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TG Jul 2020

Focus on what you can control,
Focus on your motives,
Focus on what you want,
Focus on who you want to be,
Focus on your passion,
Focus on your capabilities,
Focus on your qualities,
Life is too short to be sad,
Life it too short to cry,
Life is too short to worry,
Life is too short to overthink,
Focus on your lifelong possibilities
julianna Jul 2019
A smile graced my face for the first time in a while
I saw the city and stood both in the darkness and the fire
I know my path, the same one that was written time before me
I know it’s meant to be, I’ve read the signs and productivity
A lot has been going on lately, but today I feel okay.
Emily Mar 2019
I've never been productive with my time-
I've written poetry and cried
Watched lovers love and die
Acted like I hadn't lied
Asked no one why, why, why-
But I have thought about things,
Things worthy of time.
Shawn B Jan 2018
Sometimes waking up hurts
Try sleeping all week
I slept a whole year once
Didn't get much done
Try Ten years
Less done

Waking up
and staying up
getting ready
and then doing something
I get more done

get up in the

I find if I get up in the morning and face a day it's better than sleeping all day. Most of the time, unless I had a bad week or something... ya. Get up and go, Think, Know (stuff, people, God), Be (someone), Do (something good, for you and others... or others and then you? But be prepared. that's what I'm telling myself).
Ivan Brooks Sr Jan 2018
Some days we are productive when we walk
Depending on where we go with the message
Some days we are destructive when we talk
Depending on the interpretation and usage.

Some days we can be helpful in our absence
Depending on the toxicity we bring with us
Some days we can do all these with our silence
Depending on the complexity of one's status .

Days of our our days control our lives?
Shawn B Feb 2017
"You wasting time being productive again"
(That wasn't a question)
Of course I am
"No, I am not"
(That was a joke)
I'm much more sofisticated
"Love me"
(I'm trying)
You spelled sophisticated wrong in you head I'm sure

"have a good day at work"

"Have a good day not being non-productively busy"
I'm still looking for work so I feel this way about our comings and goings. SB
breeze bending tops
rooted deep
faceted to growth
tips seeking light
scented sounds in needles
beautiful feminine formed spiral cones masculine inconspicuous pollinating
overlapping in season never ceasing a
   productive moment
never fallen, always green

Reminds me of eternal life
Psalm 1:1-3 "1 Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, 2 but whose delight is in the law of the Lord,and who meditates on his law day and night. 3 That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers."
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