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1.6k · Jul 2021
AFar And I'm Farther
Raven Feels Jul 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, cold bot still bold:)

just a visit
lifts the limits
for the color of blood to become a stranger
now my hopes are all in danger
do I avoid the future be a savior?
do I souvenir the past a cinnamon flavor?
people you knew
not pictures the memory drew
like the bone failed it pains
to sustain
then in blink to be fractured drained
the mirror cries with me
but in my head laughs and mocked screams
now not my territory
maybe a new ceremony
me attending alone
counting stars and skipping stones
am I the weird one?
the dresses on the opposite borders not fitting
on that ferris wheel I stay sitting
the skied view more interesting than the far party track
staring at one piece when the museum is packed

1.6k · Apr 2021
Purple Purple
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, colors are the reason we're alive---at least for me;>

purple purple

in my mind forced hurdled

been scraped on my timeline

been worn on my curves fine

yes the archer in the water associated

stupid but for the imagination to retake it

on those eyes that looked into my defenses

affection in the caresses

of my defined tenses

rather than that of the skies illuminated on beach

or hairs on backs so hard to bleach

now I see clearly

nothing but the signs that come freely

butterflies that I hate secret narrows

walls already painted threatening arrows

already loving for them hollows

                                                     ­                                 -------ravenfeels
1.6k · Apr 2021
Descend My Pride
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, pen ink cries too:(

fines that cant be identified on the near

or the writes put on paper they die they cry

got my reasons for the sacred peasants and held daemons

nurtured weapons earned upon various treasons

came surrendered on your questioned gazes

that i fond a sweet spot on my unsolved mazes

unhealthy for the mind

my ears brought up to a permanent blind

you descend my pride

to fault on knees loose

cut on shortage of scenarios to choose

amazement on the major dominance captive of my shoes

leading calls to a song never told never sold

1.6k · Apr 2021
To No One But Me
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, things called faded never were:3

losing hope on the the line
a beak of joy once in my lifetime

miracle from the ending
never want to manipulate a bending

the polar of the polar was at that stake
a back to back felt like a heart break

favourite on the eyes
no need for excuses or pathetic lies

goddesses of killers
breathed into a caterpillar

but the butterfly not to live ought to die
on a yellow leaf to rot and cry

a shoulder to hang on not written on that destiny
today of all days the dangerous whispers to bethany

how much of months are upcome to bare the yin
battle of love in a spiced up of a resentment called yang in

melody to fear
connected to the neck right there to the ear

to no one but me

1.6k · Apr 2021
To Be So Lonely
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, never and I mean ever skip a song because of a childish intro!!!LISTEN TILL THE END:>

blame me for my blind eye

hesitant on the hearing not the see it dies

blame me on the reason

my last years gone depressed season

began so dull so dumb a childish try

turns out to be so **** hard to deny

drunk on the chorus that switches its motives

its so called focus

pleasant for the ear

a fancy for the crescent defeater

one with a furious raged demeanor

on the mind a wild falling pleader

thief of previous cherry symphonious instrumental feeder

to be a runaway to the arrogant feels a betrayal

when it absolutely sways the Venuses to the ultimate portrayal

to be so precious a part in the hallway gone crazy gone jealous

to be so malefic in the addicting becoming a bit waste of the Chellos

to be so lonely on the glared faults

on the failed dreams of filling constant thoughts

repressed upon charmed up lingering past fonts

plastered on the admit

flustered on the submit

a fine line between


savior a haven an unknown felon


killer a torturer soured up lemon

Raven Feels May 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, we can feel people without knowing them too:)

angel nested in heaven

made earth feel like hells of seven

marked some scars in place of tears

maybe not in my right to dear

more for the blood is in the own

but swear my love will be tamed on her stone

1.5k · Jun 2021
Gone Juno
Raven Feels Jun 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, this is my revival:p

this time I fluctuate

I breathe annihilation

what got rid of me I got rid of liberation

the hurt carried on the pearl as seen before

makes me moon the past a perfect doom not ignore

more I find reckless but in good tenders

bile arisen comes to a chocolate cake remembers

something for me for once and all

the apart rejoined from the great unregretted fall

said suffer time on the twentieth last of year

a June not ought for my happiness not dear

not a remnant

since then but not worth the resentment

other than a rapid eye above buried graves

let be dreaded for my save

mentioned a one to hurt one to dream

a revival knows the uniqueness that beams

now one to petty one to go

one to memory one to soon

my compass is to be found in dune

1.5k · Jun 2021
The Earth Thing
Raven Feels Jun 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, very old draft:?

maybe God just God maybe
the sea
the underworld not water meant to be
the air
the too much hollowness for a free soul fair
the fire
the heated blare that makes cold a liar
the earth
the destined
the chosen
or is it not
because from where I stand people are standing alot
and a sane man can see the cuts
in eyes or in harmed hands and hearted plots
maybe God just God maybe
I am blind shot

1.5k · Jun 2021
A Pathetic Hand
Raven Feels Jun 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, insult salted the injury--- that was a bad day<

maybe wounds are sold
do you mean that insult can't salt injuries to a pathetic fault?
warn the poor never the guilt as it
wish the idiotic I put the limit
stepped the humiliation right out
silenced like a charity drought
now lacked it is yet still manageable
killed in the **** core when tangible
warn foolish fingers
an incoming the tremble syndrome
now secrets are whispered blind devils shrink in hinders
a car ride rains a billion on a thinker
watch me tested as God demands
lost in translation for what a paper does
and I simply don't understand
take the gesture I can't for a billion pays you see
made me squirm more like a forsaken sun in 2018

                                                          ­         ------ravenfeels
1.5k · Jul 2021
The Purple Fancy
Raven Feels Jul 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, what I wrote before comes back with a lot in store:>?

drowned in the traps of the atlantic
drawn scars so deep so dark so pathetic
dried the river made the wounds stitched them fast
why is this the billionth time that I've sworn the last?
shut my heart and silenced the beats erasing the bullet's shot
for the mind to mock me with a twist of the plot

like a sweet candy
brought the purples out of the fancy
the recurring reoccurs
the sixth written on a stone of hers
risk the whole day on one wish
slowing your life is a crime of selfish

its like I'm begging the tick of the night
with the devil a reunite
for the love for the sake
no space left much in me to uptake
for the love for the sake
I plead an another no matter the hurt it makes

drum roll before
I give up and close that door
because that would be the day
I **** the only thing that makes me stay
these illusions trapped on the pillow
are not for the living alone future to burrow

Raven Feels Jul 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, heart makes you feel like a fool---not by me:>

I lie so bad
of how your presence excludes the sad
this hand includes
this blue stage we stand in interlude
words on red cheeks faint
the place empty I paint
the neck puts a distance from me and you
and the dark finds the light it never knew

the pretentious actor
writing a character on the other end of the protractor
my pen flows on veins in a way
after tongue pauses the say
now my heart wins
thoughts muffled like an invisible bottle of gin
but fair is not fair for a reason
and cheers to my self mind treason

                                                       ­                                  -----ravenfeels
Raven Feels Jul 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, inspiration: favorite book---Invisible Life In A Miserable Age version two :>

met her at the library
rasped the portrait in ancient poetry
booked her love in print of coffee calligraphy
vanished curses of September from the entire history
remembered eyes bared and fell at feet so complementary
one-eighty degrees the fine line supplementary
deviled angelic
marveled hurdled
seven freckles and stashed in memory
celebrates venus and mercury

                                                       ­                                     -----ravenfeels
1.5k · Jul 2021
Arose Awoken
Raven Feels Jul 2021

to be rich is to notice the fair from the unfair
give no judge to wisdom from the first stare
but not on the Earth thing
the brutality royal flushes and stings

now I fear
that someday that wheel is put to gear
put the cursed paper
on a thorny throne later

afraid my nose would sniff the skies
afraid my hopes would tear my early rise
afraid my greed would bury my shame
afraid my humor would be trashed in lame

not for me
a jeopardizing frisbee
my tarnished house warmer than a fancy chimney
promise my dreams in purple
faithful to myself would never be a hurdle

1.5k · Jul 2021
Inhalation And Exhalation
Raven Feels Jul 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, who wants to count to ten when you can carry on to infinity?

she stopped time and asked
a question planted silence in advance
faced my truth on a real talk
never thought it was hard to stand or walk

rock plays numb humiliation
the inhale echoes wounds then exhalation
denial and defense
tears welled up the hidden immense

the wind swings
a lost count to infinity sings
red eyes
step on two legs cries and undeniable disguise

forbidden was for me to
reveal the vulnerable due
the intimidated call
of how things are messed up in sort to fall

and now I think
of how it stinks
memories of misery
a step between me and the cemetery

embarrassment attacks
white lies painted above the blacks
stepped on me
a bug under the shoe and I let it be

guess that she knew
but the answer hung in air and flew
my confidence buried peacefully when already dead
and the winter cold shivers in my head

1.5k · Apr 2021
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, night or day??? :

in the late night his touch ignites a missed touch of his love

                                                          ­                  -------ravenfeels
1.5k · Jun 2021
Far From An Angel To Rebel
Raven Feels Jun 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, looks like far is better than the unknown:\

I rephrase I say again haunted by the devils
God is unfair sorting mindlessly things for innocent souls to rebel

why should I be in a no landing deprive ???
of a sunlight in a stream of shallows and happy cries

chains and chords struck my nights would
like a movie scene I want like a music video in snow-none should

guess core in me is blinded in tomorrow edged with rage
seems like I'm the one one hurting myself not them in that cage

belting on drums my heart writes it explodes
far from the cheers and the spotlight affection in the feels I showed

for a ****** serenity in hatred
I hope blood shedding no stays in me sacred

no November curses left to decay a fatal I
no tears left to shed tearing in time

                                                          ­                      ------ravenfeels
1.5k · Jun 2021
When Two Plus Two Makes Five
Raven Feels Jun 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, dreams and dreams will be remembered:)

a nightmare or a dream???
the day you wrote a poem to me
titles stumbled on the versus our desires declared
gone in the drop of a lit matched flare
guess that love will remember us
stared promises tangled even the unspoken trust
i think of the time of all lasts
hourglass sand stolen so fast
nonsense traffic faints
in the path of the cuts this hurt paints
bruises in surrender to the knife
like when two plus two makes five
Venus on the window pane
whispering to others about the ****** stain
till this day

1.5k · Aug 2021
Row Row Row Your Boat
Raven Feels Aug 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, find peace but don't forget your journey to that---old draft :-:

being no one is embarrassing
everyone becomes null in everything
put the mean
in a meaning to steam
but nothingness is a two edged sword
when levitating a meaningless world

adopting the faces into my timeline for glasses to erupt in aware
speak for themselves my thoughts of clears and fair
notice my dares and hesitates
when it comes to the memories of them fades and unfades
want the roses to bloom
for the awake of the kills and dooms

take a breath
shake life's hand against death
tongues speak
although aimless word disguise is chic
an invisible devotion
about surviving chaotic commotion

                                                      ­                                  -----ravenfeels
1.4k · Jul 2021
Feel AZleep
Raven Feels Jul 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, to be rich is to notice the fair from the unfair:)

get well soon only
when hope not a lie lonely
hospital cell
unavailable played dead and fell
nothing in sequence
all hung on the adequacy
paper said
from future penholder skies unread
the green one too
to the land a stranger soon

what you earn is what you keep
don't count just drown in oblivious sleep
wallets light
rage blinds visible sights
the poor scream
the rich gleam
like an invisible ink flood
evaporation in the air a silenced blood
chocolate missed the ecstasy
everything shut down to reality

bones shrunk
never unnoticed to the think thunk
now things are pale
even the best bread is stale
how I remain
all calm in shameful disdain???
needs become old
whether blazing summer or winter ******* cold
and in my broken chair I be
the pathetic dreamy version of old me

1.4k · Jul 2021
Faded Bordeaux
Raven Feels Jul 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, have a great July!

goodness is virtue
rage is essence when realization is new
hearts entrenched
them those called sensations melted a bench

memories tainted in dark
reminiscent somewhere in the background park
violins ached for the winter sky
on a hope it would just snow the ghosted July

their flesh burnt
mercurial whispers churned a hurt
dilapidates already fallen
feels of away returned from the stolen

wise in me I confess
to not believe a belong is a bless
visions confuse
perplexed deprived of a twinkle muse

my pen writes
then paper welcomes once and thrice
orchestra chimes
in time to spill the wine

1.4k · Apr 2021
Flames Can Burn
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, this is the last part before the end of my small-short-story in a poem form---I really hope you enjoyed it!!!;>

For him she would shatter her walls

For her he would still his fires

For him she would welcome affection despite her dilapidated gates of suffer and grief

For her he would ignore his prideful ego to protect her from his blazing flames

For him she would confess her feels of want and need

For her he would confess his feels of want and need

Before the waves would carry their lover afar from the shallow end

1.4k · Apr 2021
My Lighter
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, songs can make us imagine too;]

backs of freckles

cheeks to knuckles

breathes of swallows

deep to shallows

wild of mellows

                                                       ­                         -------ravenfeels
1.4k · Jun 2021
Imaginary Sonata
Raven Feels Jun 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, when you know you know :>>>>

in the window pane
nature white brided its head through its bewildered veins

a sonata to the heart that breathes a blessing in a pile of much
a locking of a chain that believes in no such

of an ending that green around eyes of jealous presence
and a million miles tall table of a wooden necklace

                                                      ­                 ------ravenfeeels
Raven Feels Jun 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, change an expensive new page:|

the supposed
dealt a past to show
regret heat like ice
proved again the mad world diced
legs pretentious
hands luxurious
an expensive new page
even but odd
white with a black dot
not the same
memories different taste
stairs dusted with gold
prefer the dilapidates of the old
heights skied thrown
made me short in ago
no track of trees
for their people not the kid in me
graffiti walls misshaded my colors in vain
ached to the smell of the comforting plain
lost myself in nature
miss the nature in me a wild flavor
green lawn muffled cries
laughter of strangers away lies
travel in time
but the clock not mine
night memories flood in veins and dive
painted stars up---the daylight dims and hides
wish a come back to the undone feels
awoke four years in no permission in steal
answers disconnected
fought confusion and blended
hearts alone in the dark to pay
maybe awaiting the longed stark on that Saturday

1.4k · Apr 2021
You Know Inside
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, no one knows you better than yourself:}

you know inside

you know outside

of yourself fears of the dies

they come to a fatal end they cry

letters on night candles lit

not even legal to spit

not sure if I can handle this not a bit

a mad house on the blacks

on dug wholes on the ***** slacks

problem with dignity

pride on admitting the consequences of this troubled malignity

1.4k · Jun 2021
Fuck You
Raven Feels Jun 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, if your sun is shinning; my moon is rising:>

bet you once that was my aim
in vain right now what a stupid shame
my mother still loves all the dears you see
betraying my path doesn't betray my home or me
even if the future remains unknown
that 'so be it' reading made myself clear and shown
sun brushes can't harm me anymore
because the dark you call a liar is my amore
mock me hiding behind my classic rhyming
well I'm taught respect  
even when bold my so called mundane writings
and *******

Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, funny how a book can be translated by everyone's Mercury differently--edited;}

on a beauty so mystical on a plastered smile an essence so beam

yet not everlasting not in a bare nor a second tormenting blurt

such stars she begged them Gods for she tormented in a skeptic hurt

she trails her menaces to **** in a drip

of a bordeaux in a wine in a mindless sip

yearning erased letters from people from faces

a charm of a devil monster selfished her feels down her laces

a bound to the intimate

flushed upon the ultimate

of the hate of the ends

an evermore of upcoming pained centuries

moments the gods abide to hide to conceal

from human memory to blank and come across a past life to steal

then to the unconscious to plant on dreams and make souls heal

speechless left

one on the fictional

two on the cure in the weeks my delusional

believed seven constellated freckles pure by the character been held

mooned self-expressionism in sick mind delves I label mine

forever fallen saint on the line

1.3k · Apr 2021
Something Special
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, pens can express when the tongue can't:}

What makes her so different

What makes her so quiet yet her silence flowing a million words

What makes her so dark yet the room in her presence shines

What makes her so desperate yet her eyes  hopeful for savior

what makes her so inert yet the  sweat on her screams excite

What makes her so sad yet her way of fidgeting is fighting a smile

Yet she manages to fuel him

with a sift of need for more of her fascinating enchantment

1.3k · May 2021
Universe Of Ours
Raven Feels May 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, need a sign---for my feels to shine:>

universe of ours to the seven of the heavens of the gods of the universe

I'm just hoping for a miracle immerse

I'm just waiting for a sign

to utter a feel to the unspeakable feels in the eyes spitted crime

universe tell me if it's a message you ought to send to reveal

because my attachment knows no surface when it comes to the deep

universe tell me if it's the angels that I think I see

because my paths are carved on the stance of this willing  be

universe tell me if it's the right I sense if it's the mild anticipated hence

because if it is-the moons that I felt the future that I begged

then my dreams would surf to the boundless wilds of the ends

                                                              ­           ------ravenfeels
1.3k · Apr 2021
Put To The Squirm Of Death
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, what is worse than shame? HUMILIATION:\

rumors fly up in the high

in the above in my ears in my skies

get my squirms of death into the rays of the red dies

and the humiliate in the tides

shed the tears in silence I fear they collide

with looks of disgust and shame they rise upon my eyes

just like an equivalence of the delves of the deep

from them of a cut to dig drips and swallow grief

arise arose arosen awake awoke awoken

trap me unnoticed and leave me broken in the heart swollen

fed on lies unspoken surrounding in the field

am I a prisoner in hell or even better in Tolkien???

I craved and carved the woods into a shade of a pink that I need

till you put the greed and stole in brief with no feels

want me dead then demand I alive to up come

burning and whipping regrets of the twos with the fives

if I not to remember wrong

counting stars and fleeing out just all in an empty round about

1.3k · Jul 2021
Cinderella's Midday Hour
Raven Feels Jul 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, wasn't a midnight this time:)

in a brilliant black dress
just like hers better the darker I guess
but she was an actress on a stage
wings with no limit or a cage

the lighter lights older violent notes
roses bleed the blood in red quotes
like perfect poem lines
played like a movie tape upon eyes

pink stars in permanent
seen when fell of the argument
talk some sense into the ceiling
on a page of eternal with no feeling

not the best of all the endings
some bones of broken to the mending
back to lipstick on coffee cup smells smart
the sky rains a fall a dream from the start

1.3k · Nov 2021
Fragile Capes
Raven Feels Nov 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, all yellow & blue:)

what are you?
who are you?
is it even a you?
my moons are swelling in hells
my shatters are flaunting in the same cell
my nails are aching for the touch of shells
I swim neat
water cold as ice feet
things I despise under those ***** sheets
sat embraced
by the greens the autumn's shades
falling too well and hugging blades
her eyes a funeral's peal
all I ask is a little feel
something of that past to steal
can't sense a speck
my violins are scratching their necks
orchestral ravens flew the garden of wrecks
optimism a false clue
the flee to the streets I never knew
and she licks the tips of the salty stew
oh my spoiled nerves changing each noon
can't have can't reach can't leave that moon
forks on my table nonexistent all spoons
irises are in need of light
to bleed the warmth of a single night
let the winds ******* like a kite
death of me now
don't mind hurts of trembling how
meet me and sort my bones for me to bow
drown me with caffeine
erase that stupid fake gleam
bring me to the real
make me forget and burn me to heal
fire my name on that tongue you keep
and what a great sleepless night to sleep!
                                                                ­                   -------ravenfeels
1.3k · Jun 2021
Direct Guess
Raven Feels Jun 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, for the first time in forever I speak directly for no reason:)

guess what sad
literally don't know who I am

somebody is always touching you even the air
guess how many lives you touched not me
and you'll reach the middle of nowhere

want my body buried dug in the ocean deep a marine funeral
guess why the death is thinking about me
corpses floating around some fish some greens too numeral

maybe the sun today the last time sets flush
guess where I'm headed would be the end of me
make the best out of it is a matter that won't make me blush

                                                         ­                                  -------ravenfeels
1.3k · Apr 2021
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, never give me:]

search the olds

never the least

clung onto hopes I hope to cheer

drag the stick and flick them bright

get the ignite and force a light for to be fight

1.3k · Apr 2021
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, not for them for you:]

in your own skin they say

in your own way they say

in your presence they say

but to me in my feels not the exact same

in the self satisfaction I see it

a smile your heart only can beat it

magic for the veins to bleed it

not for others to tolerate it

not for the others to be it nor name it

                                                            ­                  ------ravenfeels
1.3k · Apr 2021
Venus And Mercury
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, why does it seem like we abandon the other planets?:)

threatened on the nights

on the skeptic luxuries they ignite

other insecurities come to highlight

abandoning wants of dark carries that were once in hindsight

not sure if marvelous from the precious of the might hopes tied

clouds of mutual Venuses or Mercurys to collide

on backgrounds of relate of lonely to define

styling a vintage glass of polished wines

not a drink but the dime

not a dime but the inside

1.3k · Aug 2021
Autumn August
Raven Feels Aug 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, the faint of the heart is the vision of blood on a love's dart:-/

mine to love
like a broken bottle of wine trickling from above
mine to lose
the death of leaves with an odor to choose

nerve visions times of sadness
like books left unread and ghosts of madness
the radio silences the alone
the heart of blood grew a heart of bone

speaks in gazes
like a reach of hands before a car crash embraces
stares in orange roses
the lost up space the past dream exposes

all too well prefer rivers not seas
like when the window winds shuffled with car keys
green grass shades and shields
the depressing autumn can be the golorious of all fields

bestest trees of lights in luminaire
like the colors of stolen Augusts and the Jupiter
before the shot of a wounded summer
the listen of violens and the heard bird hummer

now empty lines on empty pages
like a no remember of the highlights of the faces
with the drawn pencil a smoking scent evoked
expressions painted in coffee and lost letters in the cold  

                                                        ­    -------ravenfeels
1.2k · Apr 2021
Majestic Manipulated
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, sometimes a dream can flip your stage scenes and make them decorated;}

thee heavens come clean
across a kiss untold unbound unseen
with dismals and dears
follows discretely situated
   from leaves unintentionally initiated
things ascending to the spine
nerve striking its dim its shine
horizons skirt down faded
feet sand permeated
on fine arts been not made in
a sheet to be fabulous
  like my insides
like my pen slides
been piled overshadowed  
been dark uninvaded
she beauty on the purples
majestic manipulated
are them those of these the things you can see not face it?
I saw the heavens
I saw the hells
water colored
wet come to a collision I say come compensated
on highs and lows rays of foes impossible
converge  a split second for me
an undeniable to the invisible
    feet sand permeated
on fine art I name it
****** by the devils
by the angels sacred
for me in my selfish kingdom
my so called salvation
a place my nights breathe annihilation
even better than them those sent in that teleportation
mere those moments of gazes
scrapes buried for future destination
on the whites of my imagination
left to my unconsciousness a decision
a piece of my mind
an official declaration
a moon arose from the dead to my incarnation
not await for another
I state a once and for all deprivation
despite the lunar bothers
something for me
I owe no explanation
moon me so light so bright
so dim so dark
to the bits of the ends of the marks
the places I cant reach
they afar
stay there but stay near
       to me my moon my fear

                                                           ­                         ------raven feels
1.2k · Jun 2021
The Way I Did Before
Raven Feels Jun 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, in feels I sang in a dream:)

lipstick smeared on the wall

first one that I see at all

black tides just in my head

end of all the endings doesn't need a pretend

smoked slowed

wandered pondered

not in the mind reasoned

in the heart a door for every season

what for

eyes and more

same pose

me a symphony overdosed

kinda right

should've known from sight

hall grabbed chances and crowned

a red blood teared down

and drowned

fine lined

like twelfth hour dream blinds

1.2k · Jul 2021
Unsolved Puzzle
Raven Feels Jul 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, never knew before:?

mind fluttered
heart triggered
or was it the opposite?
to not feel
is constantly abandoning the real
or was it overthinking?
white sun
yellow moon shun
or was it the lamp in my room?
exclamation mark
question bark
or was it me confused?!
flames left turned in hurt
backs flared then burnt
or was it them that slammed the door?
now a missing bone
from an unsolved puzzle all alone  

1.2k · Jul 2021
Treasured Get Together
Raven Feels Jul 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, pleasant to dream of old friends---like nothing happened:>

drove the beetle blue
no driver's license just liked the view
send my apologies
to the streets of mysteries
or was it misery in disguise
upon the old she cries
like the hidden furniture
spoke in signs
memories and secrets called mine
tiger rug in luxury shop
familiar gazes made feet stop
never true when doors are slammed
antiques in a swift can slip the hand
a heart of glass
of a weighed mass
maybe not the dream but the morning stance
reminds hints of a glance
her empty seat in a wallet
buries pictures in the back of the pocket
and I ask and count wall blocks and thoughts glue
does she think of me like I do too?

                                                           ­                             ------ravenfeels
1.2k · May 2021
Raven Feels May 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, no offense to photography<3---I don't like someone taking my picture:}

unfair for my ancestors and the great greats of the past before

them faces to stay unknown unrecognized in future evermore

call me stupid call me crazy call me insecure

but my veins fear that shoot to endure

eyes perplexed on captured focus

not understanding that optic motion only-in our century a bonus

mind entering a vacant slash

cameras must be abandoned gone illegal in that flash

1.2k · May 2021
Superiors From You And Me
Raven Feels May 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, are we really alive-or on hope for?:>

I feel like the lunatics must be
the superiors in life from you and me

all of these roundabouts on the way
seems like a price for not being ones that we pay

how in the planets do them know that we are the sane?
how in the universe do them define what absurd to them as insane?

I'm not ought in this humanity to believe in vain
that what we lack is a disgrace to the hearts in pain

violins know how to play to me a menace
like for the haters who disrespect on block of distaste they penance

1.2k · Apr 2021
Because Of Her---It Matters
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, my heart aches for the wounds:\

is it when a matter is in the faults???

the puts of the words and the spits of the secrets

moon I swore the hells to I would never say loud

it's like the repressed in her

in her stashes

her hidden ashes dancing in the rests

fearing of the miss

of the outs of the mists

too much of bliss or not

deprivation an official ****

when my chest aches

blessed with the silence

cursed with those disgusting chaos of a waste

transforms to the addicting

an incredulous taste

menaced to me on her fazes she spills

psychotic on the egos what is this???

drown me in an ocean of misery

won't matter as much of the mockery

                                                       ­                       ------ravenfeels
1.2k · Aug 2021
He Was Called A Free Man
Raven Feels Aug 2021

a born man
is a free man
yet somehow
is living in slavery on a timed boiling pan
is a deaf slave to a throne of what can't do and what can
is a blind king on his throne to the people's command
is a mute reigning with silence to speak up to his land
is a ******* to stop chaos with one stand
is living in the darkest poles denying the sun's shake of hand
and with all that he is still a free man

                                                                ­     ------ravenfeels
1.2k · Jul 2021
A Perspective In Me
Raven Feels Jul 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, I'm not a poet:)

a poet is an artist in cursive

a painter with one palette

an actor with a wary expression

a sculptor with ***** hands

a dancer with a broken bone

a musician with a mysterious ear and symphonious look

in common

what we create

is a glorious masterpiece in the eyes of millions

yet the creator is never satisfied

and the flaws in the rusted diamond is defied

looking for a define

left for the mind to eat

and the heart to fight

but presented otherwise unjustified

1.2k · Jun 2021
Raven Feels Jun 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, have a great summer:)

even a smile put to the price
life throws the jokes as a shield to dice

clean whole
times precious and sole

replace breezes to storms shun
a warning the car had to run

heartburn till the past chokes
moles on my hands seek an eye in the awoke

loyalty meant to break free back
some things for the sky electric an invisible lack

of this movie don't know the defending
even she can't offer that incredulous ending

                                                        ­                      ------ravenfeels
1.2k · May 2021
Raven Feels May 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, the world seems unfair:|

can it be

a thousand hearts in one beat

mind slamming straight to my back

shiver on my own on a brick less track

stars I count that it takes to a far

feels in me soaring on a getaway car

truth in a taste not even real but I'm on clouds now

not even my name I remember memory fails someway somehow

burning I glide unlight

now you see me in hindsight

from the frozen read lines I have in a repressed epiphany

the overwhelm I smell till I'm choked on infinity

                                                       ­                          -------ravenfeels
1.2k · Apr 2021
We Are Animals
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, don't pretend the innocence when you know that evidence:]

you know I'm a forest a wild sent rule crucial

scars abandoned on attached feels I call brutal

on you a ceiling too high to reach

far from the abnormals we share we teach

my sick matches your sick

your sick matches mine

it collides it ticks

burrowed from the glares of a daemon monster flare

been sold to the harsh heads

been kept at stake

the stark of shame

glosses of unhealthy addiction of reigns

no one knows nor understands us our meaning

things we used years to strive hard to achieving

rotten wolves as in our animalistic

in search of prey

a hellish nature fevered burning hate of the realistic

remind my mental

were owned by devils

not sentiments not rental

pretend the innocence when the obvious seeps

let go of the hold to grip on the recklessness that creeps

bent beats of unmeasured clefts but for the darker not the tender

a dominant number on the silent hypnotizing hummer

i ravish skins when control is no more

its hunger

shot on veins killed

****** out of blood

same as ecstasy

same as adrenaline

still racing on a flood

                                                         ­                          ------ravenfeels
1.2k · Jun 2021
Flavored Effort
Raven Feels Jun 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, feeling happy:-)

persist a tea nurse to the pay off

somehow the way I want work on stuff

maybe all that to the last comes a happy hour long

even though nights oweled till dawn on a true song

reading brightens up in biteless soothe

know the words to my mind when less food

determined to dig my own plant to soil

fuel I motivate in inspiration with not a dropped oil

now fine chance on the watches await in dance and sweet

for a dark to fluctuates a midsummer's dream

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