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Àŧùl 1d
"Angel?" by Atul Kaushal is a captivating poem that delves into the theme of loneliness and the intervention of divine beings in human lives. The poem narrates the poignant story of a lonely sailor who encounters an angel in the form of a mermaid. This transformation of the angel into a mermaid serves as a metaphor for the complexities of human emotions and the fluctuating nature of spiritual encounters.

Kaushal expertly weaves together imagery of the sea, the sky, and the ethereal presence of the angel to evoke a sense of mystery and wonder in the reader. The juxtaposition of the vast, unforgiving sea with the fragile, otherworldly angel creates a powerful contrast that underscores the sailor's feelings of isolation and longing for connection.

The poet skillfully employs symbolism throughout the poem, using the mermaid as a symbol of transformation and the sailor as a symbol of human vulnerability. The interaction between the sailor and the angel highlights the universal themes of yearning for companionship, redemption, and a sense of purpose in a seemingly indifferent world.

Furthermore, the structure of the poem, with its rhythmic cadence and carefully chosen words, enhances the emotional impact of the narrative. The poet's use of concise language and evocative imagery draws the reader into the sailor's inner world, allowing them to experience his solitude and eventual salvation through the angel's ethereal presence.

In conclusion, "Angel?" by Atul Kaushal is a thought-provoking exploration of loneliness, transcendence, and the transformative power of divine intervention. Through its masterful use of symbolism, imagery, and structure, the poem offers a profound reflection on the human condition and the enduring search for connection and meaning in a vast and often indifferent universe.
Àŧùl Jul 4
I successfully survived the accident,
Thanks to my good Karma in this life
Not in a previous one.

In '09-10, I volunteered for the society,
Educating underprivileged kids and
Their parents too.

Now I'm a successful professional,
Thanks to equitable opportunities
Available in Bháràŧà.

I may have lost my golden years,
But I am in no way literally lost
In the competition.

That accident triggered a cascade,
A chain of unfavourable events
In my family.

My mother lost her knee caps,
Due to her efforts to bring me back
And long standing hours for that.

My father broke his acetabulum,
When trying to save me from falling
While he retrained me.

But I'm thankful to Bhàgàwán,
That both of them are alive
And I'm finally successful.

I don't resent my destiny,
For costing me more than
A complete decade.

My ordeal began on May 7, 2010,
When I landed inside the hospital
On my potential deathbed.

But I knew that I must survive,
For my sentence is not yet over
Here on this planet.

My spirit didn't depart that day,
Although I lost years & friends
Due to the accident.

I didn't fall from Grace of the Lord,
Instead I was sent back with a mission
Amidst the humans.

To teach the lesson of love,
Not through conversion
Or bloodshed.

But through the words of wisdom,
Consideration, love, truth
And experience.

Through these poems of decency,
Rhyme, structure, rhythm
And magic.

The magic is love,
The structure is evident
And the rhythm is so divine.

My parents smiling is my success,
The golden sheen of future
Is my redemption.

In the end,
I speak to you, O Gauri,
You do realise that you're my future.

To you I have promised,
The intensity and the
Love you deserve.

Not short of words ever,
Not because of vocabulary
But because of my passion.

The passion for my life,
The passion for my love
And my love is you.

Never forget what you want,
I'm solely yours, darling,
Yes, you want me.
1 poem. 23 verses. 362 words, 1872 characters

My HP Poem #1973
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jun 13
1971, they lost East Pakistan,
And Bangladesh was carved.
1972, they conspired terror,
By promising 72 in Jannat.
2024, the fools still believe,
Not just in violence but also in the 72.
****** Nymphs wreak havoc in their minds.

Spreading his Chiropteran wings,
It's actually Satan laughing.
The fools want the world to convert,
Convert to the religion peace at what cost?
They wield their swords and Kalashnikovs,
******, killing, converting, decapitating at will.
They think that they will get virgins in afterlife.

What's described in their scriptures?
72 bathykolpian blue-eyed virgins.
Infinite stamina and limitless wine,
With those 72 eternally ****** Nymphs.
This crude carnal desire motivating,
The ******* to commit more bloodshed.
They rally our daughters, sisters, and mothers.

Like what — they rally them as trophy wives,
Or better if stripped **** and humbled.
They **** our brothers in an exemplary manner,
Decapitating, dismembering, and insulting.
What sort of faith do they follow?
They follow the words of a mad man,
A mad man who claimed to know God.

But actually they follow a barmy man,
A man who lost his mind to the heat,
The Arabic heat with nothing to eat.
No water to drink and it caused him to break,
He was not a sensible man,
About the 2 billion followers?
They're victims of sunstroke too.

We need to strip **** their carnal faith,
Strip them of their human rights,
As they are no humans.
Humans don't behave like jackals,
They follow the religion of the Devil,
But they have the support of bigots,
Bigots who ignore our fallen angels.

Our girls and young women they don't spare,
Why then about theirs should we even care?
Use pliers and plass, pull their nails out,
Send them to their perverted Jannat.
Let the terrorists die of pain,
What will we gain?
Some centuries of actual peace.
My HP Poem #1972
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jun 5
Enter 2014, the jungle became a democracy,
And elections were held.
The lion won and became the king,
And the opposition were decimated.
A similar thing happened 5 years later,
And the hyenas all united beyond factions.

2024, the elections were held yet again,
The earlier king got lesser votes.
But the lion was chosen the king anyway,
Still, the hyenas behaved as if they won.
The prince of hyenas, 53 years of age,
Claimed a moral victory and they celebrated.

It's like the silver medalist celebrating,
And their minions are to blame.
We voted without thinking,
And they capitalised the game.
Everything they did to build the jungle,
Into a paradise went down the drain.
My HP Poem #1971
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jun 1
Je t'aime ma chère,
Et j'ai besoin de savoir comment vas-tu ?

Tu me manques, ma belle,
Et je veux ta compagnie.

Pas seulement pour quelques années,
Mais pour toute une vie.

Ta vie est la mienne,
Et ma vie est à toi.

Arrête d'être si égoïste,
Laisse-moi être à toi pour toujours.

Je vous promets que je ne vous découragerai jamais,
Et je ne limiterai pas ta vie.

Je ne suis pas si vieux,
Pourquoi te sens-tu déconnecté ?

How are you?

I love you, my darling,
And I need to know how are you?

I miss you baby,
And I want your company.

Not just for a few years,
But for a lifetime.

Your life is mine,
And my life is yours.

Stop being so egoistic,
Let me be forever yours.

I promise that you I'll never discourage,
And your life I'll never restrict.

I'm not that old,
Why do you feel disconnected?
My HP Poem #1970
©Atul Kaushal
May 29 · 91
Since 2010
Àŧùl May 29
And still those voices are calling from far away,
Wake me up in the middle of the night,
Just to hear them say,
"You can't do it throughout your life — yeah!"

But I've done it,
Yes, I've done it in time,
Life gave me lime,
I made a brine.

Now I'll add my favourite flavours,
Serve a lemonade to my critics,
I'll smile as they'll only admire me,
I'll stick to my roots and credit my parents.

But I'll not let success get onto my nerves,
My responses I'll keep terse,
Lengthier will be the poems,
Elaborate my every verse.

Some people get jealous,
A few people feel,
Others feel,
My HP Poem #1969
©Atul Kaushal
May 9 · 242
Inspiring You
Àŧùl May 9
People are not nice,
They can dishearten you,
But don't be like mice.

Let me tell you a story,
My story of victory,
It's after the accident.

When I was in the ICU,
Thought I won't be consequential,
But I disappointed them.

This young man is alive,
An ex-SBI PO, now a DRAAO,
Oh I worked hard for it.

Did not I, oh life,
I don't play the fife,
You know, right?

Now I talk to you,
Yes, you, the dejected one,
Now I ask you this:

Being a survivor,
If I can be successful,
Why cannot you?
Life-Threatening Coma-Inducing Bike Accident: May 7, 2010
Awoke From The Comatose State: June 1, 2010
Discharged From The Hospital: June 18, 2010
Lost academic time: 5 years
Lost physical capabilities: Can't play my guitar as nicely as I used to, stammer at times, limp a bit, difficulty in balancing myself, memory problems

But I didn't give up on life. I knew that I can do it.

People who saw my mangled state in the ICU and HDU, they suggested my parents to look after me for the rest of their lives. They suggested my parents to get me enrolled in an easier vocational course to weave baskets or sell newspapers.
They disheartened my mother, who in turn thought that I could not do what others can.
But my father always has had full faith in my capabilities and capacities.
I not only completed my Bachelor of Technology degree in Biotechnology from the Maharishi Dayanand University, Rohtak, but also I went on to complete a postgraduate degree (M.Tech) in Animal Biotechnology from the ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal.

And now I have done it.

Professional Success 1 (SBI PO): July 4, 2023
Professional Success 2 (C&AG AAuO): March 12, 2024

My HP Poem #1968
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl May 9
I met a friendly woman at the college,
She sat in the entrance gallery west of the labs.
I said, "Hello, may I know your identity," with a smile,
And her lips spread to a mile.
She said, "Hello, I'm here on my job,"
Little did I know that blowing was her job.

Anyway, I started telling her about myself,
And as a loner with an infrequent *****,
I respect and I know myself a lot.

When she sat in rapt attention for me,
Listening to my breath between the words,
And my gaze often slid down her face.

There they sat elegantly and imposingly,
Two cute babies, a picture of them, actually,
In a picture printed on the ***** of her shirt,
And I asked about them curiously.

She said, "They are my nephew and niece,"
"Both are twins and each weighs 7 kilograms,"
And looked for validation, "Aren't they both so nice?"

I nodded in agreement saying, "Definitely,"
And I continued, "I want to play with them both."

She said, "I know that you fell in love with them,"
Now she continued with another broad smile,
"You are welcome to play with both of them,"

I asked, "Are they with you?"
She laughed shortly and said,
"They always remain with me."

Puzzled, I said, "What?"
My jaw remained hung open in astonishment.

She put her finger under my chin,
Then shut my mouth to say,
"Don't act like an innocent kid,"
And she continued,
"I like you, and I want you,
Come in the morning,
We'll have a lot of fun,
And I'll blow my favourite toy,
Before both of us go for a movie."
My HP Poem #1967
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl May 2
My word is good, it's also true,
I promise to you all my life,
For you will be my wife,
Touch me & you'll see,
How I turn to gold soon,
You'll be my intense magic,
Our families will be our glue.

When the time is ripe,
For me & even you,
It will be alright,
Because you will be my wife,
To indulge in romance,
Engage in this dance,
To create new life.

Don't worry dear, I won't stifle you,
You I won't send in a swoon,
I know you can achieve,
The greater glory.
That will be the day,
For us to unite as one body,
Come dancing to me, my dear lady.

Now, don't procrastinate much,
I'm yours and you're mine too,
And both of us are alike each,
Both me & you were let down,
By the ones we took to be ours,
But we don't need such friends,
Oh, such fake faces around us.

I know that me you'll not disappoint,
You I'll never let feel disheartened,
Babe, I will be patient with you,
And I will let my poems now,
Trust me & you'll see the peak,
Not of any other mountain now,
But of the friendly hillock of love.

You must trust me in this skydive,
I'll take care of you when you need,
When it's time, your dough I'll knead,
Feel my deep love as you dared to jump,
You're the most beautiful of them all,
Now feel confident about yourself,
You're cautious and that's good.

Just don't hold back fearing me,
I'll be gentle and kind with you,
And I expect you to be receptive,
Also, you be ready for new love,
Come, let's look after this dove,
Be receptive to my love, don't fear,
Be intimate when I pull you near.
My HP Poem #1966
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Apr 29
If I were a time traveller,
Would I be able to jump back?
Or would I die in the process?

And if I could do a thing again,
Presuming that I reach back in time,
Would I remain conscious of what needs to be rectified?

And what's the guarantee that
What happened won't repeat itself the same way?
And what's going to happen to my existence in this timeline?

Traveling time would not make any difference,
Because the past has already happened, it can't be changed.

If at all, I'd end up in a parallel timeline,
Stuck forever,
In the middle of people who want me dead.
My HP Poem #1965
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Apr 25
Once again while on the path of words you tread,
The 'Angel?' Saga
I hope you find it convenient to read.

I seek your opinion to develop myself
Please cooperate
Just as you have read the 7 poems, them you re-read.

Tell me which part you love the most,
It I shall write
On paper and in a handwriting so beautiful.

I'm addicted to my brainchild poem,
And I remember
What wind - what land - what sea.

14 years after that accident,
I finally succeed
To establish myself as a professional.

Poetry played a crucial part,
In redefining me
And my mental acumen.

So, I want to celebrate my success
By expressing my love for poetry
And the respect for my fellow poets.
Apr 8 · 259
Tell Me
Àŧùl Apr 8
Tell me your likes,
But emphasize on your dislikes.
I want to impress you,
But more than that,
I want to conform with your desires.
Also, tell me what you like about me,
And while pointing at my greys, just feel free.

We're strangers with a great potential,
Don't procrastinate much,
And just let yourself come closer to me,
I'll protect you, and I'll kindle you,
Dear, you I'll encourage,
I'll also facilitate your success,
Not because I seek credit, but because I love you.

There's an age gap between us,
But it's still less than a decade,
I know you are young and ambitious,
Don't fear me, you I will nurture,
And don’t worry, please remember,
I'll never obstruct your career,
You have told me your aspirations.

You still have half-a-decade,
And I can advise you, dear,
You I can suggest strategies,
You're going to be a teacher,
And I know that you aim higher,
I refer to that dream of yours,
Through you, I can live my dreams.

We're made for each other,
In you, I see a young but mature lady,
I can read faces, like I did that day,
Yes, I'll always read how much it'll bother,
If you're sensitive, so am I,
I know that you like me,
You should accept my care.

You are close to your grandpa,
I don't say that I can love you like him,
Or even your parents, dear,
But my mother will be gratified,
And so will be my father,
You'll receive a similar care like your home,
And my romance, it will be your bonus.

This is a love letter filled with deep promises,
I'll let you follow your heart,
And try to keep you close,
Or rather I'll be there like an umbrella,
Shielding you from the torrential shower,
Let me bear the responsibility,
Just trust me once and be my wife,
I'll shield both you and our child,
From the necessary evils of modern life,
And also the unwanted stares of the society.

Your acceptance of my love will be my gratification,
Eventually, even you will love me,
I know that I hurt you,
But I did so to let you know what hurt me,
You're jealous about my other friends,
So am I, buddy, so am I about yours,
Relax, just relax and embrace me.
My HP Poem #1963
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 7 · 160
Historical Mistakes
Àŧùl Apr 7
And he had said,
"Ladakh is a barren piece of land,
Let the Chinese have it,
Nothing grows over there,
And it's a useless piece of territory,
The lesser the liabilities for my government,
The better."

And the Chinese still sit in Aksai Chin,
That part he called barren,
It's our lost land that China usurped,
Yes, the expansionist China,
And how shamelessly he escaped his duty,
His responsibility to maintain the integrity,
Of our nation he ought've known the nitty-gritty.

But now we face an uphill task,
That Hindi-Cheeni Bhai-Bhai,
It's now a laughing stock,
Yes, sir, people laugh at it,
Albeit less than they do at your scion,
The same scion who has nil experience,
And simply a negative IQ, perhaps.

But that was just one of your mistakes, sir,
How can we forget your ambition to be the Prime,
Even at the cost of the national integrity,
You let them unleash a rein of terror,
Both the sides suffered civilian casualties,
Not just the dead I refer to,
I also refer to the ***** and mutilated.

You behaved so power-hungry,
So irresponsible and immature,
So ignorant and inexperienced,
So unwise and unintelligent,
Of that post, oh sir,
That position that you won by your clout,
You knew that Bhai made a better choice.

Yet you felt entitled to the post,
By the mere virtue of your birth,
Born with a silver spoon in your mouth,
Linen sheets underneath your body,
Much like your dumb scion,
Yes, the very same one who fumbles.

He fumbles in his speech,
And in his lack of preparation,
The Grand Old Party, it trembles,
Trembling under the unwanted burden,
Voices of dissent grow louder,
The Party you usurped is slipping away,
Drifting further everyday.
My HP Poem #1962
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Apr 1
Hello Stranger,
Done with the Roka,
It's a pre-engagement ceremony,
But right now,
I don't know what I am for you.

Next will be our engagement,
Then I'll be your fiancé,
And you'll be my fiancée,
But right now,
I don’t know what you are for me.

After that we'll have our marriage,
Then you'll be my Dharmik wife,
And I'll be your Sworn husband,
But right now,
We're strangers for each other.

Let's make it easy,
Let's share with each other
Our likes, and the dislikes too,
Let's be friends until we wait,
Let's get to know each other.

You know about my weaknesses,
It's apparent and obvious,
But behold, I descend into your life,
I have my shortcomings,
But I have my gifts too.

You'll see me spreading joy in your world,
And you'll realise that your world is mine too,
But don't worry,
Just let my love grow in your heart,
Next I'll plant a ring in your finger.

That ring will mark you as mine,
You'll put a ring around my finger too,
And this particular ring will mark me as yours,
We'll be each other's fiancée & fiancé,
I'll make sure that you are fine.

A few weeks after that engagement,
We'll sit in front of the Holy Fire,
And that fire will be our witness,
And so will be the Àgnì Ðévà,
The God of Fire will seal our togetherment.

Right now you're cautious,
Maybe a bit scared too,
You are in the dark,
But so am I, dear,
Don't worry, I won't disappoint you.

And I know that me you won't dishearten,
We'll gel well beyond the physical realm,
The world will soon see us as one unit,
We'll enjoy each day in togetherness,
And it will no longer be an untitled relationship.
My HP Poem #1961
©Atul Kaushal
Mar 13 · 630
New Opportunity
Àŧùl Mar 13
I'm again in a transition,
A non-medical scientist by my schooling,
A writer, singer-poet, and author by passion,
These days I'm at Gorakhpur to join a new job,
For another new opportunity that I grabbed,
One of the many exams I cracked,
This job is that of an Assistant Audit Officer.

I marvel at what life has shown me,
Educated at school in non-medical sciences,
Physics, Chemistry, Math, English & Physical Education.

Then I undertook the first paradigm career shift,
Started my Bachelor degree in Biotechnology
Met with the unfortunate cataclysmic road accident,
Survived the 23-day coma against all odds.

Oh the odds, do you remember, oh life?
200+ beats per minute heart rate in the coma,
104°F+ fever accompanied the ****** injuries,
Fractured cheekbone just below the left eye.

Brain stem injuries sent the global doctors in a Tizzy,
Nobody was certain about my survival or the recovery,
But I survived.

The second paradigm shift here was my survival.

They had said at the hospital,
"Only the most serious cases come to ICU #2,
And the lost cases come to HDU #7."


I survived everything that you threw at me,
Everything, even negative people,
Who made weird recommendations.

What did they recommend to my parents after the accident?
— to make me join an easier degree course,
— to make me train for weaving baskets,
— to set up a toffee shop for me to earn bread,
— and what not to discourage my family,
— my parents had dreams for their only child,
— all the whilst I was in the uncertain coma,
— and the pitiable vegetative state for 30 more weeks,
— where I endured immense pains.

Oh life, you've been so hard!
You gave me COVID-SARS in 2012,
I didn't die,
I completed my B.Tech in Biotechnology.

More loneliness followed,
I still didn't give up on life,
Completed my M.Tech in Animal Biotechnology.

The third paradigm shift was next,
When I cleared 4 recruitment exams,
And joined as a Probationary Officer
With the State Bank of India.

The fourth paradigm shift now comes,
I have shifted to the job of an Assistant Audit Officer,
With the Comptroller & Auditor General of India.

I defeated death,
But I seem to be fighting a lost battle
Against loneliness in my life.
My HP Poem #1960
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jan 31
You missed meeting me on May 7 in 2010,
You're one special memory among my men.

I rang you up before that accident,
And I knew not that I would fall then.

But you were depressed,
I looked to cheer you up addressed.

You were too gloomy,
You refused to accompany me.

I met with that accident,
And the rest is a historical dent.

The education system,
Me and you it did stem.

You found your calling,
Switched to highschool tuting.

I parried forward,
Kept crawling.

Though you gave up on your graduation,
I parried forward,
Yes, I carried my graduation forward.

A Bachelor of Technology degree takes 4 years,
I took 6, but it's fine, it's fine.

I'm proud of myself for not giving up,
When even bright students like you quit.

You kept your parents in the dark,
Never told them your true marks until they found it out by themselves.

Buddy, you could've just told me instead of quitting on it,
I could've made you study and work on yourself.

Look at me,
Just look at me.

I completed my B.Tech Biotechnology degree,
Instead of giving up even when my mother was not sure.

The whole world thought I could not complete my graduation,
But I even went to graduate school and obtained a postgraduate degree.

After I met with that accident, people suggested my parents,
To help set up a small shop for me to support my life beyond them.

But I never gave up,
I never gave up.

I can visualize Death waiting for me by my ICU bedside,
And I can also see it in anguish after getting defeated by my resilience.

Although I failed to obtain a PhD as COVID made me change my plans,
I bounced back in full glory and tasted worldly success.

I cracked not just one competitive recruitment exam,
But I cleared as many as 4 of them.

Now, old friend, I'm happy where you're headed to with your splendid performance at your coaching effort, yes, I respect your decision,
But you used to be smarter than I was at school.

We sang together,
Yes we did.

I played the guitar & sang,
You played the keyboard & sang more melodiously.

Oh, I remember what happened when we covered a popular song,
The Bollywood song is called “To Phir Aao.”

I started playing the riff,
“Tede-dede, Tede-dede,
Tede-dede, Tedede-Tede,”

But then your mobile went off,
“Ting-ding-ding, Tiding-ting,
Ting-ding-ding, Ting-tidingting.”

We had just begun it along my rhythm guitars & Digitech Effects Processor's electronic drums sampler on my Marshal amplifier,
You were prepared to start singing in your melodious voice,
But your phone started to ring as soon as we began.

Still we continued the recording after you rejected the call,
So, brother, did you forget the lesson we both taught ourselves?

Let the world be on fire,
Let it distract you as much as it wants to spend its ire.

I never gave up on my bachelor's degree,
I even went on to get my postgraduate degree,
I could've even achieved a PhD title,
But the COVID19 pandemic made me change my plans.

But bro, why did you forget the lesson so soon?

Anyway, let bygones be bygones.

Now if someone comments that you couldn't complete the graduation you started at a top University,
I tell them that you're happy doing something that pays you well,
You have completed a B.Sc in Math, and an M.Sc too,
Now you are doing your B.Ed,
And you're happily married to a charming woman.
My HP Poem #1959
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jan 22
On May 7, 2010, I had had met with a life-threatening road accident that put me in a 23-day comatose state and a minimally conscious vegetative state for 3 months thereafter.
A former friend led me to this beautiful platform created by our Eliot York, the computer engineer from England.
I had written a grand poem about how I felt about the ethos and pathos of romance in my spiritual account.
Born as an only child to my parents in our nuclear family, I developed high affinity towards any kind of love, affection and attention sent my way. Consequently, I tried to collate with an ideal lover, but she was always an illusion.

Unfortunately over the years, I kept breaking up with consecutive girlfriends due to miscellaneous reasons. But having written the poem that I call ‘Angel?’ has helped me receive such admiration for it such that I have realized that the love I seek outside has actually been always housed in my heart.

In the accident, I lost all my friends as all of them moved on. I can't blame them. Everyone has an own life to live. And why would anybody wait for a man who is academically and physically challenged?

Although now I'm a successful professional in the public sector and I'll soon transit to government sector.

I feel grateful to everyone here who I have read or who has expressed liking for my poetry.

Thank you everyone for teaching me one thing or the other.
Àŧùl Jan 14
I shall marry you one day soon,
To bring you to my world.
Then take you out to the hills,
To make love in the snowy whorl.

You might lose something,
But me you shall gain.
We'll make love under the moonlight,
You'll experience no pain.

I have a dream about us,
To bring new life to the planet.
We must become united as one body,
And one soul for this one love.

That one love will be our daughter,
Who we will kindle as our love,
Then we'll not deprive her of happiness,
We'll give her a sibling as well.

I am so sure that we'll have a daughter first,
Well, that's because I have a lot of love inside,
Such love for you and my future,
And we'll always thank the Moon for its love.
My HP Poem #1795
©Atul Kaushal
Jan 9 · 583
Take You To My Bed
Àŧùl Jan 9
I really-really-really wanna take you home,
Tonight - tonight - yes, tonight.
You would feel relaxed when you spend the night,
With me in my bed - in my bed.

I really-really-really make a promise to you this evening,
Tonight be unlike any other you'd ever see.
You would feel the joy when you spread your pretty smile,
Watching me sink in my bed - in my coffin.

First I'd kiss into your mind a termination signal,
A signal which is mine.
I promise it'd be painless and clean altogether,
Death comes sooner.

The blanket over us will be our gravestone,
Tonight, yes, you try dying.
Try dying tonight in peace and love,
With me, in my bed - my escape.

I promise to take you away to a realm,
Tonight you'll enjoy dying.
Die kissing the lips of immortality,
With me in my bed - my abode.
After uploading it, I saw that the shape of this poem resembles a coffin! Spooky, eh?

My HP Poem #1958
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Dec 2023
For you, I am an artist.
My art is music.
My art is love.

For you, I am a soldier.
My duty is guarding.
My duty is to protect.

You lost someone special.
I'm a new addition.
Do not worry, dear.
I'm here to stay now.
My HP Poem #1852
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Dec 2023
Time brought the joyride to a halt,
Incompatibility being her prevailing issue,
She was my first love.
Even though I tried,
It all ripped apart,
Tearing in front of my eyes!

I escaped my shadow,
Of guilt and loneliness,
By inviting her to curse me.

She said, "You'll repent this,"
I replied, "Who's gonna care about it,"
She started, "You may take it lightly, but one day you're gonna fall off the hill -"
I interjected, "I'm just not gonna take it baby - chill!"
She smiled weakly, "I know that you would love again,"
I said, "No doubt about it, the world is cuter,"
She uttered her curse, "But you won't ever be satisfied!"
I invited few more curses, "Go on, come on - continue your curses!"
She went on, "You'd pay for my tears with your blood!"
I taunted, "Okay! More - just go on baby,"

She snarled, "You'll die feeling lonely in this whole wide world!
The way I find myself lonely under your possessiveness,
You too will feel unloved and unwanted."
I jeered, "Whoa! That scares me to death!"
She continued, "You just can't die so easily,"
I jeered, "Hey that's not like a curse, you can't curse so sweetly,"
She blasted to end it, "Just wait & pray for death to come early!"

True she was, the witch,
My life goes on like her curses,
How true they were!
My HP Poem #1957
©Atul Kaushal
Dec 2023 · 411
Good Morning
Àŧùl Dec 2023
Good morning,
Start your day with Yoga,
Both physical and mental.
My HP Poem #1956
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Dec 2023
[Tu hai meri Deewaani, (You're my Inamorata,)
Tu meri hi Deewaani, (You're only my Inamorata,)
Tu hi hai, tu hi hai, (You are, yes, you are,)
Mere sapno ki raani. (My dream girl.)]×2

Main ek naghma hoon, (I'm a melody,)
Tu meri mehfil hai... (You're my audience...)
Main ek raahi hoon, (I'm a traveler,)
Tu meri manzil hai. (You're my destination.)

** keh bhi de, (Oh, just say it,)
Hai mann mein jo baat. (What you hide in your heart.)
Haan keh bhi de, (C'mon, just say it,)
Hai dil ki jo baat. (What you hide in your heart.)
Ab bol de, (Now just tell it to me,)
Kuch na chhupa, (Don't hold it back,)
Aa keh bhi de, (Come just say it,)
** o o o... (** o o o...)

Main teri dhadkan hoon, (I'm your heartbeat,)
Tu meri tadpan hai, (You're my yearning,)
Main tera Maanjhi hoon, (I'm your rafter,)
Tu meri Nadiya hai. (You're my river.)

** keh bhi de, (Oh, just say it,)
Hai mann mein jo baat. (What you hide in your heart.)
Haan keh bhi de, (C'mon, just say it,)
Hai dil ki jo baat. (What you hide in your heart.)
Ab bol de, (Now just tell it to me,)
Kuch na chhupa, (Don't hold it back,)
Aa keh bhi de, (Come say it,)
** o o o... (** o o o...)

[Tu hai meri Deewaani, (You're my Inamorata,)
Bas meri hi Deewaani, (You're only my Inamorata,)
Tu hi hai, tu hi hai, (You are, yes, you are,)
Mere sapno ki raani. (My dream girl.)]×2
It's a Hïnđī song in B Major Scale with a happy tune and the chords E major, A major, D major and C major.

My first original musical composition for my imaginary ideal lover.

This is my happiest and most hopeful original composition.
My HP Poem #1840
©Atul Kaushal
Dec 2023 · 517
A sure day in future
Àŧùl Dec 2023
My cute young daughter named Shatakshi
Asks, "Daddy-daddy what's this thingy?"
I, the caring father, with a gasp
Reply, "It is a fire ant that you grasp
And you hold where it has its stingy!"
A limerick for my future daughter, Shatakshi.

Another humorous poem. Another limerick.

HP Poem #1210
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Sep 2023
I am very happy now.

Loving my days as they shine,
Over the edge I pushed sorrow,
Viewing my love grow mature,
Enjoying the achievements I am.

My most adorable person,
On Earth and in the universe,
My father comes next.
These days I'm a Probationary Officer at the State Bank of India.

My HP Poem #1713
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2022 · 865
Wicked Skies
Àŧùl Jul 2022
Looming here since forever,
Death now seems much closer.
Guzzling oil hovering over,
End has struck the hour.

In the cockpit, the air is stinking,
Reminder of an unwashed mind.
Trick or treat with enemy calling,
Killing their unsuspecting selves.
Oh Satan!

Wretched enemies of humanity,
They unleashed the zombie army.
Why don't they go out to fight?
Left that role to the zombies, yeah.

Father Time will settle scores,
For this Father is a log keeper.
Exploiting civilians for gains they do,
Taking them just as junk in the room.
Wait till they all revolt, yeah!

When in darkness, put on the lights,
Shadow play from childhood calling.
Dropping explosive ****, these birds,
Hand of Doom has struck the hour.

Night of Finale, Satan waiting,
Hide deeper, the nukes come calling.
Burning homes, factories & inns,
Satan shying, wraps His wings
Oh Satan!
Even Satan is scared of the human violence.

My HP Poem #1955
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2022 · 724
You’re My Happiness
Àŧùl Jul 2022
You're my happiness,
You just don't know it yet, honey.
I'm your life-force,
You just don't know it yet, honey.
You're my happiness,
You just don't know it yet, honey.

You live close to my heart,
You stay with me on my mind,
If you are not here, oh beauty,
What's my biography?
If you are not here, oh beauty,
What's my biography?

You're synced with me,
You just don't know it yet, honey.
You're synced with me,
You just don't know it yet, honey.
You're my happiness,
You just don't know it yet, honey.
I'm your life-force,
You don't know it yet, honey.
Translation of my original song lyrics.
My HP Poem #1954
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2022 · 1.9k
Àŧùl Jul 2022
Love is life.
Love is eternal.
Love is forever.

So what if the candidates of my love keep changing?
I am constant and truly love myself.

One day I shall be a little less lonely.
My HP Poem #1953
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2022 · 1.3k
Her Love
Àŧùl Jul 2022
Decoding Her Reply

I text her, “I Love You, Missy.
Do you love me too?”
She replies,
“In a particular language,
I want you dead is coded as wv bl dy rr
My love is eternal is coded as vg rh ol nb
You are very sweet is coded as hd ev zi bl
I hate you stupid is coded as hg bl sy rr
She pauses, as if for an eternity, before continuing,
“In that language, my answer is,
gl bl ol rr
You decode it, lover boy.”

Now what does she mean???
My HP Poem #1952
©Atul Kaushal
Jun 2022 · 412
Lovely Day
Àŧùl Jun 2022
Such a lovely day,
And it's mine,
The most loveliest day of my life.

Such a lovely day,
Should be grand,
It's a day that I can stand.

The most loveliest day of my life,
The most loveliest day of my life.

Such a lovely day,
Should always exist,
It's a day that I'll always miss.

Such a lovely day,
And it's mine,
The most loveliest day of my life.

And if you go,
I wanna go with you.

And if you ***,
I wanna *** with you.

Take your hand and fly away.

The most loveliest day of my life.
The most loveliest day of my life.
The most loveliest day of my life.

Such a lovely day,
And it's mine,
It's a day that I'll always miss.
Modified the lyrics to the masterpiece by System of a Down called “Lonely Day.”
My HP Poem #1951
©Atul Kaushal
Jan 2022 · 711
Àŧùl Jan 2022
In Bhaarat, the Lok Sabha
Requires a 10th attendance
To function.

Yet, they hardly work,
But they consume
Our resources.
My HP Poem #1950
©Atul Kaushal
Dec 2021 · 610
Aeonian Love
Àŧùl Dec 2021
Just like myself,
My love lasts forever,
But not for just one entity,
I love everyone equally.
I should love my creation,
Should I not?
My HP Poem #1949
©Atul Kaushal
Oct 2021 · 1.5k
Feel Free
Àŧùl Oct 2021
Today, I feel free,
Free to love you,
Yes, I do feel so...

Today, I feel possessed,
Possessed by you,
Yes, I am so...

Today, I feel happy,
Happy to be with you,
Yes, I want you only so...

Today, I feel obsessed,
Obsessed with your love,
Yes, I am totally obsessed...

Today, I feel closer to you,
I am closer to your lips,
Yes, I hold your hips...

Today, I feel lifted up,
Up until the dark sky,
Yes, you are my light.

Today, I feel entangled,
Entangled in your slivers,
Yes, you are the biggest star.
My HP Poem #1948
©Atul Kaushal
Oct 2021 · 1.5k
Àŧùl Oct 2021
The date was 15 August 1947,
And India became a dominion of the Crown.
It remained so until 26 January 1950,
When India became a Democratic Republic.
So, it was not before 26 January 1950,
When India became completely independent.

And they eulogise the bald old man,
As if it was only his non-violence.
No, credit it to the Azad Hind Fauj,
And more so to the broken British economy after the Second World War.

Correct me if you know better,
Take care to be mild.
To your words, apply some butter,
Do not be so wild.
Discussions are open.
My HP Poem #1947
©Atul Kaushal
Oct 2021 · 1.2k
When I Write A Love Poem
Àŧùl Oct 2021
When I write a love poem,
I make sure that it rhymes.
When I write a love poem,
I aim for her heart's chimes.
When I write a love poem,
I make sure to commit the crimes.
The crimes of loving truly,
And crimes of writing the truths.
The crimes of being lovely,
And crimes of romancing the youths.
My HP Poem #1946
©Atul Kaushal
Oct 2021 · 864
End Of The Great War
Àŧùl Oct 2021
Here it comes,
The great war it's called.
Stuck you're since eons,
But good news comes with the herald.

The war will be over soon,
You can finally return home.
Don't celebrate your loss,
You lost many friends.

Those friends that died,
You sang melodies with them.
Melodies to the Goddess of death,
Melodies to the wife at home.

Now be strong,
And move along.
For they are dead,
And the dead don't return.

This war showed you a lot,
A lot that matters to you.
Friends are like leaves,
They are lost in the wind.
My HP Poem #1945
©Atul Kaushal
Oct 2021 · 1.3k
Bank on Your Own Love
Àŧùl Oct 2021
They all seem to fade away,
They drift farther everyday.

One day comes and you are lonely,
Love yourself as you're yours only.

They're mortal & so is everything,
As for me, I don't know anything.
My HP Poem #1944
©Atul Kaushal
Oct 2021 · 851
Gyrations of Grey Matter
Àŧùl Oct 2021
A striking increase in absorbance of DNA upon denaturation is known as the hyperchromic effect.
The two strands of DNA are bound together mainly by the stacking interactions, hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic effect between the complementary bases.

In their native state, the bases of DNA absorb light in the 260-nm wavelength region.

When the bases become unstacked, the wavelength of maximum absorbance does not change, but the amount absorbed increases by 37%.
A double stranded DNA strand dissociating to two single strands produces a sharp cooperative transition.
Source: Wikipedia
My HP Poem #1943
©Atul Kaushal
Sep 2021 · 423
A Poet Is Someone Who
Àŧùl Sep 2021
A poet is someone who rhymes,
Or at least takes care of structures.
A poet is someone who just sings,
Or rather makes music of the verses.
A poet is someone who bleeds black,
Or even weeps a rainbow of phrases.
My HP Poem #1942
©Atul Kaushal
Aug 2021 · 310
I Love You
Àŧùl Aug 2021
You there,
I love you.
You are so sweet,
I admire you.
You are so sharp,
I like you.
You look less cute now,
But I bet you were the cutest child.
I love talking to myself,
This was about the kid in me.
My HP Poem #1941
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Aug 2021
Midriff burning sensation,
Exactly as if it will explode,
Nocturnal timings help,
Stark daylight is undesirable,
Troublesome five days,
Ripe burning inside the temple of life,
Under the wicked sky,
Awry is the cup for collection,
Lopsided is its construction.

Cusping the proof of life,
Unfailing burning sensation,
Pouting by the end of a month.
Phlegethon is a stream of fire or fiery light.
My HP Poem #1940
©Atul Kaushal
Aug 2021 · 2.9k
Àŧùl Aug 2021
Beyond sacred geometry,
Hides a dark secret.

A secret of stolen symbols,
And stolen concepts.
My HP Poem #1939
©Atul Kaushal
Aug 2021 · 990
The Gun In Our Bedroom
Àŧùl Aug 2021
I lay prone on the bed.
What's under me?
Under me is my gun,
This gun has a gazillion bullets,
What for? For shooting towards you,
And where are you?
You lie further underneath me,
You lie supine, with your hills grazing my torso.

I touch your soft hills with my strong hands,
And you make sounds in ecstasy, not the drug, but the experience.
My gun travels in & out of your *****,
And your nails dig deeper into my back.

You express pleasure,
My sweat drips on your throat.
You express pain,
My pace increases in ecstasy.

You start squirming underneath,
You vibrate furiously along me,
I shoot my excited gun at last,
What for?
No, not for taking your life,
But as you are my wedded wife,
Together we should create new life.

You whimper,
I whisper.
You cry,
I pry.
You are relieved,
I am pleased.
We are successful.
My HP Poem #1938
©Atul Kaushal
Aug 2021 · 1.9k
Àŧùl Aug 2021
In between my legs
is my missile and
I want to launch
it to your crotch.
My HP Poem #1937
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2021 · 3.2k
Hearty Wishes
Àŧùl Jul 2021
You are so beautiful,
As if right from my dream.

I'm very lucky that you are in my life,
To my thoughts, you give positivity.

Now soon be my wedded wife,
You are a blessing in disguise.

You are so mindful,
As if here to stay forever.
My HP Poem #1936
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2021 · 1.0k
Àŧùl Jul 2021
Even during the darkest of nights,
I am with this thought of my future,
Nothing scares me just enough to stop.

Even during the blackest of days,
I am with the memory of time past,
Nothing depresses me enough to pop.

Even during those hours of blues,
I dispel each of the purples in strait,
Because in being sad, I find just glop.
My HP Poem #1935
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2021 · 646
Before I Fall Asleep
Àŧùl Jul 2021
Before I fall asleep,
Let me dream a little.
If I dream about you,
Will you dance with me?

Before I get nightmares,
Let me rhyme a little.
If I sing a song to you,
Will you make love with me?

Before I fall from heaven,
Let me prepare a little.
If I fall in love with you,
Will you promptly hold me?
My HP Poem #1934
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2021 · 912
Swansong: A Tribute?
Àŧùl Jul 2021
My new novel
Is now available
On the online circle
Of Amazon Kindle
As a soft copy eBook
And as a traditional
Hard copy novel

It set it in beyond COVID19 days,
Read what I write as a PhD scholar.
I know that China modified it,
Naturally, CoV won't affect us so much.
China altered it in the Wuhan lab,
They made it a novel Coronavirus,
They called it nCoV19, ask why,
Because they engineered it in 2019.

My novel talks about it,
This sin is punished,
Not just by India,
But also by USA,
And everyone sane,
There happens WW3,
The Negative Axis powers are:
China, North Korea & Pakistan

Indian Army has HuSaVe's,
Human Safety Vehicles,
Robotic suits that the DRDO creates.
China copies them,
Removes the human part,
And makes GHOST's,
Global Human Omission Safety Transformers.

The story is built with a lot of action, some technology and a bit of romance,
A lot of red shades make the story, some blues for it and a bit of pink,
For writing it, I wasted not a microlitre of real ink.

Indian Army comes up with TASIP,
Terrestrial Army Soldier Improvement Program,
And the protagonist, Ravindra Thakur is selected to be one of them.
He becomes a genetically modified soldier,
The DRDO has a specialist scientist Dr. Malakar who does it with his team,
CRISPR-Cas9 is used to elongate all his telomeres,
And now he has stronger chromosomes.

Ravindra & his batchmates can handle extreme doses of hormones,
Adrenalin, human growth hormone and testosterone to name a few,
These hormones can otherwise **** people in such high overdose,
But his sixth sense is strengthened and even the seventh & eighth senses top with those,
You begin to read it and if you can't put it down, blame it on me,
Cross-references to my previous novel help bring your heart closer,
Yes, the novel is sci-fi, army, diplomacy and hypothetically viable too.

My HP Poem #1933
©Atul Kaushal
May 2021 · 645
Àŧùl May 2021
I have learnt to seek happiness in my life,
My preparation isn’t just for a beautiful wife.

I banish sadness by a gazillion miles,
My aim is a persistent state of strong smiles.

If I can be happy with myself in loneliness,
Then I can be with my partner in happiness.
My HP Poem #1932
©Atul Kaushal
May 2021 · 370
Until I Am Alive
Àŧùl May 2021
Until I am alive,
In my heart you will thrive.
My HP Poem #1931
©Atul Kaushal
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