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659 · May 2016
Lost in Anger
Viseract May 2016
Got Hollywood Undead just stuck in my head
Playing on repeat, the words I dread
"Pull up my sleeve and see the pattern of my cuts!"
Just playing over and over, my brain is fcked

I used to wonder how good scars look
On the front page of this self-serving book
But now I know better, they just show weakness
Sometimes I look in the mirror and ask why I did this

It was because I felt the need
Suffering at the hands of my own greed
A red line drawn, a stinging pain
And a smile on my face again

But scars aren't all good, I mean they all have a story
How would you tell your friends, that you were falling
ck that, how would you tell your kids?
"I was messed up and that's why I did this?"

"I thought a scar would look good, but I became obsessed
With the idea that my wrist should be dressed
All up in red, my own pretty doll
A dimple on the cheek and a blade that stole?"

I don't think so

I had become obsessed, with the idea
That to cut myself was no sign of fear
So I did it when I was angry, when I was sad
Yeah that's right I did it when I was mad

Usually at myself, but sometimes at others
Made myself believe they'd go running to their mothers
After I'd finished with them, knuckles cracking
And a grimace as my flesh opened to cutting

Sometimes I'd be sad, so sad and depressed
Stuck in old habits or just down and messed
Either way, it was my way, my only way out
Turning to the razor when in any doubt

But I got ugly scars, on my torso and shoulder
On my leg, on my arm and places older
I can't remember them all, there's just too many
And I regret them all, and'll stay till I'm twenty

And some for longer
Although I certainly hope not
For these scars, these scars so horrible
Caused by a kid who in anger got lost
657 · Jun 2016
Viseract Jun 2016

Survival of the Fittest
ja-ku-ni-ku-kyo-sho-ku is its pronunciation
657 · May 2016
Viseract May 2016
"Are you human?"
"Do humans breathe if they're dead?"
"There's your answer".

I'm dead inside, my heart still beats
My presence gives people the creeps
I didn't mean to be this way
I'm the reason people stay away

And lay awake at night
Shivering, eyes wide with fright
I'm the reason people starve
And I'm the reason people fight!

I'm the dark surrounding the tunnel
The ever-present majority of the funnel
Stray off the path and you'll find me
And be as bad and ****** as me!

I'm the shadow through the woods
I'm the figure in the hood
I'm the violence you can't resist
I'm the reason depression persists!

I'm the dead that's breathing
I'm the pain you're bleeding
I'm the undead surrounding you
I'm the demon inside of you

So when you ask "are you human"?
You know now what the answer is
I'm the one to blame for all
The hatred and the pain
Not about me, obviously
654 · Sep 2016
Viseract Sep 2016
I wanna raise my voice
Hear my words carried off on stale air
As I gaze all around
I feel the judging stares

SHUT! THE! ****! UP!
Why can't I just be me?
SHUT! THE! ****! UP!
Why is this so hard?

I wanna run, I wanna hide
Can't release what I feel inside
It tears me apart, so slowly
I wanna go, can't stay anymore
Curl into a ball and....

Death marches the streets,
A parade of defeat
Showing off these victims

They all look like me...

You drown me in my hatred
Sanity, taken from me, confiscated
Removed without consent
And it gets better yet

I don't need you, I'd rather be alone
Leave me to my sorrow, my misery

I scream in complete silence
Subdued by my mind, red with violence
Fingers twitch and bones rattle
Fighting me, is my hardest battle

*And I've not won yet
653 · Oct 2015
Viseract Oct 2015
You tear apart your enemies
With Fangs of Steel
This unique weapon of yours
Defending your friends, is why you wield
Your weapon of fangs, your only shield

You rip out the hearts
Of those
Who appose
The ones close to your own heart

You hold those
Close to you
With the only thing you can do:
Protection, affection
In those Fangs of Steel
To love and to hate, humanity's fate
650 · Mar 2017
Viseract Mar 2017
My past was always blurred,
From when I was a child
All I knew from others was
I was angry, reckless, wild

I've recently learned the truth,
My eyes are growing wide
As the barrier within becomes
More a longer, broad divide

How do I love my parents
When two were not mine?
The other two were always gone
And this barrier just won't die

Biology didn't dictate
That she would ever try
When depression caught and set in
All she saw was failure, alive

Behind closed doors, physical
Or within her mind
She shut herself from me
From the world, alone she cried

But I cannot forgive
You were supposed to be there for me
Too young to understand her marriage
Didn't stop her cheating

Step Father didn't do much,
Believes her every lie
Made it the world of his past
But neither did he try

Father on deployment,
So the connection isn't there
I see it as a friendship
And it is too heavy to bear

Step Mother was a saint,
Made me fit again
But I have no love for her
Just respected as a friend

It's a hole deep inside of me
Like acid to my heart
My mother never tried,
And that tears me apart

Feeling so unloved, alone,
In sorrow
And although I have three houses
Not one of them is home.
Truth hurts... it disturbs me that... this is me...
649 · Jul 2016
Indescribable Past
Viseract Jul 2016
Red flashes and white
Black spots and no air
Fear of myself and fear of drowning
Time and experience are a snare

I am hydrophobic
So instead I love fire
A hatred and fear born for water
But fire and smoke guides me clear

I fear my own anger
I fear my own strength
I fear being helpless
More fears among my ranks

I fear giving up
I fear losing friends
I fear so many minor things
And the pain doesn't end

I hate all my mistakes
So in turn I hate myself
I guide it inward so that I can
Lend help to anyone else

I hate to hurt but I hurt myself
I still hate that I do this
But if I'm not hurting others
It must be good, if anger like mist

Clouds my mind rather than my vision
So that I envision terrible things
If no-one is there, it's aimed at me
So clear and vivid, unlike a dream

I picture the pain, or perhaps the death
And when I do, I'm short of breath
I talk to myself, oh maniac I am
But at least I can connect it to where it began
pretty shaken right now... I know it is somewhat riddled but this is my past
647 · Sep 2017
Viseract Sep 2017
It's all just cause and effect,
Protect and reject
Detect and defect,
Discard and collect

Trust in the trash,
Liars mix and match
Selling you the shady ****
That destroys every pact

Getting luck from a draw
The Irish in me is called
As my number is pulled
Adrenaline is pulled forth

But here is my call,
The Misfortunate fall
Around me stands doors
And all lead to closed corridors....
opportunity hits dead ends sometimes. so does luck, and so too do my relationships
645 · Aug 2016
A Lil' Ramble
Viseract Aug 2016
People hurt
Perfection is impossible
Efforts are put into both

No such thing as a perfect life
You can wish to be better, perhaps you can
But nobody can be the best

I tried to be the best
I wanted to be the best friend a guy can be
I have failed in this conquest

I placed efforts into Hippocrates Oath:
"First, Do No Harm"
Yet without meaning to I harmed anyway

Not just myself
No, this isn't me, me, me
As it always (usually) is

This is for my mates
And my friends
Difference being the genders involved

Mates are male,
Friends; female
Notice both start with the same letter?

That's me,
Organising things into some such logical order
To prevent falling into complete and utter chaos

It's a fixation of mine,
It just so happens it's also the way my mind works
Which even I, at times, fail to understand

My own mind; a concept, an idea,
One that at times fails itself
One that find self-harm acceptable, even understandable

I am such a hypocrite,
Instead of Hippocrates it's Hypocrites Oath:
"First, believe you won't do harm, believe it's bad,
And then do it anyway".

Some of this makes sense to you, Reader, I assume
Assuming that, of course, you can assume to know
What I assume you assume I'm talking about

Still following?
Okay, then I'm just rambling
Talking for no reason other than that I hate silence

I hate silence almost as much as I hate myself, at times
Silence is empty, like what I feel frequently
A genuine smile is a smile I wish to wear
(Not just to the Formal night I will be attending next year)

But how does one smile
When one has seen the truth of this world?
Cold, calculating and cruel, vicious and relentless

There is more wars then there are words to stop them
Only one world to hold these wars,
That at times words help to start

Not just talking about actual wars, either
Arguments that become full-blown hatred
Pain dosage as high as the painkillers to prevent them,
If not, higher...

I don't know what to think of myself,
Or this world that I live in
I've contemplated suicide on multiple accounts
Too "*****"to follow through...

But I have never done it, left, that is
I tried many, many, many times
But something... pulls me back

It's friendship. Family. Honour and Loyalty
I cannot leave those precious few I have
Until they themselves are gone

As long as everyone keeps living,
I guess I have to as well
Thank you for reading
*If you made it this far...
just had to get that out of my system. if you read the whole thing then thank you. If you got halfway through and got bored, or had a meeting to attend, a friend to befriend again... understandable. But I thank you all for your patience or (im)patience.
644 · Nov 2015
Moonshine Cave
Viseract Nov 2015
The cave that is my mind,
Quite unique, not hard to find
In the quiet, shifting gloom
Where leaves rustle and mushrooms bloom

Enter it, and the walls glow faintly,
Here time never runs out, it lasts indefinitely
See that light at the back of the cave?
It's actually a rather accommodating escape

Pass through the vines that grow thick and hang low,
From high above, a silvery glow
That sets the dew on the grass sparkling
A beautiful moth perched, it's perfection startling

Flowers of faint colours grow in the ground,
Of this hidden retreat, rarely found
Where all the best things I do keep
Within my mind's haven, it is easy to sleep
a different poem. I thought I'd write something more soothing, more...picturesque.
642 · Jul 2016
Monster in Me
Viseract Jul 2016
Me, me, me
Always me
Hiding away the monster
Hoping that nobody sees

I slip up sometimes
And a shudder through my spine
My head twitches to one side
And everything is red lines

Time for me to rise and make it end, once again
That voice in my head always putting me on edge
I talk to him sometimes, people think that I'm crazy
And perhaps I am, maybe, just maybe...

I growl in anger too,
A deep guttural sound
That makes people step away
That makes others turn around

I'm scared of my own monster
Perhaps you should be too
Because when I've had a **** day,
Target marked and he's hunting you
Maybe I'm the insane one here.... but it happens so rarely that I don't mind. Having a sense of power... its a confidence booster
642 · Feb 2016
Black Soul
Viseract Feb 2016
A black hole,
Swallows whole
***** out and
Devours my soul

No idea how I'll get it back
The stress gives me a heart attack
I need it inside of me
Even though it's pitch black

Need a vacuum
To consume
The black hole
And the soul it stole.
636 · Dec 2015
Wishes for Love
Viseract Dec 2015
Oh how this world spins fast,
Where a teenage life does barely last
As I remember events gone past

But for the future I seek
(Can I have a little peek?)
Some events I would like to occur
And to futuristic sight-seeing I will refer

I want to know if I am capable
Of something unmistakeable:
I want to love again

Have another young love
Be truly free, the soaring dove
633 · Sep 2017
Queen of Mine
Viseract Sep 2017
Hell, I'd run out on the street and hug a hobo
Just because it feels so good to not be flying solo
Low-key hopeless caught in action movie slow-mo
Heart racing, escalating my chest about to blow though

Tick tick kaboom, you made me more room
Rather than remove my mind roughly you made it real smooth
Laying awake til four only thinking of you
And all the things between us that i wanna pursue

Or kick-start or keep going,
These words wantonly flowing
I'm just saying what I'm thinking blindfolded i know it's glowing
The light around the edges telling me what i see
And what i see is my Queen amidst all of her beauty
I know you'll read this eventually. Love ya **
631 · Dec 2016
Open-Shut Case
Viseract Dec 2016
I find it hard to open up
When the times I have, I get shut
Told to get over, deal with the pain
But what if I told you that I'm not the same?

There have been times when my heart burned
Because I pined, because I yearned
A lost love that was but my first
Eaten like acid, removed by hearse

Or times when I wake up and feel so empty
Like why am I here, please just forget me
Open your mind and be released
From the torturous memories that are me

Or times when anger flared up inside
And I dared you to try to hide
I wanted to end you for the lies that you told
For all of the ******* you offered, you sold

But don't forget I get depressed too
And I wondered if I really was something you could lose
If I had the worth, if I meant something
I'd hear sad songs and alone I'd sing

And everything hurts ten times more
Then what ever emotions you've had before
So don't put me down and say I ain't strong
When I've been carrying this burden all along....
Saw a zodiac post on FB... it said my flaw was I don't tell others how I truly feel and I felt inspired to write this
630 · Aug 2016
Viseract Aug 2016
Love is bonding
Like a promise
Or like a curse
another 10w
Viseract Mar 2016
Don't fight me,
It's not worth it
To be put down so easy
After thinking you're top ****

I am so violent,
More so when silent,
Trust me you don't want pain that you'll feel
For days and days

Moon is up, Sun is down
In the dark of night my sanity drowns
Now a smile, was a frown
So giddy with freedom I laugh like a clown

Rip you up, bleed you out
Your body so dry like a summer's drought
I drink the pain of my victim
With razor blades that I inflict and

With a patience born from bloodlust
I'll shred you up and destroy our trust!

Don't fight me,
It's not worth it
To be put down so easy
After thinking you're top ****

I am so violent,
More so when silent,
Trust me you don't want pain that you'll feel
For days and days

Light and dark, two different sides
Like the division I have inside
From one to another, so easy to slide
So when you see me enjoy the ride!

I don't want to hurt you
Yet at the same time I so want to
I want you to run away
And stand and fight, show me your moves!

I think we should talk about this
(I really want to fight)
Because fighting seems so wrong
(Yet at the same time so right!)

Don't fight me,
It's not worth it
To be put down so easy
After thinking you're top ****

I am so violent,
More so when silent,
Trust me you don't want pain that you'll feel
For days and days

I think you should run away
Before the light starts to fade
Because the moment it hits night
*You'll wish you were outta sight
A metal song, actually. But still adding to my list of poems
624 · Apr 2016
Le Soleil
Viseract Apr 2016
Watch the Sun set
With hopes and regrets

Watch the Sun rise
Wondering what new surprise

Today will bring
Aaaaand part Two in five minutes
623 · Oct 2015
Conversations with My Equal
Viseract Oct 2015
Hidden agenda:
Thank you for following me .
My pseudonym is Li.
Feel free to message me anytime,
To refuse you would be a crime.
I am pretty much someone who is miserable.

Conor Blatchford:
What causes you
Your misery?
Is there anyway
You can be set free?

Hidden agenda:
Me just being me.
Only way i can be set free,
Is I am no longer who I was.

Conor Blatchford:
Talking to you like this
Amuses me so
I do believe
Our poetic answers will grow
Into a masterpiece
Of our talent
Speaking like so
A perfect balance

Hidden agenda:
A perfect balance?
Nothing is ever perfect.
A girl with many talents,
Constantly told she's a defect.

How can there ever be a balance?
When cowardism is valiance.
Heroes and honesty is incorrect.
When a socialite fails to connect.

Conor Blatchford:
You say nothing is ever perfect?
Our words in poems are
What they are about
Isn't perfect,
Not by far.

In chaos is balance
For balance rules all
Don't ever assume
That with imbalance you will fall

Hidden agenda:
Word in poems are relative.
The raven to an optimist,
Is more positive than negative.
The Telstra to an Optus.

The large and rich win,
The good are faces of sin.
The night lay await for stars,
While the stars spend on cars.

Speak of balance,
I'll show the negative outweighing,
Speak of union,
I'll show you utter absence.

Conor Blatchford:
We all sin for the good,
Or commit kindness out of devilish needs
So unobvious are we
When the Good do Devils Deeds

I do not find you a defect
For defection is an illusion
Of something far greater
Than a misplaced man's intrusion

You do not need to leave me
For i understand such pain
Humanity is give-and-take
One's loss, anothers gain

Hidden agenda:
Do what you must to succeed.
While you celebrate another bleed.
This is what Earth has become?
Soon enough trumpets and drum,
Will reign chaos and madness,
For how do we explain sadness?

Conor Blatchford:
Sadness is our deepest emotion
For this one, no cure, no potion
Yet it is natural, let it consume
And in your quiet darkness bloom
So when sadness finally does fade,
You'll be beautiful, many colours and shades

Hidden agenda:
Despair and sadness is our deepest emotion,
I agree with you but I despise the notion.
Let it eat you up, the monster will.
So consume past your fill,
Because behind sadness is a mask.
For some its an alcohol flask.

Conor Blatchford:
We are all monsters,
Are we not?
A bullet loaded
Into it's slot
The spin of the barrel,
The click of a trigger
Suicide or each other :
Which is quicker?
Sadness and Depression rule
The sickening truth; may cause one to fall
To the Demon that we have inside,
The inner killer we try to hide
It's a truth we can't deny
This sickness that we try to hide

And why?
Embrace who you are
For we are all all opposites
Of what we were supposed to be: a perfect angel, we failed it

So lay down the revolver
Give up on our affliction
Our sadness, jealousy,
Unneeded addiction

Hidden agenda:
At best all we can do is share the pain,
Celebrate our life and our death,
In a game of russian roulette.
Leave our minds to a permanent stain,
Which will result to our last breath.
Hands to fate and chance in set.

Are we all gentle giant,
Who stomp and destroy,
Over anyone defiant.
Or is there a different ploy?
After all we can't all be wearing disguise,
Some of us must go beyond and just rise.
To dream, to love, to see.
To feel and to cry with glee.

What I wanted to say: Alas, I agree with thee.
The first actual conversation that I've ever had with someone in poetic form. We did actually talk to each other like this, and it was great. Li L was this poets name, and than it became Hidden Agenda. Muchos Gracias, everyone. 1k views, and a poet who speaks in poetry. Thank you
621 · Mar 2016
Viseract Mar 2016
Twisted and malfunctioning
Dark when it is light
Cloud cover hides the Sun
And unveils the moon by night
Tribute to Brianna.
620 · Aug 2016
Viseract Aug 2016
I know you, you know me
We are one and the same
So how do you fight yourself
When it's a never-ending game?

Everything I do,
He counteracts as I expect
And every dark, insidious move he makes
Is a struggle to reject

When I was always told
That I'm not good enough
As a young kid I handled it well
I just shrugged it off

So when did opinions start mattering?
When did I become so influenced?
Was it opportunity, coincidence
Or some other, unknown incident?

How I've battled for so long
I guess remains an enigma
Even to the one in concern
Raises a puzzling air, a stigma

Myself, my misery, a mystery
Decipher it if you can
For the nine years I've tried so hard
Yet I still don't *understand
I want to know how I did it, how words never affected me like this... if someone, somewhere, has been in a situation like mine... this is an SOS. I need help!
620 · Apr 2016
I Don't Mind
Viseract Apr 2016
I don't mind
If you, in particular,
Waste my time

Any excuse to not do schoolwork
who does schoolwork when you can talk to your friends? I do, when the teacher is there.... but when he or she isn't....
620 · Sep 2016
Best Served Cold
Viseract Sep 2016
Being the bigger person
Is just a morally high ground
Based revenge
And one that does not seem at all..

But I prefer my revenge to be as low
As the person that acted wrong to me
So that they know my pain
It's called an equal footing
I would apologise for my inactivity, but most of you are probably cursing that I am back. That's humour by the way. If I was right, I reserve the right to say I knew it all along
Viseract Dec 2015
Sometimes, I snap
Some things that I wish I could take back
Because when I do them I catch flak
And I fall into a punishment trap

I just want to defend
All my friends
Until the end
As peacefully as I can
But my patience is easy to bend
And yet everyday I pretend

That I'm Mr Cool
Nobody's fool
Yet in fact I am a fool
For believing I could deceive you all
From the fall
Without  a warning call

But yet even when I persevere
I just can't and the results are always severe
You know they all say "no fear"
Yet I do and my eyes have shed many a tear

All I wanna do is just chill out,
Have some good times and not freak out
Share the fun and not the pain,
Did this all yesterday
Now I wanna do it all again

Living in the past
Thinking this is my last
Moment coz life is fast

But I
Tryin' to delay chance and fate
Open up this mystery crate
Look inside all I see is dead weight

That I carry in my chest
My inner demons I try to best
This annoying f*cking little pest
Eating my heart, wants my eternal rest

But I must stay alive
For my friends I must survive
Even if my demons deprive
Me of the the will to live that I possess inside but

All I wanna do is just chill out
Have some good times and not freak out
Share the fun and not the pain,
Did this all yesterday,
Now I wanna do it all again...

I wish for inner peace
And safety for those that I call friend
Save them all from myself
Don't wanna be nobody else
For honour and loyalty I will defend...

All I wanna do is just chill out
Have some good times and not freak out
Share the fun and not the pain,
Did this all yesterday,
Now I wanna do it all again

For my friends until the end
                                                             ­Â Â Â Â Â  Just chill out....
I will fight and I will defend
                                                          ­Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Don't freak out....
                                      Share the fun and not the pain,
                                             Did this all yesterday
                                       Now I wanna do it all again....
A rap, actually, but straight from the well where I store my poetry. :) enjoy!
618 · Jan 2017
Viseract Jan 2017
As I reminisce over you
I lick my dry and cracked lips
Your poison, so sweet
Sharp and pointed fingertips

Mixed and lonely
I'm caged by my own thoughts
Your scars, so perfect
Struggling I've fought

Love is just a masquerade for pain
My beauty hides a beast that has yet to be tamed
But I want you, need you, I'm so lonely
And my desires remain unnamed

My scars are raised in purple
Because I loved the pain
Ever since I met you
It hasn't been the same

Kiss the desolation,
Remove the isolation
Cleanse me of my sins
To yours, let me in

From prison to prison
Though yours seems like heaven
Take me, all of me
Better trapped then dead
Better trapped then dead
Better trapped then dead
"You can't destroy what you did not create"- inspired by Slipknot
618 · Feb 2018
Killing Crows
Viseract Feb 2018
There are the whispers that call the crows and these crows are numbered three. They are named Gullibility, Doubt and Misery

If ever a time you lose your strength or become lost amongst the pain, then these three crows will ensure you never find your way

Gullibility you see, with eyes as black as mud, has razor claws always red for he always draws first blood

Doubt is quite plain but with ruffled feathers greyed. Not so much the specialist, but is best amongst the plague

And finally swoops Misery, bloodied beak on black. The final move in a worn out soul, Death's merciful attack
probably my best work. ever.
617 · Mar 2016
Screaming Silence
Viseract Mar 2016
Sitting on this bench with a mask on my face
Wondering why I'm in such a desolate place
The cars rush past, and the traffic lights change
From morning to the afternoon everyday it's the same

Recently it seems
I prefer anonymity
With a skull half-mask in position
And nothing but silence around me

Stuck in my head
The one place that I dread
When thoughts beckon me
And my eyes fail to see

Surrounding me, lies the darkness
So bland yet so beautiful in all its' starkness
If I'm being honest
I prefer to hear the sound rather than silence

Welcome to my life
Where the light reflection from a knife
Can hold me captivated
Ensnares me, holds my gaze
Completely and utterly fixated

Where the flickering flames of fire
Make me want to click the lighter
And make my own little pyre
And watch it at my minds desire

In the midst of night
Where smoke rises in uncertain light
And quells my urge to fight
And encourages my desire to take flight

I can be so easily captivated....
So easily fixated...
Upon the simple things

Surrounding me, lies the darkness
So bland yet so beautiful in all its' starkness
If I'm being honest
I prefer to hear the sound rather than silence

Surrounding me, lies the darkness
So bland yet so beautiful in all its' starkness
If I'm being honest
I prefer to hear the sound rather than
This screaming silence
My new favourite song... yay :)
617 · Jun 2016
Viseract Jun 2016
A two word couple rarely used
In genuine terms, at least
But all too often, more than abused
Never in response to treat

And apologies are just the same
Said so carelessly, so carefree
Follows suit after a name
But meaningless, sadly

What are words without their meaning?
When used out of context
It meant something at the beginning
But the question is what’s next?

Will opinions come to have no value?
How about symbols, or hand signals?
As I said, use and abuse
So used the tongue does tingle

Compare that to human life
What makes us so unique?
We all have opinions and advice
And without being asked, openly critique

We push others down so we can get up
Why don’t we just learn to swim?
So we can go for long enough
Without bending someone to our whim

A life forced to enforce our own
Power corrupts, and corrupts absolutely
And these maddened actions we must condone
And do so resolutely.

Why do we keep ruining lives?
Not just others, but also our own
We punish either with words like knives
And suffer all alone

I preferred to shut my mouth
And say what doesn’t need saying
Everything would be what I’d talk about
But my emotions just kept on praying

Hiding behind a veil
That was a master façade
My smile hid all detail
So to myself I said “Au Revoir”

But they could not hide forever
My darkness lifted a little
So I tried piecing myself together
Labelled “Handle with Caution, for I am Brittle.”

But despite how hard I tried
I failed to be whole
My best interests were defied
And darkness enveloped my soul

What I once hid behind
Was now a part of me
When I realised, I died inside
And self-consciously admit defeat

My hands guided by hatred
For the weakness that was within
Energy so sapped I became faded
And my Nightmares would soon begin

For a year I found it hard to sleep
As I watched my friends be Butchered
With woe and sorrow I began to weep
In helplessness I was snookered

My friend had an idea for me
One I never dreamt
To try and incite a lucid dream
And to have my promise be kept

That I would protect my friends
No matter what the cost
A brave mental battle, with no happier end
And once done, I knew all was not lost

But inside my mind I found my meaning
Even through my lack of dreaming
That life is best had when not sleeping
And reminiscing memories of bleeding

Life is an experience
That defines who you are
Fill it with extravagance
And man will you go far
Or perhaps would this be better for my assignment than "Too Much, Too Little" or "Remember?" Please let me know
612 · Sep 2016
Simplistic Beauty
Viseract Sep 2016
Some people say I'm crazy
Others think I'm shady
When they try to picture my face
It gets a little hazy

But that's me,
Unseen and unnoticed
Unless I actually try
I get by with my coldness

Shadows and ice
I strike a match and fire's my prize
Just staring at a flame
Can make me realise

The simple things in life
Contain the most beauty
And it's the simple things in life that make
The supposed building blocks of you and me

Yet words are complex, often used to reject
Spat forth with no thinking, every day is a test
There's little beauty in words, when they are said with such venom
And the rate that they spit forth, you know how well it's selling

Black market the poison and it drips from the tongue
Spittle off the lips and small words make you dumb
Just remember the simplest things in life, like roses, have all the beauty
So every time I look inside I see a rose within me

But it has thorns too, and catches at my heart
The simple thing that is my life tries to rip itself apart
Torn by events and pretence I can't defend
Against such an attack, so successful when it won't end

Ending life is an option, don't forget it
But it's also a path full of darkness, I'm not pretending
I glared down that path at least a hundred times over
In my mind, on repeat, worth nothing to no-one

And I deny my sadness existence because it doesn't belong
In a world from a crazy, shady person because it's wrong
But keep in mind, all the time, that beauty remains plain
And it's the simple things in life that stop us going insane
611 · Jun 2016
Something to Say
Viseract Jun 2016
I was once told my life was too easy
That I never ever had it hard
That all my life all I had was the best
To say otherwise meant I was a ******

I rounded on that person,
Told them that they clearly didn't know me
And that it disappoints me
To know they know not the full story

My father was in the army for most of my life
Ever since I was a kid I'd walk onto the back porch
See him doing push-ups no matter the weather
Then I'd walk out again and he'd be gone

Teased at school for stupid things
Getting angry, sad and sorrowful
Woe is me, woe is me,
******* all I'm so **** angry

Diagnosed with Aspergers at the age of eight
Repetition and confusion lead me on to where I am today
Changed me, made me the man who's gonna pay
The man I hate, but it's too late, my chance is gone, flown away!

I cut myself up like I had the right
To lay down, give up and rest in my coffin and die
I felt bad about the world, angry and hurt
I did what I did because I thought I deserved!

With a mind like mine so ****** up inside
I screamed up at the stars and with these tears I cried
Watering the ground, at least I done something good
With this soul full of sins and hiding in a black hood

Here to reap, yeah it's reaping time
Murderous thoughts and a mind ready to commit crime
To **** a *****, make him suffer, make him feel my pain
Leave him in a ditch, throw away my weapons and get away

Wipe the blood off my blade
Look around and burn down what I made
Without knowing how to create

That one kid, stacking blocks in the corner
Thinking he's a builder, superior in every way
Then one day
He smashes it all up because his anger never fades
It stays

So yeah I got something to say
Open and close case face facts and admit
That my entire life, I've been wading through a pile of ****
So don't you dare ever tell me I haven't had it hard
Quote and quote
Think otherwise and that makes you a ******
Viseract May 2016
I know what it's like to be you,
Why you lock yourself away within your room

Hiding from the light
And embracing your artificial night
With the curtains drawn
And any hope gone
These shadowed faces,
These shadowed fears

I, too,
Was once like you
Everything was lost,
And everything was nothing
And nothing was all I had

Or so I thought,
I was so depressed
I didn't wanna get up,
Let alone get dressed

And sit at the table,
Fake smiles on my face
Laugh like I was happy,
Laugh like I was good

I talk too much
And talk too little
About what doesn't matter
And ignored those
Shadowed faces, my shadowed fears

I know why you hide
You've given up
Don't do that, sister
I'm here for you
Viseract Apr 2016
It's hard to write happy things
When I'm feeling sad
It's hard to talk and "walk the walk"
When I'm feeling mad

Most of the songs I write
Are when I'm angry or depressed
And you don't have to read them
If it makes you feel upset

I'd hate to make my readers feel
The worthlessness and pain that I often do
It's hard to know if my works are "bad"
So just read a line or two

And give it a like if you really do,
Don't like it out of pity
Because it will tempt me to continue
With little or no mercy

So please do not hurt yourself
By reading something violent
And make it even worse
By keeping complete silence

There is no need to do that
So read at your peril
Because whether I am angry or sad
'Tis the work of a devil
Yeah, please guys... if its problematic then don't read!
Viseract Jan 2016
Tweedle-dum, tweedle-dire,
I met a man who was all fire
"I fight for justice, I seek revenge,
I use violence to avenge".

Tweedle-dum, tweedle-dice
I met a man who was like ice
"I use my words to get my way
My tongue is a whip and you will pay".

Tweedle-dee, tweedle-dallow,
I met a man who was a shadow
"I keep secrets in the night,
Never exposing them to the light."

Tweedle-dee, he looked lost,
This angel I knew called Permafrost
"I do what I must to provide good advice,
Fate can wait and chance is but a dice."

Tweedle-o, oh I dare,
To tell you about a demon named Nightmare
"To **** you is my ultimate goal,
I'll bleed you out and devour your soul."

Tweedle-o, tweedle roolf,
I was surprised to meet a wolf
"I supply to those in need,
I protect and defend this wolf-pack I lead".

I realise I've been talking to myself
"Who am I, or am I someone else?"

I laugh and smile as I figure, in the end,
That I already know who I am

All of them, and they make me
I am Conor:
A wolf, an angel, a demon,
Two opposites and
A shadow
All under my name

Tweedle-o, that was easy,
Now you know what makes me.... me.

seems a little bit childish, but it fits :) enjoy. Oh, and before I go.... this one is to all my friends. I'm not that much of a mystery. Shock, horror, I'm not actually that complicated... *faint*
599 · Jul 2016
Viseract Jul 2016
I've tried
How I've tried
You pretend to know me,
Think you can see through every little lie,
Every little insignificant detail I provided about myself,
Who I was,
How I was

I try
I open my mouth but the words I wanna say
Get stuck
Probably behind these ****-ugly buck teeth of mine
So large as to block and distort
What I wanna say

I tried explaining
But once again the words evade me
Leaving me tongue tied, helpless, blind
Like when I promised I wouldn't cut again
And the next day
I did it anyway
I was guilty as **** but...

I tried explaining
I tried to tell you I had an addiction,
The cigarette of the steel
The LSD of that smooth handle
The speed of that burning sensation in my arm
As it opens up to someone who can't stop himself
He's shaking as he does it, silent, words evade him
Screams evade him
And so too do friends when he fails to say

You don't think he suffers enough?
You don't think keeping this promise is tough?
My mind is saying NO but only the part I control
And it's a scientific fact that you control
Only a small portion of your brain
It's not always in control
It's no override
It's no easy way out

The words he wants to scream
The words he wants to shout
People look at him, disappointed when he says
What he has done,
The sin that is bad habit
Like he can ******* CHOOSE
To be depressed at this ****-awful WORLD
That constantly SUPPRESSES him,
Kicks him into the gutter
And proceeds to STOMP HIM
"Oh, you didn't do this right" translates to
"Can you please do this again" becomes

If there's one thing I hate it's causing disappointment
If there's one thing I hate it's frowns
It's anger
It's hostility when all I ever tried to do

I told you I tried
I tried so ******* hard
I broke my back for you
I took twice the load
I never told anyone else
Because nobody else would care

All they ever did was stomp me into the gutter
And so I turned to the one thing that gave me pleasure
This ****** addiction
Where self-harm is okay
Everyone else harms me
So surely it's okay to do it to myself
a slam poem. I like doing these. it makes me feel drained afterwards, though
599 · Jul 2017
Just Breathe
Viseract Jul 2017
The very air I breathe is like poison to my system
Toxins in my veins, bravado slain, it's mischief
Wondering what's going on in my spectacular life
From the flames of a lighter to nomadic trips in the night

I'm a lost soul, a lone cause, I said that wrong
Just like everything else, bad lyrics to sad songs
I'm told to talk more, and told to talk less
A double standard board walk, a wooden plank into the depths

Coz we're all just fish food for ferocity, humanity
And if anything killed the cat it's curiosity, hilarity
Satisfaction: zero, this ain't the time to play hero
More or less to defend the rest and pass the test with a blue-coloured Biro

Pen to paper, ink the saviour, Jack be nimble; quick
Trying to do the right thing is worse than jumping candlesticks
I know I seem quite confident, give me the world I'll handle it
But you have to realise I'm only human with nightmares too imaginative

Just colouring in white pages to fill blank spaces
Is this just one for me or for the ages?
Because you can find a reason to smile in creation
But more reason to grin and laugh in the path to destruction
598 · Sep 2016
Viseract Sep 2016
If with but one word I could ******
Everything wrong with myself
And the world around me,
All I would think is:

597 · May 2016
Restarting Friendship
Viseract May 2016
My enemy, my enemy
Was really just innocent
Someone else is spreading rumours
These lies I have been fed

Lead to believe
Lead on and deceived
I'm sorry Georgia
I got it wrong, please believe me!

I feel so empty,
Devoid and so guilty
And maybe you don't trust me
But I'm using all my honesty

Apologies, apologies
My anger has blinded me
No hatred lies underneath
But neither do I feel anything!

I hope we can be friends again
And not be at the end again
I pray that we resolve this
And not get buried in more ****

I got a lotta catching up to do
So how's life going with you?
Do you still draw? Want to be a singer?
With them beats are you still a killer?

Still play Halo? Still a gamer?
Still hold on to that title of saviour?
I'm not obsessed with you, silence ended that
So how about we begin again?

I still write, as you can see
I no longer make myself bleed
My family, you see, they support me
And are trying to set me free

I still sing songs, I still play games
Even though my friends say tf2 is lame
I ride my bike places far away
And turn to the west to watch the sun fade

Not much has changed, except inside
Where my emotions refuse to hide
I still spill feelings, I anger easy
It gets real hard for me to rest in peace

Because I still have issues trying to sleep

Nice day today, isn't it?
My heart feels lighter, my mind is clearer, and I feel better. The storm has passed... for now
597 · Oct 2016
Viseract Oct 2016
Don't cry for me, for I am not bad
Hey now, settle down, no need to be sad
My perspective on life may be different to yours
But lucky you, and unlucky me, I've experienced more

This world was not ready for the unstable likes of me
They say I'm insane but I see all too clearly
So wipe away your tears love, we shall meet again
In a place far from here where the two are not the same
595 · Nov 2015
With 22 Words I ask...
Viseract Nov 2015
What is life?

Is it the care and compassion
Of a select few?
Or the whiplashing torment
Of those who hate you?
Seriously, though. What is life?
595 · Feb 2016
Fight or Flight
Viseract Feb 2016
Just run, don't fight
Sprint into the cold of night
Muscles pumping, no frostbite
Out the door and out of sight

Hands raised, on defence
Opponent has a death sentence
They swing wildly, stupid and reckless
Knuckles cracking, time to end this
Like if you fight, comment if you'd take flight
592 · Nov 2017
Play Me Like A Guitar
Viseract Nov 2017
Its funny how I can be dead in the brain
Only four hours sleep but still slaying stupid games
The people expect trust when its all turned to rust
Faulty; and your fault for letting it settle in the dust

Like hold up, wait a minute, you ******* me over
That logic you used there; are you certain you're sober?
Don't you dare try to pin your **** onto me
Just because I wont take a drink from a stagnant creek

I didn't come down in yesterdays rain
I know the difference between real and fake
I know when you're brewing an earthquake
I know enough to start making a change

I have the experience of a thousand words
Hidden behind bust lips, sounds left unheard
Vocal chords not humming, no six stringer strumming,
And buzzing like my phone does when lips start running

You could make a change too, stop and think
This relation is parched and needs new drinks
You've brought it all down, suffered in a drought,
Concocted some confusion and forged brand new doubts

I won't buy false gold no more, I'm no fool
Imma fix it up, but I need my tools
Stop acting like one too, start being a solution
You want me back? Well stop toying with my trust for your amusement
I don't need to name you. if this doesn't stick, imam peel you off. stop leeching my brainspace, stop being a ******* thorn in my ***, and pull yourself together
585 · Jun 2016
A Voice for Thoughts
Viseract Jun 2016
My thoughts need a voice
I just gotta make a choice
What should be said
And what should I keep in my head?

Pain is an experience I understand all too well
From the sting of winter to the inferno of Hell
The screams of torture you would never have heard
Because they stayed inside my head and stopped being words

They were in my throat but never left my mouth
Instead they turned tail and headed down south
They went into my heart, into my very soul
Took all the warmth from my body and turned it cold

Well-disposed warmth to others, unavailable to myself
That's when I started pretending to be someone else
So I convinced myself that love was all around
But in reality I had none for me and when I came to...

I hit the ground

Face first
In the dirt
Full of hurt

And I finally cried out
very true. everything is bottled up, poetry releases it but causes me to reminisce it too much. I am too in love with poetry to slow down though, let alone give up...
583 · May 2017
Viseract May 2017
The demonic doubts demand demolition as
Corruption cries to conscious construction
Like a magician with tricks up his sleeves
The Art of Illusion, to trick and deceive

When it comes to masks the masquerade wont last
The cracks of time pushing future, past
And presently resembling the arch-nemesis assembly
The crafting of crows to call back serenity

With harshened voices, hoarse from hearing
With blacked out eyes and sores still bleeding
The information stream no longer receiving
Dull and numb they succumb unfeeling

Death, destruction and ****** demise
Shuffling heads down and lowered eyes
To touch the spawn is to provoke what lies
Further than six feet under buried heights

To fall so soon is to embrace your doom
We all have clocks that cluck their tunes
A cuckoo clock that counts down too
Moments from eternal midnight you bloom

A lunar flower, lunaticus spores
You feel the rush from opened pores
The fear irrational yet perpetuates your heartbeat
The hands line up and the springs they squeak

Laying down and without a sound
The judgement of time, a crown renouned
A wooden box to return to Earth
What Earth condemned to live and learn
Probably one of my best
580 · Dec 2016
Viseract Dec 2016
A collision of energy
Your passion and purity
My will and practicality
Fused and refuse to detach

Now, I just hope it lasts
Wrote this a while ago, the person it was for is gone
578 · Nov 2015
Viseract Nov 2015
I wanna kick and scream
Tear down all the walls
Rip deep fingernail grooves
Up and down the halls

I wanna stick my fist through a wall
Punch and kick and slap
One thing I know from this for sure:
Secrets are a death trap
576 · Aug 2016
Viseract Aug 2016
I can't stay
I must go
Lost my way
There's no hope
The light fades
And I choke
On the blood
That I wrote
Into my skin
It's no sin
To tell you
I wish the end
Where did it begin?
From heartbreak
To broken friends...

I tried hard
Got nowhere
Saw Death
Got scared
Saw truth
It's not fair
Saw everything
You ever did!

Look I'm sorry
But how does one find hope
When all hope is gone?
Read carefully
576 · Feb 2016
Gone But Never Forgotten
Viseract Feb 2016
A Tribute to Boof, the Inside Dog of us Blatchfords
You lived your life
As best you could
But time was ticking,
Ticking away
We knew it would arrive
Just not so soon
We heard the ticking
Each and every day

You may be gone,
But will never be forgotten
Because right from the very start
You wormed your way into our heart
I just lost my dog, who has been a constant companion for close to thirteen years. You may be gone Boof, but you will never be forgotten
575 · Mar 2016
Viseract Mar 2016
Why do you harass me?
What did I do to you?
I don't think I deserve this
From Year 8 to now I just kept pushing through

You worked me up quite a bit
Couldn't control myself and I felt like ****
They say try not to let it get to you
But they don't know what it's like to be in my shoes

Take a deep breath and count to ten
I'll be breathing just fine when you swing by your neck
And count to ten? Don't be ridiculous
I'll be counting down if you give me some half-decent explosives

Because I like explosions,
Like the flashing red dots right behind my eyelids
You're my target now, stand centre stage
And see the fear in your eyes as you feel my rage!
This kid at school, ******* him... hasn't left me alone once. Throws food at me, kicked my f*cking soccerball on the roof, and got it down like 20mins later... went to do it again, too. And before all this? Names, names, names. F*ck him
574 · May 2016
Nightmares of the Past
Viseract May 2016
Long and dark corridors
A medical wing
Flickering fluorescent lights
And a man with a ring

Dressed all in black
Familiar scars
Passing windowed rooms
Reflecting faint fluorescent stars

Broken glass under boots
Mirroring the light
Whilst this man keeps moving forward
A wraith of the night

Steel-framed door
And a birthday passcode
2-1-0-9 and he's in
No light and all shadow

Just a window for a wall
And a Butchering freak
Bladed or blunted weapons
Bloodlust and fresh meat

******* are the innocent
Power to the psychopath
If there's one thing to be known
That ******* makes pain last

A torturous death causing
A tortured souls' song
In the throes of insanity
The Butcher sings along

And this doppelgänger of me
He quietly stands
Calmly watching friends die
As I clench my own hands

He may look like me
But that's where it ends
I'd give the world to save them all
But clearly Nightmares don't care
true story. I used to have nightmares of my friends being tortured to death and being unable to do anything. ask my friend Georgia about that one
573 · Oct 2016
Viseract Oct 2016
Riddles, may you waste my time
Whilst I search may I find a better rhyme
Mysteries may you consume my mind
To conceal the emotions running wild
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