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Kiana Grace May 2014
I remember when I walked to my first day
of seventh grade
and having a panic attack
because I wouldn't know anyone
and my mouth always closed up around people

I remember when I passed out 2nd period in 8th grade
because I hadn't eaten anything
and how the next day
all the girls made a circle around me
to ask questions
because now I was interesting
since there was something wrong with me

I remember being "voted" the 3rd ugliest girl in my class
by all the boys
who thought it was funny
but even funnier that my two only friends
were the 1st and 2nd

I remember going home and looking at myself
and realizing I had never considered myself as anything
but cute or pretty
being ugly had never come to mind
until then

I remember the first time I was called beautiful
by a boy who wanted to kiss me
and I remember how being beautiful
ended when he no longer wanted to kiss me

I remember how I used another boy
to make myself beautiful again
because if someone wants to kiss me
                                                              ­    I must be worth something

I remember all of this
and I look forward to
when I can remember these things
and smile and shake my head
                                                            ­    because they don't hurt anymore.
still a work in progress
Daylight 4U2C Apr 2014
The first kid was a rat. Oh he was so crude and mean. He said:
"Make her eat that!" and pointed to dirt-drenched, ice cream.
The second kid was a sucker for shows. He laughed and such a stupid pose.
But girls have power too ya know.
Girls tend to be smart, and...oh no...
She scooped the food, tears down her eyes, bidding her last goodbyes. Up it went, leaving no traces....

Up to the sky! "Wham!" Into their faces. She laughed and ran on full speed. Jumped a bush and climbed a tree.

"She's like a squirrel!" The first boy yelled.
"Well get up there and push her down!"

The second boy was looking high.
The girl giggled and mocked "So boys do cry."
The second boy ran off, and chickened out.
The first boy said," I can get you no doubt!"
He hopped and hopped and grasped the first branch, then he swung and swung, but couldn't touch the next.
While he struggled so hard the girl, quietly climbed down.
He'd never figure, she was on the other side, on the ground.
She slowly tipped away and went on, back home.
The boys best learn their lessons, and leave this girl **alone
Comments? Hearts?
i Apr 2014
i need some kind
of tune, melody,
so i can take my mind
off my life,
and focus on
someone else's.
i need some kind
of words, sentences,
to ease the pain
that has been stabbing
my heart over and
over again.
i need some kind
of genre, rhyme,
to play in the
while i slowly,
and painfully
end my life.
Daylight 4U2C Jan 2014
A wicked woman told my love, "**** him and you will be free."
My love paused, and the wicked woman's old twig of a finger pointed off to me.
Love walked to me with tearful eyes, as if she had no choice.
I smiled wryly and told her in the softness of my voice, "Let it be done, and be free.
No sword is long enough to show my love for thee. No dagger, short enough to match my heart's beat.
So please my love, take your choice of my death. Choose what would be fit."
She didn't hesitate, just cry. She, slowly lifting a mirror from the dust.
I don't know why I felt I must, but I wiped the tears away just to savor her touch.
I looked into her sad blue eyes, just for one more glance. Then I shut my own.
I could feel her lift the mirror, this was her chance, let it be known.
A crashing blankness came down on me, soon after the last things I heard.
"I'm moving up, and you're moving down." These were her last words.
I didn't understand them then, but now I think I know.
She will one day be in the warm light, while I'm still stuck in the cold indigo.
I'd always run up the down escalator, like a crazy kid.
She always said, one day I'd trip.
And now I finally did.
i Mar 2014
be bold
be brave
the world is being hold
by the slave
that is worn out and old
digging his own grave.

— The End —