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Zelda Jun 2024
I don't know how to write this
So I'll be honest
I'm not diagnosed
But sometimes I get sad
Really sad
My body is heavy
I drag myself out of bed
I randomly cry
But the water is scolding
It's a comfort
So it's ok
And I stick to my routine
As best I can
While I try to stop
everything everyone's ever said about me
Ruminating in my head
They don't like the shows I watch
They don't understand
I watch them over and over and over and over
To alleviate the loneliness
Because I'm lonely
I've always been lonely
I should be used to it
But I'm starving
For affection, for care
They say
I'm seeking attention
I'm fishing for compliments
But I just want someone to talk to, I'm trying
I know I'm selfish
I know others have it much worse
I shouldn't feel this way
I know
But I do
I'm scared I'll lose the few people I have left
I can take the harsh words
It's just a truth
I'm stupid, I have to work harder
I'm ugly, do I look ok in a mask?
I'm borning
I'm pathetic
I'm not enough
I'm tired
And sad
Been thinking of joining a club
I'm almost 27
It'll be a simple celebration
I doubt anyone will remember
They never do
It'll be fun
And maybe I'll be content :)
Zelda Nov 2024
The weekend before
My 26th birthday,
I stood in a church—
Its quiet beauty,
My unshed tears.  

With whom?
I’m not sure.
I lost my faith so long ago.  

A powerful injustice
Brought me to my knees.  

Take my strength, my love, my will—
My whole life too.
And lead my loved ones
To where the sea births the sun.  

My pleas must've fallen on deaf ears.
I sat along the shore all summer long,
Watching the sea swallow the sun.


It’s just

It’s just  

It’s just
My birthday

Twenty seven  
Twenty seven  


Twenty Seven

Zelda Apr 2017
Many stand on the side lines
Take the small steps and get left behind
Others seem to rush through life
They have every moment planned
But never take a moment to hit the pause
And see the beautiful unfolding of
Who they’ve come to be

With a new age, comes new page to wake up in
And I can only hope I get to wake up in yours
Till we’re 97, sitting on a park bench
Feeding the birds on a Monday morning
Complaining it’s too cold & we’re too cold
Saying all the little things we’ve said a million times
And all the things we didn’t say
Because we don’t have much time before we run out of pages
And you need to know all the little things I didn’t say
These 365 days

Like everything inside you
That you can’t see
I see

Like how I should know you by now
But I know nothing about you
Because you’re always changing
But that only makes you
That much more interesting

Because I cherish all these small moments
These 365 days with you

I’m sure there have been days you wish to erase
I only ask you never erase me from your life
Because I’m sure someday we’ll be fighting
Coming undone in a wildfire
But I have no doubt that
We’ll get home safely
Cause there’s always an exit on the highway
And if you can’t drive
I’ll drive us home

Because I don’t want to be
365 days without you
This poem is for a dear friend
Zelda May 2017
Abandoned umbrellas on the beach float by
And remind me of the broken promises I made to myself
When I was 7 rocking out to the new sounds
Then everyone told me something I shouldn't do
Then everyone chained me to the desk, destroyed the creative thunder
Then everyone trapped me deeper inside the attic
Of my own misery where nightmares became my best friends

Been sitting here all day, done nothing all day
Staring at it, just staring at it
Staring at it, just staring at it
Been sitting here all day, done nothing all day
Staring at it, just staring at it
Wishing I could walk through it
Find myself as someone other than who I am
If only for a day
And I wouldn't have to pretend that you don't really give a f**k about me

Been here four seasons expecting something to change
But I'm still the same me and I don't think shaving my head would change a thing about me because the thoughts are still there
Always gonna be there as four seasons pass

I want to play in the water
With them
But you can't teach a rock to swim
With dolphins
And I never learned how not to drown
So let me mope sitting hunched over drowning in the harsh light reflecting everything I'm not

It's only a temporary place to rest my head
But I can't sleep
How I wish the door didn't open because someone
who wasn't me unlocked it
"It's open", "Of course"
But will I walk through it?

The doctor is a liar, The doctor was a liar
The doctor, oh that doctor stuck a needle in my arm
And told me I was free to go home
The doctor is a liar, The doctor was a liar
The doctor, oh that doctor gave me an apple
And told me I was free to go home

But everyone knows that the doctor is a liar
Smile in the seconds that pass
Even thought you'll always be too slow
Tripping when they've been walking since 9 months
Trying to get ahead, but constantly falling behind

When did everyone's eyes become blank white sockets
The doctor said
But the echos of "just fix the holes" are yelling through the thunder
Aren't we all just trying to get home?
And I can hear the echos of "just deal with the holes" ringing over and over through the thunder
I've been listening since I was 7 years old
We used to run then
With broken umbrellas
But now we walk
Away from umbrellas
Because even if we drown in the rain we're gonna get home
Zelda Mar 2018
As people we live in a broken world
There is no denying that
And we're looking for something
We're empty and we try to fill ourselves with money and cars and *** and happiness...
If someone is hungry enough they'll try to eat their own shoes
If someone is hungry enough they'll eat their own heart
We’re empty and we try to fill ourselves by giving gifts and cards...
For those who have been forgotten and underappreciated
We’re empty and we try to fill ourselves by drawing silly faces on post-it notes and giving away our hearts...
Waiting on a thank you
A smile
Waiting to be held
To feel like someone cared
But we refuse to accept a touch of love
Would it even satisfy the hunger?
It's not what we need
Maybe we don't even know what we need
Maybe all we need is a friend to sit with us in silence
As it tries to split us in two
Because we know we need something
It’s why we eat our shoes
Even though they are worn and scuffed and covered in muck
We eat our shoes
Anything that will give us a temporary relief
The sensation of chewing
But it's killing us
And we think we're solving the problem but it just makes it worse
Because the silence splits us in two
Drags us further away from the warmth we desire
We try to feel loved
We try to feel important
But people are temporary
They leave, we leave, they leave, we leave
But if we remember one thing about each other
Let it be the day we were born into this broken world
And not the day we leave forevermore
Abandoned in the church
Because we can't find what we are searching for in others
Or their products
What am I hungry for?
People can't offer that
They let you down
Even the best people die
And in the end everyone will let you down
Every single time
Because they steal and lie and cheat and whisper things to sculpt our opinions of each other
And Jesus I stopped calling out your name a long time ago
I have to accept you’re gone
And my heart shattered into a million pieces a long time ago
But if they remember one thing about me
Let it be the day I was born into a broken world
And not the day I leave them forevermore
Abandoned in the church
Let them remember the simple days
When I made them laugh
When being my friend was the best choice they ever made
When choosing to keep me was the best choice they ever made
When loving me was the best choice they ever made
In this broken world
Was being my friend the best choice you ever made?
Was choosing to keep me the best choice you ever made?
Was loving me the best choice you ever made?
In this broken world
Zelda Jan 2019
You are the cigarettes on my lips
And you are the smoke filling my lungs
Giving me shelter from a reality I refuse to accept
And I don't think I could quit you
So I'll die as the addict I am
Dreaming of words I will never hear
Zelda Aug 2015
Intelligent life floating nearly three decades towards unification
With unsuccessful progression, just stressful aggression
That is preached on the mountaintop waiting for the wild beast to unlock its secretes
When underneath lies a labyrinth of tunnels
Full of issues spinning on a cursed wheel;
On the streets, there is no silver-lining
And ethnic cleansing, is a political approach to coax society
With an insurmountable wire full of electrons
Trying to tranquilize a foundation of "modernity"
That is drenched in red Beryl molasses
Causing another martyr to die in cold blood;
Sick with a plague that runs deeper than the cyanide in our veins
What a shame that these flowers wilt away
Not even rain can break down these red dreams mixed with criminal themes
No matter how hard we try, no gust of wind is strong enough
To fight off the spiders bloated with poison
That lurk in the shadows, at a quarter to midnight
They light the cigarettes like the patient wolves
Watching the calm night from the rooftop
The moonlight magnifies their grotesque facade
Baring their teeth at a lingering silhouette cast out of paradise
Into a void where sober logic is drowned by clinking wine glasses
Zelda Jul 2016
I am the friend they will never know.
They are the love I’m weaning off
They were too scared to breathe
the sweet fragrance of lightening.
Now left behind in memories,

Another moment turned to ash
As rain kept pouring, slurred between the beds were lies coming into view
I know the truth.
The schemes to catch butterflies
The sport to **** mythical creatures
Always running
Gotta keep running
Far far away

No more secret letters passed around the classroom
About to enter the virtual world
Full of electric sheep
I’ll fall asleep covered in wires
And wake up with black ice in my veins
Zelda Jul 2021
All we were
was the end of a moment
All we were
was spilled wine on the carpet
All we were
was lingering, fading, words never spoken
We should've been the start of time
But all we are is...
Zelda Feb 2020
This is just a reminder
To tell you
That I
always love you

This is just to let you know
That I
always care

When you walk away
From all this

When you walk away
From all this

When you walk away
From all this
Anger and Guilt and Pain

I will still be here

Does anything ever stay the same?
Only that everything changes

Don’t it always seem to go
That nothing stays the same

This is just a reminder
To tell you
That I
always love you
as we change

This is just to let you know
That I
always care
as we grow

Through all the
Through all the
Through all the
anger and guilt and pain

I will Always be here
Zelda Nov 2017
It snowed last night
I’m tired
I’d like to close my eyes for a while
Will you drive?
I don’t want to sleep anymore
I want to work
But I don’t know why I can’t
Am I lying to myself?
Am I motivated?
Why don’t I want to do this?
What happened?
Darling, have I lost the passion?
It’s a snowy day
Darling, have I lost the love?
It’s a slow day
It must be me

I did the laundry last night
Took me twice as long as it usually does
My room is a mess
My hair is wet
But I don’t want to tend to it
Let it knot
I don’t know why I can’t
What’s stopping me from functioning?
My routine is so messed up
I’ve been sleeping till 2 in the afternoon
When I usually wake up at 7am
It’s a snow day
Darling, I have no purpose
It’s a slow day
Darling, I have no interest
It must be me

This poem is hard to write
I want to stop right here
But I’m gonna finish it
Because I have to do something
I can’t lose myself like this
I don’t care if it ain’t good enough
**** THIS!

I like to write down little notes
Keep them in my back pocket
I’m all alone at the front
The bell rings
But no one comes in
It’s a snowy day
It’s a slow day
It must be me
Why is this me?

The newspaper has been torn
And written on
In blue pen
But the crossword is incomplete
And I don’t know how to solve it
But the crossword is incomplete
And I’d like to feel tears
But they won’t come
How did I get here?
I’d like to cry
I’d like for someone to scream inside my head
I’d like to get back
But it’s quiet
They must’ve given up

Something is wrong
Am I gone?
Zelda May 2018
I saw a boy walk between the bodies
Wearing their dog tags
Carrying their weapons
Dragging their armor
He made them a promise to send the letters
Empty promises they will never keep
They’re not coming home
But they said they would

I saw soldiers
Run towards death on shaky legs
When they stepped off the boats
Out of the trenches
Fly up and down the line
Determination in their eyes
To protect a boy and a girl

I saw a girl walk between the bodies
Placing flowers on their eyes
And a hand beneath their heads
As she took away their screams
Hers shatter the sky
She wiped away their tears
Hers caused a flood
She took away their cold
Her body is painted purple & blue & black
She no longer feels

Abandoned by the world
I saw a veteran fall
At their graves is where he lays
Where he replays the horrors

But we won the war

He saw his friends walk between the graves
They’re wearing their dog tags
Carrying their weapons
Dragging their armor
Determination in their eyes
As they fall and drown in a sea of blood

But we won the war

He sees his friends walk between the graves
Following a boy and a girl

But we won the war

They place flowers on his eyes
And a hand beneath his head
As they take away his screams
Theirs shatter the sky
They wipe away his tears
Theirs cause a flood
They take away his cold
His body is painted purple & blue & black
He no longer feels loss and pain and hurt

They won the war
At the graves
Zelda Dec 2016
Sometimes, I day dream about him, the boy with eyes like mine and ***** blond hair, and the different moments I wish we could experience. One of these moments begins with waves crashing against large rocks, the sun is high, it’s hot and birds are flying above us. We’re under a big yellow umbrella, on towels placed parallel to each other.  He lies on his back with his eyes closed, his left arm covering his face, while his right grasps my own. I’m seated with my knees pulled close to my chest switching between watching the ocean kiss the shore, playing with the sand and admiring the smile playing on his lips. It’s a sweet day.
Not really a poem, but a wish
Zelda Jul 2016
You take up space & have a mass.
Matter made of various molecules & atoms
You are stardust
A result of massive explosions in galaxies
Are you completely gone?
According to the conservation of energy
which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed
but can be altered from one form to another
you’re a little bit less orderly
According to decomposition
a proccess where organic substances are broken down
into much simpler forms of matter
you have been recycled by invertebrates, fungi & bacteria
to help continue the circle of life.
It is impossible to know simultaneously
the exact position & velocity of your particles
And so you can’t be put you back together
But you’re back where you belong
Forever consistent in space and time
Back in the atmosphere
Zelda Dec 2024
Endless biting pain,
****** days, no end in sight—
Somebody save me
Dec 7 2024
Somebody save me, please
Zelda Jul 2024
I'd rather die
Knowing I tried
To fix myself
As I ate myself
From the inside

It's an acquired taste
I don't like it

Zelda Jan 2017
Have you known? Awhile

In coffee shops I sit for hours
Trying to compose a symphony  
As eloquent as the words on the pages of the novels I’ve read
But nothing comes
Sweet Lullabies - I hear
Black Swans
Float away

I’ve seen the way the light hit the maple
Small delicate bites across the table
I’ve been waiting for summer days like this
Hoping to be inspired
But nothing comes
Sweet Lullabies - I hear
Black Swans
Float away

She smiled at me
I smiled back
The words echoed through
A slap to the face and I woke up
Sweet Lullabies - I hear
Black Swans
Float away

So underneath a chandelier of forgotten hours is where I’ll be
Surrounded by open windows staring through me
Dancing on a cloud of thorns and bleeding ashes on my tattered pink dress
Wondering “Does it make a difference?”
After all, I was promised your undivided attention
As soon as you walked through those doors and took your seat
The lights dimmed, the curtains rose
I came out, ready
Yet my movements were ignored
My voice forgotten
My masterpiece shattered;
Sweet Lullabies - I hear
Black Swans
Float away
Zelda May 2017
Empty liquor bottles
Landscape dipped in gray paint
Humanity, I own you
Zelda Jul 2024
I've got my rose-colored glasses on  
And skies in my eyes.  
I've got stumbling thoughts in my head  
And a few choice words (for you),  
Trapped in the back of my throat, (just for you).

I've been sitting at the piano,  
Staring out the window,  
how strange it is... that;  
Well, blue is associated with sadness  
When the sky is so beautiful,  
Like you  
When you're laughing  
Because of  

We never really say "good morning", do we?  
It's only ever 🫂 (a blue hug)
We never really say "how do you feel, today?"  
It's only ever "I need coffee."

I'm trying to find the expressions,  
But the keys keep playing the wrong notes.  
It ain't right

Blue skies
Aren't empty
They hold
Clouds, resembling objects,
Always drifting, changing
Making me feel
I'm always free-falling
What if it falls apart mid-flight?  
Will we survive?

The sky has never been so blue
My vision has never been so blue
I don't think I was made for blue skies

I'm not an Obrina Olivewing butterfly.  
My blue isn't true;  
It's just the way I see light right now,  
A false perception
A state of mind

but I...  

I've got my rose-colored glasses on  
for you
just for you
My one and only

Zelda Dec 2024
Broken bones,  
The holes in my shoes.  
Broken arrows,  
The holes in my soles.  

But still,  
I keep writing the code—  
Not very well,  
But still I  

Oh, oh, oh,  
I keep  

I don't know.  
I keep  

Broken bones hurt.  
Broken arrows can't protect nothing.
But I swallow,  
And I keep writing the ****** code.  

I keep breathing.
This ain't ****. Just a lot of emotions. Dec 13, 2024
Zelda Jun 2017
The feeling inside is that of a broken clock
The second hand isn’t ticking
Time has your lungs paralyzed
But even so, at least twice a day you feel like yourself
And you can breathe for a second
Before you lose it all, again

Most would throw a broken clock away
Upgrade to a digital with a million other uses
Instead of replacing the batteries
Or taking it to the horologist
It’s rare that anyone who would pass it on the road
Would turn around to spare it a second glance
No one has time for a broken clock

It’s easy to lose track of time when you’re busy;
When you’re having fun; when you’re in love;
When you feel something other than a roller coaster of emotions
In your mind you wonder how did the screws fall loose?
Nothing makes sense in nightmares
Where images of pink one-eyed monsters chase you down the hall
But time never seems to pass
And somehow you find yourself falling through an hourglass
But the ending always finds you waking up
Broken, staring at a clock
Zelda 2d
i can't say i like the taste
it’s quite bitter
(rustling sheets, floorboards creaking)
but you (i) much rather prefer
there’s nothing bitter about you

a nespresso with caramel—
no, i don’t see
(kiss on your neck)
the resemblance
(kiss on my shoulder)
sweet, sugar, honey,
(stay the taste—caramel)
i must be broken
but not you (you) are heavenly

(the click of
the door—)

the taste(you —sweet)—
March 1, 2025
Zelda Dec 2024
Hush, Love

I think I loved you in every universe,
Every timeline,
Every fragment of creativity,
In every self-proclaimed artist's mind.
I think this love exists outside of time.

It's tragic—
Hurricanes on Jupiter,
Tripping us up, ripping us apart.
If we get too close,
We'll get it right eventually.
Until then,
Close your eyes.

Hush, Love.

You and I
Were never states at war,
Only states of chaos—

I had that dream again—
Mesopotamia, 722 BCE.
Between the politics and the bathhouse.

Your kindness, my cold, cold heart.
I broke all your chains.
I know the cost is my beheading.
We'll escape in the middle of the night.

Hush, Love.

You and I
Were never states at war,
Only states of chaos—

The world
Views it as black and white
You're turning red, blue... translucent,
Between the politics and the internet.

Your kindness, my cold, cold heart.
I broke all your codes.
I know the cost is my cancellation.
We'll stay up until the dawn breaks.

Hush, Love.

You and I
Were never states at war,
Only states of chaos—

I know we could lose everything
If we get too close
In every universe, every timeline
But I won't lose you
And you won't lose me

It's tragic—
Hurricanes on Jupiter.
So close your eyes,
Gliding on fragments of...

Hush, Love.

We will never be states of war
Our love exists outside of time.

Ok, dear
Dec 18, 2024
Zelda Jul 2017
Sent a ******* note calling it an apology
And a phone with a promise that if I needed you all I had to do was call
And I’d be tempted
If your shield never came crashing down on my chest

This is a Civil War
The moment I realize what I’ve always known
I was never your friend
This is the part of the story where you abandon me
In the middle of nowhere
But it’s not like you were ever there  

Shattered my armor, made of iron, into a million pieces
They said engineers could fix anything
Create a brighter, better, brand new future
So I’ll spend the rest of my life fixing my broken heart

This is a Civil War
The moment we disregard peace negotiations
No compromises, it’s all your fault
This is where I stop following orders and take control
I’ll take my chances with the guilt
As it swallows me alive

The longest hours of my life
Waiting in a hospital room
Playing with the lighter,
You gave to me,
As everything you ever said and everything I never said
Came crashing down like that shield on my chest

This is a Civil War
I woke up shouting in the best way
Trembling limbs, anxious heart
But I won’t back down
This is the end of the story
This time I refuse kneel before your monarchy
This Civil War is mine
Zelda Nov 2024
My coffee is cold,  
But not the good kind—  
The bitter kind.  
I don’t want to warm it up.  
You said you’d make a fresh ***,  
But you left before I woke.

I could wait in the kitchen,  
But I can’t read your mind anymore.  
I can’t make you laugh anymore.  
I don’t make your coffee anymore.

You said "one and only,"  
But all it became was lonely.

Don't you notice the clouds  
Drifting by?  
Or has your coffee gone cold,  
Like mine?

I’ll finish mine  
And head out too,  
"Clouds in my coffee, and  
...You're so vain..."
Inspired by:
You're So Vain by Carly Simon
Tom's Diner by Suzanne Vega
Zelda Nov 2017
I seldom wear dark colors
I like pastels
But all the colors faded
I searched for possible ways
To brighten faded colors
But I did it wrong
I suppose the colors look unique mixed together
But I feel faded
I think I’ll wear dark colors
Until I figure out how to wear unique colors
Zelda May 2017
On a wooden table nested between purple flowers
A little cup of coffee sits
By a window perched on a bar stool
Fiddling with the cup, in the palms of her hands, sits a girl

She woke up this morning in a hurry to meet you
Took 3 buses to get to you
Because you made plans weeks ago, but you never showed up
And now this girl is left hopelessly thinking
“What’s the rush to being rejected?”

The barista came by, asked her if she was waiting on someone
No one important
because waiting on you is like reading the same paragraph three times
And never understanding a single word

They asked her if she’d like another cup, anything to eat
She can see the pity in their eyes
They can see past her faux smile
She doesn’t have an appetite, but accepts another cup

They filled it to the brim
Maybe its warmth will fill the cold inside her chest
Zelda Jan 2016
Cut the rope
Before I pull you under
Don’t follow me
I won’t return to kiss you goodnight
I won’t return to hold you tight
So do as I say
Stay in the cave & don’t come out until I howl
Then you need to run & don’t look back
Not even when I whimper
Not when I beg for my life
I won’t survive
I’ll be dripping of tar
I’ll be hung by my feet
I’ll be hung & forced to watch them **** our family
So do as I say
You must be swift, don’t step on the screaming branches
The falling snow will protect you
Don’t make a sound & don’t you cry
Just run as I distract them darling
I’ll bite them until I’m bleeding
Their weapons will be laughing
But I won’t breathe my last breath until I know you're safe
So don’t look back
Not even when I whimper
Not when I beg for my life
I won’t survive
Just do as I say
Run far deep into the forest to our brethren in the north
Don’t come back, never come back
I’ll be long gone
I’ll be nothing more than a sweater, a nice coat
Keeping someone else warm
But you, you my darling
You will be safe in the warmth of the North
Summer will come & you will be grown
You will have a new family & one day
You might forgive me & understand why I
Cut the rope
Zelda Nov 2024
You know
I’m still afraid of crowded places—  
My steps,  
On the staircase,  
Past all those faces,  
But I couldn’t find yours.  

Bunny rabbits,  
I name after you,  
Visit in the summer.  

I should've found you,  

I dreamt of you again,
Sitting by the window,  
Reading newspapers, drinking coffee.  
My red dress, my broken heart,  
The end of a moment—  
Sunny skies, as bright as your eyes.  
I miss your laughter on the phone.  

You know,
I’m still scared of needles,  
But I loved your tattoos and piercings—  

It's a heavy heart,  
Hard to carry,  
Hard to bear these days.  

You baked bread inside of war,  
And somehow, it always tasted like home.  

Your drawings, my office—
Sunflowers and sunshine,  
As if secrets were shared with honeybees,  
How to grow in the dark,  
How to find better days.  

The card you made,  
Ripped to pieces, taped back together—  
All that’s left are shades of gray.  

When the wind rises,  
Do dandelions carry the soul?  

In February—  
When I sit and whisper affections  
To graves,  
I watch them grow.  

When the wind rises,  
Will dandelions carry my soul to you?
Dedicated to lost loved ones
Zelda May 2018
We stood together quietly
Staring at the painting of a woman with olive eyes
I hear myself say I wish mine were as beautiful as hers
And find myself engulfed in light-blue skies
He says they’re darker…repeats the word
At times he pauses as if trying to find another word to describe my eyes
….but he doesn’t say it
I’m wondering does he want to say Beautiful
Or is it just that I want him to say beautiful
But he continues to smile as he says
And continues to get closer as he says
I wonder if this would be the part of a movie where the characters kissed
But this isn’t a movie
And I turn to walk past him
Across wooden floors
Towards anything else that catches my eyes
I can feel his stare
And the space between us feels
Zelda Dec 2016
My friend is in my pocket
though she is many miles away
before we met... time just spent
and today was just a day

but now I know and can't forget
it's special because the one I met
19 years ago this day
was destined to type in all caps: "YAY!"
My friend wrote this for me & I love it.
Zelda Jun 2018
i wish to be the
who can control time
then I could
myself from
back into darkness.
I was 16
Zelda Mar 2020
People don't die alone
They only die lonely
Zelda Dec 2022
I only dream of you sometimes

My dreams about you are interesting

It's like falling through Singapore skies

I sometimes have similar dreams about you too

It's like falling through purple-pink skies

Guess we talk to each other a lot

I never see you in person
I only hear the notification
I never hold you
I only see the text message

I love you

Can't remember what happens, but I remember a similar concept


Sounds familiar :)
So familiar

I only dream of you sometimes
But I love you always
Zelda Jun 2024
I got Dr. Huey in my front yard
Looking so pretty in ruby red
Staring at me
With those large, round, expressive yellow eyes
Every time I walk by

I was hoping for roses
But your roots take over my front yard
Shake my path
Losing balance on moving pavement
I can't run fast enough
And your roots take hold of my body
I never much enjoyed being buried alive
I doubt anyone does
Even if they say otherwise

Am I bad if I don't feel bad
Watching that ruby red turn black?
I don't need the good Dr for my mind

I got Dr Huey in my front yard
Shows up every spring
Never survives the summer
Invasive mother£_¢K€√
Zelda May 2024
You like to pluck the
bones of my ribcage, with your callous
Till they bleed
Like I
pluck the strings of my
backwards guitar, and watch the
flowers wilt away
Zelda Dec 2019
tu as une seconde?
je voudrais vous parler au sujet de
un cœur féroce vaincu
Zelda Jul 2024
Zelda Aug 2015
He traveled the seven seas and conquered the world
Inherited the riches of the kings before him
Little did he know of the monsters under the bed
Creeping in the shadows, following
The man obsessed with the mirrors on the walls
Who hoped to be someone different
He really thought if he collided face to face with the problem
The misunderstanding would come into clear view;
In a fit of fury the man threw the bottles at the TV screen
Which played E channel's siren song
He was strong for only so long
Now he's anxious trapped in this cage
Ripping up all the magazines that report little white lies
They hypothesize, materialize, advertise
A false delusion that takes away the substance of a person
It's only a matter of time before the king
Who traveled the seven seas and conquered the world
Inherited the riches of the kings before him
Falls like the kings before him.
This poem was inspired by celebrities I admire. When I wrote this poem I was thinking of One Direction and Michael Jackson. I thought of Poets of the Fall, Nine Lashes...etc.
Zelda Feb 2
Not flowers,
I will buy
only dark,
bitter chocolate.

February allergies—
how dreadful.
February 1, 2025
Zelda Aug 2018
All I heard were footsteps
Moving further away
Fading into silence
Zelda Sep 2015
I had a dream in October
One dark night, as the rain played the forgotten lullaby
Of a broken man who saw a rose strut down the catwalk
In her eyes, he saw the eruption of a volcano
A tree growing, branching out to feel the sun again

I had a dream in December
One afternoon, a blizzard came with little warning
White crystals attacked his lips
Froze his words before he could utter a word
The silver storm sung the sweetest song
While a cold, crisp, quite blanket of snow tucked him into bed

I had a dream in February
One early morning when the blossoms bloomed
Emeralds saw elegance float down the stairs
Carrying scarlet letters of atonement
Anyone could see the forgotten lullaby written on her face

I had a dream in July
One hot summer’s day, he kissed away the lies of a jealous guy
Mended the hole in the shipwreck with every gentle stroke of her tattoos
Now, a flawless smile lights the blue moon
As butterflies take them to a place, where love can never die  

They had a dream
Of four seasons full of love and laughter
Dedicated to a wonderful new friend.
Zelda Aug 2015
I am the white gothic style driving up the walls like the black widow
Producing the silk threads and weaving a tapestry
Binding strange shadows together to get a bite of that electric heart

Embedded within my eyes, are the emeralds the pirates seek
They travel the seven seas, lost in a frozen fever
Knowing their quest will end when they drink the green poison

We call home, when our worlds collide
As the comets crash into frozen lakes
On a December night we are paranoid by the edge that listens to our fears
This poem seems incomplete to me. I'm not sure. The ending doesn't seem right to me.
Zelda Sep 2017
The memories of you
Scream louder than their weapons
Pointed at me
Saying I should erase you from this life
They bring back the words you spoke
Just before you left me sitting alone in a theater
Watching a movie

I can follow the plot, but cannot pause
I watch the ****** stuck on repeat
And it won’t slow down

I feel the promise we shared
In the tides along the beach
It bring back the words I spoke

I promise I will never forget to remember you
Driving on the bridge watching the sun
Warm the Ireland moor
We survived the ghosts that night

The windows shattered when you woke up beside me
The gates opened and we’re moving into our new home
I know you’ll come home
Because I feel your presence as gentle as a hummingbird
Your bare feet walking through the door everyday
You walk straight through me
My eyes flash open

I never packed up your things
Never closed the gate
Never fixed the shattered windows
Because you promised you’d do it when you came home

But nothing makes sense
Am I a hostage of hopeless thinking?
But I feel your fire consume my heart
Was I too occupied by the warmth of your arms
When you pulled me in, sat me down, I lost my breath
You gave it back
Soft like the English rain tapping on my windshield
As I drive towards the station where we never should’ve said goodbye
I feel the train pass by
And this world is monochrome
I feel the train pass by
And this world is monochrome
I feel the train pass by
And this world is monochrome
Zelda Aug 2020
i hate people more than
i hate myself...expect you
you're a good one

i don't understand
why you hate the person you...
are my golden hour
Zelda Jan 2019
I am a grey wall
stained and full of cracks
but you've hung a frame
with a memory of us
over each crack
and you've spilled words of love
over each stain
Zelda Mar 2019
There is a hallway;
a red door;
a doorway
I cannot pass

something has changed
she is dead

There are ravens
at early dawn
singing in the fog
a lullaby for me

something has changed
she is dead

There is a cold
that turned my soul to stone
left me in ruins

something has changed
she is dead

There are sleeping sheep
before the wolf feasts
and there is no going back

'cause something in me has changed
the girl you knew is dead

There is a hallway;
a red door;
a doorway
I'm walking through
Zelda Nov 2017
Hand on my armor, Hand on my chest
Asking me “Where you going?”
I got to get off this planet before I fall intoxicated by your lips
This armor’s not enough to protect me from your…
Hand on my armor, Hand on my chest
Asking me “What’s your name”
Take a seat, enjoy the show
But I know this armor’s not enough to protect me from
Falling into your vortex

I know I shouldn’t take a chance, sneak a peek at you
From my side of the couch
But I find myself wanting all your attention
Guess I’m just selfish, jealous
This must be how it feels to be in love
Think I like that I won your favor by just being myself
Tear off my armor, Unlock my chest?
Zelda May 2018
I’m hard to love
He couldn’t love me
It’s okay
I can’t love myself either
How could anyone?
Zelda Nov 2016
He is a black sheep who causes a disturbance everywhere he goes
Recognized only as dead by those who said they believe he could succeed
Was it a lie; or did they simply change their mind?
I have looked into his eyes
I am haunted…haunted

His notorious reputation is a running joke
For he will never amount to more than a disappointment
Destined to smoke a chimney clean
For the rest of his **** soaked life
Many say his future anticipates a jail cell
Does he think that too; or does he strive for more?
I am cold…cold

I saw him on my way home once
He rode his skateboard
Wearing some torn-up black hoodie
I wonder where he went
For a bird with broken wings he seemed to fly
I am content…content

The shackles on his feet grew and grew
With each unruly act he was prevented from molding into a phoenix
His own parents seem to turn to drastic measures
Shoving pills down his throat
When I know there was nothing wrong with him
Only accusation of “Criminal acts”
I can hear them echo
“Disappointment”, “Disobedient”
They say he was unwell
But I wonder if they ever did talk to him
He was a black sheep who caused a disturbance everywhere he went
I am haunted…haunted
This is from an old story I once wrote. I tweaked it a bit.
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