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1.2k · Jun 2021
Chlorine Running For Life
Raven Feels Jun 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, this is the reason I write;>

dark rainbow rays mirrored on a ferris wheel
a getaway car in an edged escape to night steal

neon lights shimmering to hit the blind
whisper the whistles for an old memory on kind

like music blasting from ages of dreamt youth
sirens delight a heaven to the soothe

instrumental of the better sometimes wilder
violins haven hearts of lost on minder

crowds beat in one
rockstar of a blast concert as if none

sweat painted down the back
shivering sensations never seem to black

a run for life from the poison killing attach
even when the loneliest matters or not without a match

heard before my days known in my mercury
just uranused with a flaw abroad the mild century

is it for a regret?
to keep this mere on an impossible met

yellow on the head
better hidden not said?

a smoking pulse on a midnight walk to anger
hair torn feet split on a single dancer

hell of a heartbreak on rhymes
driving on blades on knives

upon screams liberate a burning love rosed
rare nostalgia again miracled an incredulous indie overdosed

1.2k · May 2021
A Overwhelmous Together
Raven Feels May 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, sometimes strangers can become the holders of our deepest secrets:>

awaited so long so vast to confess a blurt out a must say

that my hopes came to the ultimate settle to the unspoken overwhelm of this May

hurdled in my lap like a shiny relief anticipation

hidden doors under that rag to a whole new brilliant creation

never have I ever came to express to redeem a share

in a chaotic crowd in a room for that daemon monster flare

bare me the tears

been shed been dear on the angel

on that blanket that saint of the painful

don't get this wrong it was a cry of surreal

of a friendship that I dreamt of a cherish

for those pure souls to come to an emotional peel

1.1k · Apr 2021
How Much Longer???
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, so grateful for all this overwhelming support--this motivates me to write even more--never thought people would even indulge what I write--thank you all so much <:<:<:<:<:

again you haunt again you prey

target my dreams on hopes of disarray

you know what that I like

seem to shield my tears from nights

drunk on a hell I feel I pleasurably delight

but what I don't

that biting hungover on the following bright

1.1k · Apr 2021
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, I wrote that so long that I don't even remember what I meant anymore???---:

it is what it is

she used the words

traced myths on the board

then changed the tints

all over the place she wished the hints

a miraculous visit

been bet on the mere illicit

for hemispheres to plan new dragonflies bare naked fishes

1.1k · Jul 2021
Flipped Worlds
Raven Feels Jul 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, feels=good ----- feelings=no good:(

the balance arises she points
illuminance not the right joint
like the sun overdosed in the sky
clouds disappear in the high
flipped worlds refraction in swords

in an instant speed
nightfall glitches in a scream
kiss the moon in a double tick
the fulls bright convincing a vision trick
save the day
in no way

spinal chords in the dark serenading the blue
but my colors drained from every single hue
the center of the system remains golden
confusion enlightens a feeling so broken
trapped the whole breathing
and my lungs are still bleeding

1.1k · Apr 2021
Surrender In Me
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, you can bleed without a shed of a drop of blood:}

in surrender to the real

a shirt is torn a cut was named a deal

for the release to greed then the skins to bleed

I draw you margins a put test to bend to kneel

to the torment in the heat you shoot to feel

in there where I see

no one has a view but me

your veins of pure temper dripping in jealousy

raise in no empathy

                                                       ­                ------ravenfeels
1.1k · May 2021
Always Better In Black
Raven Feels May 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, colors can talk too;>

it is in that exquisite essence on the back

that shivering sensation the veins in my feels lack

hearts appeal for them beats to unite in one track

fine lined my life in one trace in one blind attack

paint my sight into a favorite color of winter black

                                                         ­                    ------ravenfeels
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, that was the final part of this small-short-story;}

She unveiled a cashmirizing elegance to an appealing eye

She revealed her dim soul trusting the open hands

She carried her legs to the ground stepping out of her territory

She abandoned her angels and demons just to forget her fears

She tethered her sun to her moon

for that mesmerizing feeling he whispered into her ear  

1.1k · Apr 2021
The Gone Inevitable
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, stuck in crowds makes me yearn for the invisible:)

such a shame to wish the invisible

anymore not compromising with the ****** gone inevitable

doubt the crowd

all hate all loud

sprinkling poison drops in sounds

unmerciful on my exquisite highs of skied clouds

last night would never come past this already nor around

1.1k · Apr 2021
That Blue Ocean Flare
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, keep on writing---FOREVER:>

held in the captives of the sculptor

cherished in the arms of the cursor

chained in the locks of the resentment

braided in the sands of the ocean flare

stranded in the lands of malignity

betrayed in the tears of wanting need

loved in the daemons of my lies

1.1k · Apr 2021
No Cry
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, wonder for the above not the below:}

no cry

no baggage to fly

keep on stimulating the deny

or maybe the break that takes a taste a lie

over the clouds I'm high

don't know if I want to belong if I want to draw or die

1.1k · Jun 2021
But It's A Heartbroken Dream
Raven Feels Jun 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, when you wish upon a star
your dreams come true-Cliff Edwards---do they? :>

remember when you called us quits too soon
one year later in a **** same room
all the blacks and whites grayed out a little on me
but never returned the woods in thousand dreams

remember when you took that hug in a theft
burned the station down and couldn't hear a left
but things a carry a chocolate cake would never cut
all so small to you but me just a single much

remember when the ice we clanged and freed
even the cold I've missed the day you chose a fleeing cheat
all the hours and runs we held the hands and lilac
but I know again a no more a wont come back

remember the dark ages we bled and rhymed
cared and favored out on every other than not crime
all the shadows and hunts tracing the midnight sky
but the stars would never forget a lover's align

but my heart and soul would never know to draw a line
but my nights and getaways would never dim a dime
but my soul can't erase veins on violin classic chimes

1.1k · Jun 2021
June 20
Raven Feels Jun 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, in the middle the summer:]

one day
the twentieth of June knows no shame
comes back every year to call your name
breathes winds repressed in lungs forever
spits storms and yes in the middle the summer

seasons gloom
ashes are doomed
tears are pooled
in silence to float me the fool
dreams to a mercury's foot crumble
to awaken dark on a frowning stumble

a symphonious long
when hands twirl a touch
not you and me
in the song
ever alone crimed
that thing I called a one time
a sixth when parted lines

                                                         ­                                 -------ravenfeels
1.1k · Apr 2021
Her A---
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, a savior is not always a him---it can be a life situation that enlightens yours darks and guides you through the way;}

In a blink of an eye he spots her

Her captivating beauty in her damaged soul

Her reviving presence in her urge of nonexistence

Her blazing innocence in her burn lit cape

Her eye stark hidden in her dim look

Her charm in her thunder strikes

Her deprivation in her held breathes

In a blink of an eye he spots her from afar in a room of beasts

1.1k · Apr 2021
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, my lover is my bed;=]

chest to the bed

laying on my head

arches for the dead

they talk I know but in the air not said

1.1k · Mar 2022
A Summer Tale
Raven Feels Mar 2022
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, on the verges of spring:)

not all about that
yet all about me
the sleights redeemed too flat
taking things slowly

my stance
out of that delusional hand
still the intro of that kingdom dance
shook the sight demolishing one land

that debatable glance
the spark of something so vivid
scratched the hint of a chance
not my story & still not a person of livid

yet the better
some women listening to her weather in impact
yet delivering their letters
& they get a hold of a glorious contrast

1.1k · Apr 2021
Forget Forever
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, old scars don't hurt anymore:--\

you think the stain is stained

maybe your pain is pained

the reason not the same

my mind not like before not sane

close to the ear

hearts too near to cope a fear

love you not stares been for the lot

natural expression without a but

really boring lacking a plot

1.0k · Apr 2021
My Blues
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, do you know when you can't get him of your mind???---yup I just jut that down---again:]

the heavenly blues they contain

in the hellish echoes that remain

sealed in the air bitters and sweets clicks and blinks

close the drowns let it drink

silent yet so loud for the ears to bleed

keening in question marks

on the hungry pleads they feed

a staring moment to them a second in the blur

saved in the heart buried in the soul until the other occur

is it in a charming color

is it in a warming memory

is it in a meet of fated destiny

make it stop

make it stand

let it slip out stay in the hand

not for tonight for eternity

not for tomorrow for serenity

from a contagious bit of


a whispering musing dance of illusion

put the dare in the hence

it is then to keep to fence  

lies in there decomposed

so smoked so slow

lift the hem of my pillow

1.0k · Sep 2021
A Feels' Conspiracy
Raven Feels Sep 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, put old lines from different pieces and call it a poem:>

when fantasy is an exile from reality
our souls glide not exist
when the insensible is reasoned insensibly
our feelings become the blood flow itself on vessels knit

when we our found in a breathless surrounding somehow
our breathes are meaningful and we are blessed in
love on earth is some of what we imagined now
if we didn't find it on it we would have invented it

for the happiness is a factor
and the hope is hopeless without a smell of grace
so surreal of how the other's presence excludes the sad chapter
words on red cheeks become to faint in pace

the place empty on a canvas is painted
and the dark finds the light it never knew
after tongue pauses the say acquainted
to speak in stares that fill up the silence's hue

but fair is not fair for a reason
thoughts muffled like an invisible bottle of wine
the heart wins to a self mind treason
and the pearl burdens the ago better than a dime

1.0k · Apr 2021
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, God brings into your life the people that you need-- then takes them away when no longer needed but rather wanted--so aching to realize a life savior after years:]

Dana Dana

she child she friend

tanned with a brown horizon skirting

down her face down her drowns curling

from the first rays from the kid days

brought to her no she brought to me

above from the heavenly skies below from the wild seas

off the chain not ought for a long stance for a remain

yet that year that she guided her love to me

things I never thought a life saving would be

a miraculous human when no one cared in miserable matters

a lucky charm when the whole bracelet was scattered

now not in the place to stay she been destined to leave

yet I wish I told her how much she meant how much I feel

hearts ache when the Disney twinkling stars she visits

in the nights so pure so nice memories trail they miss it

Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, just something to share from my drafts:]

mess me once

mess me twice

split the deeds

then **** the ice

fly if high or die

bought them special in need for a bail

to my depressed longing vail

what if served no more

what if dead the excite I anticipate greedily is sore

not of a notice

not of a presence

brought to numb and sleep till reach of no heavens

return the air

in need of light despair

breaks of laws and mounts of odds and dares

no truth in compare

let the brush do its fair

she knows how to care

no one but her

I do not know yet aware

to you alone I declare

nowhere to be found you are here

1.0k · Jul 2021
Expired Sunset
Raven Feels Jul 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, and she dreams:?

expired sunset
a multicolored sky fired and met
wings of flee burnt rain
dawns of lasts in unseen flames

the table dines
lions chase forests of mine
like when the first sip shadowed
of the water green in lakes shallow

hands shot eyes intake
tremble ripped canvas of french fake
ashes unknown no name
to reach out faces or claim

polished the twenty third
out of the bathing bird
a Sunday morning motions
a faze of a dark table believed bad omen

1.0k · Nov 2021
Jupiter's Disguise
Raven Feels Nov 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, a lost poem<3

my pathetic desperacy
all epic with a naturalistic misery
angels hailed my numbers
now my calculations fumble
the rest
the equation unsettled on an aimless quest
everything has changed
but the undeserved trust is an ultimate unattained
my state in dooms
orbiting faces behind moons
a wreckage when asleep
like the neptunes called me
she said hit the lights
but the blinds blinded my sights
a little optimism whisks me hopeful
forget forever the features
that lulled me once to my breather
now something broken
don't worry nothing stolen
for me to stick for me to piece neat
queen the rusted diamonds under my seat
follow the heart's revolution
undercover not a solution
alone even if disappointing
even when betraying
let my allusions surf the six temples
shadows bathing my past resembles
to come clean
find the place beyond the cold mean
like the twirl of the system
no one else wanted to resist him
took me there
to the middle of no where
my dilemma is that frightened half
no good to steal no good to laugh
but with a wake up to them dreams such a slap
a wisdom's muse would eventually snap
stars dance
her sky tortures her glance
crimson red and she realizes
that the once for all so be it would summarize this
would the potion grant a pain?
the poison of them affairs regard my chained name
let go
just say yes to saying no
stay awake
don't sleep take a break
1.0k · Apr 2021
It's Like You---It's Like Me
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, name yours---;}

it is like I am waiting

waiting for those arms that would pull me out

it is like I am longing

longing for the past to find its way back

it is like I am fainting

fainting for a fake and a caring tear

it is like I am surviving

surviving cause it is too late to take a turn to let go

it is like the getting

getting of the cold in the bed of the tire in my head

and the pieces of glassed blood that is shed

it is like those breathless moments are taking

taking me down down down

Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, people are not what we want them to be:>

What makes him so intense

What makes him so mad that the clench of his jaw shapes him

What makes him so stiff that  his gesture of amusement  softens his infuriating rage

What makes him so confused that the irritate demeanor longs for more rather than ease

What makes him so wild that his nerves pace with tire of need

What makes him so boisterous that the favor of calmness portrays his body

That his ice breaks offering her the aspiring warm from his heat

992 · Jan 2022
Everything Is Butterflied
Raven Feels Jan 2022
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, the tick of another twenty third, & I'm still okay:>

I can't go back to the way it was
moonless nights a lost cause
a shineless sun not a ray she draws

I can come after the way it becomes
close my eyes nonetheless moon or sun
drown lavender's peace till the hurt of lungs

better than none & well
read the words this town won't spell
or maybe my remembrance of things I won't tell

                                                           ­                              -----ravenfeels
989 · Nov 2021
Curly Branches
Raven Feels Nov 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, November writes:}

felt my own selfishness
felt my own blindness
my underestimate
that fatal weight
of my own expressions carried
on upon other people's sights become buried
interactive confusion
paid the price to concealing them delusions
but when I look at her
I see me in skin bare
the old one who never tried
never been one to cry
that lost featured
that defeat creatured
in each eye across me that mockery
embraced for that heredity
not the only one I felt
blamed and met
ached a hurdle
to trace the burden
all nothing new
to an age which I won't be able to view
won't be able to perceive
under eyes won't be able to deceive
how is fairness unfair?
how is change a pit of despair?
eight and hours faint
to not be on paint
where is my heart now to be fooled?
where is my mind now to scream its soul?
where is my body now to regret those striped drools?
we swim in pools
our skies failed us with lies
don't convince me otherwise
maybe is not a maybe anymore just
for it to be a must
watching now I freeze
try to refuse try to not feel
betray myself
is a betray of herself
can't look in the eye all now
a scar would dig behind that frown
because memories from the inside
**** my pride
like some clown
hunt and drown

                                                               ­                      -------ravenfeels
975 · Feb 2022
Stumbling For A Stumble
Raven Feels Feb 2022
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, version two?

I feel content
for I thought it to be satisfaction in a poem sent
yet the polars are polars
despite a fine line in between growing bolder
for I define my own definition
satisfaction is the acceptance fulfilled
of having a cup half filled
yet content is the embrace of the enough
it's so humble to be touched
appreciating the made
for the reflection might be a blade
for the youth
for the drain for the truth
the empty half & the half full state
hoping for a better taste
from the cup before
lips to stumble none or nor

                                                            ­                     -------ravenfeels
970 · Apr 2021
On The Toilet Wall
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, just random stuff to share from my notes:>

                            twinkle twinkle in my head

                           a fairy tumbling into my bed

                      on a quest to the escape trips the feet

                     laughter spread wide on the concrete

                                hidden from the unseen

                              yet for the magic to appear

                             a glisten from afar not near

                                  holds before the gone

                        before the adventure or the run

                         silenced on trickles of embraces

              tattooed to the lips in drips from those chases

           unfunded to the dimples of the backs of the faces

                             to a welcoming of a nation

                            a whole new legacy a creation

            symphonies to my ears an incredulous fascination

                I rather the harmonious dancing pleasantries

                  that bring the chaos and back the pastries

                                  not of cakes not of candy

                                           of memories

                                     in a twist in a frown

                       the enchantment betrays and drowns

                      the lover into a fictional immortality

                           the kind that sweeps from reality

   to the hands of seconds on the visual symbols of conspiracy

                                      flustered by snow

                     into margins drunk on the laws of penalty

                       and the encounters of past familiarity

                      hums into the heights smoothed frights

                                     bet you a comeback

                                      in the final scene

                        the again everlasting so called calamity

                        not even knowing the costs or the price

                               hence on the steps they wise

                               an adornment so pure so nice

                                       simple for a ball

                                       unique for a fall

                                       on the toilet wall

                                    and the myth in the hall


                                                               ­                   -----ravenfeels
968 · Apr 2021
Every Breath That Breathe
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, love him so beautiful just like a dream to me:>

when I look at you

take a guess

take a prey

in the ultimate no guarantee of a getaway

drowned on the ears I remember

a sweet float of a sad sad serenade in a mad December

and that carry for lips for the bravery and the thrill

them that of the one that would never be killed

and I know I'm not alone

by these damns I'll be guided and waved along

944 · Apr 2021
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, what if I am a runaway not willing to remember???:]

possibility on a flying swing

maybe the moods maybe the winds

on my mind scarred on miles so pure so delicate

crumbling with the soon to forget forever drowned

don't know how far that red prison would grant me a benefit

lions scratching the waves of my pride

miss thirteen on lights of glory

fading on forest thorns and wilds before me

not even sure if you and me whispered in that stupid dark seen

                                                          ­                               ------ravenfeels
937 · Apr 2021
Old Tastes Different
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, once upon a long time ago there was too much to take:-)

once saw a scene

so mystical for the eyes to charm to sweep

got back after the longs after the years

looked again with a hope of an appeal

lips dried for the moment not the same

close my eyes escapes don't want more shame

breeze so cold for the fog to ****

the thing that made my heart on thrill

never come back no matter how brilliant

them those of the hunters stole old tastes to a different

935 · Apr 2021
Seven Hells Of Moons
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, life is a bliss in hell:}

your letters

spits I never want to breathe forever

knuckles you shoved into my back again never

but things may trail things may leave may dust

aiming for the swoons in my appeals an everlasting lust

skies upon the blues and the purples they stain

dances on seven hells of moons to remain

notes on ears on papers in the awake

heart and soul bared no more here at a paling so called stake

brushes braided in the befores

on this night

on this day

Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, expressing old emotions and letting them go later when you are better----makes you feel so powerful and proud of the place you are now in:]

She changed for a shady robe coating her scars

She passed across mirrors abandoning her fury

She levitated on an ocean of despise

and let the sorrow sink her in the deep

She cringed from the pity and hid under her veil

She heard the loudness of silence and companied the loneliness

924 · Apr 2021
Already Missing You
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, do you know what is more hurtful than missing a human???--missing a character from your dream--you can't even blame him in his face:\

met you last night in the gone

this will take a lot to be claimed to the bone

grinning crowns of versus been worn

to live to keep in those halls up torn

cold I keen shimmering in so dim so tight

a wholesome of neon light

elegant in blacks you trail you knight

a little too high

a little too low

way old for eyes to glow

sometimes loose sometimes harsh and stones

finally to me he saves approach

mesmerize and charm clasp arms and tease clarks

flying with you hell of a need a struck of a stark

know the way never minding no cry no pay

shoulder she presses

kisses she smolders

caressing bits n'pieces

a decay of something older no longer beholder

swoon her in brains

spread her in walls

in yellows and thunders always a smile

jarred well sworn to them all

swept to her feet

heart and soul

to your submit

I hate to admit

but things are lit

taste the rain

drown the pain

can't release your chain

in my sleep

your whispers seep

cut me so deep

from the pinkie touch

to the hold of the much

in the gazes unseen loud

in bet of middle of crowd

bring a right in your ignite of a strict detect

up taken so fished by your unbounding protect

get to you get to me

I struggle of these for you to be safe to see

foul me none not again

I fail dread in your essence

cant scribble cant write

things my heart wont come across a possible define

purple screams and black molds upon my wondrous

soul they dime and sore

not like others

heaven to you heaven to me

treat the lavishes then worship the envies

clot wounds gamble truths

just as nothing else I wont await no more

traced here

known where

forever in my heart

your place bewares

a necklace to the angels

to you took to you sold to you you win

take me forever

in the bordeaux I'm covered

already missing you

got me on clouds loving you

916 · Sep 2021
Dear 3023
Raven Feels Sep 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, a happy is a happy?

a second at a second
eyes knew something of a golden weapon
a minute at a minute
a sunrise's glitch before you know it
an hour at an hour
dinner a feast desert sour
a day at a day
one sunny one rainy all different says
a week at a week
Mondays lazy Fridays a smiley cheak
a month at a month
nothing permanent each a season at once
a year at a year
every beginning to the ending you near
a glance at a glance
still dont know the hallways of a billion stance

901 · Mar 2022
Let Me Be A Fool
Raven Feels Mar 2022
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, do you know what I don't know?

let me be a fool
one that slaps with cruel
leave some words for us leave some words for you
leave the past to dust leave the yellow floors too

let me be a fool
wear that memory on my neck & call it a jewel
seal the day of misery word by word in due
admire every single color in remembrance of every hue

let me be a fool
drown myself in that scent in that noise in that pool
dig the heels of my feet to the ground to keep me steady
never thought for an ever of a life I won't be ready

let me be a fool
the world of the never & delusions to rule
because them feels won't remain in the old self of every second
& no one gave me a hint to prepare what will & already threatened

                                                     ­                                       ------ravenfeels
885 · Jun 2021
I Belong With Me
Raven Feels Jun 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, the taste of hell makes us appreciate a life in heavens:)<<<33333

now the moral I view me
blind eyes open wide for the destined sea

heartbreak from a nonexistent lover or them harmonize
would never fail a cruel existence never restore I fantasize

gave the blood I lean blame to bleed
gave the ache I feel shame to plead

called the begs of the braided sirens
called the legs of the shaded horizons

knew the death of me anticipated on hope
just from that **** embraced on October eloped

sure getting rid of the brown brushed one face
what I regret is the hell of before brutally fazed

884 · Apr 2021
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, I hate deja vus-or not:

lines read and eyes grew

to an unspoken realization of deja vu

flames burnt and strokes ignite

to the regretting moment upon your hideous sight

wheels spun and tables turn

to the delve of my stomach it eventually churned

looks struck and gazes locked

to a cover of cornered arms it blocked

breaths stolen and visions blur

to invite the blaze to an open door

nerves bulge and cut the knives

to hit the heart of that levitating soul in those cursed midnights

for the years to flood and the memories to be remembered

to flourish dark days of delight to December

kicked the laws and loaded the guns of cries

to get that brain of wonders into a real peaceful state of mind

865 · Jun 2021
Mad World Diced
Raven Feels Jun 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, this is what life is supposed to feel like;-)

my slate so clean at best
that the last of the week made my retinas unshrink
on some quest

mad world out there I declare a leftover deal
push the past off the shields and embrace the real

with my jewels on ice
devils rolled on their dice

all through-and-through grateful
to the ultimate graceful

pardon me not
I am supposed me with a but

not giving luck a kick
just let flow on a brick

now in my wings I am highlighted galore
I love the painful me on the flying soar

                                                          ­                 -------ravenfeels
865 · Apr 2021
Just Take Me Away
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, our reality is covering the stashes of our unrealistic fantasies:}

take me away wherever you say

I am prone to your plead and dismay

hold me tight under the bright

just where we are undercover out of the hideous sights

pull me another and linger on me and my covers

for what will you deprive me of your taste of winters

and your shine of summers

861 · Jun 2021
Made Not Been
Raven Feels Jun 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, can you feel drunk even if you never tasted liquor??<P

is it in the truth that I can't seem to swallow
those moments in my head printed lies unsolved hollows

will summer dream come verges to break on cars?
guess a future based on drunk hangovers melting drinks on bars

hunted lone less stuck on a stinking flush
bad burning proof of before that would be the death of this rush

842 · Apr 2021
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, things can get brutal?:>

lost and found not seen not bound in the shackles of the bomb an aftermath

peroxiding a shoe hoping to get a flight out of the stew

no one knew

a chase a run a place no fun with bullets upon

in the known classes I see of drops of Mercury

behold bewined stand still in what you crime

hidden on those of the faces before

swept under the rug just for show

before the glint to come from below

Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, maybe we are granted the gift of falling for us to rise up stronger---never suppress what you are feeling even if it is bad---better to let go now rather than haunt you forever;>

Lost in her guiltiness she looks for peace

Lost in herself she looks for the truth

Lost in her mind she looks for a sense

Lost in her thoughts she looks for an escape

Lost in her own lands she realizes the emptiness

Then lost in her emptiness she gathers her bricks and stones

to shield up her demons into a indispensable wall

816 · Apr 2021
Me To Hate Me
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, leaving a chapter in your life behind is hard:\

aiming for the wants in avoiding the open door

that hasn't come nor to a closure nor to a snore

the abandoning makes my caged up daemons free in a temptation

a soured up cheese rottened to the core in no sensation

left for once for me to hate me an ever

blinded by the selfish pride-that stubborn is dying never

an await will not heal will not become a miracle

don't desire the heavens when the hells are your lyrical

813 · Apr 2021
My Pen
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, souls shatter up too:}

dear heart on glass

dear hands on a stance

dear soul on torns

dear fingers on tires

dear mind on empty

dear thoughts on screams

dear God on the heavenly winters

my pen is hindered

because of the dreams I refuse to remember

too hard for me to surrender

to cage my fury into fonts of lavender

I want them back

demand the need demand the lack

of the splutter of my nerves on the thrilling track

can life become more lifeless than that???!!!

want my body on a panic attack?

or the blades to sharpen their steeps their venture

to cut deep to flush the ink and stain it on keep

or maybe an abandonment

shut of the door they said they inclined

tires no more for a feel

811 · Apr 2021
Easy But Not
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, sometimes realization hits hard, like a suffocating breath:\

They broke her bones and scratched her pride

They whipped her skin and shattered her spirit

They locked her soul in her body

They stole her truth

and swept her dreams

and split her heart into a million piece

They deprived her of hope and kept her thirsty for a breath

795 · Apr 2021
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, some words turn to dust--no one to understand no one to value on land:\

hold the words save the rush

throw away turn to dust

in a hint an unwarned gush

leave to decay surrender to rust

upon a flash

upon a sleep

in a thousand nights and one they tear

on a heart of gold to dash

on breast to bare

no more they burn they fast

they swear

786 · Jul 2021
Eclipsed Expression
Raven Feels Jul 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, around midday? :>

double notice
focus to the unfocus
the light burnt now broken
so bright blind golden
nerves stitch the antidote of the unspoken
like the robot knew in the open
a wire functions him a moment stolen
the thunk already tornado thought chosen
permanent to memory hold in
eclipsed the expression from faces frozen
left hearts so cold so swollen

785 · May 2021
Hold On To The Moon
Raven Feels May 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, not in the right place these days:|

gods of my hells and heavens up in the believed skied

I swear no more a hold on to the moon no in me I lied

don't blame me

I tried my best for myself to save me

but those loves in the nights are making me hope and long

those of hugs and promises them people give me I yearn I wrong

I get so high to wake onto a fall

even lost springs and summers all can't hinder a devil crawl

                                                         ­                    --------ravenfeels
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