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Es tut mir so leid.
Ich fühle Bitterkeit.
Und unter Eitelkeit
Versteckt sich Angst und Neid.

Ich wünschte frei zu sein
Und freier noch zu denken.
Ich sehe meine Muster
Und will mich lieber ablenken.
Doch wünsche ich dir
Ich würde sie dir schenken.
Jeremy Betts Aug 29
To be honest,
I don't miss you
To be honest,
I'm lying

Communication plays a role in relationships.
Honesty and trust are found in friendships.
One looks for mutual emotional support. 
Relationships give a good report. 
In life, everyone needs companionship.

Economic security is a must in hardship.
Respect each other and do not skip.
Without these, everything will abort. 
Relation Ends
Unwanted emotions have no grip. 
Negative views of a person find a slip
Relationships go a long way, they report. 
Trust and understanding are to promote
Without which, there are no relationships. 
Relation Ends
Don't idly sing love songs to the wind ---
A troubled heart might be lurking near;
What a loathsome task to have to rescind
Loving words it was not meant to hear

Tread with caution, lest you wake the beast
That's held captive in some desperate heart;
When from its ******* Hope has been released,
It becomes fair game for Cupid's dart

Crumbs of Love that are carelessly tossed
Might be hungrily devoured in haste;
Once that bridge to Paradise has been crossed,
O, what pain when steps must be retraced!

Use due caution before you declare
Unwavering love to a distraught heart;
Deceitful words, though delivered with flair,
Carry the sting of a poisoned dart

Words of love are messengers of Hope
That allow earthbound hearts to take flight;
But lies and deceit weave the fatal rope
That binds lonely hearts to their sad plight
relahxe Jul 29
"She speaks before she thinks,"  
The lady said.  
For I was sitting calmly in my chair,  
Looking at my plate,  
Not knowing, yet again, what I did wrong.

I think before I speak,  
I speak before I think.  
What does that mean?  
For up until now,  
All that I said,  
All that I spoke,  
Was what I thought.  
And all that I thought, I spoke.

There was no filter.  
It was all coming right through my mouth,  
Just like the river passes through,  
The stones here and there,  
Flows through nature,  

But oh, how things have changed.  
Oh, how things have changed.  
All that I thought, I said,  
And all that I said, I thought.  
But oh, no longer.

For I have installed a permanent filter on my mouth,  
With holes so small, almost nothing passes through.  
The only way to be remotely acceptable for the world  
Is to walk around with that colander.  
With smaller holes, that is.

When did things become so complicated?  
Why is it that everything I say,  
Everything I think,  
I should keep it to myself?  
There is no way to share with anyone what's going on inside.

Because God forbid, they see who you truly are.  
God forbid they see who you truly are.  
God forbid they don't accept you.  
God forbid they reject you.

I don't need a colander on my mouth.  
I don't need it.  
I'll walk around with a free soul,  
Grounded in the belief that I have a good heart.

Whoever my words touch,  
They'll caress the right people  
And pinch the rest.

Because breathing has become more difficult.  
Because smiling has become more difficult.  

Because kissing is basically impossible.

That's why today,  
I take it off.  
Man Jul 9
Be the recluse,
Be the hermit,
And make your assessments of others
Based on short and fleeting interaction,
Drenched in the sweat of "purpose" & "agenda,"
And be met with statements
Which really convey nothing and rarely
Encapsulate honest thought in brevity
But are said only to end the conversation.
Close knit,
The threads choke,
Living your turtleneck life.
No collar to be turned up,
The cotton already hugs your throat;
Nothing to end abrupt,
That which never saw its start.
Those who talk
Simply to hear themselves,
Do they have anything to say?
Those with the blinders on,
They never see the entrance ramp
Neither the turn-offs
Till it's too late.
As with friends too many, but never enough;
Strangers are plenty, yet scarce is friendship
Man Jul 2
Fools will paint with broad strokes,
Throw large loops,
And apply utterly meaningless labels
To the wide swath of subjects
Which they will not even try to understand.
Common man & academic-
There will be many who approach you
With the guise of knowledge,
Some through the visage of an education,
But will speak and show
Their teaching was not adequate
Lacking and inappropriate.
Character defects? Poor teachers?
And, you ask, where do I fit?
What do I know?
Evidently more if you have the will to ask,
The strength to accept the honest answer.
Jeremy Betts Jun 27
I hate me
You hate me
I hate the fact
That's the only
Place where we
Can find honesty

Zywa Jun 18
He whinges, but I

know he is lying, maybe --

that's rather funny.
Poetic fictional essay "The beauty of the husband" (2001, Anne Carson), Tango IV

Collection "Loves Tricks Gains Pains in the 0s"
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