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780 · May 2021
Shut Down
Raven Feels May 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, I don't even know if I am her anymore:\

I am silenced beneath
dropped to rage in peace

I am aloned born
crafted head lonely worn

I am abused again
manipulated in blind to the said

I am saddened depressed
repressed too much till death

I am nightened a lot
mooned in the soul shot

I am painted black
darkened no rainbows seen back

I am cried tears
abandoned for good of fear

selfish no one cares
to see how human small I mere

777 · Jun 2021
Nice Try Mocked
Raven Feels Jun 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, not that I'm ungrateful----I found peace in the blindness---so redeem me my sight your highness:l

what's old from new???
float them hells been clenched in potted stew

stupid match made in the hit of the feels
underestimated for a mess that would strangle my wheels

road apart from the notice on a stair case scare
a moonshined a hazel dressing in a lonely flare

guitars mindless strings flaunt my flower spine
things a crushing one would never shower a define

nice try mocked
second even blocked

not sure a curse has been clocked ahead
sure thing plasters not for me cause I'm the dead

                                                          ­                 ------ravenfeels
775 · Apr 2021
As If---
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, let them talk---not even hearing;->

as if they talk

like to a fault they swirl to get a may

as if they walk the walk

like its not in me for this day

767 · Sep 2021
Empty Is Not Meaningless
Raven Feels Sep 2021

take that cape off of me
the one that makes me sit in empty
the never ending is all around
even spring notes taught altogether not enough to sound

where I was thrown situated
put me on an ignorant change
for the ones make me trusted people of strange

that's why I can't pave
through all the oceans every single wave
records feel like they rhyme somehow
when the now of old is the old of a future's now

                                                            ­                               ------ravenfeels
763 · Jun 2021
Flames Swallow Another
Raven Feels Jun 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, June *****-again-nice day!! :)

smeared upon a timeline
ran invisible funny suitable to my vision fine
as if ignored
guard unsolved

swear for that once and all
swear tears dried trickled no more
swear pounding fired hope is just words
swear that armor I wore must be permeable to swords
swear those lyrics are lost on right meanings
somethings are already ought to the bleeding

don't know how to shield
a break of relief of a happy scene from this contaminated field
crashed sad sirens
for which hell they belong silenced

hearts a singular crushed things a dilemma of clenching
flames swallow another
don't feed me a burn to forest ashed lovers

                                                        ­                                   ------ravenfeels
756 · Apr 2021
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, explaining is hard:--''

search the olds

never the least

clung onto hopes I hope to cheer

drag the stick and flick them bright in chains

get the ignite and force a light for to be fight in epic

756 · Jun 2021
Free Waste
Raven Feels Jun 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, listen to you when you speak or scream ;not me who said that:)

I wonder I ponder freedom bright
if what people read upon my sights

do they feel me in the ravens
because when I view others' dimes its a haven

even not poems on stones
novels have their power to sensate my bones

sour attachments I prize I pave
something to my heart to a  sweetest cinnamon save

736 · Apr 2021
Smudge The Torture
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, plastering a smile is torturous sometimes:\

smudge the torture and stand with pride

plaster a smile and the tears of grief you hide

cope a force and shred the cages breaking frees

rise even when the mockery spreads and the clock spits threes

change last years cape and stiffen the knife

hang just for you to get out of your strive

730 · Apr 2021
Souvenir From Past
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, friendships are like gold-so hard to find so easy to lose:]

on the border you await

eyes lighten up on the pupils dilate

shut up as always you sense

vulnerability on the walk so immense

when you embrace never flinch never haste

a rock you are on locked doors no waste

red sweaters on black disobey

even when unknown glances pass

a souvenir from past lives mass

719 · Apr 2021
Never In The Heart
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, trust is not always there for us:|

paint my portrait

with a finemet a doll

never in the heart

nor in the soul

always tainted in a jack

of a framed pretentious

unexplained miserable morg

Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, just keep swimming---the poems that are starting with the same words are a small-short story-hope you like it!!;}

When the sea engulfs the sun

When the moon perches from afar

When her eyes wander for the truth

When a shiver creeps into her spine lifting her shoulders

surrendering to the soft wind accepting her fate

When she dives into the silence and breathes the water into her lungs

When she chokes out her misery and torture then releases the chains of hurt and detest

When she arises from the blues and welcomes the darkness into her left pieces

When her walls are built up

669 · Apr 2021
One To Love One To Lose
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, everyone makes a meaning to others words---maybe that is why we are so very misunderstood;}

one to love one to lose

one to hate one to choose

one to want one to need

one to save one to leave

one to hurt one to dream

one to beg  one to see

one to care one to fight

one to day  one to night

one to live one to die

one to trust one to cheat

one to sun  one to moon

one to me   one to you

Raven Feels Jun 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, already wrote about this before: but can it be?

hung dislike in the air unspoken

the favors in the same feather interest leaves a heart broken

admitting an adornment lazily better than that

suspicion captains the dreamy sails been in moons and sat

hold up not that I forgot to mention seems

the remember you soulmated when crying belongs and screams

April smothered a sarcastic note that I humor like I flow like I do

not of him a think of the thinking a dumb pursue

because darling my whole existence fed on that all along

how could a world stance stars and align in one core wrong???

not that I die this crazy fate hate

at least been found on a irony of an abandoned twenty-third

                                                  ­                                    -----ravenfeels
659 · Apr 2021
A Letter To Little Me
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, just take a moment and appreciate the long journey that you've survived-it's the glory of a lifetime you can't sell nor buy;>

look how far have you gone

childish plays and dolls now all defined a woman grown

stars you wished upon did not shoot the shot you scored

yet gave you a lot than wisdom of twinkles and more

even better for a future of a strong self and bold

all those lonely nights in the lousy storms

turned out to be embraced by your daemons to a joyous old soul

one of a kind with struggles that no one knows to cherish to hold

ought for you to breathe and live and carry and mold

on your own blossomed and snowed

through summer bosoms and winters and highs and lows

through hells and heavens and sweet merciless hollows

anticipate in you a tomorrow of fruitful stores

things to save up for the upcoming open doors

                                                         ­                               --------ravenfeels
646 · Apr 2021
What If The---
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, I can go on forever:|

what if the worst I can't know anymore

what these fingers are capable are core

what if the blurs are getting to a hold

not even sure how I put that to the bold

what if I'm not here at all

still the same but number for the height of the fall

what if the tomorrow awaits no flesh no dark

the evermore I wrote is a fade is an invisible mark

621 · Dec 2021
Raven Feels Dec 2021

the light is promised
yet the dark is honest

Raven Feels May 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, a dream one week ago:9

when that world came to an end

I saw all the colors in hindsight-eyes bend

cheetahs brush the graves on a pupil in the browns they fade

kisses planted on necks for a goodbye imaginary mates no meet made

stake on the runs

cars jogging in place neon lights with no sun

the packed stuff stumble on frights and screams I can't shut

the hell does it mean when you're choked on fatal without a but

doors abandon left sensations in scare in must

breathes don't do any when opened after this disastrous dust

when the world came to a salty end

a smile in me shattered on no coming backs forever send

614 · Apr 2021
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, this number keeps haunting me---nice:]

spaced in faze spaced in shock

waiting for the hit of the clock upon us

jaded in here scattered in there

falling deeply into depths of despair

piles of threes and stashes in seven still unspoken fourteens

into the floors and walls of the magnificent heavens

count of one then a skip of a spree down

into curses of minutes in a bunch of twisted twenty threes

564 · Apr 2021
Not Anymore
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, can't make up my mind if the days of  before were better than the after:]

not even the light

in the dark I don't want anymore

but the dark in the light too comes so ******* my

days of before and after

551 · May 2021
I Hope The Same
Raven Feels May 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, happiness is a butterfly--not me who said that;•>

maybe I'm jealous

a little bit over the line than rebellious

that that me has got the glory of the dreamy night

where my me has got a hell day of a bore with no light

the await tasted so bitter so sweet

unguardedly catched my heart and swept my humble feet

the disgust of the heat ran my skies famished high the green grass

train wreck on the borders scattered in a bulk in a mass

olive skinned a human bare born alive after the long

from the blues I knew I beheld I fell eyes upon

drifted on waves tattooed to that arm to that vein

a word not sure in my memory still

or maybe from before remains

Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, just draft from Sunday's night;>

I pluck the petals and hold the case

a flinch I await in a stance in a haze

on the lights a thousand years a billion

upon the ferris wheel a starring love seconds gazillion

now better than seeking the already known truth the untold

even those the resembles and the follows come unfold

544 · Jul 2021
Act Of Stars
Raven Feels Jul 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, the moon surface is dark---and my feels are darker<3

his smile
made her tears run in miles
his blond sun
made the ocean waves miss the tides of fun
the old vinyl
now feels on revival

512 · Apr 2021
Him A---
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, check out my small-short story of several short poems on my page--- all starting with the same word---hope you like it!!!;}

He is fury

He is rage

He is vicious

He is gale

                                    ­                                               ------ravenfeels
488 · Nov 2021
Raven Feels Nov 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, dreams are the best part of the day<3

the daisy behind my ear
her hands so small held her so real
my heart beats for that earthy love
joined foreheads and looks from above
between that child let be
something never found within me
genuine pink smiles
to be loved with no lies
for a back then
was a time for everything
Raven Feels May 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, it's been a while; but through the harsh I can't even comprehend my feels, let alone put to the writing:-)

do you think I'm capable of writing???
because what I'm feeling is hell in front of the brutal I put into the typing
**** with bringing my torture to the rhyming

I don't get no sleep without tough
always be with a not enough
yet I miss that when not even when hurting much

I wanna-----feel
I wont say feel some love from the real
because I know that no one is there for me but in my dreams

so rest in peace my heart and grow
some bones that would crack and show
the past holds of the wisdom known

because happy sweet remains in the air to float
so high to reach too much for me the above ought
champagne problems destined sought

462 · Sep 2021
Cruel Existence
Raven Feels Sep 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, stupid dreams :L

standing in line
double sets of suns double sets of eyes
measuring distance should
be a cruel existence behind woods
hoping not at all one time before the fall
of one dreary night in September
a once in a once to remember
getting older
hanging crosses from other shoulders
problem on the days
all silent to the couldn't say
if the later flowers would stay
if the book's pages would decay
not in any in anyways

455 · Apr 2021
In The Blink
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, some days can be numb:\

in the instant blink of an eye

in the double slow tick of the clock

in the gloomy twitch of the sun

in the unnnotice of the dusk and the dawn

in the raw mere of blur

in the racing droplets down the tub

in the pretentious eyes of red

in the odorless stink of the day

in the companion of numbness

in the tasteless lines of wry disgust  

in the lyrics of merciful peace

438 · Feb 2022
And They Were Thinkers
Raven Feels Feb 2022
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, I know it's not just me:?

at the end of the day man is bound to that feeling of being lonely
the one that would devour his head severely yet slowly
maybe he's within the surroundings all through & in between
maybe he's already eaten into grounds he saw & yet hasn't seen
but eventually you are a mind & a mouth at the same
whoever you were wherever you are no matter your name
or maybe that's just me three a.m. in my bed
or maybe a reason is just blamed rather than said
or maybe that's just us the ones living in our heads
or maybe the mind convinces so not to end up mad instead
the lonely truth of the pathetic human thread you carry somehow
ironically holds an expiry date even that one you thought of now

                                                            ­                        ------ravenfeels
426 · Oct 2023
Nowhere Near It
Raven Feels Oct 2023

I suggest
a humble
of a mere suggestion
for us to come
to stop
to deny learning about
the disgusting
magnificence of power
because if we do
we'll float under it
not within it
so let's just not
already we lack the plot
because we are nowhere
we're not even close
TO it

                                                      ­                                       ------ravenfeels
419 · Sep 2021
Till Those Seven Minutes
Raven Feels Sep 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, they say you watch your life's movie tape within seven minutes of death in a dream sequence--until then:>

missed like a petal snatched from a pollen
like fingertips awaying a piano's key in time stolen
like the crescent's dimmed half
like the rise of a dream and awoken stance
like a back's ache from a pen's hold and bled
like the burden on my wrist
and the heart's silenced beat in time twist
like when that will never be an again
for the seventh minute we meet in my brain so-----until then
412 · Apr 2022
Friday Ends
Raven Feels Apr 2022
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, a friend to a friend is a friend.

glued hands to the ground
begging & bowing helplessness to confusion
for they couldn't do nothing but stick around
& we were victims of those visions in conclusion

378 · Jun 2021
Bribe Me Some Moon
Raven Feels Jun 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, happy endings do not exist seems such':"

living am I ?
dreaming am I ?

those eternal flowers I sang for
not sure that once they became a past before

gave me the numb
but that's a feel try the empty sum

ride the winds surf the waves
survive a disbelief a miracle save

edge of persuasion for the night scene
selling a mirror some cheap steam

when did lasts come with no strive ???
like marine revolting on a tepid dive

a million burdens in hindsight say
yet awoken useless hells of away

is bliss the calm pre sin ???
a keep or a prize to pass by a temporary win

harder evasions into moments of surreal
now bribe me some moon to sign a deaf deal

313 · Aug 2021
This Time I Knew Her
Raven Feels Aug 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, August betrays:|

the mother of three rules heaven's light
the smile of an angel just like yesterday's moon so bright
how close life gets when snatched from upon other's sight
how death presents himself as a fascinating welcome
to dress the black and emerge tears to wear and become
the nights of pure laughter and stories of past kind
the way she endeared her husband and every child
her blood to the prince's kiss faded
the shining eyes of her daughters decayed and
a breath she couldn't make a dawn to a never
laid in her coffin the sleeping beauty of the forevers

                                                      ­                          --------ravenfeels
313 · Sep 2022
Luna 1523
Raven Feels Sep 2022
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, infinity=zero

Luna betrayed the Lady
& the scene glitched a definite into maybe
Luna betrayed the Lady
& my fourth hour seemed a little bit too hazy

                                                           ­                 ------ravenfeels
Raven Feels Oct 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, spooky season is back:>

I just got to say
rhyme in once then turn away
if lonely-I'm alone
if not then I'm crowded
if loving-I'm in pain
if not then I'm senseless
if hating-I'm cruel
if nice then I'm pleasing
if I sleep-I'm dead
if I don't then I'm a mess
if truthful-I'm vulnerable
if silent then I'm suppressed
if sad-I'm depressed
if happy then I'm guilty
306 · Oct 2023
The Pompeii Effect
Raven Feels Oct 2023
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, don't look for me, I don't think I'm there:)

since they've asked me
in attack
I'd tell them to
entertain me
with one good laugh
my once-upon-a-being sanity
the one that knows no dictionary
of some called rationality
the lack of individuality
been losing it so soon
in realization actually

about that
comes now:
our rational animal problem
is that we talk with our mouths
more than we do with our eyes
is it really an effort of a duality?
thinking that the first cancels the second
or that the second cancels the first
in comfort
when all it is
is the same 'rationality'
like we're stuck in that Pompeii

so don't ask
don't look for me there
I don't think I'm standing
upside down?
but if my mind fails to locate the joke
because of hesitancy in antiquity
then I'd ask you respectfully
to not ask your question
just let me be
initially be in frail
FROM the effect of it or WITHIN it
all in trail

                                                          ­                       ------ravenfeels
292 · Apr 2021
Raven Feels Apr 2021
No hurt just grief

No vengeance just hatred

No aggression just numbness

No wounds just scars

No angels just daemons

                                                      ­           -----raven feels
263 · Oct 2022
Raven Feels Oct 2022
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE,'s just October:)

place in me
one where my lungs bleaches with fibrosis
& I let it be
yet not even upon professional diagnosis

place in me
one where my lungs are empty
& I let it be
yet still nothing comes subtly

place in me
one that thinks of a third lung
& I let it be
yet sometimes the dull are somewhat young

upon one climate change
aching for sickness is the sickness
nothing comes of the desired range
& it becomes a matter of critical forgiveness

254 · Jun 2022
Raven Feels Jun 2022
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, happy WednesdaY:)

wanting my right to be wrong
wanting my faith idolizing the strong
what is it with that await for the peace?
when I already could dig that peace in me
238 · Apr 2022
Raven Feels Apr 2022
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, still moving?

that ego of mine
will be the death of that spine
that nose in the sky
in dooms when thinking a fly
like black & white tiles
still moving right & left not high
can't help the crave of the cold
the one for the illusionary stillness been sold
yet what coldness do you see?
the one that shelters a shell of pure heat in me?
foreigners despise them borders
them feels excluding a hexagonal soldier
do you indulge that part of my be?
the one them thoughts seem to poke my free?
or that urge to write the sights surrounding
worship the floor those souls float a grounding
don't ask which is which
let it comedown on me let it slip let it stitch
a reflection of the past some mindless ghosts fabricated
a reason to a reason to be reasoned on my chapters situated
clinging lines & yearning for the words to utter record letters
something for the universe to swallow in feathers
have them digestions rip in shreds their tongues
nauseate the trachea from those lungs
but I rest it forgive forgave & let it be away
forget not shall stay
tired of the things they never admit to a said
yet my satisfaction of looking back entrapped a bled
makes me deny a defeat
for the respite of jubilance wasn't a retreat
pushed my feet to that lake
put a pen to a paper & called me on stake
never have I ever said yes to a dawn
for that dusk my hopes come clean & drawn
jumping on one single foot loose
holding my own form on an one-ended-noose

                                                ­                      ------ravenfeels
231 · Mar 2022
12:23 P.M.
Raven Feels Mar 2022
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, I hate alarms:>

inspiration would never not be instantaneous

228 · Sep 2022
Raven Feels Sep 2022
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, six words are surely not enough:)

bestest view from a fish bowl

218 · Apr 2022
Take Me To Your Bookshelf
Raven Feels Apr 2022
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, stranger to me, could it be?

what kind of sin?
won't resemble your own self again?
placing your chest upon mine
not really the same spark now been drawn a line
the touch of a skeleton in hollow
literal meaning feels of the ribs in shallow
the tone of that fair skin wrapping the beat of your heart
what kind of distance rips a memory apart?
some a fear of the remembrance?
more like fear of forgetting the sequenced penance
change of pages isn't what I hate
more like the sense of loss it contains
the one a mind enters a loop of lies
& she sinks & she drowns & she dies
either leave me from myself
or take me to your bookshelf

                                                      ­                                 -----ravenfeels
191 · Jul 2022
First of June
Raven Feels Jul 2022
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, could've waited one year<3

first of June
five o'clock in the afternoon
an ending of too much too soon
things couldn't wait for the becoming of that moon

183 · Mar 2023
Over The Moon
Raven Feels Mar 2023
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, never ends like the start:)

realizations hit the realness of this unreal reality
into a plan against duality
double meaning in the words that we spoke
maybe a triple even for the connected lines that awoke
it was a talk over the moon
a walk over the one time ago one time soon
the storm doesn't leave a place for the empty nor the numb
the residue resides like a pulmonary toxicity to become
yet the floor permeates neither the cold nor the hot
& conversations fail to define the lot of lots
do the lights know their work of the past?
because such derivation isn't one seemingly last
doors know the end for an exchange
& the exchange of words, rather feels it became
& nothing comes next

                                                           ­                       ------ravenfeels
179 · Jul 2022
Raven Feels Jul 2022
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, July writes._.

prisoner am I
on the walls looking for who am I
in the shiver of the tea
the past steals of that sea
the invisible scratches on my back
the ones that scratch a roof to sleep painted black
all them those of the stacked shelves in handy
couldn't leave a page not a blank of the empty
does it rain in summer still?
because it's getting dusty on that exiled mountain hill
poems stale
the clock speaks in brail
blood trickles the nails
& the bitting has the audacity to fail
my toes to the feet demand a detach
not a new thing like a tree & its branch

                                                         ­                 ------ravenfeels
175 · Apr 2022
Raven Feels Apr 2022
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, some things can't be erased & it's better that way:>

for it's under the right eye
not for people to see until close they get
& I shall keep a smile wry
for a full one would conceal if I let

174 · Jun 2023
If It Must Or It Mustn't
Raven Feels Jun 2023
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, did I ever mention that my account's password is actually a repeated line on this page?(stupidity 101) :)

sometimes the blocking of the words
is better than them being said unfinished
& sometimes the say of them unfinished
is better than them being blocked
so which one is it of the above
if the battle of the must & the mustn't shall redeem
so which one is it all along
if the consequences of the last aren't showing the next
so which one is it
if it must or it mustn't

                                                        ­          ------ravenfeels
169 · Nov 2021
On The Subconscious' Dawn
Raven Feels Nov 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, something from October:)

in defeat
four years and the flames no treat
excused a remedy when hearts beat
finally believed the lie and we repeat

the given is the untaken
the backs won't laugh mistaken
the right before the edge in ache and
the life the happy the near forsaken

the ears scream splitting moments in half
not a memory not a photograph
all admitted taken bad paths
now owned polluted water I bathe those baths

can't underestimate
the oceans of the apart unloaded a weight
lipstick smashed a red line on our fate
something hung upon the forehead's lean on straight

the reason of the reason
in my muffled cries of silent treason
blame it on the unfaithful of a ****** season
one day of the tenth won't mean a single depletion

168 · Mar 2023
I Wouldn't Like---
Raven Feels Mar 2023
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, in the a.m. :

I would like to say
with no poetic disarray
your name on my tongue is on repeat
so scared to say it out while asleep

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