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Jeremy Betts Jun 15
Thoughts refusing to leave yesterday
Won't stay out of tomorrow
Aware of the price one might pay
For lingering in past sorrow
Or fearing a role one might play
In a future no one could know
Becoming oblivious to the passing of every present day
Standing at a crossroad like, "where'd today go?"

The bear and the birds
The deer and the bees
I’m sitting in the woods.

The tender twigs
The daisy flowers
I’m gonna climb up on that mountain

Walk-in through the prairie
The ground hogs and mice
Are watching and scurrying all around

Oh what a stranger would give
To be sittin in the woods
With me this day.

I’m sitting in the woods
TheBlackBird Aug 2021
Blue velvet flowers
born prisoners in the window
listen to your delicious
candy secrets and
breath them to the universe

You are haunted by
perfume and concrete
slow, lingering kisses
and the salt of her
soft wet lips
Man Jan 2021
i loved you
hell, i still do
though now its more a distant love
where i'll see you grown
and blossom on your own

it was nice to be close to you while you let me
and on some nights the thought of you
lingers on
hey, that's life though
Darkness lingers here because the wounds are deeper
Healing is hard when you don't want to get better
Darkness lingers here because you are a special kind of sick
The reality of death being your dearest wish
the darkness that lingers
I know now that
you can't be my
ray of sunshine,
yet you linger on
with your pale blue eyes.
Glenn Currier Nov 2020
By Glenn Currier

I saw the woman kneeling at his grave
weeping at his premature departure.
Were her tears a liquid bridge
between their love, their passionate past
and a new still aborning present?

My heart ached for her
thinking of the way they gave themselves to each other
and to a greater cause
and hoping
his life was a small stone
for building something
I recently saw a documentary: “Section 60 – Arlington National Cemetery.” It was beautifully done but it was so painful to watch, these women and men weeping and lingering at the grave sites of their loved ones fallen in the Iraq or Afghanistan wars. I had trouble articulating my feelings and the reason I sat through those painful beautiful scenes until the end of the film. I also wish to thank Sharon Talbot for her poem by the same title and for the idea for this poem. Sharon’s page:
Glenn Currier Oct 2020
This place is an oasis
in the midst of loneliness.
How could I be so lonely
while wrapped in your embrace?
For the poets on HePo
Esther Aug 2020
you know
if we never moved
perhaps we could stop time
everything would be frozen
in this infinite moment
the stars would stay in the same position
on this deep blue canvas
if we never left that beach
everything would stay still
if we never moved
you know
living our lives out in a painting, chasing after you beneath the stars 🌌
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