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Wide awake counting sheep
Gotta be up to infinity
So, any day now
I'll finally get to see what my dreams might be

For a moment we’re in perfect harmony.
There is no fear. No worry.
Finding purpose in each other.
Whether the shadows creep through the night.
Or the sun lives out loud during the day.
There is but a moment
Followed by an embrace, then a click.

Unlocking parts of you that I only anticipate.
Though circumstances may vary.
This moment I relive, even away from you.
The way that you sigh, the way that you
Twist and the way that you turn.
No matter where I’ve been.
You tumble then you click for all to hear.

A sigh released into forever.
Echoing down its hallway.
No matter how tight you squeeze.
I am here.
No matter how stubborn you may become.
I am here.
Until the day I no longer exist.

No matter how many hands I may pass through.
I can never replace the way that you hold me.
Through its bend.
It hangs on to a promise.
One that hasn’t been fulfilled.
Its colors now dull,

Cascading from behind the clouds.
Bruised yet, fleeting in the blink of an eye.
It searches. Finding reason to smile.
The sun peeks its head out from behind the clouds.
Catching a glimpse of its beauty.

Love won’t feel so constrained.
Giving it something to wrap its arms around.
Through its bend.
A brighter day is just around the corner
Bansi Adroja Jul 14
I wonder if you think about me as much as I think about you

If you lay awake staring at the ceiling at three am
thinking about kisses in the corners of parties
we didn’t want to go to

Walking the long way home as if we don’t feel the cold
dizzy and drunk under street lights and stars
lost somewhere in the city arm in arm

The sound of your voice on the back of my neck
on lazy Sundays when we have no reason to leave the bed

I wonder if any of this would make sense to you

If you romanticise us in the same way I do
David Hilburn May 23
Popular invitations
Sent from heralds of punch and perfume
Simple news for a lonely intimation
When asking is a favored voice to loom

Generosity, and the stir of deed
Done with sorrow, as a future has been
See the wish of gaiety, of me...
The miracle of need, is but a strength to sing

Sincerity asked, what has a luck seen for the better of others?
And with the delicate truth to share, can we see the baring lot?
So exposed, so triumphant for a quiet hope, come of age to bother
The very routes of dismay, a looking how, that has joy for now?

And the light has fed the cause, of reasons conscience?
Risk and tenacity running so fast, for a truth to dwell...
Upon the seclusion we sake an hour, of something greater than prescience
And the fate of it, a happier draw of attention, to a reach still...

As we thought, a marvel of sincerity and furies with a moment to tell
The world is a sour passion, come of distance as a reward for life
In the details and the wayward way we make spirit to fulfil
When notion is a curious live, for something greater than hatred's sight?
Like a vision of all smiles and human styles, a conversation lead to shyness's decision, let them eat anticipations cake...
Jeremy Betts Apr 5
A brain like mine, the brain of an addict, can justify anything
Drumming up excuses that defy reasoning
Connecting dots with miles of red string
Coming to conclusions that are baffling
"The problem was this here faulty Icarus wing"
"Setting me up for failure back when I was seventeen"
Not the fact of the constant nosediving
Bracing for impact, the anticipations paralyzing
It was easier to hide it in the begining
Can't hide it now, so let's call it ageing
The lack of a fatal crash is a bit puzzling
No complaining
It's just surprising
Kinda thought I'd be death defying
'Till I became stuck in the sky flying high,
Ignoring every warning
Didn't think it possible to hit the ground running
But now I'm panicking
I didn't plan for a second half, that fact is terrifying
Far scarier than any thought of dying
I wish I was lying

A cake shared with everybody
Except me

Everyone anticipating slices

So no wishes

No blowing out tiny fires in vain

No spitty frosting
Little traces of yourself embedded deep into the pits of other's stomachs

Instead tie a balloon to wrist

Showing age in slow shuffling

Open ribbon
Unwrap the gift I painstakingly chose for you this year-
When someone else has their cake, eats it, and then proceeds to eat your slice as well.
Anais Vionet Jan 6
It’s going to snow tonight. It seems the brick shoulders of Elm Street will ooze, like watery eggnog, with a light snow tonight and we’re twitching with delight.

The vibes of it are too much and sure, it will just turn to slush, but you know how romance twists reality - snow seems laced with pageantry.

After two snowless winters the light dribbling, like a flirty look or a stolen kiss, will be exciting.

When I chose Yale, I was promised - ok threatened with - cruel winter weather.

I’m going to dance however I want, and if I commit to cruelty, I’ll accept it with all of its honest challenges. That cruel weather never materialized.

We returned to New Haven yesterday to be here - for the snow. Earlier, the wind was blowing in from the sea - but hurray! That’s changed.
Jeremy Betts Dec 2023
I've always been the kid in the hall
Outside the office door of some metaphorical "principal"
Donning a dunce cap, back to the wall
Anticipation spikes in general
This time it's special
When waiting for the next hypothetical, often hypocritical, shoe to fall I make it a double
Dribble and drop the ball
Taking on the challenge of life was a bad call
The order's too tall, don't try it y'all
What I've been given to work with is abysmal
Can't rely on it being factual at all
A criminally out of date owners manual
A For Dummies series appealing to a low level criminal
Vaguely creating, and/or aiding, this failure ritual
Oh the unmitigated gall
Scheduling my burial service to take place before the funeral
Fuucking brutal
I hate it and it seems the feelings mutual
The line stepping is habitual
The backward motion is perpetual
Not sure any of this is avoidable
But, what do I know...
...everything and nothing is impossibly possible

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