
My HP Poem #1392
©Atul Kaushal
Jan 2017 · 947
True Hearts Are Like Leaves
Àŧùl Jan 2017
Intact, they don't even mumble,
Once broken they will grumble.
My HP Poem #1391
©Atul Kaushal
Jan 2017 · 1.2k
Àŧùl Jan 2017
Comes not from using domestic produce,
But such products help fiscal deficit reduce.
My HP Poem #1390
©Atul Kaushal
Jan 2017 · 4.4k
Modeling Aspirations
Àŧùl Jan 2017
Do not aspire to be a ramp model,
Strive to be the perfect role model.

My HP Poem #1389
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jan 2017
I had only started recovery
After that inglorious accident
That I was faced with a seeming
Herculean task at hand as student
When I was to tackle ten exams
An attempt with forgetfulness
I broke no sweat in doing it
Impossible - what's that?
My HP Poem #1388
©Atul Kaushal
Jan 2017 · 7.8k
The Types of Triangles
Àŧùl Jan 2017
Scalene Triangle: Here no sides or angles are the same.
Isosceles Triangle: Here two sides and angles are same.
Acute Triangle: Here all three angles are less than 90º.
Obtuse Triangle: Here one angle is greater than 90º.
Equilateral Triangle: Here all sides & angles are the same.
Right Triangle: Here one angle is equal to 90º.
And the most common triangle is...
Love Triangle: Here a lover usually cheats on the other.

I unluckily have gotten stuck in all these 7 triangles.
Never deserved to be cheated but still got cheated.
I can not hate them but still, I so often get hated.
And the mathematical triangles only bothered.
I never cheated anybody.

My HP Poem #1387
©Atul Kaushal
Jan 2017 · 2.1k
New Ideas
Àŧùl Jan 2017
The desired gene could be found
In each cell of the body,
But it expresses positively in few cells.

A trefoil factor encoding gene I mean,
It is found in the intestine
TFF1 is found exclusively in the intestine.

TFF1 is also known as pS2
Meaning protein for specificity 2,
2nd gene discovered for specificity protein.

TFF1 protects gastrointestinal mucosa,
From any injuries that may result
Out of pathogenic invasion.

The trefoil factor 2 encoding gene
Is also found in the intestine
But TFF2 plays a different role in the body.

TFF2 is also known as pS1
Meaning protein for specificity 1,
1st gene discovered for specificity protein.

TFF2 protects gastrointestinal mucosa,
From any cancer that may result
Out of oncogenic activity.

And the third trefoil factor encoding gene,
It is only expressed in the female womb
But TFF3 is crucial for a successful pregnancy.

I love my field of study very much
And I respect my major guide,
Dr Ashok Kumar Mohanty, he is so wise.
Genes translate into proteins which are crucial for life.
Also needs to be mentioned is Dr Suman Chaudhary who helps me greatly in following the directions by Dr Mohanty.
My HP Poem #1386
©Atul Kaushal
Jan 2017 · 1.1k
Àŧùl Jan 2017
In my stomach is what I get
When I think of being loved
By someone exclusively.
My HP Poem #1385
©Atul Kaushal
Jan 2017 · 1.5k
As Good As A Virgin
Àŧùl Jan 2017
I'm fabled not to be a ******,
Accused of being a *******.
But I don't have any memory,
Neither of getting under nor of getting on top.

I'm fabled not to be a ******,
Flouted of losing it in Agra.
But I don't have any memory,
Neither of getting inside a hotel nor to the bed.

I'm fabled not to be a ******,
Sentenced not being chaste.
But I don't have any memory,
Neither of getting loved in bed nor of making it.

So I guess that I am as good as a ******.
At least mentally.
I had met with an accident after which I lost selectively few parts of my memory and the girl who accuses me of having bedded her, she has already gotten married and is now busy in casting a blame upon me.

But yes, I agree that there couldn't be a place more romantic than Agra, the city of the Taj Mahal, to lose one's virginity.

In India, the chastity of both boys and girls matters equally for marriage.

My HP Poem #1384
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jan 2017
In the man on top position of loving,
We had the session of love making,
We both were heartily smiling,
We gasp for air while breathing,
Your ******* are heavily heaving,
And as beneath you I am now lying,
You whisper, "Let's change positioning!"

You just sit yourself atop my loving pole,
And as deeper it goes now the tool,
Your voice says silently, "Atul,"
We look like a rider & saddle,
We both will now explode,
We will never forget this love making,
In the woman on top position of loving.
If you happen to be a conventional reader, please desist from commenting.
I am a 26 years old mature writer and I just attempt to present the explicity in my poems much beautifully without the usage of any crude language.
If you still do not want to read such poems, please check that box in your preferences with which you can hide explicit writings.

My apologies in advance to the parents who let their children read this.

My HP Poem #1383
©Atul Kaushal
Jan 2017 · 1.6k
Licking Your Feet
Àŧùl Jan 2017
He licked the sole of your feet,

And you were holding his fleet,

While he did that,

How he then sat,

You will know your dog's fleet!
My first attempt at a limerick poem.

A limerick is a humorous poem consisting of five lines. The first, second, and fifth lines must have seven to ten syllables while rhyming and having the same verbal rhythm. The third and fourth lines only have to have five to seven syllables and have to rhyme with each other and have the same rhythm.

Fleet means naughtiness as well.

My HP Poem #1382
©Atul Kaushal
Jan 2017 · 624
A Passing Gust Of Air
Àŧùl Jan 2017
Your presence is benign,
On this planet,
Unto Mars your scent reaches.

Finish the pending job,
Articulation is the work,
Reaching far is your scent,
Tackling this humourously,
Ending this ode I will be,
Doomsday seems to descend.

A** rainbow of blood,
Not visible to humans,
Deathly is the scent.

I mean it for real,
Totally serious.

Wasps from hell seem to sting,
As needles of repugnancy *****,
Sadness descends for forever.

Himalayas seem to be an escape,
On the change of atmosphere,
Rows of roses are required,
Right now and right here,
In an attempt to save us,
Breathing became hard,
Lost was the will to live,
Early was fresh air needed.
You farted and it was horrible.
A dark & seriously funny poem.
Another secondary acrostic poem.

My HP Poem #1381
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jan 2017
Oh my gorgeous partner,
Have you forgot it already?

You spent the night awake,
Ended the action with a splurt,
And we spent the night together,
High on fairer hormones we were.

Boosted by your ethereal voice,
And the lightest clapping noise,
Between our action as you jump,
Y**es, up and down on my crotch!!!
A secondary acrostic poem.
I know this is really explicit.
I have marked as explicit.

If you don't wish to read such poems, simply go to your prefences and check the box of "Hide explicit writings" there only.

My HP Poem #1380
©Atul Kaushal
Jan 2017 · 806
Àŧùl Jan 2017
Lost in the vast bog of stories,
It dies a slow unsung death,
May it meet its personality,
Only impersonality shrouds it now,
Under the flutter of wings,
Shall not get all it deserves,
It'll remain majorly ignored in the clutter of words,
Not because it's poorly projected, but,
E**ntirely because it's not written in my destiny.
Secondary acrostic LIMOUSINE poem.
Though my eBook novel has the best story,
It will remain unread because of my destiny.
My destiny is dictated by the planet Mars,
And it has so far marred my happiness.

If anyone is interested in my eBook novel titled 7 Seconds, they may go to its Amazon page for purchasing it.
Find it on:
And help me bear my medical costs.
My HP Poem #1379
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jan 2017
I* have only been thinking every minute about her.

Lisping its way through her is our daughter,
Often she doubled as my dolly,
Very much I used to care for her,
Enjoy with me she did all the time.

Best of all she helped me move on,
Helped me realise my real worth,
Until time ends I shall love her,
Money-minded she was not,
If at all, she is real-minded,
Kingly she makes me feel,
A**s she herself is the queen.
Moving on constructively.
As she made me realize that there's a lot more to life than just love.
Leaving behind all delimiters.

My HP Poem #1378
©Atul Kaushal
Jan 2017 · 520
Àŧùl Jan 2017
Oh uncle Sunny,
I love the way you rise.
With the warm calm that you do,
And with the redness you do mesmerise.
See my cover picture to know the poem's inspiration.

See its coloured version on my Facebook profile page.

My HP Poem #1377
©Atul Kaushal
Jan 2017 · 345
'Til The Morning
Àŧùl Jan 2017
1 day I'll make sure that the
2 of us make love through
3 a.m. in the wall clocks
4 will be no different
5 will be our bedtime
6 a.m. will be our sleep
7 a.m. we will be awake.
My HP Poem #1376
©Atul Kaushal
Jan 2017 · 993
Costa da Morte
Àŧùl Jan 2017
Es donde todos los barcos vienen a fallecer!

Esta costa inspirado a Piratas del Caribe.

Y el Capitán Jack Sparrow!

Y este es mi primer poema Español.

Coast of Death
That is where all the ships come to perish!

This coast inspired Pirates of the Carribean.

And Captain Jack Sparrow!

And this is my first Spanish poem.
This is my first Spanish poem.
The Death Coast is in the West of Galicia, Spain.
Inspired by the legend about the Death Coast.

My HP Poem #1375
©Atul Kaushal
Jan 2017 · 540
Your Mendicant
Àŧùl Jan 2017
W** will love you as much as I used to,
As much as me who will pamper you,
And who will need you as much as I do,
Pent are the ways of happiness for me,
And there is need of love for my dear life,
Should you not come back to me smiling?

As much as me nobody needs you in life,
And as much nobody desires you either.

Just come back towards me gyrating,
And take your place back once again,
As if you had never gone away from me,
Of the time I spent alone give me relief.

Kind enough you are, I know that,
Re-entangled is my lonely life now,
Insidious is my life's new nickname,
Prevent my breath from leaving me,
I definitely need you back for me.

I miss you.
WAAPAS AA JAAO: The Hindi/Urdu phrase meaning come back.

My HP Poem #1374
©Atul Kaushal
Jan 2017 · 971
Regrettably Relatable
Àŧùl Jan 2017
I could just not see,
Though in front of me.

I am surely very devastated,
Through my lover, I got cheated.

I don't want to be with anyone now,
Throw who will my love surely very low.
My HP Poem #1373
©Atul Kaushal
Jan 2017 · 665
Raise A Toast To Yesterday
Àŧùl Jan 2017
Yesterday you were in my mouth,
Even I was enjoying ******* you,
And you melted between my lips,
Hot lips of mine made you drips.

On the cusp of love you waited to burst,
Heaving your ***** in a heavy workout.

Your depth was deeper than I thought,
Entering my mouth were all your juices,
And I gave you what you always sought,
Heavens I visit while eating you, ice cream.

Just come on, come and descend,
Upon me like a playful fox,
Seeming like eternity,
Trusting you.

Come here,
Over here,

Tomorrow is unforeseen,
On the cusp of uncertainty.

Mangoes we deserve after such harsh winters,
E*erily quiet is this dead midnight approaching.
Another of my special secondary acrostic poems.
An unintended concrete poetry of a whisky toast.
My HP Poem #1372
©Atul Kaushal
Jan 2017 · 1.3k
My Identity
Àŧùl Jan 2017
Neither Bland,
Nor Akshant,
Not any other name.
Love me,
Or hate me,
But for I'm Atul.
The Incomparable.
Atul means Incomparable.
Kaushal means Skill.
So I am Incomparable Skill.
My HP Poem #1371
©Atul Kaushal
Jan 2017 · 960
Àŧùl Jan 2017
Some poets are way better than the majority,
Yet they are down-to-earth and connected,
Less they care about others' opinions,
Kindness is replete in them,
Injuring no hearts in
E**ra of love.
My HP Poem #1370
©Atul Kaushal
Jan 2017 · 1.6k
Àŧùl Jan 2017
Which dreams do not knock,
That doorway was my vision,
More than my spoken words,
My silent innings were there,
But whence your feet came,
Thence my world is on the move.

The place of God was empty in my heart,
I observed your face in there today.
I am that maverick cloud long lost,
Which settled finally upon your sky.

If you are the soul then let me be the body,
Let me be your lifelong shadow.
If you tell me to then I will only be a recluse,
Else if you tell me I'll be your glamour.
You are the accompaniment, I am the melody,
You are the night, I am the moonlight.

The place of God was empty in my heart,
I observed your face in there today.
I am that maverick cloud long lost,
Which settled finally upon your sky.

Let stars be merciful to us,
Let fulfilled every desire be.
The ones we kindled together,
Let a newborn life be ours.
Let our small house be filled,
No evil eye should disturb us.

The place of God was empty in my heart,
I observed your face in there today.
I am that maverick cloud long lost,
Which settled finally upon your sky.
My HP Poem #1369
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jan 2017
And so we were separated by spaces between us,
The distances took a heavy toll from us both,
Unsuccessful better be my surname,
Long ago I started tumbling.

Up above the world so high,
She was cutest angel in my sky,
Ever so beautiful all her ways were,
Dreaming me with herself she used to.

Tracing words on her skin I used to write,
On both her feet and also her hands.

Lost is that so golden sheen,
Over the years only getting bitter,
Vastly living in my solo play I am now,
Escaping that wicked loneliness poltergeist.

Kindly I tried to love her with all my honesty,
Rather than heart I loved her with my soul,
Insipid now all my days have become,
Painting I am regularly a smiley,
I**nsipid my life has become.
We were like tags to the poem of life,
So we were always separated by spaces.

I am satisfied that I did not cheat her ever.
I have a clean heart as far as loyalty is concerned.
Another Secondary Acrostic Poetical Piece.
My HP Poem #1368
©Atul Kaushal
Jan 2017 · 841
Àŧùl Jan 2017
My heart retired a jockey,
A disc jockey,
Composing and singing songs.

Now I am so much tired,
It is so tired,
Of all the heartbreaks they gave.
My HP Poem #1367
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jan 2017
Where are you hiding, love?
Come, you know it is already late.
Do you want me to cry & wail?
Come back, you needn't do anything else.
How you want me to be happy?
Come back only if you are willing to change.
Random write, not for interpretation.

My HP Poem #1366
©Atul Kaushal
Jan 2017 · 484
Where Dreams Do Not Knock
Àŧùl Jan 2017
Now I don't get nightmares,
Perhaps it was just a phase,
Yeah, she had a scary face.

But I never get good dreams either,
Not when I'm a sleeping monster,
Nor when awake without anger.

Here nobody does forever dock,
My heart is such a lonely rock,
Where dreams do not knock.
They come, park, and leave forever.
They only worsen my loneliness.

My HP Poem #1365
©Atul Kaushal
Jan 2017 · 1.4k
Àŧùl Jan 2017
Just some words of gratitude,
Or few actions of graciousness,
Followed by the ****** of love,
Deem you as a person thankless.
Yes she assassinated my feeling,
A dove of love just got sadness.
From an ungrateful person...
My HP Poem #1364
©Atul Kaushal
Jan 2017 · 925
Fairy Tail
Àŧùl Jan 2017
The fairy flew like a dried leaf,
Way beyond the red coral reef,
It flew unto its fairy mom.
The mom was unlike other fairies,
For it is red in colour & has horns,
It also has a pointed fairy tail..
For it is the Devil's own fairy agent!!!
A fairy tale ruined wickedly.

My HP Poem #1363
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jan 2017
I am not fond of any luxury car,
So they gave me a Company car,
A 16-wheeled armoured car!

'Tis indeed a very rough ride,
High above the ground is its ride,
Enemies are so afraid of my ride!
My HP Poem #1362
©Atul Kaushal
Jan 2017 · 598
Àŧùl Jan 2017
Go away the sour Kreepy memories,
I will definitely be crazy to relive you,
You're a bad experience - a good lesson.
Take away all the mysterious mysteries,
I will not be again a scapegoat for you,
Not a game as I am not your ******.
And I will start afresh this year now.
New Year Resolution: To UnLove The Non-Deserving

My HP Poem #1361
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Dec 2016
At the confluence is situated the Dushanbe,
Varzob and Kafirnigan meet in proximity.
Kafirnigan flows towards from the east towards the city,
The Varzob flows south to meet the bigger Kafirnigan.
The people, they import English Goats for eating,
Sacrificial English Goat Of Dushanbe,
And that's how they eat GOD frequently!
The acronym for Goat Of Dushanbe makes GOD.

My HP Poem #1360
©Atul Kaushal
Dec 2016 · 903
Stay Connected
Àŧùl Dec 2016
Even if you are not talking to me,
The thread connecting our hearts stays,
And that way we stay connected.

Even if you do not feel the love any longer,
Your memories make me feel happier,
And that way we stay connected.

Many-a-times I have felt your pain,
Both in your past and the present,
And that way we stay connected.

I have always prayed to GOD,
For your pain to be transferred,
And that way we stay connected.

No, I do not regret my words,
Perhaps they were the most suited,
And that way we stay connected.

You resent me for my words,
Even I resent you for your actions,
And that way we stay connected.

As this year ends I confess it,
We will be united as one in future,
And that way we stay connected.
Not for K, she had lost me.
And I would not return to her.
It's for a mythical perfect match.

My HP Poem #1359
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Dec 2016
Come here to the rotating restaurant, my dear,
Let me take you to the Tokyo tower top floor,
You just be my Japanese doll.
Let me love you left, right & centre.
Just take care while you respond,
As you are the pretty doll,
You're gonna take my heart away.
My HP Poem #1358
©Atul Kaushal
Dec 2016 · 1.4k
PregNancy Drew Flak
Àŧùl Dec 2016
There was a girl named Nancy,
Her habits were all outgoing.
Once she became too busy,
Directly for nine months.
Thanks to all of her habits,
Blocked're all the incoming.
She did not want PregNancy.

She was impregnated by a boy,
His hormones uncontrollable.
Worked not any of the Pills,
Now busied for 9 months.
Used to each 1 of the thrills,
But none of it was avoidable.
Thanks to her being a tomboy..

Nancy was the girl in pregnancy,
Her repentance was no point.
Old habits are hard to go,
She may not be loyal.
Now she hides it,
For avoiding it.
The insult...

As for the boy here,
Aged just 15 like her.
He fumbled to suicide,
And she was destroyed.
She can't name the baby,
Not now, not now at all.
How will she name the baby?

As it was supposed to be,
She will behave a ******,
Will she name him Jesus?
Such things happen when even The Pill won't work.
Practice maturity and patience forever and ever.
An unconventional poem by my standards.
My HP Poem #1357
©Atul Kaushal
Dec 2016 · 928
Àŧùl Dec 2016
In our research work at the lab,
We are getting positive results,
But just for one gene we get them.

TFF3, the sole positive expression,
TFF1 & TFF2 expressions're -ve,
But we will try another tissue now.

We just tried the umbilical cord yet,
Now I have suggested more,
We now need two more tissues.

TFF1 or sP2, may well be extracted,
Purified from the intestinal tissue,
And its expression maybe seen...

TFF2 or sP1, may well be extracted,
Purified from the spleen tissues,
For its expression to be seen...
My HP Poem #1356
©Atul Kaushal
Dec 2016 · 461
What Is Your Last Wish?
Àŧùl Dec 2016
The other time death greeted me warmly,
On the night of Christmas Eve I slept.

But I woke up to have a frozen body,
Enter I did a fearful living nightmare.

Lost was my control over myself,
On my own limbs I lost free will,
Very late I seemed to regain it,
Enter I did a frightful thought,
D**ying unloved by someone truly.
I seem to have a disorder with my body temperature which may be related to my blood pressure falling too low when I am asleep.

My HP Poem #1355
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Dec 2016
I** am so tired of just dispensing love.

Now I'm selfish as I look for another dove,
Except for my parents, none loves me back,
End of my days approaches nearer now,
Doomsday for my poetic and musical life.

Losing someone because of my horoscope,
Over with the fake love I must get again,
Vanguard for my existence her love will be,
Especially for me, she will take every pain.
Another 2º acrostic poem.
My HP Poem #1354
©Atul Kaushal
Dec 2016 · 983
O Accuser!
Àŧùl Dec 2016
You accuse me of unfaithfulness,
I was at least as faithful as God,
That's when I don't exaggerate.

You can not describe yourself,
I know what you've been like,
That's what's called unfaithful.
My HP Poem #1353
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Dec 2016
Tricks and higher education,
Training and development,
I let artificial intelligence,
The Android A.I. system,
Suggest me words and phrases,
In an experiment where I am,
Letting the poem write itself.
An Artificial Intelligence experiment held.

My HP Poem #1352
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Dec 2016
Because I was surreally cute in childhood,
And I know that my child will be so cute.
And I am unaware who'll bear my child,
Because I do not think any human can.
Because I cannot ever be so compatible,
And to this fact, exception there is none.
But yes, I want to father at least one child.
My HP Poem #1351
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Dec 2016
Come, my love, come to me,
We will go to a higher level,
Deeper in our love we will,
For longer periods of time,
Oh beautiful, come to me,
So very deep inside such that,
We will be mother & father together.
My HP Poem #1350
©Atul Kaushal
Dec 2016 · 1.3k
When She Gets Much Matured
Àŧùl Dec 2016
She will be even more beautiful,
Heavier will be her eyelids,
Eager will be men for her body.

Would she even miss me,
I** am not aware about it,
Longer this time spent,
Lot she will try to forget.

Ringing bells of her heart,
Every time she will bathe,
Pouring water from the shower,
Early tears will get veiled,
No memories get subsided,
Time spent she will recall.
My HP Poem #1349
©Atul Kaushal
Dec 2016 · 605
Someone Unlucky
Àŧùl Dec 2016
I have felt that love twice as yet,
And I only suffered breakups till now.

I have only loved them purely & true,
And they have disregarded it all.
My HP Poem #1348
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Dec 2016
Now I know why she ditched me,
And I don't blame her for doing so.

Her family checked my horoscope,
They figured that I have a problem.

My horoscope has the Martian jinx,
My Kundli has the Manglik dosh.

It means my wife would die early,
Yes according to an algorithm.

Such a stupid illogical reason,
Letting the stars govern them.

I can not do anything about it,
Let her go to someone not Manglik.

I will wait for someone more scientific,
Looking not at the Kundli but only my love.
This Manglik thing is a Hindu blind faith misconception that if a person has an error in the location of Mars in their horoscope (or a Mangalik) then it would mean certain early death of their life partner.

Let her go.

She's really stupid.

Just as her old-fashioned family she believes in Kundli.

My HP Poem #1347
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Dec 2016
Should anyone ask us about our love,
Especially I'll mention how we loved,
Xclusively for one another we used to.

When you were stressed out,
And you needed me to relax,
Should not be forgotten by you.

You did love me,
Or rather than just love,
Up you went on my tender touch,
Rolling over on the first hint.

Love was just a word you used,
Us was just a piece of myth,
So you ever wanted was a tool,
T**ool you wanted but not Atul.
My HP Poem #1346
©Atul Kaushal
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