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Emery Feine Oct 3
I spin, I twist, and then I twirl
Never first place no matter how fast I ran
I plan, I can, but if I'm still a girl
Then just consider me a man.
this is my 102nd poem, written on 5/25/24.
Emery Feine Oct 2
A hero to no one except myself
Just there to fill up space in a crowded room
Told that the only things I want are fame and wealth

A Ticking Bomb ignited from the start
But neither I nor you know when I'll blow
And all your comfort will be ripped apart

I want everyone, but wanted by none
I'm just an option, never the choice
I'm just a second daughter, when he probably wanted a son

I'm carrying bombs in each of my 20 hands
And expected to blow them all out in a minute
People believe I'm just someone who can count all the sands

When people are partnered up with me
I hear a groan, a sigh, a rejection
But this is not who I am, just who you think me to be

When I look into a mirror, now dusty and haunted
I don't see a ticking bomb like everyone else
Just a girl who wanted to be wanted
this is my 85th poem, written on 3/6/24
Sofia Aug 9
Oh mother, your rage is filling me
And the rage of all the woman before you
And the woman with you
Wanting me to fight in each war
In which we get injustly treated over and over

For centuries the feelings are crying
Begging to fight for every woman
While each and every season
The lives of woman worsen

Oh mother, your exhaustin is filling me
And the ones of all the woman before you
And the woman with you
Begging me to stop
For centuries they are fighting
"I can't fight anymore"
They say before each and every war
I can't find the quote anymore that inspired me😭😭
Edit: *** i found it but it's not really a quote though:
"I have the weight of my mothers mothe, and her mother before on my shoulders. I have been waging wars for centuries" "I can't fight anymore"
When the Subject is as complex as the Title
I asked someone to describe a particular Her.
jia Jan 9
when you are a woman
you bleed the burden of being one
literally within every month
and metaphorically every single day
you polish the plates clean
you cook the cake delectable
you plan the garden to grow plants
you figure out your figures
you beg to be believed
you serve to be esteemed
you scream to be heard
to be seen, to be listened,
to speak, to be free
you consume the rage given
passed and inherited
genetically and immanently
you are born
yet you give birth too
being a woman is a revolution
Lina Dec 2023
I've wished I was a boy my whole life.
To get respect without demanding it.
To walk in a room and be part of the club.
To not be seen as an outsider, an irritant.

I loathed that I was treated differently.
I worked my entire life to get here,
believing that it would get better
with the fancy title and, finally, the career.

Now, I've made it. Yet, I still have to demand:
To be seen. To be CC'd on emails. To not be
excluded. Do you know how difficult it is
to have the right title, but not the right genitalia?

You can be competent, intelligent,
the smartest in the room.
But if you aren't the ideal gender,
You're just a pretty face in costume.
olomu isaac Oct 2023
she sat down waiting tenderly
the elders hopping hopelessly like an hapless jackal.
tears in her eyes and years in her appearance
shows what had been and what should have been if the grim reaper had not called earlier.

gently, gently onlookers look the look of shame waiting to hear good news on a bad day.
Gently gently onlookers look the look of shame hoping to get ridicule on this bad day.


her innocence denied
a fair trial out the window
and bravo for them.
Her sucklings neglected
Possessions repossessed

LO, she cried and asked for justice

but who would stop the process
if all are in the process
who will end the shame if all were once shamed.
nick armbrister Sep 2023
The gal with the **** cannon
Let’s one rip a right good ****
You can smell it from here
It smells of baked beans
And mushy peas plus cabbage
I wonder what it’s like
When she takes a dump?
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