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6.3k · Jun 2015
What Love is Like
Love is like a bottle with
the lid ******* to tight.
Try so hard to twist
and pry it open
but it spills all over and
then it feels like a glass half full
and a waste of -

Love is like a weird transition,
never know when it's coming, but
when it does, it just feels right.
5.2k · Oct 2015
breeze bending tops
rooted deep
faceted to growth
tips seeking light
scented sounds in needles
beautiful feminine formed spiral cones masculine inconspicuous pollinating
overlapping in season never ceasing a
   productive moment
never fallen, always green

Reminds me of eternal life
Psalm 1:1-3 "1 Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, 2 but whose delight is in the law of the Lord,and who meditates on his law day and night. 3 That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers."
3.9k · Sep 2015
Brings truth and life to my enemy.

God is Love.
Jesus showed us this Love.
For I was His enemy.

Delivered me
a package of His one Living True Word satisfying and made whole
Through Jesus Christ alone shall
"Enlightenment" be obtained
Retained and maintained as the
Constant that holds all things together
Colossians 1:17 "He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together"
3.0k · Feb 2018
He had to die.
All hope was lost when I was alone,
I cried a prayer that reached the throne.

Addicted to tears shaped like the cross,
I wept aloud and found that which I lost.

Like a baby without a breast
I was hungry and starved, I needed to rest.

Weak without food I could barely see,
that The King had prepared a feast right before me.

Bestowed a place at his table,
I found grace that was fatal.

"Eat and drink and be joyful,
by faith my hope is bountiful."

When Jesus made me cry,
I knew, that for me he had to die.
2.0k · Oct 2015
All I know
Is that
Love has
   Already won.
Even if you can't see love in every moment,

Doesn't change the fact that love already won the battle.

So endure the hardship and ask forgiveness for your own short comings so that others may experience the love you know is true.
1.9k · Sep 2018
House of Grace
By grace, through faith we are saved,
by the blood that Jesus has paid.

Completely God and completely man,
this Jesus was killed by human hand.

A sacrifice he was,
Jesus loves you, just because.

Resurrected from the dead,
Jesus is alive, no matter what is said.

Living and strong,
Jesus is with you, all your life long.

Jesus is building his house so big,
he wants you to come and see his Kingdom gig ;)

Your are loved.
You are blessed.

In the Kings righteousness,
you are dressed.
1.8k · Jun 2016
Calais Jungle
Migrant refugee
a place of temporary
community is everything for
The Afghan, Syrian, Iranian and Africans of all
from the jungle they came, to The Jungle they go.
A place to pass through hope
to go over to Dover and
beyond. Think so fond
of the other side.
Work, new life, peace
and family they seek.
On a journey to travel, men,
women and kids flee from
an evil chasing their race.
They stare death in its
face the whole way.
To leave it all behind in hope
to find that which is true.
Some French help, some unsure,
others come from afar
to serve and ask
"What can I do?"
to find there is nothing but to see.
Some pray and some say
"I will not stay"
after months of waiting
to leave with no more tricks in
their sleeve, oh Lord when
will they believe in this Jesus
who sets all free.
Calais is a city in France that borders Dover England separated by the English channel. Muslim refugees flee their nation as bombings increase in their neighborhoods from ISIS and other evils. By the time they have traveled through deserts and mountains fighting starvation and exposure to then drift across the Aegean Sea into Athens Greece, those who survive try to make it into the rest of Europe for freedom. Those few hundreds that make it out of Athens find themselves in a place called "The Jungle" in Calais, France. This is basically an old landfill that does not get used anymore, so the generous French government has made use of this space and has made a camp for the refugees in this place. Everyone who is there wants to continue moving to find more work and a better life. Hope and despair are a constant battle in these peoples reality. This refugee camp is called The Jungle because of the diversity of nations and culture represented in this community. What once was an official government camp for 1500 people is now surrounded by 5000 refugees in "tent shacks" and makeshift buildings provided by local ministries because no one plans on staying long term. But after a few years of a growing population, human attributes have made small businesses, shops and cafes with different communities in this vast landscape making every day life palatable for the people living in these  conditions. Every night people are trying to be smuggled across the English Channel on boat in anyway they can find.Hiding in a crate, truck and many others are a passport in their eyes as getting official paperwork in near impossible.
1.8k · Sep 2015
Holy Spirit
You can see it in their breath
Persuade   words
    Relayed   souls
Believe inside
            Faith does reside
Whose ears to hear
   Let listen let learn
Burden again
Salvation will win
1.7k · Sep 2016
The Great I AM
in thought of me
you took my fall
time and time again

know me now
you hear my plea
carry me through

listen to my soul
break my heart
build me up

in your love
is my fire kindled
in your love
is where my desire is set aflame

I AM, it is you that died for me
one death, one resurrection
one return, one judge

One Truth
Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty. (John 6:35)

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12)

I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. He will come in and go out, and find pasture. (John 10:9)

“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” (John 10:11)

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.” (John 11:25-26)

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)
1.7k · Jun 2015
Spider Man
Like a spider’s web
And all it’s delicate
It catches its prey
from afar
It preys with
And dines with gratitude

As the web of life
And all it’s delicate
Pray from afar
Pray with patience
The meal will come to you
And we shall dine together
In the web of Love
1.6k · Jul 2015
Freedom Mouse
This is my mouse
    Lives at my house
Sleeps in a cage
Lives on a shelf

Such a sweet mousey she is
    So forgiving
    Forever humble
I have a bashful mouse
    In side

Ignore the mouse and
    It will chew a hole to break free
Forgive the mouse, the hole will
    Still be there
Mousey just wants to run free
    It is a cute pet mouse
Domesticated from nature
    The instincts never die
For they live inside
Stand aside
There is a mouse
Coming through

I'd say you got a cute mousey too ;)
16For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. 17For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. 18Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.

John 3:16-18
1.5k · Sep 2018
P. S.
"Going to be late for dinner. Rush Hour!"

Playing with the Platypus
pretending the Preying Mantis
made a makers mark
on the playing cards
secret Joker Deck.

Sitting on the sticky stick of stickers.

Sitting in the setting set by the table setters.

Sitting on the soft sofa sipping the sour soda.

Alliterating the alternate wording worth alliterating.
1.5k · Sep 2015
One cup of coffee
Heals tapping on the
Wooden floor creaking
Under the weight
Of time and weather like
The wind and steam
Of the machine in
The caffeine dream
Of the woman inside
The cup
Slowly burning my lips
At every breath taking sip
The words slip away
Coffee Fox is an actual coffee shop in Savannah GA
1.4k · Sep 2015
by pleasing
pray people pray
1.3k · Jan 2016
Inside Color
Red, gold, crystal white light.
    redemption food
first day break.
The dawn takes time away from me.
Maybe then they will all see
   how hidden inside of me
   the hole of hope hoping
   to hold me tight inside
Red and gold, crystal white
"let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven." Matthew 5:16
1.3k · Jan 2023
When The End?
The liars deepest lair,
The sinners widest court,
The deceivers tallest chair.

Tradition has come to pass,
Prophecy has come to full,
Teachings to the mass.

The Way is made as tradition,
The Truth is made as foolish,
The Life is made as religion.

When will We behold Thee Glory?
How soon will you make vengeance?
When will you end this story?

You will shout over me with joy,
I sing to you with praises,
You are my mighty Warrior who saves.
Reflection on Zephaniah 3:17
1.3k · Jul 2020
I am mad.
I am mad that work is toilsome.
I am mad that I do stupid things.
I am mad at ignorance.

I am mad that my back hurts.
I am mad at money.
I am mad at anxiety.

I am mad that rest is exhausting.
I am mad that I can't sleep through the night.
I am mad at my clouded mind.

I am mad that breathing and touching are dangerous.
I am mad at being told where and when I can go.
I am mad that people are sick.

I am mad that so much bad has happened.
I am mad because I am lonely.
I am mad at pride.

I am mad that social media gets me bent out of shape.
I am mad that we don't agree.
I am mad at fear.

I am mad that we hurt each other so much.
I am mad that I cry.
I am mad that I get so sad.

I am mad that depression captures me.
I am mad that I fail.
I am mad that I care what people think.

I am so mad about so much
but Jesus is still patient with me.
Sometime being mad is unavoidable. This doesn't make being mad a good thing, but we do have to acknowledge that it is a thing. Many things make many different people mad. Maybe you relate to some of these things. All I know, is at the end of the day, when I am mad, Jesus is still patient with me.
1.2k · Nov 2015
Good Morning
Good morning
Pink raised sun
Shine vibrant
Sun rays or is
Good Mourning
In beams to hope

Jesus will return clouded in glory
Eyes burn multitudes more than morning sun
Cloaked in purity
One Word in holiness
Helpless all will bend at knee shouting unworthy pleas
The time is nearing
His spoken sword piercing the just judgement
Can you feel the edge?
It cuts in the mind.
Either uncomfortable conviction
Or peaceful praise in His promises to come
1.1k · Sep 2016
I am growing a flower

'Twas rooted in good soil

I nurtured and watered my flower

It grew strong and bold in color.

Then a day came when foreign seed found its place and tainted thy soil

As nutrients became scarce

I poured more water so the soil became soft as I fought the foreign seed

I wept. My flower has rejected the nutrients from my water.

I fought till every foreign plant had been removed and rebuked their roots

I nurtured and watered my flower

It grew stronger and more bold in color

I have a new flower in full bloom.
Isaiah 40:8
"The flower fades, the grass withers, but the Word of God shall stand forever."
1.1k · Jun 2015
Forget About Buttons
Listen, at times I have a soul.

I think this a lot.
Imagine you are left for hours
looking through the doorway your
family walked in careful and deathless
with a quiet desire for time.

I wanted only the country side
of calm valleys to sleep
leaving me to my
mouth and tongue
to please the soul
at times
I listen
written from random words given to an audience
1.1k · Nov 2015
Leopards travel in leaps
Hunt by night
Disguised in dark coats in shadows

Sheep travel in herds
Herded by a shepherd
Guided by a familiar staff
   It's a relationship

A lamb is a sheep young in flesh to be butchered cleaned and eaten
Pure in age like a child
Mild in texture easy to swallow and digest and holds flavor

Leopards prey on sheep gone astray
Lambs are guided as special and protected in safety
The lamb is in the middle of the heard at all times so as the shepherd herds the flock the whole is protected around the lamb.

God is The Shepherd
His people are sheep to be guided
protected around The Lamb who is Jesus in the middle of the herd holding all together in the relationship with The Shepherd Staff which is His Word
The Lamb was butchered for our food to fill our souls with eternal nutrition that sustains all prey.

When The Angel of The Lord made know the Lamb of God and we as the flock, He knew what He was talking about even if we might not take the time to think through all of the parables Jesus told in all the facets of a parable.

Feast on The Lamb for his flesh was pure and salvation is not and end but a beginning to a new means of true life. Read His Word in the Bible and take to heart it's accuracy.
John 10:14 "I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me."
1.1k · Oct 2015
happiness is
to happening
changes from good to bad
it is joy be found in sorrows days
   true salvation came
by Jesus blood did take my blame
   subdued my shame
     in Jesus name I pray with love
Rejoice! make known!
everywhere His name is there
    the voice in side to bring us near
in His Word I see loud and clear
in struggle and strength
society gone away
happy and sad
It is Jesus Christ we need
for true life
to stay
1.0k · Jun 2015
Laundry Mat
Mono tone
Repeated Humm
Western on the screen
this place is
full of time
so many stories
washed away
by the same machine
over and
and over
It’s amazing to me
The filth in
A place of cleansing
1.0k · Jan 2023
Sitting in the Woods
The bear and the birds
The deer and the bees
I’m sitting in the woods.

The tender twigs
The daisy flowers
I’m gonna climb up on that mountain

Walk-in through the prairie
The ground hogs and mice
Are watching and scurrying all around

Oh what a stranger would give
To be sittin in the woods
With me this day.

I’m sitting in the woods
1.0k · Nov 2015
By noon
a day begun
twelve hours before
A thought had taken time away
It is a mystery to me
   how His infinite eyes have seen the dawn of days
It's my savior that lets me sleep
Hallelujah! my King is near
With the keys to life in death
Hades and Heaven in His grasp
It is my savior my soul to keep
Let me leap in joy
   leap in love
      leap in faith
I will land between light bright is His
By your Word I see in darkness
Lord I pray in Christ Jesus alone
As I lay my head to rest I'll
   wait to be home in
The Amen of good nights
   remove me from my sinful slumber
Repent in thankfulness for Jesus died with all sin on his neck and conquered death with authority to give life to those who call upon His name Jesus Christ Lord and Savior the Creator of all who was and is and is to come and was before all things and has made all things according to His plan and remains consistent from before time for Jesus is God of all. Tetelesti
996 · Feb 2018
the Heart of Treasure
... like a treasure chest sunk to the ocean deep.
Protected by the sea that only time can keep.
A map is laid out and a line is drawn
to find the X that marks that treasured icon.
When this is found and the treasure uncovered
this love comes out in something you have conjured.
Be wary of what you wish, for mystery is untold
By and by this love will cherish through the old.
How love will never wander from this wonder,
For awe is more precious than frankincense and myrrh.
The heart is like a treasure chest sunk to the ocean deep.
To find it is something I have given for you to keep.
Ladies, if a man has poured his heart out to you on valentines... Remember this poem. Most guys are not good at expressing themselves. Thats why we depend on holidays to use as an excuse to be emotionally honest. If you have to break a guys heart and tell him "no" on valentines, do so with gentleness. And beyond all emotional stress and anxiety of valentines season, black history month, spring right around the corner... Remember the words of Jesus, "lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
975 · Jun 2017
Southern Gospel
It’s that Southern Gospel
that Northern Revival
from the sunrise to the sunset, dusk to dawn.

First on the right then to the left, up and down
it’s a rhythmic tone, tuned to tune your heart

plucking that picking string
twang in that twilight night
how it feels oh so right

      this little light

sing that Gospel song
in that bright blue moonlight
   all night long!

Hear me sing
see me dance
let me laugh
    and shout out loud!

its that Sunrise Service,
that beach day baptism,
its that old hymnal message that never dies

never,   ever dies
that old old story of the righteous and the holy
that oh so sweet story of the Bethlehem baby born and raised.

He live to die so that I could die to live.
They call him good, I call him Lord
They call him teacher, I call him Savior
They call him Jesus, I call him King
963 · Jan 2023
Oh as the grass does grow
And the river does flow
When I hear the wind blow

It is then that I know

How He has made me
More unique than the tallest tree
More precious than the daintiest of bee
More close than that of the morning breeze

It is then that I see

How it is all his fame
That by his vein
And in his name
And with my shame

It is then that I proclaim

How He has kept his promise
Being the one who is sinless
Loving me when I did not want his kiss
He found me in my remise

It is then to see this


The One who was and is
And is to come
Who was then
And then was done

He is the Son
Of the One who made all to come

You know his name
He is without blame

But yet he came
To take away all the shame
And give us his first and precious name.

He is Jesus
962 · Sep 2020
coupe de grace
All hope was lost when I was alone,
I cried a prayer that reached the throne.

Addicted to tears shaped like the cross,
I wept aloud and found that which I lost.

Like a baby without a breast
I was hungry and starved, I needed to rest.

Weak without food I could barely see,
that The King had prepared a feast right before me.

Bestowed a place at his table,
I found grace that was fatal.

"Eat and drink and be joyful,
by faith my hope is bountiful."

When Jesus made me cry,
I knew, that for me he had to die.

By grace, through faith we are saved,
by the blood that Jesus has paid.

Completely God and completely man,
this Jesus was killed by human hand.

A sacrifice he was,
Jesus loves you, just because.

Resurrected from the dead,
Jesus is alive, no matter what is said.

Living and strong,
Jesus is with you, all your life long.

Jesus is building his house so big,
he wants you to come and see his Kingdom gig ;)

You are loved.
You are blessed.

In the Kings righteousness,
you are dressed.
Copyright 2020 coup de grace by Austin Woodruff

coup de grace (n.)
"a single blow or stroke, dispatching one condemned or mortally wounded to put an end to misery," 1690s, from French coup de grce, literally "stroke of grace;" the merciful death-blow that ends another's suffering. (Etymonline; Online Etymology Dictionary)
957 · Mar 2017
CADMIUM (48, Cd)
is a highly toxic, poisonous and soft metal used in many production processes, but mainly mixed with Sulfate to make the color yellow.

metal is suppose to be tough.
Not malleable, ductile and easily cut.
Polished to a lustrous finish but will corrode in due time.

I am Cadmium;
soft and easily cut, my finish does not last, I can be poisonous if you don't filter me.
But if you mix me correctly, I am a beautiful Yellow.
907 · Aug 2015
Typical Sacrifice
      after conclusion
Less is more
Depends what priority
Is or Be or Am
Apart from
A part of
What is
               this love
Struck from above
Down like a dove
From the sky He will come
     vision clouded by His glory
Return! listen letting ears to listen
900 · May 2016
When your joy
When your joy
    Enters my heart
I know not what to do
    In tears do you cleanse my soul
When you oh Lord
    Do call my name how I need you
Release me from my flesh
    Take me from my shame
On Calvary did you die
     From death did you rise
My Lord my God
     You are my prize
In the battle fought
     In the victory won
For my sins you atone
     Jesus I am yours alone
Oh Lord do bring your children home!
894 · Jun 2015
Marketing Nap
In a world with
communication developed to the
extent it is at globally.

It is amazing to me the
difficulty to communicate
forgiveness of the soul
on a common level.
873 · Oct 2015
There was a moment at midnight
lit by stars shining bright
shining down
    the moon lit night
the face from above
holy and right
just and pure
relieved of sin
shame set free
let it be known the light in side
that shines bright in the darkest of nights

we must come together
as the stars of Abraham
  we will shine brighter than the moon lit night
tonight is the night to make known the presence of sanctity in your soul.

one minute past midnight is tomorrow. so choose today who will be when you awake from the sinful slumber of this world
God came to this earth. His name is Jesus. He is the Christ of Salvation. He shed his blood for the sins of the world and all time. He conquered death and resurected Himself and showed us His power. Repent and seek knowledge from Gods Holy Word. He is sufficient. He will bless His children, as many as the stars, with eternal life in the presence of His glory. It is our choice to obey or disobey. And He is the judge of our consequences and the redeemer of our repentance.
851 · Nov 2015
here today.

another chance.

The Bible your grandma gave you!

I promise it has the power to save you
I believe in the name of Jesus who was before all things and all things were created by him and in him all things hold together in his righteous judgement for he is returning with wrath upon this world and will save his followers for it is by grace we are saved and by faith we follow and by The Word of God we live.
825 · Nov 2016
Davids Cord
"I heard there was a secret cord"
This cord I found
This cord is Christ

The note that's played


The instrument of God

"But you don't really care for music do you?"
807 · Nov 2016
Praise The Lord
PTL this morning!!!
Big and bold,
We praise him who the prophets of old
hoped and spoke of!
Praise him who we know,
him the faithful and true.
Praise him big!
Praise him bold!
801 · Nov 2015
Ever struggle so much that you find yourself in constant prayer wondering about this whole Jesus and eternal life thing?
John 14:6 "Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
All ears willing to hear,
   let listen.
We must not only be
   hearers of The Word,
but doers of The Word.
This is a call to action.
let this not be a simple
   reaction of emotion.
It is time to set our lives in motion.
It is the day to live a new way.
A renewing of our minds.
Together we must say,
   "It is time to live a new way!"
Speak loudly, persuade boldly
store up The Word in your hearts.
Salvation is your reason.
In Jesus Christ is our redemption.
Love like it's repetition.
God as my witness, this is my mission.
788 · Jun 2015
Women say I'm foolish.
Then baby your
My fools gold ;)
784 · Nov 2015
To Jesus
I am yours
All I owe to you
Humble you came
Glorious you ascended
Righteous you will return
This I know
For your love is the current in my veins
Inspired by the Psalmist
772 · Nov 2015
Still have questions
Having trouble with redemption?

Think of a gift card.
Starts with an urge to give the opportunity to use freely.
Then a purchase of a certain amount is made.
Then a card holds that amount.
Then it is gifted.
Then the giftee is accounted to redeem the amount to receive something freely.

So. With our Creator. Who wanted to gift us to be with him. He purchased a price. The price equal to a perfect eternal life. Enough to pay for the sins of all humanity. This price was bought by the amount of the pure blood of Jesus the son of God. And redemption is found in the resurrection of Jesus Christ so that we may choose to buy our salvation upon the sacrifice spent on the cross to be free from sin.

Eternal life is the gift. Jesus is the gift card. Heaven is the place we are receiving when we redeem this gift. Don't let your gift card expire. Go. And make the transaction.
John 14:6 New International Version
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
771 · Dec 2015
To cry frozen tears
the disaster master
Is after my heart

    To tear a tear from my eye

Like a cold winter storm
My core is frozen from sin

My God rips me apart
to build me up and fill my cup

The God I love never lets go of me
766 · Jul 2021
I don’t mind politics at holidays

and religion at restaurants.

I think out loud

And have lots of questions and comments.

I talk too loud

And tell dad jokes.

I wake up early in the morning

And make lots of noise.

I often spill

And make lots of messes.

Yet my wife loves me all the more!
747 · Oct 2015
When I am scared
I think of your face
I tremble at the thought
   of your voice
My body shivers at your beauty
Your eyes pierce my desires
Your love exhorts my heart
Trapped by your glory
Holy in light you gift
   purpose to life
You hold the keys and
   locked death away from me.
Life and death are Your judgment
Worthy Worthy Worthy is your name
You are God almighty
Thank you Jesus my Lord
   for bleeding my blood
for casting your net upon me
You hold me fast, faithful and true
Worthy! Worthy! Worthy! Is you
   my King
John 5:24 and Jesus said"Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears my word and belives him who sent me has eternal life. He does not come into judgement, but has passed from death to life."
743 · May 2017
This might be for you
the sound of Waltz Nocturne
   in A Minor,  does Chopin's rhythm a romantic duet's dance

played time and again by todays masters
re discovering the innocent genius of a child

the Waltz,
a composition to be heard in every generation to come
to bring romance and tears
to bring joy and humor

to bring a song for dance and the music of a memory

A musicians legacy might be just for you.
724 · Nov 2016
I will fight you with love
   I will cut you with kindness
      Submit you with a compassion

I will challenge you with the Word
I will win you with the Truth
I will show you the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
"my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11
718 · Nov 2015
Double Down























X chromosome
X factor


Jesus is the Alpha and Omega. Visions in the Old Testament are consistent through the truth of Jesus in the New Testament and are being fulfilled in the Revalation of Jesus Christ
715 · Oct 2015
Te Amo
Tengo mucho amor
El Señor
me da amor
para amarte!
Matthew 5:16 "In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven."
715 · Nov 2015
Going East
walking down the easy path
   as the sun sets west,
      lead by a lonesome shadow;
yet a new day dawns
    to realize
in Truth by the narrow path.
   step by step
      the sun rises to give new life.

To the East,
struggle and strife is strength to gain
salvations life.
Ephesians 4:23,24 "23 to be made new in the attitude of your minds; 24 to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness."

When Jesus died on the cross, the sun was fading in the darkest of nights. 'twas three days later the sun arose as He left the grave as New Life to give salvation to all who believe in Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord.
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