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Annatman Jul 8
I went outside to smoke a cigarette
And I looked at the trees
And I looked to the trees
For guidance

And the trees said
Be still.
Do not wander
And be present with your pain,
Do not seek another place but here.
Let it come over you and depart as
The clouds come and go in the sky
Or as the rain washes over the landscape
Or as time passes through all.

All living things find the way back home in time;
There is nowhere else to be.
Sometimes it's rough but you gotta be here for it & the rest that comes after :)
My Dear Poet May 1
In your dreams
I draped down the curtains of my mind
and in your thoughts I hung high
the light of the morning sun
before you breathe
your last sleep of night
remember my shadow
by the window of your heart
hold me close
before our lives whisper passed
Heavy Hearted Mar 29
chests heave-
in the dark,
Breathing throughout
Each exhale.
The soundscape
a sleepers tone;
the clock's
      Tick tock,
Counting each second;
Becomes infinite-
The midnight's
"What we've become is the price we've paid to get what we used to want".
neth jones Mar 28
my       teeth       hurt          in       Winter
the   beginning   of   Winter     for   sure
a                      fantastic                     ache
even           when      the      wind      sits

even             the       cleanest       breaths
          draw       hard          on       my       chest
but my heart still draws on the beauty
invites   stillness       to   meet   stillness
from previous winters attendance
Caro Jun 2023
Slowly thinking thoughts
while cooking a late dinner in a
dimly lit kitchen,
A quiet I haven't said hello to
in a long time,
But I suppose she's always been here
Waiting for me to slowly think my thoughts
Ariana May 2023
When I die
plant me like a seed at the roots of a willow tree
so that I may be reborn amongst Her roots,
and travel to the tips of Her ever swaying leaves;
Let me fervently fight the stillness of death,
forever whipping and lashing,
with Her branches.
Ram B Feb 2023
It's been an hour
Aboard this car
My hotel is near
Yet the traffic
made it far.
A magnificent sunset
Outside my window
Beautiful hues
Of red, pink, and yellow
The river reflected them
As we passed a bridge
Beauty doubled
As it was received.
irinia Feb 2023
hands sliding
sounds gliding
minds swirling
in this dance
of stillnes

gaps filled
Farah Taskin Dec 2022
Feelings died
in this archaeological site
discordant music stopped
In a vacant mind
I sit here alone
The Foodie One Mar 2022
I am Frozen
- Still -
in Space

Trapped between
solid Waters
and biting Winds,

All I ever
wished for
were some Wings.
© 07/01/2022
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