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361 · 1d
Your soft, rosy lips,
melting me like ice,
gentle velvet blush of your cheeks,
teasing me to bite.
Want to cover you in me,
as if stars covering the dark night.
A constellation of desire,
where darkness and light unite.
My love, your touch will be a drug to me.................
94 · 1d
Déjà vu
In this moment,
the steps feel familiar,
like we’ve danced here before.
The words feel familiar,
like we’ve sung here before.
The air feels familiar,
like we’ve lived here before.
In this moment, my dearest,
your lips feel familiar,
like we’ve kissed here before.
Do you feel it too,
or is it just me,  lost in this déjà vu?
Déjà vu — a mesmerizing whisper of familiarity...........................
94 · 1d
Teddy Baby
With him I eat, with him I sleep hugging,
With him I talk love, who kiss me senselessly,
"Teddy Baby, why is your cotton out there?
Did someone tear you?
Let me heal it."
In memories of tenderness,
In which we both believe.
Each kiss, a sweet promise, each hug, a soft sigh,
In this world of comfort,
Just you and I.
Let me heal honey...........
84 · 1d
Cherry Chapstick
I need a Cherry Chapstick
Your lips,
Sweet and Soft
Melt into mine.
Cherry Chapstick.........
76 · 23h
I want to be the moonlight
slipping through your curtains,
unnoticed, but still lingering,
softly tracing the lines of your face.
Full moon................
Sorry? For What, Love?

Sorry? For what, love?
when you’ll hurt me again.
Sorry? For what, love?
when you’ll break me again.

What I need is understanding, my dear,
That east and west can only unite
When they surrender to love,
Destroying the world
They crafted for themselves.

Then Sorry? For What, Love?
A "Sorry" is never needed, but improvement........
71 · 1d
In this world of darkness,

Love is just a distant memory,

Fading away,

Like smoke on the wind,

Like clouds after rain,

Like summer in December,

Like my feelings after you.
The weather, in here, is really cold.......................
69 · 1d
Lost In Mind
In the quiet of thoughts,
I wander,
a maze of echoes,
where clarity fades,
and shadows linger,
lost in the mind’s
endless night.
I am sooooooooooo lost..............
69 · 1d
The ache of missing you is like a wound,
and exposed.
A relentless hiss,
staining my heart
with memories that refuse to go.
Open wound hurt the most.........
69 · 1d
Those Days
Those were the days,
When we were true.

Those were the days,
Our laughter echoed through the home.

Running in the gallery,
Falling and getting up again.

Those were the days,
Trying not to giggle,
As we watched each other cry.

When we had pencil,
To erase all our mistake.

Those were the days,
When we crafted memories,
Which we will cherish forever,
Which we are cherishing today.
I miss my childhood, when everyday was sunshine rainbow.............................
67 · 1d
I saw you smile, but not at me,
I walked away, let it be.
I wish you knew how much I care,
But I'll just act like I don't care.
Shine Bright!
65 · 1d
hush now little one,
darkness covering the sky,
hush now little one,
waiting for sun rise.
64 · 1d
In twilight,
In one another's arm
a gentle embrace,
we whisper secrets to the fading light,
the sky blushes soft,
as if sunlight day kissed starry night goodbye.
Gentle intimacy............<3
61 · 1d
Forgotten Pages
In corners, they quietly rest,
ink fading like lost memories,
stories linger in silence,
awaiting the warmth of hands,
to remember what was once felt.
Wish I could travel time back in those moments......
60 · 21h
Can't sleep,
looking outside,
witnessing the intimacy of the moon and stars,
the cold winds kissing my skin,
as if I were a piece of art.
Piece of art it is..........................
59 · 1d
And the time stopped,
when you looked at me,
with 'those eyes'.

You held me close,
softly, gently
and kissed me as if
I were the cure
you had searched for
your entire life.
When your gaze met mine, I could see my whole universe in those eyes..................................
58 · 23h
Wanna Be
I wanna be your worn-out book,
Pages stained with love.
I wanna be your quiet dream,
The one you're thinking of.
A beauty dream, you can never wake up from.....................
56 · 1d
Heart Beat
In your eyes, my dearest,
I see reflection of my soul,
my deepest desires,
whispering secrets of our love unspoken,
making my heart beat at unrhythmically,
When you feel, as if your heart will, itself, jump out of your chest..............................
54 · 1d
When the devil fell in love,
he smiled,
a spark in his dark eyes,
and whispered sweet sins,
tender as a twilight sky.
he loves her.............
53 · 21h
The clock ticks,
eyes wide,
the night is heavy,
wrapped in silence,
dreams just out of reach.

I lie awake,
lost in shadows,
waiting for dawn
to break the stillness.
Cant sleep at night............
53 · 1d
With every breath,
I’ll love you more,
Like stars yearning for the night sky.

With every breath,
I’ll need you more,
Like monk meditating for salvation.

With every breath,
I’ll yearn you more,
Like whispers longing to be heard.

until my last breath fades away.
Is this kind of love, too much to ask?.............................
52 · 1d
Silent Voice
In the quiet of the night,
words unspoken linger,
echoes of thoughts,
a silent voice,
whispering dreams.
A voice unheard, is a voice lost in noise...................<3
51 · 1d
Feeling your touch,
Even though I never touched you.

Seeking your warmth,
Even though I never met you.

Longing for your presence,
Even though I never know you.

"Where are you?" my heart cries,
When my soul yearns for you.
Are you there? or is it just me waiting for you?....................
50 · 1d
In this world of broken hearts,

I’m just a piece of shattered glass,

Shining bright, but sharp to touch.
Reflection the light, yet sharp with every touch, my darling........................................
49 · 23h
I want to be the song
you hum under your breath,
melodies mingled with sighs,
hidden meanings that only you know.
Your fav song, the one only you know.........................
49 · 1d
Dreaming in Ink
If I could fold my heart into an envelope,
Seal it with a sigh and send it to you—
Would you read every beat,
Or would it get lost in the clutter of your busy life?
Writing is my escape, my therapy...............
47 · 21h
3:00 a.m.
3:00 a.m.
the clock stuck,
my eyes wide,
body numb.

Here, at 3:00 a.m.,
the world holds
its breath,
and so do i.
3:00 a.m. baby.............
47 · 1d
His eyes,
his smile,
his touch,
never seen him in real life,
but will cherish him,
in my mind.
It will be him forever........................
47 · 1d
A whisper of breath,
skin brushes skin,
a touch lingers,
barely felt,
yet everything.
When I love you, without evening knowing who you are.................
46 · 1d
Your lips, a sweet secret,
pressed lightly against mine,
time pauses,
the world fades,
and it’s just us,
in this tender silence.
he kissed her.................
44 · 1d
Love is the fire,
that ignites my heart,
You are the flame,
that dances within.
The flame, that can hurt you as much as it can heal you.......................
43 · 23h
I want to be the cup
you leave on your desk,
forgotten but always there,
collecting warmth from your touch.
Your fav cup.............
42 · 23h
I want to be the pen
you scribble with,
dragged through half-finished thoughts,
pages filled with messy ink.
40 · 21h
your scent
lingers like rain,  
a whisper  
i can't hold.  

eyes meet,  
a silent song,  
where 'i love you'
needs no words.  

just us,  
you and me,
and this unspoken  
Pulling me like a magnet................................
40 · 1d
Safe Haven
If I held
your hand tightly,
keep us safe?
Could I, love?
37 · 1d
In Elysian fields,
dreams bloom,
whispers of paradise,
soft and serene.
Come with me, let us fly to Elysian field......................
36 · 1d
Thoughts race in circles,
shadows hide in every corner.
Who’s there?
Can I trust?
In this quiet,
paranoia whispers,
filling the air.
Have you ever went to funhouse mirror?
27 · 1d
I was lost,
No one cared,
Not even 'me'.

— The End —